Well all filters will alter the phase and group-delay of the signal. For a simple force measurement, this may not matter. A high-pass could also "zero" the sensor automatically, however would require a very low duty cycle. I'd bet that most applications use a simple subtractive component to avoid the complications of a filter. A potentiometer and op-amp could be used to "negate" the mean to 1.000, but would require periodic re-calibration.
"Subtracting the mean is only okay if the signal is ergodic, i.e. the mean at one point = the mean of the whole signal. A hpf will probably be more resource intensive but give better results. A hpf might introduce artifacts in the higher frequencies if the stopband has ripple"
@rdtsc Would your op-amp potentiometer idea involve monitoring the mean of the signal in real time while adjusting the pot?
@laptop2d I've used Flex Interconnect Technology do assembly of flex. I've used them for fabrication of flex, which turned out well. Haven't used them for assembly.