@NathanOsman relative to typical electronics packaging, the hub and the power supply are the worst problems -- mainly because their connectors impose a ton of chunkiness
this has been nagging me for a while. I'm an engineer, not a chemist, so I've probably misunderstood something.
The electronics industry uses the adjective "organic" a lot when describing materials. According to Ye Olde Wikipedia, an "organic compound" is:
An organic compound is any member...
(also, you can get some decora-style duplex receptacles and make decora-shaped holes in the front of your NEMA box, and mount them to your box -- or you can have your box be a cable-squid, whichever you prefer -- as long as things that put mains out are all sockets like the receptacle I linked for plugging the power supply in inside the box, you're good :)
@R_Misra In a pro design, you size each hole according to the pin that will go through it. Maybe 5 to 20 mil (0.1 to 0.4 mm) bigger than the diameter of the pin.
Dremel with precision chuck + 1/8" shaft standard rills I manage to make holes as small as 0.15mm with relative ease on my revised and upgraded dremel holder
@Shalvenay Samtec just does a lot of parts like that. Also with Digikey.
i.e. I've ordered Samtec parts from Digikey and had them shipped direct from Samtec rather than from Thief River Falls. Same thing with Arrow (or was it Avnet?).
@Asmyldof there's a general assumption over here that 1. will get shunted off into no-mans-land if you aren't mentioning 10k units (and sometimes even if you are)
and 2. many distributors don't deal in B2C at all it seems, only B2B
also, some would probably consider it quite rude to call a business outside of the normal 9-5 business schedule
@inkyvoyd also the simulator you suggested me was mentioned there. I have used it and found how to see the waveform which I was unable to get previously :)
@Asmyldof there are the Big Five that do B2C (they all started life as small quantity catalog distributors and moved naturally into the online space): DigiKey, Mouser, Arrow-NAC, Newark, and Allied
@Asmyldof I've ordered stuff direct from Maxim/Dallas through their website -- and am about to take the plunge with Samtec even though they insist on charging me $15 for next day air ;P
The only very regular use articles I get from others are ICs (higher MOQs I almost never reach), Transistors etc (Because NXP doesn't do less than 10 reels, but happily picks up the phone), Resistors (because I have almost any value in 0603 from Multicomp in stock)
Plenty MCU's support full calendars and options between both popular ones and implementing leap-years, if not already in hardware, is insanely easy in software
Actually an entire calendar is laughably simple
I'm sure there's a million people open-sourcing solutions for just about any core