Also - quick reminder - please don't use this chatroom to ask for permanent votes on questions / answers across the network. (In other words, nothing reputation-changing.) Thank you!
@Slate and I will get together next week (it is my weekend already, I work Sun-Thurs). If there are undiscovered hats that we are definitely not going to use in the future, I think that we can reveal them here. Sit tight!
Y'all are assuming that the criteria for Defender has been unchanged since the start of the event. Any worthy Defender should know that they need to be flexible, and adapt to circumstance.
@nobody Eight have been discovered. Five, I've seen someone almost say the trigger to the hat, or even sometimes outright say it (but not ask for confirmation). Eight more hats remain past those, many of which will be awarded with increasing frequency. So, I'm hopeful.
@Catija So is downvoting a major function on sites to rank posts. Your comment was far too "one-sided". All that is being rewarded is those carelessly upvoting what maybe shouldn't be, and not the "rep-hunter hat" rewarding users for answering 10 questions in a day, and other for answering thirty, with no consideration to the quality of the questions being answered? Where are the nods to site janitors?
Also I would suggest to mention @richardec who became 6th and best "rookie of the year" for their 1st time participation. It was great fun, looking forward to WB22, thanks
@YaakovEllis At this page, by hovering your mouse over the text that say "2 days ago", you can see that in UTC, all 14 of my answers were posted on 28 December 2021. Out of these 14 answers (all posted on 28 December in UTC),
Part of the problem is that inspecting the first page turns up the same text as is contained in the 4th from last paragraph of the second page (so that extra work puts us no further ahead); and where we are proceeding is unclear. --- They should have just given us the URL to the quiz.