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ah, should be OK then
It is C403, pretty much in the center of that diagram. That's the high voltage supply for the CRT. C406 is the same value, but rated for 3500VDC.
you should be fine
So long as it fits. C406 is one big honking capacitor. It ought ot work out though. There's enough room that I should be able to make it fit.
Where can I ask electrical code questions. I am in the US. I had an electrician install an outlet I think it is wrong (L14-20 for three phase connection). Want to double-check. Can I ask in EE stack exchange, or DIY? or where?
@Asmyldof Just noticed. The old D43 is full of Wima capacitors.
@mkeith DIY is more likely to give you a useful answer.
@JRE Wima isn't a bad brand. It's from the olden days, whether that's good or bad, can't say. But, a Wima from Conrad, eh, who knows how or where they got it. They don't
@mkeith DIY is the place to ask it
1 hour later…
Morning all... Hope you are doing well. Hmm I'll be back after few days or weeks, :-( take care and Miss you all. See you soon.
7 hours later…
@JRE whack in whatever does not explode (or Heat up)
4 hours later…
@PlasmaHH That is some times hard to say before it explodes. 't is the nature of explosions
2 hours later…
Hello fellow cabonoids
I have not enough reputation (20) to comment
@SaprativSaha That's okay. Find a couple of questions you can answer and you'll get there quickly. It is frustrating reading bad questions and not being able to give feedback to the posters.
1 hour later…
@ThePhoton not as frustrating as getting adequate feedback flagged and removed as offensive. Sometimes it is just the right thing for the poster to go to the nearest woods and hug a tree
@PlasmaHH Or wanting to strangle OP but only being able to downvote and vote to close. But sometimes it's better for the reader to go hug a tree as it is for the asker.
I have a very simple question that I didn't think warranted a new post
Could anyone tell me what kind of capacitor the one in this picture is?
My guess is ceramic
probably polyester film
But also possibly mylar
I looked polyester film up and I think you're right
I might also be polypropylene
Is there that big of a difference between the 3?
I the circuit you are showing, it shouldn't matter much
The subtleties of the differences between certain types of capacitors has always escaped me
The major differences are going to be value drift over temperature.
Oh, yeah this circuit isn't going to be subject to anything above room temperature
Thanks for your help
1 hour later…
@PlasmaHH I ended up driving to Conrad Electronics in Mainz and buying a couple of the polypropylene caps. That seems to work, but it seems something else died too. Troubleshooting the trigger and timebase circuits now.
Mainz is only an hour drive from where I live. I'm on vacation, and wanted to work on some my hobby stuff. If I'd ordered the parts, they'd have gotten here sometime next week. I didn't want to wait that long.
Timebase seems to work. It has a sweep output, and it shows AC on my multimeter when it should be running
1 hour later…
@JRE as long as it was not Munich...
2 hours later…
Does anyone know good software for deriving PID control parameters without doing everything manually on an algebra system?
I don't mind inputting a model of the system, but it feels like there has to be a tool that automates the part after that :/
1 hour later…
@ThePhoton By any chance, do you know any compliance consultants in our neck of the woods, who are versed in CE certification? Or how to look for them?
@NickAlexeev Where I used to work we had it in-house.
At my new place, when I've needed something like that I was talking to Met Labs and places like that.
I can pretend to be one and talk convincingly out of my ass on half the points, while being spot on with the other half, so as to create the illusion of fully-versed-ness.
@NickAlexeev CE is self-certified, IIRC.
It is
@ThePhoton Yes. CE can be self-certified. Our device is near-medical in nature. I have a bit of a knowledge gap, because I don't know the full list of things to put into out self-certification file. This is where a consultation with a subject matter expert would help.

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