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How do you get Manual key @Wolgwang
@U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward Copy something from a question on meta and post it as comment on main site.
You don't need to post...
@VLAZ -_-
Just copy. And it is not for any question, but we don't know that part yet
just to know.... Am I the only one that sees this mess????
lol, for me it is fine
throwing the bouquet?
Which browser are you using?
@SPArcheon Maybe...
@SPArcheon I see this... in FF ubuntu
Anyone here with E-Pic hat?
@RafaelTavares Firefox, and I just disabled every grease monkey script I made just to be sure, including the scold button
@SPArcheon A nice opportunity to get defender of unicorn...🦄
I opened Firefox Version 95.0 here and it's ok. Maybe because it's me (?)
@SPArcheon I also see that on Linux. I see you seem to have uMatrix (the avatar is blocked because it comes from Fb). I assumed that was the cause of the bug but I didn't try to verify.
It does work on Windows where I don't have uMatrix installed in the browser.
I disabled ublock.. Still same
Sorry, uMatrix is what I meant
@SurajRao How did you get the satellite? 😭
It's blocking Fb avatars by default since they come from another domain.
@Wolgwang I am the Sun.. can't help what is launched my way
Should this be reported? Or should I just change my avatar?
@SurajRao Stay away from me then...Darkness is my ally :)
4 mins ago, by Wolgwang
@SPArcheon A nice opportunity to get defender of unicorn...🦄
I was using the FB one because... you know... I'm lazy
What is FB?
FB instead of open ID?
Ahhh got it.. FF has FB container which blocks by default
that causes this
I do use Umatrix but not now. The avatar is blocked because of Firefox settings.
So it's not SE fault?
How is it now?
Oh, I think it's still cached
@RafaelTavares BTW confirmed it, I think. Copied something from Meta.RPG.SE and then pasted it in a comment on Main but didn't post it at all. I'll try with just copy, not even pasting.
Like you are ready to throw the bouquet
@VLAZ Yes, we checked it another day, just copying is fine. But we don't know the other part of the trigger
Everything I did was: Copy from Meta -> paste in comment box on main (didn't post it). I also upvoted an answer where I wrote the comment under. Not sure if that's relevant but it's the full extent of my interactions before getting the hat.
No, you don't need to upvote
That's not relevant I can confirm.
I upvoted because it was a good answer. Not for a hat.
I think the other part of the trigger is related to "it's not for any question"
Petals are in the shape of heart ❤️ :-)
We tried to read the code
20 hours ago, by double-beep
going to a meta site and running $.post("/posts/wb-cp", { fkey: StackExchange.options.user.fkey }); should get the manual key hat
OK, confirmed - you don't need to paste.
@Wolgwang No no no, this is the cheat way
I went to Meta.WorldBuilding and copied something from a meta post. That's the full extent of my interactions with the site.
I copied from a question and it has a positive score. This might be relevant.
I now tried copying from a negatively scored question on Meta.SciFi let's see if I get a hat.
Just got the hat for copying from this question
Nvm... It needs to happen three times
I keep reading your name as Raftel instead of Rafael.
:( I updated to Gravatar, but I think it is a cache problem now
Yesterday I almost suggested you change it to "Laugh Tale" before noticing the difference.
@RafaelTavares oh, don't worry about that. Mine was just an One Piece reference there
@SPArcheon I got it, just needed to ask Google
I think I'm not so Captain America without Google's help
@RafaelTavares it is about some mistranslated name in the manga/anime. Originally, the name of the final island was translated as "Raftel".
I should get the Helping finger hat but I didn't,does someone know how long this is going to take
then later they found out that was because the name was written as a Japanese version of the words "Laugh Tale"
yesterday, by Catija
~ 5 minutes?
@SPArcheon when I unblocked the avatar, it now shows up correct i.imgur.com/9oDNSON.png
@Wolgwang it has been more than that
@islamm What is the trigger according to you?
@Wolgwang MSE or per-site-metas?
Works on both BTW
@Wolgwang (+1 Comment on a new user's first post) x3
I just earned the e-pic hat
Q: What is a Hot & Cold Word™?

Lukas RotterThis puzzle is based on and inspired by the What is a Word™ series started by JLee that have grown into Word™, Phrase™, and Number™ puzzles. If a word conforms to a certain rule, I call it a Hot & Cold Word™. This is a list of Hot & Cold Words™ and Not Hot & Cold Words™. Hot & Cold Word™ No...

@LukasRotter What the hell!
three-time comment on first post that gets +1
Wait for sometime...Maybe it is caching...
@islamm Can you post the comments ?
@LukasRotter Maybe it is for Getting an upvote without any edit...?
So, lets suppose that I did update my avatar to Gravatar, but I didn't save the changes. If that had happened, would the cache gods forgive me?
Could be, maybe additionally within a specfic timeframe? The upvote came less than 5 minutes after posting the question
@LukasRotter Have that already
Waiting for my hat now
just got an upvote 5 secs ago
@VLAZ I guess it is not worth reporting then.
@U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward Waiting for the trigger confirmation :)
@Wolgwang 1,2 , 3
@islamm You should get...maybe something to do with closed question...?
@U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward What?
Got manual key!
BTW... I was thinking about a little surprise / joke for Yaakov when he comes back Monday.
@U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward What's your position in leaderboard?
@SPArcheon Your choice. I mean, it's annoying but not sure if it's worth doing much on SE's side.
@Wolgwang Same as you
Won't be on top for this year I guess
very busy
@SPArcheon I want to ask what's that but then it won't be a surprise :-/
@Wolgwang nono, you can, I actually need some users to help.
@SPArcheon Hehe
You probably know that every year users posted the same "it is summer here" comment....
And this year Yaakov finally did it.
so... pretty please...
IF you want vote for this synonym.
I want to see his face Monday.
@SPArcheon Have I voted?
There is one vote now, don't know if it was you.
(I am also trying to add a tag description with a little tribute)
I have the lowest reps in the leaderboard's first page :-/
I can't vote because I didn't post anything for winter-bash tag yet. But let's say I agree with it
@SPArcheon LOL I thought toggling the arrows beside 'Synonyms' would vote.
@AnkitSharma What's wrong? You haven't got any hat for a long time...
What does 'stacks' refer to?
@Wolgwang the frontend framework by SE. It's for how lists are laid out, notifications, etc. Anything in the UI, basically.
@VLAZ And what does exchanging mean?
I thought: Stack-Data/information, exchange- Spreading the data/info.
@Wolgwang It's also a play on "stock exchange"
@Wolgwang life
Good news: my avatar seems ok now (FF private window). Where is my defender hat for fixing that bug? hahaha
Pings @Unicorn
I tried review hat for two days now tired to even try
22 mins ago, by Wolgwang
@LukasRotter Maybe it is for Getting an upvote without any edit...?
Can someone test this?
23 mins ago, by Lukas Rotter
Could be, maybe additionally within a specfic timeframe? The upvote came less than 5 minutes after posting the question
No hat yet
Q: Too much space after opting out of hats

U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orwardOnce I click "I hate hats", this shows up: Suggesting me to "love hats" (which I do). But there is a very big white space above the text. Which looks very strange to me. Wouldn't it be nice to make the dialog smaller, with the text higher? Or fill some decorations inside the gap.

@U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward Hard :-(
In software, a stack overflow occurs if the call stack pointer exceeds the stack bound. The call stack may consist of a limited amount of address space, often determined at the start of the program. The size of the call stack depends on many factors, including the programming language, machine architecture, multi-threading, and amount of available memory. When a program attempts to use more space than is available on the call stack (that is, when it attempts to access memory beyond the call stack's bounds, which is essentially a buffer overflow), the stack is said to overflow, typically resulting...
that is the origin of the name since you were wondering, @Wolgwang
@Wolgwang cheaters
keep up at it, and you'll end up on the list of accounts not eligible to earn Defender
@YaakovEllis Could you confirm if Matryoshka is for the Popular Question Badge?
Nobody's gonna know. Nobody's gonna know. They're gonna know. How would they know?
Any hints for Dialogue, Trialogue and Quadalogue
Also E-pic, One buried penny, Two buried pennies, Cleanup, Helping hand, Helping heart, Helping arm, Kitsune
so many :P
Nevermind I had that one too
@U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward too early for hints. Try a little harder. Maybe next week if y'all are really floundering
@U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward For one burried penny and two burried pennies: Try editing old questions inactive for >6 months
The Manual key is so easy to get but so hard to find out the whole trigger
This is true for many hats ...
@AnkitSharma Testing something XD
@YaakovEllis I don't know if this is status-bydesign, a bug or if I did something wrong, but should Migrated questions be elegible for the Manual key hat? I tried some but it doesn't seem to be
By migrated I mean, migrated from somewhere to a Meta
Got detective, monologue and dialogue for this
deleted comments are there
@AnkitSharma Detective is not a secret
@AnkitSharma Try responding to SillyButTrue and see if you get the Trialogue maybe?
@Wolgwang ohh what is trigger
@AnkitSharma Check hat list
Pinned message
@LukasRotter done
That was actually the first confirmed trigger.
@Wolgwang ohh yeah I know and forgot
@AnkitSharma Dialogue for commenting right?
@Wolgwang yeah
Too long for not getting any new hat, maybe time to logout
question for mods: can you remove a version from a post history list?
@SPArcheon I have seen this happening...
does that require STAFF level powers or can mods do that too?
Basically I need to know if a flag is sufficient to have personal info an user added by mistake removed or I need to get a staff member to do that.
@YaakovEllis Dialogue is for commenting(by question's OP) on either answer or question(with +ve score)?
@SPArcheon Flag will take time ...no?
also true, but it is not like getting a staff member to fix it is that easier since you can't exactly send them private messages.
I could ask Catija, but I have no way to send the message just to her.
and using the contact us link is probably even slower.
@SPArcheon Do both maybe...flag it and then try contacting staff...
@SPArcheon Is that a site related issue?
If the mods can't do that, flagging is useless and only end up advertising the info that user leaked
@SPArcheon Mods can do that...I am 90% sure.
A: How does deleting work? What can cause a post to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? What are the criteria for deletion?

jjnguyHow can a post be deleted? By users: The author can typically delete their own posts at will; for exceptions, see When can't I delete my own post? below. To delete a post, just use the delete link below it, on the left (only available from a browser, not the SE/SO app). Moderators can delete an...

> What if I accidentally posted log-in credentials or other such sensitive information?
> (...) flag the post for moderator attention so they can redact the revision history.
thank you.
@AnkitSharma You just earned the trialogue hat on SciFi, right? I think it's because 3 unique users participated in the comment section of the answer. (my comment was deleted by a mod, lol)
@LukasRotter What was in your comment? XD
"[this will be deleted]"
shameless hat hunting
maybe there is an hat for voting on a tag synonym that gets approved on Meta.SE.
@LukasRotter And dialogue for 2 unique user participation?
(shameless attempt to get votes)
@Wolgwang probably not
@SPArcheon Why?
@double-beep Why do you think so?
My guess would be "comment under answer of your question (perhaps positive score). Count participants in that comment section (including you): 2 = Dia, 3 = Tria, 4 = Quad"
Which would be close to just "comment under an answer of your Q"
Maybe it also works for the comment section of the question
Q: Entropy rate of a finite repetition

Steven01123581321Suppose we generate the following sequence by repeatedly picking a letter from the alphabet (26 letters): LLL EEE HHH QQQ MMM QQQ OOO TTT EEE YYY XXX GGG... The entropy of every first symbol of the sequence seems to me $\log26$ (we use base 2) as we need $\log26$ bits and $0$ the two letters afte...

@LukasRotter What I think:
20 mins ago, by Wolgwang
@YaakovEllis Dialogue is for commenting(by question's OP) on either answer or question(with +ve score)?
@double-beep Maybe ^ this is the missing element?
description for [summer-bash-2021] was approved
> For questions about the Winter (now Summer) Bash event held to celebrate the end of the year 2021. This is a synonym created to celebrate Yaakov Ellis finally putting an end to the usual yearly diatribe if the event should be called "Summer Bash" in the south hemisphere by putting some extra effort to actually create both versions of the site. Thanks you for your work, Yaakov.
Are messages count in mod-only chat rooms added to profile's count?
so now all left to do is the 2 more votes to get it as a synonym.
@SPArcheon 1
@SPArcheon South hemisphere eh? Isn't it southern hemisphere?
@SPArcheon Great!
@Wolgwang Will get that fixed by someone with direct edit powers.
With some luck if WB goes about like every year... that should be me in a few days of WP posts....
@SPArcheon WP posts?
WB posts, not WP posts
meaning that I usually get more rep from posting a few jokes and stuff on meta during WB than over there rest of the whole year.
that said, if I get an hat when someone adds the last vote it will be pretty easy to guess the trigger.
I swear the Detective hat has been reused from a previous year
@TobyMak Yes...it is...
Oh ok, I see the trigger now
Q: Winter Bash: Common Triggers

PandaThere are a few triggers for Winter Bash hats that are reused throughout the years. The answer below lists all the hats with common triggers throughout past Winter Bashes and I hope that this list of criteria will be useful in guessing the triggers for secret hats. It's important to know you...

also Kitsune looks familiar
@SPArcheon All the rep I got was for bug-reporting. Probably SE devs don't like me that much
has the trigger for the manual keys hat been spoilered yet?
We know part of the trigger
23 hours ago, by Rafael Tavares
@YaakovEllis is the trigger for Manual key "Copy something from a question body or from an answer on a meta site (or Meta.SE)"?
just got it on main SE - I'll try to recall what I did the last minutes ..
@RafaelTavares Amateur. When I still played Ultima Online, the staff of the server I played on took a giant beetle, renamed it as "bug finder" and gave it to me as a gift.
Hahahahaha you're right to be proud of it
I was posting an answer in Show off your hats and then I read the comments on the 'question' by hkotsubo and citied (via ctrl c&v) user1271772 contradictory statement about multiple answers of a single user in a comment below..
Copying is part of the trigger
@RafaelTavares I once killed a boss that was specifically made to counter tamer's dragons.... using a cat instead. And since that boss dropped a piece of armor, they insisted to add a custom description on it ", gnawed by a cat".
I didn't do anything else but answering and the commenting/citing - could the other part of the trigger be the upvote the comment received @YaakovEllis ?
No, you really just need to copy and do nothing else. The other part of the trigger is probably related to which questions (or answers) are elegible to be "copied"
@RafaelTavares "The other part of the trigger is probably related to which questions (or answers) are elegible to be "copied"
" I just copied/cited a comment thou..
@iLuvLogix Positive score comment?
@iLuvLogix are you sure? It's not triggering for me when copying comments
@RafaelTavares Are you free for doing some testing for a hat on chat?
What do you need?
@RafaelTavares Just your presence here....
@RafaelTavares Don't message anything there.
@RafaelTavares Ah ! You already have thought bubble hat on meta:-/
I checked all thoses questions on Super User Meta and only the first and third questions do not have a listener for the copy
@RafaelTavares Are you showing the use of discussion
What do they have in common? Idk
Oh, they are tagged support (you mentioning "discussion" made me look at the tags)
@RafaelTavares Listener?
@RafaelTavares No votes? Or zero score total?
The fourth is zero too
Maybe a combination - no votes and no answers.
The third has answers
@RafaelTavares Could it be +1 / -1?
@RafaelTavares OK, I missed that.
@RafaelTavares That's it, I'm almost sure
Then, it'd be easy to check - filter to support questions and check them all out.
Well, "all" as in probably 10-20 tops.
Should be enough, perhaps.
If the question have [support] but also [discussion] it has the listener
"[support] -[discussion]"
[bug] doesn't have it too
@Wolgwang The trigger to manual key
My guess is "Copy something from the question/answer body on a Meta site. The question must be tagged as [feature-request] or [discussion] (or its corresponding tags on localized SOs)."
What do you think?
I don't want to ping (you know who) unnecessarily, but I really think that's it
@Wolgwang "Positive score comment?" Yes - at least that's what I assume..
@RafaelTavares Does your cited/copied comment has a upvote/positive score?
@RafaelTavares Have you tried copying from main site?
I just got a monologue hat.
@RafaelTavares I want to test.
Wait a minute
@MatthewChristopherBartsh Nice!
@RafaelTavares Waits
Nvm I think I confused myself
We tested on main sites yesterday
@Wolgwang What is all this about, and what is a monologue hat?
Q: Winter Bash 2021 Hat List 😷 🎓

GlorfindelWinter Bash 2021 has started and the hats are listed below. As always, there are only two answers: one for the secret hats, and one for the regular hats. The secret hat list will be updated as we learn them. Please, only edit the secret hat answer with definitive and correct triggers. This is not...

Take a look here :)
@RafaelTavares And what was the conclusion?
That it works only on meta
@RafaelTavares Actually it doesn't work on localized SOs. I thought I had this hat on SOpt
This question have a [discussion] tag on SOpt (it's not "debate", I don't know why) and have the trigger
Does any main site have this tags? [discussion] or [feature-request]?
@RafaelTavares Nope except MSE
I mean, if perhaps they had, it could work too. So it wouldn't be restricted to meta sites. I wanted to test this but I don't want to create an unnecessary tag hehe
@RafaelTavares Unnecessary tag?
Useless tag. A tag that shouldn't be there because it doesn't make sense
@RafaelTavares stack apps should, but stack apps is Wierd :P
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica Ty, they do have those tags but they don't have the trigger
@RafaelTavares I think I am missing context...
Are y'all getting rep change notifications?
@Catija I got some half an hour to an hour ago.
I,a low rep user, don't know.
I got the 100 rep notification from joining a community right now
@RafaelTavares So according to you copying from only meta questions(excluding some tags) triggers the hat?
I'm waiting a bit to see if I get it on SOpt
Oh, never mind, I just realized the question I answered is (for some stupid reason) a CW question, which means I'm not earning rep for the answer.
@RafaelTavares What is SOpt ?
Stack Overflow in Portuguese
I don't think it needs to be a [feature-request] @RafaelTavares
@RafaelTavares Ok update me after that...
@double-beep [feature-request] or [discussion]
3 hours ago, by Rafael Tavares
@YaakovEllis I don't know if this is status-bydesign, a bug or if I did something wrong, but should Migrated questions be elegible for the Manual key hat? I tried some but it doesn't seem to be
I've earned it on SOpt now
@Catija Can you confirm the trigger for Manual key, please? "Copy something from the question/answer body on a Meta site (MSE included). The question must be tagged as [feature-request] or [discussion] (localized tags on localized SOs won't trigger this hat)."
Very close.
@RafaelTavares this Q was migrated from main SU and copying works
Good to know about the localized tags, though.
@double-beep true... I don't know what I'm missing
@RafaelTavares Are you sure about "answer"?
@Catija I got it on SOpt on this question . I don't know how it is tagged [discussion], it should be [debate]
@RafaelTavares @Catija it must be tagged as [discussion]
@RafaelTavares They're supposed to be synonyms... weird.
@double-beep Correct
@RafaelTavares Isn't it suppport...?
@double-beep I spent so much time on it that I must have confused myself, I was really sure that it could be [feature-request]
@Catija Is this considered a bug? Should I open a question for this or just mention in the post about the hats, on the trigger spoiler?
You can do a bug report. I've mentioned it internally but feel free to post something.
What is localised tag?
So 5 triggers confirmed...
It's the version of an English tag in the language of the site.
And should Stack Apps be elegible for that hat? I'm not sure it is working there
3 hours ago, by Wolgwang
@YaakovEllis Dialogue is for commenting(by question's OP) on either answer or question(with +ve score)?
@RafaelTavares It's technically not a meta site, despite having the meta tags, so not really.
Oh ok, ty
Is it working? If it is, we probably won't change it either way. :P
No hahaha
@Wolgwang Could you rephrase it as if you're the asker?
Does the 44 hat work for self-answers?
Not sure it cares. But I don't know.
@Catija Dialogue hat trigger: Commenting on either question(asked by the user) or its answer(question and answer with +ve score).
@iLuvLogix Can't confirm. I tried copying a positive scored comment and I've no hat for that yet.
@Wolgwang I don't think so.
Catija, I posted the question https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/374189/818993
Thank you for the support here :-)
@RafaelTavares Defender hat confirmed.
@Catija how about this:
11 hours ago, by double-beep
@Catija dialogue: comment under an answer to your own question - both the Q and the A must have a positive score.
but only the Q needs to have a positive score
or is dialogue having 2 answers to a positive question and so on
@double-beep Yes
@fasterthanlight Can confirm no
ok i just got rejected by Catija too lol
3 hours ago, by Lukas Rotter
@AnkitSharma You just earned the trialogue hat on SciFi, right? I think it's because 3 unique users participated in the comment section of the answer. (my comment was deleted by a mod, lol)
Can anyone tesr?
@VLAZ I mean copying/citing a comment and then receiving an upvote on YOUR comment - not the one that has been copied from
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica How did you get that hat?
when did you get it approx.?
@Catija How did it get triggered here ? o_o
@Wolgwang There's deleted comments on leonbloy's answer.

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