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@Baskakov_Dmitriy for an Enlarged and Lead Bladed Greatsword, +9 (4d6+9) x4 will total you 44.2 DPR and 23.0 DPH average.
I made a small mistake in my previous round of calculations - please subtract 3.5 from all DPH and 7 from DPR.
Enlarged and Lead Bladed Shortsword will be +11 (2d6+7) x4 for a total of 33.6 DPR and 14 DPH.
Going into the area of Exotic Weapons and further optimization is a too big of a field, so I will leave this exercise for you :)
7 hours later…
@Draco-S Well, actually, it's not that hard, because damage doesn't change. It's the same 2d6, but with reach.
@Draco-S Anyway, thanks for participation.

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