Guys, hello. I urgently need a game set in the Ctulhu mythos universe. There is only one requirement: there must be a lot of dialogues in English, so an RPG is preferred. I want to send it to an English language student as a way to practice the language.
Hey, guys. Could anyone please link me to a good video about Pathfinder RPG, explaining to a person completely distant from tabletop RPGs what they are, what Pathfinder is, what a game session looks like, etc.
@Draco-S Could you calculate DPH and average damage per attack while enlarged and under the effect of Lead Blades? Normal STR is 18, +3 for level increases (21), +2 for being Enlarged (23), so the bonus is +6, and for GS it's +9. 2d6 becomes 4d6, so it's 4d6+9.
@Draco-S Since there is no case for TWF while actually holding a weapon with two hands, I'd assume that one can normally wield a GS with two off-hands for 1.5x STR damage. So you don't need Double Slice.
So you can have 8 arms in total, adding 3 additional pairs of limbs, and getting Skilled (Use Magic Device), which, if you stack some other bonuses too, give allow your Eidolon to spend the first round casting Lead Blades on itself and waiting for your Enlarge Person to start working.