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Besides Treantmonk's guide, I also know this thread paizo.com/threads/rzs2oo6u?Complete-Wizard-Guide-Ver-20
And that's all
I would daresay something like this would be rare, considering the sheer amount of work involved
There's also the big factor of what kinda challenges the wizard (and friends) would be facing, both in and out of combat
e.g. the spells for traveling and resting, they may be invaluable in a campaign where the party's stuck in the wilderness, but less so in an urban setting
Well, I am talking about PFS adventures. They are different, but have a lot of similarities, a lot of things can be generalized.
@Ben I believe, this needs to be done portion by portion, book by book. Then it becomes possible.
@BESW so I've shared the PDF with a few people - we should get a couple of responses :) blind playtests as well
I've deliberately left a few things ambiguous to see what people do.
@BESW Indeed. Personally I was thinking of suggesting doing a multi-print of the head/body/special cards
I'm curious to see the difference between a shared deck (multiprint or singleprint) vs a single deck for each player.
@BESW Oohhh… that's a good idea
A single deck for each player would probably be the most predictable and balanced option.
But this is LLKM! Predictable and balanced may not be the goal.
Indeed :D
I am currently trying to find a service that will be able to print this onto sheets of card. Might be a bit more expensive, but it'll make it a bit easier to manage than using paper
Plus the flooding we're dealing with is also making it difficult
I usually print this sort of thing on regular typing paper, then put it in a M:tG card sleeve with a Magic card behind the paper to make it stiff.
@BESW That's a good idea. I unfortunately don't have any of that though haha
@BESW Where are the rules of your game?
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Page 5/6
@BESW the "monster with the most features" target idea is interesting
@mikemearls @JeremyECrawford noticed an error in the Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica... I do not believe the weight calculation is accurate, unless a 6'8" Vedalken is supposed to weight 650 punds #dnd #math
The position of parentheses can make all the difference! In the "Ravnica" table called Random Height and Weight, the weight calculation should be Base Weight + (Height Modifier in pounds × Weight Modifier). #DnD https://twitter.com/magical_goblin/status/1093625573816127489
This is why WotC should hire me as an editor :P
@Ben Yeah, I saw a trend of groups focus-firing on the weakest targets and thought that wasn't making for fun games.
So the weakest target goes first and the strongest target is easier to attack.
That's a good point.
("Weakest goes first" makes sure that even if you've only got one card left, you'll probably get another turn before you're taken out.)
It does work well for a "enemy of my enemy is my friend" mechanic. Similar to how Ghidora is always ganged up on, even though G-Zilla and Ro-Dab don't get along on the best of days.
And good ol' Moth-Rad can have a swing or two as well
The main goal is to keep people from losing too fast though.
Most of the game time should have most of the players still in the game.
I like it :D
The other game I've played which is similar to this is very "King of the Hill", and I'm not very good at it because I always get knocked out with in maybe 3 rounds, so I end up just sitting around for the rest of the game.
I do still really like it, I'm just terrible at it haha
@Ben Does it have anything to do with propane and propane accessories?
@V2Blast Not sure if that's a joke or a legit query haha
@Ben Yes
to both
I don't know what the existing conversation is about
(as usual)
something about BESW's game?
@V2Blast Yes. and a comparison to a similar board game
I've never heard of King of the Hill as a board game
only the show :P
@V2Blast that's more of a playstyle, rather than an actual game - basically everyone vs the guy at the top. The "King of the Hill" gains points, while everyone else tries to knock them down
Ah, okay. Yeah, I know of it as a gametype in video games and such
e.g. Halo
@doppelgreener I was careful to never make it sound like the monsters are actually dying.
A monster never dies... they only hide in the shadows until their time comes again
@Ben Is there a schoolteacher in your local playgroup? We're always good for a little arts-and-crafts-werk.
@nitsua60 I have 2 - however they're highshcool teachers
Even when the island sinks, it's just "nobody gets to be King of Monsters."
@BESW What happens if I have -1d6 on my next roll and I'd otherwise only roll 1d6? Do I lose the roll by default?
@doppelgreener In the online text:
> -1d6: reduce your dice pool by 1d6 (if this would reduce your pool below 1d6, the penalty is expended without effect).
I need to stick that in somewhere.
...and I left out how you deal the cards for monster creation.
You could make the rules/turns page have only 6 entries to give you more space. (There's only space for 6 players in the Collateral Damage sheet.)
Like, longer cards for that page?
Yeah, if you need more space for text about rules or turns.
For example, the turn text which describes rolling 1d6 would be a reasonable spot to mention (If an effect would reduce your pool below 1d6, the penalty is expended without effect.)
Or alternately mention (Can't reduce below 1d6) on the penalty cards.
That part's easy, actually--there's a spot on the monster sheet for tracking penalties.
That's where the exception text goes.
Oh good!
hey there @BESW
Can't wait for the expansions to come out too haha
so, if you aren't familiar with Neomi Rao, she's the current nominee to the open slot on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals (the seat Kavanaugh used to hold)
<record scratch>
and, there's been a bit of a hullabaloo over a paper she wrote that touches on a French court case where a dwarf who wanted to be the star of a dwarf-tossing act sued a couple of cities due to city-wide bans on dwarf-tossing, as people think her mention of that case means she supports dwarf-tossing, of all things
it caused me to reread the original paper, though, and I thought you would be interested in it as well @BESW -- want me to drop the link here or in the NAB?
@V2Blast Multiplying the "Height modifier in pounds" by the Weight modifier (which is also in pounds) and then adding to the Base Weight (pounds again) makes me feel gross.
@Shalvenay ahh.
@MarkWells They should have just added the height modifier in stone, ditched the weight multiplier, and called it a day =)
@nitsua60 hey there as well @nitsua60 -- now a decent time for us to talk some more on Discord?
@Shalvenay Sure--only 1/3 of my attention, though, as I'm helping some kids with math-stuff.
@MarkWells what a mess
@Shalvenay Sure, thanks.
@BESW oh goodness
@BESW lol
@BESW brilliant/10
Oooh a target mechanic
@BESW art
has there been a question about whether massive damage (i.e. enough to take them to 0 with leftover damage equal to their max HP) can kill trolls without them regenerating in 5e? I feel like there's been something like that
Crawford addresses a question about that in the Dragon+ episode from January 29, around 42 minutes in:
(tl;dr he says the Regeneration trait is more specific than the Instant Death rule so the troll would indeed regenerate)
Doesn't look like it, though a few are near neighbors.
1 hour later…
hey there @user52089, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
What are you working on these days @Shalv?
@Ben ah, got 3 5e campaigns I'm a player in (Nits' and 2 off-Stack campaigns)
Nice. A reasonably full plate as it were.
Q: How can the D&D lore question about evil/good and light/dark be reopened?

lightcatI asked this question (What is D&D lore establishing Evil/Good = Dark/Light?) to gain some knowledge about D&D lore, mythology, arcana, tales, stories etc.within published D&D literature that provide context for the relationship between light and good, and also between dark and evil. I believe I...

I thought my quota was 4, but 3 is proving enough for me at the moment haha
@Ben starting a DW campaign in a week and change, and running some 5e twosies as well
@Ben 3 or 4? Sheesh 2 is more than I can handle some of the time
Oh wow.
Yeah @Trogdor outside of work I don't have much to do other than chores etc.
@trogdor Atm one is more than I can handle.
so, I'll be up to 4 to 5 games depending on how things work out here
Though that is subject to change.
@Ben I think it's that we are simply built of different stuff,
@Miniman that's fair, most of our group is struggling to find any free time, I have even taken a handful of days off the last couple months
No real RPG stuff has happened for a while in our group
1 hour later…
There are 3 types of coffee mug at work - there's the generic ones - you know, the ones that "were there when the business started", there's the kinda cool ones, that are shared somewhat, "oh, Jerry normally uses that one, but it's not his mug", and then there's "No, that's Dave's. Don't use that one."
My boss made a cup of coffee in my mug. It even has a big Scrabble letter "B" on it. It's B for BEN, not B for Boss!
[Glares angrily at the boss while I mumble darkness into my generic coffee mug]
I don't mind mugs, but I loathe our locker policy or lack thereof
Our customer has a clean desk policy and lockers accessible by company key badges. The idea being, if you have to leave some stuff there at the office, you can book ome of the available lockers and use it for the night
There's not enough lockers for everyone, but that shouldn't matter since most people don't need them everyday...
...except the first time fate dictates that something like 80% of the lockers are in use, people panic and start holding on to theirs
This is how you engineer a scarcity from ample resources
It's a little cramped.
but like, there isn't much of a way for it not to be right?
if you want to explain rules on it
When I've got a more settled ruleset I'll work on editing text for concision, and designing the layouts to fit it.
I agree that it looks a bit cramped, but still pretty good
And I got fancy with the card slots and stuff.
it looks nice
Native English speakers! What do you call those usually plastic little "shelves" for holding documents in offices?
So instead of a big pile, you can have multiple stacked piles!
File folder rack? Folder organizer?
They're [office-related noun] trays.
Office trays, file trays, letter trays, desk trays....
sometimes we call them in-out boxes
because you can organize them for incoming and outgoing files
but that's pretty specific
it's not going to cover more general use
(and people might also think you mean email)
In-out is specifically for a two-tray stack.
well that one is two tray
unless you mean side by side
I guess that would be better XD
Document tray works
that is probably about the best thing you can call it
I'd never call it a letter case, that sounds like a thin briefcase or something.
for people to know exactly what you mean
@BESW or a file cover
or a full file folder
@kviiri Helpful?
@BESW Yes, those!
Thanks :)
[shakes fists at crawford]
3 hours later…
How's everyone's Friday?
pretty good because it's past work hours
far past and near bedtime but still
Players disappointingly silent in not one, not two, but three campaigns, each of which warrants some preparatory OOC discussion before the sessions planned for the weekend.
@vicky_molokh Gah, I hate it when that happens
But then again, I'm more of a 24/7 player/GM compared to most of my players or co-players or GMs.
So maybe I should just lower my expectations regarding other people's activity outside session hours.
I got myself a Lady Blackbird game coming up, with me as a Master
I took the risk and set up a calendar for the next week, and said "the first day we get three players or more, in addition to myself, we'll play"
@kviiri Oooer.
Lady Blackbird is fun
even if you only play the same character every time for several games
What's it like / about?
@vicky_molokh It's a free download game, quick to pick up with pre-made characters and swashbuckling/romance/dieselpunk/space opera starting scenario, focused on dramatic characters and escalating complications.
BESW said it better than I could've
Basically there's the Lady Blackbird, a noblewoman escaping her life in the Empire to marry her true love, Uriah Flint the Pirate King. She's been aboard The Owl, a smuggler ship, which has been captured by an Imperial cruiser. The game starts in the brig of said cruiser, with the Imperial officers working on their registries about to realize who exactly it is who they have captured...
The players assume the roles of Lady Blackbird and the crew of The Owl
@trogdor Honestly, I think I would enjoy playing it several times to see where the story goes each time. There's a good amount of exposition in the PDF --- enough to get me curious and set basic expectations, but ample room for imagination to work with
I've run the opening scenario... at least eight times now, I think.
Every time it's different in awesome new ways.
In large part because of the GMing style of asking leading questions to prompt the players to take control of defining the setting and the challenges they face.
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 About our last interaction on "140679/can-i-absorb-the-soul-of-a-god?", I was trying to be humorous. My apologies if I unknowingly violated a rpg.SE rule
cool stats, but that's sit's optimization is hot garbage
@Nyakouai banhammer incoming </sarcasm>
@goodguy5 definitely :-/
The classes by tier is super interesting. I didn't expect it
Wizards were hanging out in scrubville for the first two tiers, then they come out swinging
I'm also surprised at how prevalent fighters are.
you mean the short swprd? – @Rubiksmoose 9 secs ago
those four graphs look nearly the same to me @_@
also pie charts are the worst and whoever made that should be arrested for using them
Ugh, site that steals my scrollbar.
sorry it was the only site I found that had the info. And it wasn't that bad on mobile.
@doppelgreener same. In terms of showing differences between the tiers that slide is useless.
Then again, there don't seem to be that much difference from what I can tell. Maybe +/- 3%
two things about pie charts.
they should almost always be used in descending rank. Big thing first, then smaller things.

they should only be used to show very disparate points, such as US tax spending.
I wonder why schools don't have a required Graphs 101 lol. Politicians need it desperately
@goodguy5 that makes sense
though for comparing the smaller items in there (i.e. any but military spending), we'd do better having a bar graph
@Rubiksmoose wow, this is a very good venn diagram:
agree... mostly. the largest thing being six times bigger than the smallest thing is pushing it.
@doppelgreener I laughed so hard at this (and cried so much on the inside)
@goodguy5 I just don't know. It doesn't even make sense is the thing. All someone had to do was ask: what are we trying to say with this? And people should have realized that they weren't doing that with that graph. So bad.
@goodguy5 I am sure he asked a room full of people who never took Graphs 101
@doppelgreener I am sure he his intern asked a room full of people who never took Graphs 101
honestly, the only thing that makes sense is that he has a mole working for him and asked that person how the graph looked. Then that person said "more points on each side, but looks good"
@goodguy5 hahaha I like that theory.
Though I would be the worst mole. I'm not sure that I could stomach allowing myself to allow my name to be attached to something like that. Drivel content even aside lol
@goodguy5 lol fantastic
@goodguy5 The only flaw in this theory is that the mole didn't encourage him to change the font to comic sans.
@Nyakouai Oh, no no no. (Not that I noticed, at least.) I just wanted to head off someone else coming along and thinking "oh, it's blahblah, I should edit that in for the OP." Sorry if I came across harsh--any suggestions for tamping the tone of my comment?
@doppelgreener @Rubiksmoose @goodguy5 More painful data: reddit.com/r/dataisugly
we've had a surge of pathfinder and 3.5 questions this week. Anything going on?
@doppelgreener this is just.... beautiful.
new year, new campaigns, maybe?
@G.Moylan That's one of my favorites.
it's such a horrible, wonderful thing
The R group here solved a problem that an aussie was having trying to make a graph. He wanted a lollipop chart where each circle at the top of the pops was a pie chart.
oh god my eyes cross just thinking about that
> We need you to draw seven red lines.

All of them strictly perpendicular; some with green ink and some with transparent.
@Derpy isn't it!?
@nitsua60 We're online, it's sometime hard to tell the tone of someone. You weren't harsh, I just wanted to clear any misunderstanding, just in case :)
@goodguy5 [screaming]
@goodguy5 WHY?!
(Disclaimer: my message above was an actual quote from a short comedy sketch - view it here if you like)
the colors are automatically assigned by google you have no control over it
that is painful to look at though
@goodguy5 Any reason why the pie is missing a part?
the color for the category si probably white and the software didn't accoutn for white pie on white background with white text
that or it looks like they have a crapload of options. maybe the slivers are ust too tiny
@G.Moylan link saved.
or some sort of "no vote" option
would still have a color, I think. I use google forms a fair bit and I haven't seen a white color come up yet, but I admit it probably isn't outside he realm of possibility. My bet is it's tiny slivers for single votes. That thing has nearly 900 answers in it if only one oerson voted for a color it would be tiny
that chart reminds me of that brain game where you're shown a bunch of colors spelled out in words, but the font color doesn't match, and you have to say the font color instead of what your're reading, and vice versa
@G.Moylan That brain game has a darker twist in that it is used to check if claims of not speaking a language are valid
Wow I did not realize this, but does 5e really not define anything about the height of a monster's controlled area? It seems they seriously only wrote this in 2D.
Related to:
Q: How do the height and reach of a monster such as a hydra work in combat?

Cwess351I am preparing for a session this Saturday with my players, but I have a concern about the next session. My players will be on a bridge about 20 feet high above the ground. There is a hydra under the bridge. According to this image in the DMG, a Huge creature is 20" tall, according to this imag...

I would imagine it would be reach and their base size
large occupies a 10-foot cube, ish. + reach
@G.Moylan I mean that seems reasonable but I'm talking about the fact that the rules only ever talk in square 10 x 10 (eg) and never that I can find, cubes or 3D at all.
Which seems like a huge oversight.
And is surprising becuase I was sure that somewhere they did talk about the 3D space occupied by creatures.
@kviiri Uh, never thought of that, but it's indeed a very good way to tell or not.
Welp, fell into a hole from dataisugly, and found myself on rightcantmeme and now I'm sad
@Rubiksmoose yeah it's further complicated by things like Giants that are clearly supposed to be taller than their base
the game functions in 2D planes stacked on top of each other, it seems
@G.Moylan I think the tarrasque has similar issues.
even dragons and their wingspan. They definitely take up more than 10 feet across. So that seems tp muddy up the base size argument
Q: What size category is a reduced Tarrasque?

Berry M.The rule for a creature's size is as follows on Monster Manual page 6: $$ \begin{array}{lll} \textbf{Size} & \textbf{Space} & \textbf{Examples} \\ \hline \text{Tiny} & \text{2½ by 2½ ft.} & \text{Imp, sprite} \\ \text{Small} & \text{5 by 5 ft.} & \text{Giant rat, goblin} \\ \text{Medium} & \te...

@G.Moylan Now I'm waiting for some rules lawyer to declare that, since vertical controlled space isn't defined in the rules, every creature has a height of zero.
@MarkWells hahaha
Paper D&D
I mean, the rules don't explicitly state the the D&D universe has three physical dimensions.
Totally legit ruling.
please no
Sorry it is too late.
cries in 2D
@Rubiksmoose oh lord whaaaaat
have we reached concensus on Delayed Blast Fireball's bead of light being a physical object or is "bead" just the adjective they chose for non-physical point of light?
@Rubiksmoose Except "cube" is used as a spell AoE....
@nitsua60 Curses! My beautiful flat world theory!
well cone and sphere, too
@Rubiksmoose Headcanon: 5e is 2d, and the planes are, literally, planes.
Blink is just a pogo stick.
I'll be honest: it never occurred to me to try to Extend a Delayed Blast Fireball to further increase its damage.
it's clever
Which begs the question: how many ways are there to further extend the duration of a spell?
I hadn't thought of it either. But you can technically only use one extension, you can't stack them
32d6 is nice, but surely we can do better...?
at least you can't stack the metamagic extensions
@G.Moylan Correct. But are there other class features that extend the duration of spells?
glances askew at the Wizard Subclasses...
I actually can't find any other ways to extend the duration of a spell.
what about time stop?
I think that question exists here somewhere
A: How does the spell Time Stop interact with delayed damage AoE spells?

SoulMuncherrCloudkill states: When a creature enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw. As the affected creatures aren't experiencing a turn, they aren't entering the Cloudkill. This means they take no damage unti...

@goodguy5 good memory!
bah. time stop targets creatures, not an actual space
I like the idea of casting an extended dbf, having the barbarian grab it and just hold onto it.

Then towards the end, barbarian rages and storms into the room, smacking the first thing he sees with this 32d6 (average 112 damage) mini nuke
he's a barbarian, what does he care if he loses a few hp. he's got more
Or maybe a character with evasion and resistance to fire damage?
bear totem. close enough
112 isn't quuiiiiiite enough for a trex (136), but it will give a Rakshasa a bad day (110)
@Rubiksmoose Summon a fire elemental to carry it?
@MarkWells nice! that would be pretty fun.
@KorvinStarmast apologies for the suuuuper late reply: they made a season 3 and have supposedly approved a season 4 as well
@G.Moylan Yeah, looks like when I googled it last night my wife and I have some binge watching to catch up on!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive title detected (53): Am I butthurt or do I reign in my players? by Julian on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
oof it's a novel
Hmm, if you have to ask... hoping this question gets a little editing for clarity and away from a rant
yeah it needs some work. not only clarity but some grammatical stuff too
It's not a great fit for the site, but I think it has potential for good answers. It seems to be about a somewhat common problem among newer DMs. VTC until it gets polished.
it also looks like they're trying to imitate critical role, which can only lead to heartbreak
and lots of frustration
New DM in (someone else's) homebrew setting with gestalt characters, there is no way that could go badly.
@G.Moylan Yes, many beginner DMs make the mistake of the cargo cult approach. They see the memes, they see very synchronized groups who already know what rhythm works for them, and then assume that copying specific behaviors or ideas will yield similar results.
yeah that's my big gripe with how popular that show is is people see that and think it's just effortless to copy that. It's not the show's fault and in some ways it isn't the viewer's either, but there's a real disconnect there in expectation vs results and I thin kit really crushes some people when they don't align
the only real solution is to have a talk with everyone in the group and set your own expectations
Yes, and since session zero discussions aren't as public in the memes and podcasts, the newcomers skip it. And then wonder why their game didn't work.
"But it happened in Critical Role!"
@GreySage Hoo boy, gestalt characters. For when you're indecisive but also power-hungry.
"If Matt Mercer / my other DM does this thing, then I should do this thing too!"
Don't get me wrong, I've had fun in gestalt campaigns.
But you need to know what you're getting into with those.
@MikeQ I've had to deal with that an unfortunately large number of times in conversation alone
What does 'gestalt' mean in this particular context?
pretty much maxed out in all the best possible ways
Distinct from Munchkining or Min/Maxing?
@Xirema Any of various ridiculous optional rules that let you level up two classes at once.
@Xirema Imagine multi-classing without actually multi-classing.
Min/Maxing without the "Min".
Oh, so the thing where you have two class levels per level.
Maybe gestalt is slightly weaker in 5e than 3.5e since you don't have to deal with BAB.
@Xirema Yes, it lets you do everything, or do very specific things extremely well.
But then you get advantages on more saves rather than just having the best progression on saves.
Yep. As with all rules that support character optimization, it is literally the devil.
yeah pretty much that. The idea has stuck around from 3.5 but 5E doesn't at all support it to my knowledge
Like @GreySage said: Gestalt + unfamiliar (and 3rd party) setting + new players + new DM + expecting critical role = not good
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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