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Well all filters will alter the phase and group-delay of the signal. For a simple force measurement, this may not matter. A high-pass could also "zero" the sensor automatically, however would require a very low duty cycle. I'd bet that most applications use a simple subtractive component to avoid the complications of a filter. A potentiometer and op-amp could be used to "negate" the mean to 1.000, but would require periodic re-calibration.
2 hours later…
A friend helped me out
"Subtracting the mean is only okay if the signal is ergodic, i.e. the mean at one point = the mean of the whole signal. A hpf will probably be more resource intensive but give better results. A hpf might introduce artifacts in the higher frequencies if the stopband has ripple"
@rdtsc Would your op-amp potentiometer idea involve monitoring the mean of the signal in real time while adjusting the pot?
5 hours later…
@Tri have you analyzed your signal if that mean is constant enough to be useful for that? I would assume that a lot of factors influence it
3 hours later…
@JRE hi, I would have a question on a comment you made on skeptics (skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/42571/…) can I make a chatroom to discuss it with you?
They probably bought the IP from russia who did that two times already
11 hours later…
Anybody have a flat flex cable assembler that they like?
Man, it's crickets here, must be Q4
1 hour later…
@laptop2d I've used Flex Interconnect Technology do assembly of flex. I've used them for fabrication of flex, which turned out well. Haven't used them for assembly.
Cool, I'll check them out, Thanks

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