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omg I can't stand this anymore
terribly bad answers given and yet they're upvoted as hell and most of the time accepted
see the 2 answers at physics.stackexchange.com/questions/398476/… they're wrong in that they claim things that don't deform much won't bounce. I gave the example of steel that doesn't deform much but bounces pretty well and I'm getting ridiculized. what the heck
or this accepted and top voted answer 16 votes!!! physics.stackexchange.com/questions/398184/… which doesn't even address the question!!! The correct answer has only 9 votes.... what the heck
we need to expose those attrocities so that noobs can upvote and downvote correctly, turning the tables to improve the quality of answers
I'm going to edit my answer regarding deformation, I realise I'm not really correct. I'm just editing my pics.
Regarding my answer with "16 votes", you're not right, it's correct.
good. I will upvote it if it's correct
I know it's correct, I didn't say the contrary. I said it doesn't addresses the question.
while the answer that has now 10 votes does addresses it
Here you misunderstood the original problem. In order for you not to be angry, I rephrased it yesterday.
Ok, I am quitting PSE. This is disgusting. You erased the question that you did not answer. And the edit got approved. Bye all. I'm out of this place.
I demand to be banned and remove all my points
You could delete your account, if you wish. There's a link in your profile.
No, I still want my questions and answers here.
how do I talk to an admin to ban me and remove all my points
@David Z are you here?
please read the above DavidZ and ban me + remove all my points. Thank you very much
@ACuriousMind will be glad to help you
although I think the policy is you have to delete yourself
no assisted suicide
are my questions deleted
and answers
no, they just get a user[number] attached to them
they discourage deleting all of your questions and answers
@no_choice99 If you delete your account your posts will still exist, just dissociated from any profile.
thank you
you are free to delete everything manually
If you try to delete all your Q&A many will be impossible, and many would get undeleted. (Because they're not yours, technically; you've given them to SE and if the community things they're good additions to the site you don't get to unilaterally override that.)
@0celo7 They have the ability to, but should not.
Why shouldn't they?
See above.
What a fascist policy
This site...
You signed up for it.
I also stopped contributing besides my excellent chat services
ok ok enough already
the SE policies are truly strange
@no_choice99 I believe if you delete through your profile there's a non-trivial "wait period." Maybe a day or two?
I.e. "delete me!" puts your account in a queue to get profile scrubbed, posts disassociated, &c. in a little while. Because so many people change their mind and it was a huge hassle for SE staff to re-link up things for rage-quitters who then regretted it.
@0celo7 Which ones?
@nitsua60 the ones we're discussing
plus everything regarding suspensions
the chat flag system is completely broken
I'm not in the mood for a discussion of chat behavior and moderation this morning, sorry.
watch out for drive-by flaggers
I'm never in a mood to discuss it
But you asked
But if you have questions about what the thinking is behind users works being owned by SE, I'm all ears.
@skullpatrol what on god's green earth have I said that's flaggable
anything and everything
@nitsua60 I know what the thinking is, it's quite obvious. But it's misguided and completely bureaucratic
Bureaucratic? I'm not sure I follow.
Exhibit #1:
then ban me
I'm probably up to 6 months now
goodbye people
If he goes I go
Alright, I'm checking out. I'll suggest that if you two (@0celo7 @skullpatrol) want to discuss chat-moderation you take it to the other room, since I'm pretty sure this room's not too interested in watching you two poke each other.
See, there is no poking going on
Some people do not understand human interaction but have mod powers
10 mins ago, by skullpatrol
ok ok enough already
don't make it personal
Be nice, go out, get a breath of fresh air and then come back.
I'm not making anything personal
I am completely nice.
sure you are, you said "mod"
@skullpatrol Assume Good Faith. You're taking it personally, but there's a good point @0celo7 could be making about how chat-flags are seen by any 10K anywhere in the (SE) system, which might not be the right criterion to use for chat-moderation.
Everyone who can flag has mod powers
So go ahead and ask for clarification before assuming badly.
@0celo7 Nope. Everyone can flag.
@nitsua60 I simply cannot assume good faith given some of the ridiculous flags I have received
and then it calls in all active >10K users.
@Fabby So they have mod powers.
@0celo7 nope.
You're in the wrong here
@0celo7 Yet you must, if you're to be part of making the place good rather than bad.
Nope, they can flag and then the high-rep users get called in, they look at what's going on and then the mods decide whether to ban both of you,
one of you
How is "assume good faith" even a thing when there are completely ridiculous flag storms on a regular basis
or none of you.
My default mode is assume bad faith, because that's what reality indicates is most likely.
You both need a breath of oxygen and nitrogen...
the Hydrogen has gone to both of your heads (or one of you)
so, take a break, stop typing, go outside....
come back after.
Flagging something without discourse is of course bad faith, how can you argue otherwise?
It's a ban button (depending on the time of day)
Mar 21 at 17:04, by nitsua60
Flaggers: use your words first!
Right! But no one does that.
@0celo7 You haven't been banned yet.
@0celo7 Not true.
So they're all acting in bad faith.
no, we're not.
@Fabby Have I been flagged?
This started with no_choice99 wanting to rage quit
@0celo7 False.
we're still talking to you...
@nitsua60 My claim is that anyone who flags without saying something is acting in bad faith. Most people do not say anything. Therefore, most flaggers are acting in bad faith.
but you need to take a few deep breaths.
This is the H bar for Christ's sake!
This should be all about Physics, logic and science.
@0celo7 I'd say you're acting in bad faith if you claim that. Why don't you assume that the flagger doesn't know better, and use your words to try and make the problem better?
not about emotions....
The h bar will be deleted just like Mos Eisley.
Now, that's a place lots of flags came from.
@nitsua60 Pretty hard to use my words when I'm banned.
the H bar? first time ever!
@Fabby (I'm having trouble understanding how you think repeatedly telling people to stop talking--when they're not listening and aren't disturbing any other conversation--is helpful.)
@nitsua60 I'm just trying to help calm things down...
We're perfectly calm.
Doesn't look like I'm helping though...
@Fabby I don't think anything's not calm, personally, and I don't think you're really helping.
I can calmly advocate for a revolution.
Have a great day then, so I can drive to my mum who's in the hospital now...
@Fabby Sorry to hear that/glad to hear she's (presumably) where she needs to be. Good luck.
@nitsua60 Please sticky this and then any subsequent wordless flags are in bad faith. Deal?
@nitsua60 No need to be sorry: (uless you pushed her when she fell down and broke her pelvis) She's getting better though...
;-) >:-) ;-)
What the fuck is happening here
What is it with you people and drama
@BalarkaSen I am announcing my intention to flag
@nitsua60 like this?
@0celo7 :D :D :D
Good one!
5 mins ago, by skullpatrol
This started with no_choice99 wanting to rage quit
Ok, looks like people are laughing again...
Cheerio everyone!
No. That's not a reasonable interpretation of the system. For a bunch of reasons.
(a) I think we agree that the anonymous nature of chat-flagging is troublesome, so it's not a "good" enough system to hold to that sort of stricture;
(b) there are *always* new users coming on board, and we must be patiently instructive, always;
(c) even if *I* feel like enough words haven't been used, I should assume the flagger is frustrated by dealing with dreck for years and feels they've used their words enough.
So we can't even know if a flag is "wordless," my "wordless" may not be yours, and I may not have seen all the words.
@nitsua60 I've never actually had anyone complain to my face, I just get random 90 minute bans for saying "wtf"
The abbreviation, not the full thing.
@nitsua60 I actually did delete a number of my older posts which got highly upvoted by the community but were actually pretty garbage when looking back in retrospect. (There is an objective notion of deciding if a certain answer is garbage in math.SE: If, eg, the calculations are wrong.)
So it indeed is a flaw of the system if it intends to keep numerous wrong answers up and running in the site.
(None of my deletions got undeleted, btw)
@BalarkaSen I must not understand what drama is. How is this drama?
@0celo7 when was the last time such a thing happened?
@Abcd Last time I got banned
@0celo7 when? Last time = ?
I have a screenshot but my screenshot tool has archived it and I need to pay money to access it. Criminal
@Abcd 3 days ago?
(afk 5 min)
Apparently even taking the supersymmetric point particle theory gives rise to pretty interesting results
(crap, misclick)
@BalarkaSen Yeah, but you'd be prevented if that answer had been accepted. My point is just that going through and deleting everything is both hard and won't even work. (Because once high-rep users realize what's going on moderation will recognize the vandalism and reverse it.)
You get the Maxwell equation and linearized gravity out of it
completely ridiculous
Othello (The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice) is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1603. It is based on the story Un Capitano Moro ("A Moorish Captain") by Cinthio, a disciple of Boccaccio, first published in 1565. The story revolves around its two central characters: Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army and his unfaithful ensign, Iago. Given its varied and enduring themes of racism, love, jealousy, betrayal, revenge and repentance, Othello is still often performed in professional and community theatre alike, and has been the source for numerous...
The Tragedy of 0celo7, the Moor of Tennessee
I'm Jewish tho
@BalarkaSen see my meme with four stars
it's a quality meme
thats not a meme thats a propaganda
an analytic propaganda
@nitsua60 I deleted like ~1000 rep. I don't consider my action vandalism; I deleted what I thought was worth deleting as they were fundamentally wrong answers with lots of upvotes.
wat? https://youtu.be/4zH9Zca1vRM
best reaction
@BalarkaSen Sure--that jibes. It's the person who says "I hate SE I'm taking (all) my balls and going home" and tries to delete everything--regardless of worth--who's a vandal.
tfw i discovered Louis Cole
@nitsua60 Yeah I guess I see potential misuse of that freedom out of vengeful mentality
@0celo7 What about the notion that "making changes to something that you don't own and that, in the view of the community, lowers its value" = "vandalism" do you find ridiculous?
@BalarkaSen Awesome lit af
obama in a bra- highlight of my day
I love that track tbh
I also like this one: youtube.com/watch?v=glgPZmSwC4M
@BalarkaSen Do you want to study something together this summer? Ncom geo?
@nitsua60 I'm basically the biggest anti-communist alive but the notion that SE owns my posts makes me uneasy.
@0celo7 That's fine. It's right there in the ToS, though.
@0celo7 I've got stuff all packed for a couple weeks. When do you want to do this?
@BalarkaSen Idk, just looking to learn something that's not GR/GMT (my main project) from May to mid-August
I'm doing GMT research with a prof, GR reading with my advisor, and want to do something else the rest of the time
I can afford the second half of May and post-June.
At least, hopefully.
why not take it easy over the summer guys?
ive just been downvoted at physics.stackexchange.com/questions/297291/… without any reason given. can someone with enough points tell me who did this, so i can ask him the reason ? thanks
I need a reading partner because no one at my school knows any of this
rest up for September
@BalarkaSen Spin geometry is also on the list
Those are things you'd be interested in
Other possibilities are Ricci flow with surgery, skin structures with surgery, fully nonlinear equations, harmonic maps, scattering theory
And it makes complete sense when you think of their business model. They're a company and need to bring in money to keep the lights on/platters spinning.
They've decided to do that through a mixture of advertising and job placement services.
To do *that* they've got to get lots of eyeballs here.
To do *that* they've gone ahead and created (IMO) the finest system for expertise-based Q&A the internet's yet seen.
We're not the audience, we're the product.
@nitsua60 I understand all of that.
I don't doubt that--but not everyone does. So some things that seem very "wtf!?"-worthy in SE make a lot more sense when one's aware of the business behind it all.
@BalarkaSen IMCF, although I'll probably be doing that as GMT research
INMCF, etc.
Alright, have a good day, all. Go conserve something =)
@BalarkaSen Or Navier-Stokes if you're willing to live dangerously
I might have to teach you some harmonic analysis for that
Whatever it is, not before 15th of May.
what happens on the 14th
At 15th I take the admission exams for the universities
@BalarkaSen that guy has swag
with dem shades
it's called good dressing sense
@BalarkaSen best of luck!
looks outdated, people wear weirder shit nowadays
ok @BalarkaSen good luck
remember that $\int\sin =-\cos$
thanks @skull, @0celo7
how'z the prep going?
im working through Engel's text
cool, thats a wonderful book
it'd be enough
I really like it.
And now, I present this chat room to be the most active room of all. Hands prizes
Somebody linked me that group previously. I have it bookmarked but I don't look at it often
@BalarkaSen ah okay
it's quite active (like most other indian threads on aops) at this time of the year
the Indian olympiad chads are smart but a cringefest
Takes away prizes
You know what I might seriously learn a little formal game theory this week.
prisoner dilemma is all that i know :P
That's something that's usually parsed in very non-rigorous terms.
well, most of us learn by approximation :P
from non-rigours to more
@DivyankaChaudhari :'( (what prizes?)
That's true but sometimes the leap is nontrivial.
That why, eg, it took people time to formalize what the differential is, as an example.
@nitsua60 I already regret leaving PSE. I will stick here.
Wasn't before Weierstrass and Cauchy laid down their foundations of analysis
Why don't we just say "electron transfer" instead of "charge transfer"
@Abcd Context?
electrons carry charge
@Blue first of all, are you the same blue?
"To conclude, we both feel strongly on this issue; we both regard the
compromise that we have reached as highly unsatisfactory. When re-
referring to specific individuals, we sometimes use "he" and sometimes
"she". For example, in two-player games we treat player 1 as female
and player 2 as male. We use "he" for generic individuals."
From Osborne-Rubinstein
SJWs will hate this book
Shoulda used xe
@Abcd I changed a bit since yesterday. Some cells died, some regenerated, and some bit of alteration in weight. But roughly same, yes.
@Blue those experiments of rubbing silk with glass rod? resnick halliday talks about it as "charge transfer", why doesn't he use the phrase "electron transfer"? Is it just to get students get used to "charge"?
@Blue ur face looks the same to me
get rekt
Yes, it will prepare you for the phrase "test charge"
@Abcd When you're rubbing a glass rod and silk, it's the loosely bounded electrons which get ripped off.
Ah, okay @Abcd. I don't know why the author chose to use "charge transfer". It's essentially electron transfer.
Nucleons don't get transferred when you're rubbing glass and silk.
@Blue what exactly is charge
@Abcd Is that a separate question?
Charge is what electrons carry.
@Blue You are hit by a positively charged rod and by a negatively charged rod. Will you be able to identify which one was negative and which one was positive
I don't know what type of answer you're looking for. I'd say it is just a property of matter which comes in two flavors, one of which you happened to name as "positive" and the other as "negative".
@Abcd Without using any other reference charge? No.
why does mass not have two types
like charge
Have you heard of antimatter?
Until you study that you can't ask that question.
There are some exotic non-mainstream theories in physics which do involve negative mass, but I'm not authoritative enough to speak on them. Anyhow you could extend that line of questions to even "Why two? Why not three?". The simple answer is we don't know. It's just how nature is. Sure, maybe there exist (or will exist) elegant theories which generalize it, but the basic fact still holds.
These things build upon themselves.
You can't keep asking "why, why, why,..." forever.
For what it's worth you can check the Wiki page on negative mass, if you're interested. @Abcd
In short, The wealth spike is starting to behave like climate change, in that even if we stop it right now, it will continue to lag a bit and rise a bit more
@Secret yeah. you might be interested in econophysics
It seems many environemntal socioeconomical problem are reaching some kind of tipping point, in that even if the source is halt, we cannot stop it for some time
@Blue It's a good question, though. The (Newtonian) gravitational potential and the electrostatic potential both are solutions to a similar boundary value problem (this is why, eg, the electric field and the Newtonian gravitation field have an equivalent expression ($GM/r^2$ vs $1/4\pi\epsilon_0 q/r^2$).
How far does the analogy push?
lol 3 questions tagged :P
@BalarkaSen lol
@Secret the guardian also has interesting articles on anthropocene age see also intersectionality etc
@BalarkaSen Yes, that formulation by itself doesn't restrict negative masses. But doesn't tell us anything about the flavours of M that you can get. As far as I know, GR does allow negative masses, but it causes some issues.
Let's learn GR together after you exams get over! :P
I don't really have a specific question about negative masses, it just strikes me as a curious analogy.
sorry about sounding so harsh @Abcd but you have to get down to learning at some point before asking "why" :-)
@BalarkaSen Sure, I agree
@BalarkaSen what the hell is vegan pizza
I don't know how the electrodynamics translates in general.
From what I knew from slereah, negative mass has unbounded from below states, thus it is going to spiral down forever and causing a divergence
@skullpatrol It's okay, you are right.
@0celo7 Hahah I have no idea. It's a parody of ReviewBrah
There's a beef going on between Fantano and Reviewbrah as the latter reviewed the recent Jack White album
@0celo7 senior thesis right? so youre a senior now?
@vzn no
@BalarkaSen link
@0celo7 ok thx for clarifying
@BalarkaSen is this a meme
@BalarkaSen Anyway, quasiparticles in physics can surely have negative masses, and for them the inverse square law holds too. For example holes have negative "effective mass", but I wouldn't call that "true" negative mass.
its an anime fight
@BalarkaSen this is such an awkward video
@BalarkaSen watched less than 20s. kinda aggro. reminds me of the youtube shooter. seems like the wateringhole is shrinking and the alligators and tigers/ elephants et al are getting too close )( o_O
no comments
I wish I knew Fantano and could send him that
he would die
@Blue What would it mean to not call it "true" negative mass?
@Nat Effective masses are not equivalent to actual mass.
...you were trying to WORK MY CORNER o_O :P
@vzn are you...being ironic?
@0celo7 its like BaSe nested 1k levels of irony :P
you're a cringefest
inspired by the best :P ps luv those ambiguous oxymorons o_O
inspired by JD, that explains everything
Oct 10 '16 at 14:34, by 0celo7
I miss JD
Sep 29 '16 at 20:08, by 0celo7
I enjoy JD convos
cringe and enjoyment are not mutually exclusive
@BalarkaSen I have a holo map from the right half plane to the unit disk and want to bound its gradient. Should I conformally map the half plane to the disk such that I can apply Schwartz or is there something easier?
@BalarkaSen sort of like horror movies etc?
@vzn good horror movies are hardly cringe
@0celo7 Yeah I think I'd do what you just wrote. I don't know any immediate alternative
blargh that's a horrible conformal map
@BalarkaSen not a fan. but can try to understand. reminds me, just saw a photomagazine on famous serial killers at the newsstand. wtf!
its me
I am the Zodiac Killer
unabomber is my spirit animal
@Nat BTW why don't I see you answering much on the QC main site nowadays. Busy? :)
@BalarkaSen You disgust me
He was an analyst
can't think of a topological serial killer
@BalarkaSen $\mathcal F=\{f\in \mathrm{Hol}(\Bbb D):f(0)=0, |\Re f(z)|\le 1\}$
most of the topologists are depressed chads
There was another math murderer
meh prolly dont want to make that joke
I forget his specialty
Lemme see
the second condition is superfluous to apply Montel, right?
just use Schwartz to get $|f(z)|\le |z|$
@Slereah This guy?
Nah, some french guy I think?
André Bloch (20 November 1893 – 11 October 1948) was a French mathematician who is best remembered for his fundamental contribution to complex analysis. Bloch was institutionalized in a mental asylum for thirty-one years of his life, during which all of his mathematical output was produced. == Early life == Bloch was born in 1893 in Besançon, France. According to one of his teachers, Georges Valiron, both André Bloch and his younger brother Georges were in the same class in October 1910. Valiron believed Georges to have the better talent, and due to lack of preparation, André finished last in the...
that's the one
"best remembered for his fundamental contribution to complex analysis."
I think that's all we need to know about analysts
I remember Bloch
0celo already admitted that he is a sociopath. Be scared.
"Be afraid. Be very afraid."
@BalarkaSen so what happens if you drop the $f(0)=0$ condition
Ok enough of this for now. Gotta run
can the real part control the imaginary part?
what does the subject "analysis" in math deparment refer to? I think complex analysis is just part of analysis.
Mathematical analysis is the branch of mathematics dealing with limits and related theories, such as differentiation, integration, measure, infinite series, and analytic functions. These theories are usually studied in the context of real and complex numbers and functions. Analysis evolved from calculus, which involves the elementary concepts and techniques of analysis. Analysis may be distinguished from geometry; however, it can be applied to any space of mathematical objects that has a definition of nearness (a topological space) or specific distances between objects (a metric space). =...
@BalarkaSen Oh of course not, consider $\{z+i,z+2i,z+3i,\dotsc\}$
this is not a normal family
@Blue Hah yeah, afraid so. =P
@Nat Haha. Nevermind. I should actually be busy too, but I am procrastinating. :P
Do get back when you're relatively free though. Your answers are normally very good.
@BalarkaSen unabomber not far )( from here o_O
@Slereah (wow!) wonder if hes related to the physicist. famous for inventing 1 qubit diagrams. o_O en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Bloch
Felix was Swiss.
@Blue right. & families are known to cross country boundaries.
Well, if you are willing to consider long-distance relations, then possibly. People sharing the same surname usually have a common origin in history.
@Blue right. some surnames are more/ less common than others. the media sometimes amuses itself with these weird connections. eg think the new british princess (meghan markle) has a "colorful" geneology.
how nice that André Bloch was spared from failing the class due to lack of preparation by convincing his teacher Ernest Vessiot to give him an oral exam.
I used to fail the class classical mechanics due to lack of preparation but I didn't have the chance to convince my professor to give the me an oral exam. I think I know well those material in classical mechanics but I just lack time to prepare for the exam that time.
I was also late for that exam for an hour.
because my watch was late for an hour.
@vzn I suspect you'll enjoy this one blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2018/03/30/…
↑ also this is quite remarkable
@EmilioPisanty They seem to have a Twitter profile and an active blogspot
@Blue indeed s/he does
it's just the byline to a pseudonym, and particularly a blog one, that I find interesting
It's a bit weird though. PLOS One has a reasonably high impact factor, but yet allows anonymous authors.
@EmilioPisanty True
@Blue there's a difference between anonymous and pseudonymous
just because PLOS ONE isn't telling you their full legal name doesn't mean that they don't know who the person behind the handle is
Pseudonyms can normally be traced back to find a person's real name though. This person seems to have left no traces of their real name on their blog/profile :P
@EmilioPisanty Ah, yes. That's true
@EmilioPisanty lol back on spking terms? your msgs are hidden but thx for the ref. yep citation analysis is a lot like scientific genealogy. my two favorite examples EPR1935 & Turing1936, remarkable how 2 paradigm shifting papers were only 1 )( yr apart.

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