Electrical Engineering

A place to talk with friends from the EE community about vacuu...
Feb 12, 2020 07:11
Anyone have any clue as to what could be happening?
Feb 12, 2020 07:11
So I got a Teensy 4.0 and started testing the gpio pins
And I've configured one of the pins as an input and I'm reading its digital value into serial
I wire it to power, it goes high (from 0 to 1), all good, and then I remove that wire and the entire Teensy shuts down
Jan 21, 2020 08:55
Please @ me so that I get a notification, I don't normally come on here
Jan 21, 2020 08:55
Does the person asking the question have SDO on the external ADC connected to MISO on the ATMega32u4? That's my guess but I haven't been able to verify this through the datasheet/googling around
Jan 21, 2020 08:54
Quick question, in this question - arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/39556/…
Oct 22, 2018 02:32
@rdtsc Would your op-amp potentiometer idea involve monitoring the mean of the signal in real time while adjusting the pot?
Oct 22, 2018 02:29
"Subtracting the mean is only okay if the signal is ergodic, i.e. the mean at one point = the mean of the whole signal. A hpf will probably be more resource intensive but give better results. A hpf might introduce artifacts in the higher frequencies if the stopband has ripple"
Oct 22, 2018 02:29
A friend helped me out
Oct 21, 2018 23:58
The signal in question is just readings from a load cell with no load on it (but there is still a very small DC component, the mean comes out to 1.125).
Oct 21, 2018 23:57
Yes, the DC component should be a constant. It probably isn't a perfectly still constant, but I think for my purposes it is safe to assume that it is.
Oct 21, 2018 23:35
I didn't feel like this deserved a full blown question
Oct 21, 2018 23:34
Hey guys, random question. Is there any error associated with removing a DC component from a signal by subtracting the mean vs. using a high pass filter?
Jan 13, 2018 01:27
"Coplanar connection" is a term I did not know existed, but is exactly what I needed. Thank you, @ThePhoton!
Jan 12, 2018 23:15
Does anyone know of a small connector that would allow to separate boards to attach at their sides? For example, the right angle plugs in this page (I would just try to get those but the link leads nowhere) molex.com/molex/products/…
Jan 4, 2018 03:18
Yeah a CNC machine will be much better
Jan 3, 2018 15:24
Stupid question. If a schottky diode #1 has a larger forward voltage breakdown than schottky diode #2, is it safe to assume that #2 has a smaller forward voltage drop?
Sep 13, 2017 00:37
Oh probably sending them out to a house, but I might use a mill
Sep 13, 2017 00:31
I'm a noob
Sep 13, 2017 00:30
Altium (but the free version) and I don't even know what you mean by PCB process haha
Sep 13, 2017 00:29
Thanks guys!
Sep 13, 2017 00:29
Sep 13, 2017 00:12
Essentially what not to do
Sep 13, 2017 00:12
Does anyone know of a website/document that has a good summary of PCB design rules?
Sep 13, 2017 00:11
Hey guys
Jul 30, 2016 15:49
Perfect. Thanks!
Jul 30, 2016 15:46
What size drill bit is usually used for through hole stuff?
Jul 30, 2016 15:40
The smallest drill bit I have is 5/64 of an inch and it seems way too big
Jul 30, 2016 15:40
Is there a DIY way to drill holes for through hole components?
Jul 30, 2016 15:39
Jul 23, 2016 20:26
Are batteries inherently noisy?
Jul 22, 2016 17:15
Thanks for your help
Jul 22, 2016 17:15
Oh, yeah this circuit isn't going to be subject to anything above room temperature
Jul 22, 2016 17:13
The subtleties of the differences between certain types of capacitors has always escaped me
Jul 22, 2016 17:12
Is there that big of a difference between the 3?
Jul 22, 2016 17:10
I looked polyester film up and I think you're right
Jul 22, 2016 17:08
My guess is ceramic
Jul 22, 2016 17:08
Jul 22, 2016 17:08
Could anyone tell me what kind of capacitor the one in this picture is?
Jul 22, 2016 17:08
Jul 22, 2016 17:07
I have a very simple question that I didn't think warranted a new post
Jun 24, 2016 16:16
Wait. If there is one tab labeled GND(TAB) but also one smaller pin labeled GND(TAB), does that just mean that they are connected? This is for a voltage regulator, by the way
Jun 24, 2016 16:14
Yep! Thanks
Jun 24, 2016 16:05
But I've never seen it before
Jun 24, 2016 16:05
What does "TAB" stand for in GND(TAB)? I can link the datasheet if need be, but I figured that it would be common enough that someone would know
May 29, 2016 02:48
Also, I remember seeing a room where I could message the moderators. Does anyone know where I can find it?
May 29, 2016 02:31
Oh, the arrow keys
May 29, 2016 02:30
Also, how do I scroll up on this chat?
May 29, 2016 02:30
But I can't figure it out for the life of me
May 29, 2016 02:30
Is there anyone here who is willing to help me with an Eaglecad problem? I would make a thread, but it's something very simple that I don't think is worth a thread

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
Aug 23, 2017 02:46
Is anyone here willing to help me with a grub problem?