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@Draco-S Also, not Multiattack, but Multiweapon Fighting. Weapon Focus is good and probably actually useful.
@Draco-S Could you calculate DPH and average damage per attack while enlarged and under the effect of Lead Blades? Normal STR is 18, +3 for level increases (21), +2 for being Enlarged (23), so the bonus is +6, and for GS it's +9. 2d6 becomes 4d6, so it's 4d6+9.
For Shortswords it's 2d6+6 if we take Double Slice, and 2d6+3 if we don't.
12 hours later…
@Draco-S Since we actually use 2h weapons, I'd suggest actually buying the Ioun Stone for weapon familiarity and choosing an Exotic Weapon.
Butchering Axes are banned in PFS.
However, we can take a Reach weapon. Actually, lots of them.
d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/combat-reflexes-combat Maybe, we should take this at level 9
This way, with reach of 10 ft, we can engage most enemies rather safely.

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