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@RafaelTavares then this edit should also give the hat, but didn't:
What does /51 stand for in the URL?
an answer ID
or a user ID for sharing
Yaakov's user id
I give up, I don't know how to start that game
Where is that pony?
I feel like these haikus contain some clue, but I don't know what it is
I don't think its available yet
Another hat bruh
@Dharman I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about :P
        oh where, oh where has
        my unicorn gone? oh where
        oh where can he be?
@Dharman thanks :)
@Dharman What?
@Wolgwang It's the second haiku from this site
@Dharman How did you get that?
Read the HTML comments
@Dharman is there any way to do that on a mobile device?
I don't know
Are there any on this page by any chance?
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica no
Huh, then the fact that it shows the wrong 404 page is probably a bug, unless I'm missing something.
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica that is a troll @YaakovEllis added some time ago. It was aimed at people who were trying to guess hat names.
Oh, thanks @SPArcheon.
back then, you could see the placeholder for a secret hat if you knew the name.
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica doublecheck - what happens if you click THIS link?
Not found page, right?
because you don't have that hat.
In the past, it would instead show the hat page but with a "you don't have this" message.
That meant that you could try to guess a name of an hat
Interesting, thanks.
so, @YaakovEllis had fun adding some trolls. Or maybe it was even before he started working on WB.
Anyway, the /hat url is just a troll.
not the best one IMHO.
Back when they add an actual file with all the hat images, they added Twilight Sparkle among the hats just to see how users would react...
So why doesn't the konami code do anything this year?
Kinda sad that /waffles doesn't do anything :(
How did I get the thought bubble? Is it something related to reviewing? Because that's pretty much all I've done today
@nobody No
@nobody I don't think so, but I might be wrong
So what are your guesses right now?
Something related to meta is mine.
have you posted on meta today?
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica Nope, didn't even visit it
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica No
this once was in the hat sprites list.
Welp, guess that's not it then.
I keep pestering @YaakovEllis to finally make that thing true but... he ignores me.
The /hat 404 is at least a little strange, since that's the url that the hat modals are served from when you click on a hat icon on the Winter Bash home page. Eg. is the modal content for the Clockwork hat.
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica I've only chatted and reviewed today. Maybe skipping a review item?
@nobody It is related to chatting I am damn sure
I havent even viewed review queues and ive got thought bubble.
Right, then it's chatting
@nobody I've only reviewed yesterday, not today.
Although I 'm aware about WB-themes and the recycled 2019 knitting, I miss it somehow - especially viewing the lovely 'art-work' of the community-members.. [sigh]
Can everyone please try to star this message? Maybe a hat waits for the stars?
Star spam??? Wha??? :P
There is one?
@soupless most likely not.
... what is Suraj doing???
now there are TWO pirates hats???
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica You do not get a hat for having chat messages flagged.
Please understand that flagging messages in chat will draw the attention and ire of all 10k+ users network-wide who are in chat. Please don't do that.
How long does it take to get the hat after triggering it?
I got the One buried penny and know how to get one
We go to great lengths to avoid hats that cause harm. Mass flagging in chat is harmful.
but there are hats for upvoting stuff, isn't that harmful?
.... it's the primary feature of ranking posts on the site... so no.
@Catija "One buried pennies", "Two buried pennies"... you didn't hide coins on tutorial/faq pages right?
@Dharman on some sites, no (can't speak for all sites because I don't use all of them)
I can spare myself looking, right?
@SPArcheon they show the badges of users, maybe that is it?
Maybe hats for visiting the help-center and the tour (and spending there at least a couple of minutes) would have been a good idea.. ;)
No hats for 5 stars.
@soupless and none for even 8 as I read earlier..
@iLuvLogix done already. BTW the Konami code on the tour page no longer works.
What is that thought bubble?
@SPArcheon Those don't relate to help pages, no.
@SPArcheon They are for Archaeologist
Can you see my hat?
@Catija So is downvoting a major function on sites to rank posts. Your comment was far too "one-sided". All that is being rewarded is those carelessly upvoting what maybe shouldn't be, and not the "rep-hunter hat" rewarding users for answering 10 questions in a day, and other for answering thirty, with no consideration to the quality of the questions being answered? Where are the nods to site janitors?
@amWhy Probably secret hats for the janitors
Nobody cares about quality, quantity is what matters
@amWhy there are 4 hats for reviewing
@SPArcheon Yes
this user has both variations, his activity doesn't show necro-edits or such.
@Dharman That's, my friend, is SE's problem. People do in fact care about quality.
There is a hat for downvoting - Read the description for clockwork again, y'all.
> Cast 10 upvotes on questions less than two days old, 80% of which are still open after four days
@Catija well, I don't trust the usage of "votes" as I had to actually upvote something to get "I voted" hat
@Catija But in fact, the focus of hats this year is on upvotes (several hats), and answering, even if crap. Couple questions getting upvotes with answerers answering, @Wolgwang, and those questions will likely never be closeable. They'll likely all end up as crappy audit posts in review queues, as too many like them already Do!
So does anyone know how to get the thought bubble hat?
answering and asking questions is the purpose of Q&A site so that checks out. Hats for upvotes are ok as long as there are corresponding ones for downvotes
@Amy Yes I have a slight idea
ok... Go on..
Is the bottom nav supposed to look like this?
(pages 2, 3, etc don't have orange boxes and are squished together)
@Amy It is something to do with changing the main profile linked with chat account
Hmm ok
@JeffSchaller There's already a bug report for it. There's a fix in the queue from what I understand.
@Catija very good; thank you!
Q: Broken pagination in the Winter Bash leaderboard

double-beepThe pagination of the Winter Bash leaderboard is broken: It looks like there's an extra s to the class attribute (classs): Using class= works:

@double-beep beep thank you!
@Wolgwang Nope
Does anybody know what Yaakov's favorite book or movie is? (I'm going to try maybe doing /bookormovie for his favorite book or movie)
@nobody IDK I was trying to update my avatar to get the pirate hat and for that I had changed to and to and I got a hat on
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica I don't get why you expect that to do something.
@SPArcheon why not?
@Wolgwang I have a guess about thought bubble since I just got it now
@SPArcheon which thing?
@soupless What?
Occam's razor, Ockham's razor, Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami), also known as the principle of parsimony or the law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae), is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity", sometimes inaccurately paraphrased as "the simplest explanation is usually the best one." The idea is frequently attributed to English Franciscan friar William of Ockham (c.  1287–1347), a scholastic philosopher and theologian, although he never used these words. This philosophical razor advocates that when presented with competing hypotheses about...
@nobody are you sure that it did nothing?
@YaakovEllis Yes
I think you have to edit the about section. Either the chat profile or the main profile.
@YaakovEllis I think I got a console error, that's all
@SPArcheon fair enough.
@Wolgwang then you are wrong. Quite sure it did at least a thing. Added +1 to a stat @YaakovEllis is recording....
24 mins ago, by SPArcheon
this once was in the hat sprites list.
@SPArcheon Just to confirm...I don't have to enter space or enter after it?
@Wolgwang I was just meaning that I am quite sure that Yaakov is tracking the number of users that try the Konami code. He also track the number of users who end up on that youtube video...
@Wolgwang looks like you need to hit enter afterwards, judging by the source code
38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 66, 65, 13 -> up up down down left right left right B A enter
What is 38 38?
@Wolgwang the keycode for the up arrow
Where do I need to do it?
Yeah, I want to know, too.
Wait... what hat are you even talking about?
@Catija bottom of implements a Konami code checker
6 mins ago, by SPArcheon
@Wolgwang I was just meaning that I am quite sure that Yaakov is tracking the number of users that try the Konami code. He also track the number of users who end up on that youtube video...
unless it is not-yet-active, the Konami code support is just part of Yaakov "Trolled users stats"
Okay, do we get the thought bubble for konami?
room topic changed to Winter Bash 2021: discussion & hat hunting for [winter-bash-2021]
I think the bubble is related to the Summer Bash switch... wich reminds me....
@SPArcheon No it is related to chatting
@SPArcheon How would that be site-specific?
@Wolgwang I have tested by joining two sites to chat profile....
Changing the about section of the chat profile?
Visiting the chat profile? I have no idea.
Ping me
@Wolgwang Here
@Wolgwang Hmmmm
Now testing on movies SE
Ping me
@Wolgwang I tried chatting on stackoverflow, but I didn't get any hat there yet. Even asked for a ping
@Wolgwang No.
@double-beep [redacted comment]
@nobody Looks like I have to post a certain number of messages
Let's talk
Think I've found the trigger for Thought Bubble
Ok lemme go see
@Ollie What?
Clicking the profile icon?
My theory works
What was your theory again?
Post 5 messages
Mathematica SE 1
2 uh
@Wolgwang Yes. I've been doing that in SOBotics; I earned the hat on SO.
3 meh
4 waffle
5 unicorn
Looks like only staff have the defender
Is it for finding/fixing bugs in the bash?
@nobody Coincidence or conspiracy?
@nobody What is defender
@Ollie By design
6 mins ago, by double-beep
oh unicorn
1 all
2 grownups
3 were
4 once
5 children
Won't work XD
@Wolgwang Ping Yaakov with your theory for confirmation
@Wolgwang Tried changing my About me on chat profile... Didn't give me a thought bubble hat..
@nobody I am not sure as sending 5 messages don't help...maybe I have to ping
@Amy Changing about me doesn't help
Maybe 5 messages, not consecutive?
@Wolgwang So what does?
I didn't change about me but I got it on SO. I don't know how
@Amy Change chat main profile just get involved in continued conservation on chat
I hate these hats that are configured for stack overflow. Like Hi5. Get 5 answers accepted on the same day. Dude, answering five questions in one day would be a really big deal for me. How can you expect me to get five accepted?
Think about sites where not even 5 questions are answered in a day
@Wolgwang You got it by updating "about me" section?
@RafaelTavares No
@YaakovEllis We get the thought bubble hat by posting 5 messages over some interval of time (?)
5 messages = 5 chat messages?
And how would it count for different sites?
different size?
I think one message is enough
@Wolgwang Just got my bubble on SO ;)
This chat doesn't give the hat?
@RafaelTavares This chat gives the hat-aches ;)
I mean, this chat is from Meta.SE, and I have Thought Bubble on SO only, but this was the only chat I used 🤔
@RafaelTavares User profile's main site is important not room site
Oh... Ok then, ty
@Wolgwang I changed the about, too.
@soupless I didn't
@nobody @YaakovEllis any chance this is true?
Where is Hat's bot to confirm this?
Now anime and manga. I will just post 5 messages without pinging anyone and will see...
Monologue, dialogue, trialogue and quadaloge were supposed to be easy, but I didn't identify any pattern :(
2 unicorn
@RafaelTavares maybe try posting new messages in chat with a brand new sockpuppet? Just a thought, might not work.
3 waffle
Looks like quantity does not matter
Time matters
@Wolgwang you forgot the "One @Tinkeringbell in a pear tree" line
@Wolgwang This was one
That spotting scope is what I want.
I tried checking the first post of the site, nothing.
I am also trying the Matryoshka hat. I thought it would be like this:
@soupless Who pinged me?
But no. I didn't get anything.
Pretty sure Matryoshka is somehing to do with asking a question - the only user to have it on CGCC is also the only user to have posted a question since Winter Bash began
@YaakovEllis User can get the thought bubble hat by getting involved in continued conservation of 8-12 chat messages by a particular chat profile's main profile.

Thought bubble hat confirmatory test. I got hat on ardiuono and ai the hat on

12 mins ago, 6 minutes total – 24 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 35 secs ago by Wolgwang

On SE too (
Someone thought earlier it was something like asking and answering its own question, but the user you linked didn't answer their question
@cairdcoinheringaahing pretty sure it has the old trigger that didn't make sense on smaller sites then, doesn't now.
> Matryoshka: 10 successful close or reopen votes
We haven't had a single CV or RO cast on CGCC since WB started
@Wolgwang I think there's a bug. I know how to get the hat and I'm not actually getting it on even though I've gotten it on the other two servers.
And that user has 500 rep, they can't VTC
@Wolgwang warmer
@Catija O_O
@YaakovEllis Hmm ?
~5 messages in the same room within ten minutes
@Catija Your chat account is parented to Meta.SE.
So my trigger is correct right?
Hmmm. That seems like an odd caveat? But I guess I could try changing it.
@Wolgwang The convention is "you're getting warmer/colder" meaning "your guess is closer/farther from the correct solution'
I mean, I earned the hat on ConLang.SE despite not sending any messages in rooms parented to that site. But that's my chat parent account.
So "warmer" means "you're getting closer but you're not quite there yet".
Ah... Interesting.
But some people have gotten the hat on multple SE sites - are they changing their chat parent to do that?
@Catija Yes I joined 5 communities today for testing that
Joined doesn't mean you changed your chat parent, though? Unless you did that, too.
@Catija I changed the chat parent
As a test subject, Rosie earned the hat on Meta.SE. The only chat messages she's sent today are in a Literature.SE chatroom; no messages on chat.Meta; her chat.SE parent account is Meta.SE.
that you've seen - I have it on SO and I don't think I've posted anything in public rooms on SO today.
I have 11 thought bubble hat
@Catija Should I try to create some chaos with the merged account chat bug superpower?
@Catija Public doesn't seem to matter; Rosie's chat was in a private room too. :) (And her profile says "8 messages today"; there were 8 messages in the private room.)
Probably not. :D
The last message thing and number of posts sent that day update even if you can't see the messages posted.
Ah. Right. I think we're saying the same thing, for all intents.
You must have sent 5 messages in mod only room
I do, in fact have several messages in a private room there. :D Probably even nine.
So my theory is correct :-)
I don't actually know what your latest version of your theory was.
13 mins ago, by Wolgwang
@YaakovEllis User can get the thought bubble hat by getting involved in continued conservation of 8-12 chat messages by a particular chat profile's main profile.
Not quite correct, no
Nail down that number
@Catija It is not possible. The overlords of SE don't give much importance to is not accurate.
You know how to test it... Just winnow it down.
You'll be the first one to put a spoiler on that post @Wolgwang
@Catija Is there a way to know the time when a user received a hat?
> Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.
... we really need an Antioch hat.
@SPArcheon Antioch
@RoryAlsop yep, fixed, typo.
@SPArcheon sorry - I popped in and that's the first thing I saw
And I'm an awful pedant
@RoryAlsop why? you are kinda right, so I should thank you for noticing before editing timeout.
@SPArcheon lol. I hoped it wouldn't annoy. But some folks do get annoyed by teeny things like that
@RoryAlsop I work with SharePoint, you need to do worse.
@SPArcheon hahahahaha - fair enough. I cannot compete
@YaakovEllis is the monologue hat gained by posting 3 questions uninterrupted in a specific tag? (If that's not it, then is it two?)
If I'm only allowed to make one guess at a time then I guess two
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica If this is true, I'm afraid of the quadalogue
@RafaelTavares it's probably possible in some niche tags in SO (if my guess is correct).
I don't think it is easy to ask one good question, imagine asking five lol
@YaakovEllis Is monologue replying to yourself in chat?
@soupless if it was, than I would have it, and I don't, so no.

Chat is broken

12 mins ago, 11 minutes total – 38 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 10 secs ago by Wolgwang

what does "vote at regular times" mean?
@user1271772 click on the description to get more information.
Cast a vote in the same hour on seven consecutive days.
(Assuming you're using the winterbash site)
@Wolgwang Hmm?
Thanks guys!
Wanna volunteer in testing?
Not sure if I can do so, since we are having our final exams this week. Although I can probably start on 12/18, GMT+8?
@RafaelTavares You?
@soupless That's the problem with winter bash, you always have exams going on
@Wolgwang you can always just make a sockpuppet.
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica 20 reps ?
@nobody the problem with school is you always have exams going on XD
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica you always have to memorize, not understand
@Wolgwang it's not that difficult to get, especially on larger sites. (10 suggested edits or 2 upvotes)
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica Be careful with suggesting sockpuppets; sockpuppets shouldn't ever interact with the primary account.
@Mithical good point, I forgot to mention that, thanks for reminding me.
@Mithical You can't interact with yourself, although you can in chat.
So how am i suppose to test it -_-
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica Wanna volunteer
@Wolgwang what do I do?
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica check sandbox
@YaakovEllis I got Monologue after someone commented in my question and I replied. Is the criteria related to it? It's just "someone commented in my post", or "I comment in my own post", or both? Is the post type relevant (question, answer, whatever)?
@hkotsubo have you posted two questions using the same tag since winterbash begun by any chance? If so, could you please provide a link to the tag?
Just got Spotting Scope after posting several requests in SOCVR.
@YaakovEllis @Catija

3 users have to interact and the user who have to get the hat must post 3 messages

6 mins ago, 3 minutes total – 11 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 1 min ago by Wolgwang

@dbc how long after, and what did you do before that?
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica No, I have posted only one question (and also a self-answer, not sure if it counts)
@Wolgwang 3 users having to interact is wrong, can pretty much confirm.
@Mithical Confirm ?
I was searching for very off-topic questions, voting to close them, then submitting them to SOCVR. I may have added some comments as well. But there's enough hysteresis in awarding hats that I can't say exactly what I did when the hat got awarded.
Oh, and all the questions for which I voted to close subsequently got closed. Maybe it's related to casting the first vote to close?
Seems possible since also has Spotting Scope, and also submitted some close vote requests to SOCVR.
@YaakovEllis guess: Spotting Scope: Cast the first Vote To Close for a question that subsequently gets closed.
@dbc @YaakovEllis is this accurate?
(For future reference, I did this because Yaakov said to ping him when guessing hat triggers)
Does anyone have a misaligned hat we can test something with?
Which hat is misaligned?
mine is rendered offscreen
Is "misaligned" an adjective or the name of a hat @Catija?
Q: Hat gets misplaced both in icon and on profile picture (2021 Winter Bash)

Maarten BodewesI think that if the hats get resized that the position of the hat gets re-calculated incorrectly, probably from (X,Y) position that is shifted according to the hat. Simply wearing the hat and returning to the hat-"dialog" screen will already move the position of the hat. Also seen on the icon, ...

This is misaligned
Was that a cryptic message?
@YaakovEllis And as a modification to this guess maybe Spotting Scope: Cast the first Vote To Close for X questions that subsequently get closed, where X might be, say, 5.
does anyone know why downvotes or close votes do not count for the "I voted" hat?
nevermind, found the discussion earlier :)
Is it just me, or are the hats a lot harder to get this year?
@hkotsubo I don't think it's related to commenting on your own post, because I did that 10 minutes ago and didn't get the hat.
@user1271772 It's just you
@RafaelTavares Yes, I also experienced it.
There do seem to be fewer easy-to-get hats.
Does anyone have E-pic?
Going to page -1 on the leaderboard seems to be the same as going to page 1, maybe a hidden feature?
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica So maybe it's "someone commented in your post". I noticed the hat only after I replied the comment, so I am not sure which one triggered the hat (assuming that the trigger is related to comments)
Testing if sending images will give e-pic
Wait, sorry. This should be done in the Sandbox.
Excited to be here for my first Bash and finding of hats. I hope everyone enjoys it. :)
I ain't :-( This user has Monologue but it doesn't seem that he commented something (maybe he commented and deleted it, but the chances are low)
So has snap hat been done away with for this year?

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