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I intentionally didn't add a tiebreaker because I wanted the main goal to be the focus, and (as I've discovered setting challenges on other sites) tiebreaks distract from that
I can add a tiebreak if people really want one though
some of the other problems are minor but fixable, though, I'll go fix them
@ais523 Other sites don't apply here - our challenges have to have an objective winning criterion.
The problem I see with this challenge is you seem to be saying, "I'll look at your answer and then declare it invalid if I don't like it".
@ais523 It's absolutely required. The winning criteria must unambiguously select exactly one solution as the winner.
well in that case most challenges don't count because you can have a tie in bytes
I guess I'll make the tiebreak earliest solution, that's objetie
@ais523 Take for example Actually. Spaces are commands (space pushes the current number of items on the stack).
and prevents people golfing each other's solution for the win
@ais523 The default for code golf is earliest submission to reach the byte count wins in the case of a tie
the whitespace requirement was taken from the previous challenge that this one was based on
I personally don't see why tiebreaks are such a issue, I'd always just assumed default tiebreak was earlier submission
> Esolangs sometimes have less of a line between syntax and semantics, so you might need to ask in the comments as to which side of the line something falls on.
At least for me, you have to ask in the comments == unclear what you're asking.
@Sp3000 I don't think it's a site-wide policy that the earlier submission to reach the (tied) score wins by default. It's the default for code golf, but not for other types of challenges.
That being said, I wouldn't mind it being the site-wide default
You should probably put what the polyglot is meant to achieve at the top of the challenge
A: Should there be defaults for tiebreakers in tag wikis?

Martin EnderI don't think we need tag-specific defaults for this, but I would like to propose the following global default: If no tie-breakers are specified, or all specified tie-breakers are exhausted, the earliest answer wins. When determining which answer was earlier, the timestamp of the first valid ...

@ais523 Unrelated, but do you happen to be the ais523 who is now on the NetHack devteam?
@Dennis Huh, I didn't realize that existed. Neat.
@ais523 My hero
@ais523 Awesome! Always nice to recognize someone here from elsewhere :)
Challenge idea: given a sequence of 32-bit integers, find a seed that causes the MT19337 algorithm to output that sequence
I'm not sure if there exists a solution that isn't brute force
At the beginning of the stream of numbers or anywhere in it?
Possible duplicate of Hello World in Seed. :P
@feersum At the beginning
@Dennis Har har har
Anyone know any pegjs here?
I'm fixing all the problems people brought up at the moment
@Downgoat Do you know PegJS?
typically via making things more objective, potentially at the cost of excluding some languages; most of the time I was being subjective was in an attempt to be as inclusive as possible
@ais523 Glad to hear it :) If I see any more issues, I'll be sure to bring them up.
And if I don't see any more issues, I'll cast a reopen vote
@ais523 I love seeing users genuinely interested in making the best contributions possible to the site.
OK, post edited
The only concern I see is that whitespace-only langs get a free pass, but tbh I think this is a pretty good attempt at something that's incredibly hard to define (just like how we can't even get a good definition of quine down right)
▂▂╱┈ ▕▂▂▂▏
▉┈-┈┈ ▕▂▂▂▏
there can't be that many of them
to be fair, if you can write a polyglot in enough whitespace-only languages that you beat the people doing the challenge the intended way, you probably deserve to win :-)
Whitespace is the only one I can think of
There aren't currently, but I mean it just gives incentive for people to make more for the future :P
What about graphical langs?
Like Piet and Paintf**k
Graphical langs aren't whitespace only if you consider the image file
go by bytes that happen to have the value \n, \t, \f, I guess
you'd have to do that for the polyglotting anyway
(and the Piet / something nongraphical polyglots that I've seen normally use an image format that obeys whitespace rules that are quite similar to those of most languages)
Are multiple versions allowed?
the question's designed to make using multiple versions difficult, but it's hard to define a ban on that objectively, so I think that if you can find a way, go for it
Does anyone here know PegJS? I need halp
the subset/superset rule you often see doesn't actually work
Using multiple versions is easy in a language with reflection capabilities.
if someone can think of a way to formulate a ban, I wouldn't object to that being added to the challenge
You can make a list of all the builtin functions and use its hash to look up which sequence to use.
(either someone else editing it in, or telling me and I can edit it in)
Good morning!
I think I missed some drama :/ :p
... for some definitions of morning.
it's like 5:30am here, I think that counts as morning (there's also the convention that many IRC channels have that it's always "morning" when you join, in order to avoid endless repetitive arguments about timezones)
Pacific time is best time
We have this all the time. Someone says good morning, someone replies good afternoon, someone replies good night etc
The people I interacted with on IRC (back when I used it frequently) followed the convention that UTC is law
as you only have to apply one UTC offset rather than two
I follow that convention when stating deadlines, etc., elsewhere; it's normally easiest to convert from
a hardy domesticated ruminant animal that has backward curving horns and (in the male) a beard. It is kept for its milk and meat and is noted for its lively and frisky behavior.
synonyms: billy goat, nanny goat, kid
"a herd of goats"
(for me, it's zero half the year; I'm in UTC+0 right now)
Failure to greet someone with the appropriate greeting for UTC time (and other similar violations) were met with trout slaps
@Mego Good night.
Haha, I successfully dissected a sequence in my lang!
Sequence = SeqDeclare name:Word args:Arguments Declarer "{" "\n"? choices:Choice+ "}" {return [name, args, choices]}
Choice = before:(" "* arg:Expression " "? "=" " "? exp:(Number / Expression) {return [arg, exp]}) ":" " "? after:Expression ";" "\n"? {return [before, after]}
Declarer = " "? "->" " "?
Expression = Word Arguments? / Number
Arguments = "(" a:(ia:Word ","? " "? {return ia})+ ")" {return a}
SeqDeclare = "seq "
Word = w:[A-Za-z]+ {return w.join("")}
Number = [0-9]+
Using this grotesque PegJS thingo
in my CALESYTA language, it took me ages just to figure out how to write hello world, and even when I had it was much easier to write a code generator for it
what language is that in?
5 messages moved to Trash
heh, I guess my message has lost its context now, should I delete it too?
You weren't posting garbage, you're fine
well, when you've written a language where a typical line looks like
pllpyynloojjyiki    qrstuvwx 144 Mp 4 zzmkjonnkz
then it's hard to tell what's garbage and what isn't sometimes
Pure ASCII poetry
(and that's the readable version :-D)
I need to get an article up for it on Esolang some time
I looked up GolfScript on Esolangs a few minutes ago and apparently you contributed the original article for it?? o_O
might be a nice flood of new languages from the contest, although I don't think the submissions are going to be published for another month
oh, anyone can create an article, even for someone else's language
if a language becomes popular it helps to at least have a short description on Esolang and a link to where you can find the docs
That's not why I o_O'd; it just seems a fun coincidence.
I'm an admin on Esolang, often one of the most active ones too
So basically a celebrity around these parts
much of the admin work there is fighting spam, although our new CAPTCHA is holding for the time being
we get the occasional troll but it's rare
the spambots are really persistent though
one of them ended up learning Befunge just to spam us
That's... actually kind of impressive
I don't know why you'd go to that level of effort just to increase the amount of work that the admins have to do clearing up, spamming tends to be more effective against a target that isn't actively defended…
Trolls be trollin'.
@ais523 ... how?
my only guess is that there's some sort of CAPTCHA-breaking service which spammers hire to write CAPTCHA breaks
@ais523 Think about what that guy can do with that perseverance in other fields.
might even accept automated requests
they probably make a fortune; spammers are likely fairly easy to scam
btw, my CALESYTA language was inspired by this site (specifically, ; the original goal was to make a language that could comply with arbitrary source restrictions)
I need to get the docs up somewhere other than a repository
maybe I'll do that now, it's not like I'm making good use of my time anyway…
heh, seems like someone else created the article already, just like I did for GolfScript
time to go flesh it out a bit
@ais523 What do you think of the only esolang article I've ever written?
content's useful; formatting's a bit messy but that's common in people's first articles
I better not ask about mine...
also it looks like nobody's categorized it, which is a fairly common issue (the problem is that if it doesn't get categorized immediately it tends to get buried and then nobody can find it again)
Oh. How would I categorize it?
the rules are at Esolang:Categorization, although oddly that page doesn't list the actual mechanics of categorization
i.e. it lists what but not how
I now have a custom ShareX screenshot, file, and text uploading service!
It's faster than Imgur and not blocked!
anyone here know basic php? Why would
for($i = 0; $i<count(values); $i++)
only loop once if my values array was
$values = array(0=> "val1", 1 => "val2");
let me go fix that
> DuckHunter85 on TF: Sorry, I was justing my breadings
@AshwinGupta ... Does it say something about me that I have written PHP code for work but have no idea why that is happening? 0_0
@DLosc oh that is different. Means I must have another error.
It is true that 1) I don't write PHP very much and 2) I mostly modify other people's code and 3) php.net
Oh--are you doing count(values) or count($values)?
@DLosc second one
OK Who here plays Minecraft FTB?
i play minecraft
whats ftb?
oh no I don't sorry
I set up a server a few days ago and I'm spinning it up again now
if you want to you can always join
Using the FTB Infinity Lite 1.10 pack and server IP is Download the legacy launcher. Don't bother with the default download.
@AshwinGupta Works as expected on Ideone...
Ok this is the full code:
	echo "<p>PHP FILE CONNECTED.....</p>"; //This prints
	$commands = array(
		0 => "ls",
		1 => "ls -a",

	echo "<h1>$commands[0]</h1>"; //so does this
	function run() {
		echo "<p> GET RECIEVED... </p>"; //this prints
		for($i = 0; $i < count($commands); $i++) {
			$res = shell_exec($commands[$i]);
			echo "<p>$res</p>"; //this never works
			echo "<p>lol</p>"; //this prints once
Must be that you're indenting with tabs
@AlexA. .. I'm using the shell what can I do!!??
Can you see if it's generating any warnings?
@AlexA. Nothing's wrong with tabs. They were created for indenting.
Oh dear, here we go again.
honestly I'm not really sure how to see compiler warnings or any of that. I'm using nano on my rpi to edit it and thats inside of my apache webserver and i just connect to that ip w/ my chrome browser on this computer.
> nano
@wat oh ok sorry. xD nano is the command so thats what I call it. I'm a complete linux noob :D
@AshwinGupta No, the command you are using is called nano. i'm saying that there's a better editor (also a command) called vim.
It has a bit of a learning curve though.
@wat I use vim; my boss uses nano. Both of us are more productive with our chosen editor than we would be with the other one.
oh I've heard of that. I think I've got it installed I'll start using that.
@AshwinGupta NOTE: Don't open it until you learn how to close it
@AshwinGupta use what you like. Nano is just fine for this
> a bit of a learning curve
@wat um so how do I close it?
I'm stuck inside of VIM
that was close :P
Or <esc>:q!
^ that deletes your changes
Or <esc>:wq if you don't mind saving
yeah I tried that it told me to do it but it didn't close
@AlexA. That is equivalent to ZZ?
Okay. I don't use ZZ.
Exclamation mark not needed if you haven't made changes. Did we mention learning curve? ;)
I already like nano better :(
@AlexA. s/pico/nano
@AshwinGupta Then keep using it.
There's a command that comes with vim called vimtutor
nah I'll try both. Might as well learn it
Nothing wrong with Nano if it's what works for you.
I think we vim evangelists are doing a bad job here... :P
You may also want to try github.com/SirBoonami/wsedit
Takes like 20 minutes to compile though
glares at Haskell
idk if that will work for my rpi
but I can try. Can the raspberry do any linux programs or just special ones?
Here's what my customized vim setup looks like:
@AshwinGupta I can't horiz-scroll on mobile to see the full thing, but are you using $i anywhere that you couldn't change it to a foreach loop?
(Ignore the extra screens)
that cool.
@Geobits I could change it to a foreach but I tried that earlier and it wasn't working still
@DLosc It's hard to do a good job when you have to warn people not to open it until they learn how to close it ;)
@wat Vim on Windows...
@Geobits loop looks like this:
echo "<p> GET RECIEVED... </p>"; //this prints
for($i = 0; $i < count($commands); $i++) {
$res = shell_exec($commands[$i]);
echo "<p>$res</p>"; //this never works
echo "<p>lol</p>"; //this prints once
@AlexA. Drivers, ok?!?!?!?
@wat mobile keyboard sucks, and I can't see the whole message at once to easily proofread :/
Anyway, back on the topic of PHP warnings... you can try messing around with the error_reporting function and see if it shows you anything useful.
error_reporting, got it!
@AlexA. Tried instaling Linux (Arch at first) on my main computer, no distros provided a working GPu driver.
Also, what happens if you take the $res = shell_exec(...) line out?
lemme try
Yeah, I can't see any reason it wouldn't work, but my php is a bit rusty, so take that with a rock of salt.
I've given up vim evangelizing because it doesn't work and I find it annoying when others do
TIL my phone autocorrects php to phone.
It knows that you'd rather use the telephone than write PHP code
actually u guys can see the output here:
don't hack me or anything tho.. xD
@AlexA. It is correct :D
I see ls, but not the second
right, but that LS corresponds to this line:
echo "<h1>$commands[0]</h1>";
above the loop
hold on I'm removing the debug crap so its easier to read.
@DrMcMoylex Yeah, I don't care for stuff like "OMG vim is awesome you need to drop [other text editor] and switch now!!1!" I just want to convey to people, "It takes an investment, but you can do some really cool and time-saving things once you know it. Check it out if you want to."
Oh I see
see the thing is in the loop the <p> lol should print twice and the two commands should also print as <p>
Some people here love nano and star every message approving it.
For example:
I love nano!
@DLosc Yes, exactly!
@DLosc Yep. I usually don't even recommend it to people. It wouldn't be right for me to do so, since I can barely use it "properly" myself.
Is php in safe mode? I think shell_exec is turned off if so, and I don't know what it would do at that point
@AlexA. Didn't you write a vim plugin?
Yeah but it's pretty simple
> knock knock Hello, neighbor! Do you have a few minutes to talk about text editors today?
@Geobits nah I checked its not
I thought I knew a lot about vim. Then I started using it in front of my dad who has been programming with vi/vim for 10+ years. Now I know that I know nothing about vim.
also I ran some test code w/ shell exec that worked
I'm stumped then. Sorry :(
don't worry I think I'm on to something. Someone in the php room mentioned somthing
Dunno if this pertains to anything, but Ideone complains of a syntax error in echo "<h1>$commands[0]</h1>";
It doesn't seem to like the [0] inside a string.
@DLosc maybe, but that line actually works xD
Are you sure $commands is in scope within the function? Ideone says "Undefined variable."
^^ yeah its a globals/locals thing
i'm working on a fix now
simple issue: seems like php functions can't use variables defined outside of themselves. I guess globals work in some other way in php then what I'm used to.
Aha. Sounds about right, though I don't remember the details.
xD well at least its working. Although the guy in the PHP room freaked out when he saw that I was using shell_exec() the way I was. Something about insecure. I honestly dgaf though since I'll be the only one using it.
@AshwinGupta Sure they can. You need to pull the variable into the function scope by using global $var in the function.
@mınxomaτ right okay global keyword. That was the part I didn't know. So I just had a variable without that and it wasn't working so I was confused xD
PHP is like someone tried to port Perl to the browser and instead just broke everything.
@mınxomaτ Interesting. Python has the same keyword, but IIRC it's only required if you need the top-level variable to be writable. If you just want to get its value, you don't need global.
well, the original motivation behind PHP was "Perl is slow, let's write a language in C so that it'll be fast", which shows a failure to grasp the concepts behind language design
then it somehow stumbled its way into being a real language over years and years of improvements
> improvements
Avoiding global variables is actually smart design. There's hardly any reason to ever use them. This is why PHP has namespaces and closures.
Anything else in PHP is crazy though
I need halp with pegjs again
Argh too frustrating
@ais523 You sir are a legend for all this stuffs
Esolang mod, NetHack mod...
Does anyone here know PegJS and is willing to answer a question?
No and yes, but I don't think a yes on part 2 will help given the no on part 1. :^/
Is there any PPCG consensus on what constitutes truthy/falsy in ///? It's mentioned as a corner case here, but no actual recommendation is given.
I don't think there's a consensus, but most natural would be t/f, or 1/0, or indeed any pair of characters; there was some debate between me and oerjan as to whether //`` would be easier or harder
err, apparently markdown doesn't like that last one (it's a slash and a backslash)
(context: we were competing to write the first working loop in ///; I never quite got there, he found two different ways, and claims that using non-slashes is easier, so I believe him)
@Calvin'sHobbies gosh washing machines do really explode... conspiracy confirmed
@Qwerp-Derp It's called Esolangs Admin.
well, different names in different places, but it's basically the same job
I guess the difference is that the name "moderator" implies dealing with abuse
whereas admin tasks are often involved with approving well-meaning people to do things that have to require approval because they could be abusable
@ais523 For the challenge I'm attempting, I think 1 for true and empty for false is the golfiest while still being reasonable.
I'd personally consider that reasonable, but I'm not sure how much my opinion counts for
Largely because it means I don't have to special-case empty input. It just stays empty and voila--falsy.
like half of my answers have hit some sort of weird edge case
also, can /// even take input? I guess you could use Itflabtijtslwi instead
I'm considering "append data to the end of the code" to be the input method in ///.
reminds me of Takeover
actually that gives me an idea for a challenge, but it'd be more about finding a language in which the challenge is possible than in trying to golf it
the idea would be to write a program for which you can write an arbitrary string at a given location, and the program prints that string
the problem being that in most languages it's possible to break the escaping somehow via adding quote marks, newlines, or the like
if I disallowed newline in the string it'd be much easier
Hm. So the "prevent SQL injection" problem?
@DLosc: right
I can already see how to do it in Befunge-98
you can ensure that the program never gets down to where the string is, and read it from your own source code; Befunge-98 neatly has a primitive to get at the source's bounding box
however, I suspect that might not work now, because newline and space-newline would be indistinguishable
Ahh. That's clever (and probably wouldn't work in 99.9% of languages).
come to think of it, Perl has a __DATA__ directive which places everything from that point onwards into a filehandle, which is basically designed for the challenge
seems to work
so the challenge might not be that interesting, except as a language catalog thing
requiring the arbitrary text in the middle of the code wouldn't be much harder, you could simply put some junk on the end which you edit out
In most languages, I can't see any way to do it. Whatever the closing delimiter is, you can always put it in your data, and you're immediately out of the string.
if the language is ahead-of-time compiled, it's very difficult
if it isn't, you can normally use some sort of cheating-quine method to get at your own source (unless we ban that somehow?), then exit before the offending bit of code gets parsed
so now I suspect the challenge might not be interesting, apart from the "how is that possible?" factor
the Perl solution which works by installing a custom preprocessor would be fun though :-)
(although not optimal from a point of view)
@ais523 Ok, how about a data string that closes the delimiter and then immediately causes a syntax error? In Python, e.g., that will make the whole program unrunnable.
that's what I meant via "ahead-of-time compiled", I don't think it's possible to complete the challenge in that sort of language
in Perl, the reason so many solutions work is that you can arbitrarily switch to a different parser in the middle of the program
and you can pick one that accepts anything (or even that echoes the rest of the file)
in the extreme case, any Perl program whose first line is #!/usr/bin/tail -n2 will print the rest of the program unmodified, because Perl allows you to specify a different program to parse the file you're using
(this is actually fairly useful when writing non-golfed programs to generate constant output that you want to be readable; I've done it in non-PPCG contexts before now)
if you have a requirement that the user input needs to be parsed too, though, I don't think a solution is possible except in languages like Takeover, which was specifically designed to make that sort of thing possible
Pegjs is pretty good
Nice I got a silver badge
@ais523 :O:O:O:O
u r on codegolf
I've been lurking for a while
it'd be implausible for me not to be in touch with the main community dedicated to making practical use of esolangs
> Member for 9 days
> 609 reputation
That's some quick rep
well StackOverflow gives +10 for an answer upvote
I assumed it was +1 and many scores still seemed reasonable
609 is only about 61 upvotes, you can get that much by accident on many sites
Q: Shortest code to throw SIGILL

Mega ManBackground We already have a challenge about throwing SIGSEGV, so why no challenge about throwing SIGILL? What is SIGILL? SIGILL is the signal for an illegal instruction at the processor, which happens very rarely. The default action after receiving SIGILL is terminating the program and writin...

also it's not like I'm new to golf, I used to golf on anagolf (although I was never near the top of the leaderboard)
You cracked a lot of code ladders o_O
I used a common technique for most of them
which is to find somewhere you can stick in a print(+1) and comment out the rest
I had to get fairly creative with some, such as the OCaml crack where I redefined division to mean addition because the original submission was trying to divide by 0
A: "Hello, World!"

feersumSeed, 4205 4234 6016 bytes 20 85487245300347674069922156432267373194582855494758627601072108917271285444183967658191745531927485094495503025895133980424612571495881551955029163007807693344170655854034267197580882864336092207190033302877831487524841795319799057199178412656475200535719989269065636...

I have a feeling that the intended solution contains literal bytecode and I don't really want to deal with that, so I tried to find a different way instead
Wait, OCaml code can contain literal bytecode?
I'm not sure, but OCaml in general is quite accepting of bytecode in its ecosystem, so it wouldn't surprise me if there's a way
I don't think there is a way to include bytecode
What is the inverse function of A003215?
n = (sqrt(12x - 3) - 3) / 6
(Quadratic formula, basically)
@LuisMendo I caught a very bad bernoullitis and hat to stay in bed the whole night long.
bernoullitis lol
Did people notice that jimmy's self-matching regex went crazy viral about a week ago? The challenge is now third-to-top voted among all code golf challenges, and jimmy's answer has over 400 votes. I like that this almost makes this comment true.
Q: Cheat On A Typing Test - Highest WPM

Olly BrittonYour Challenge: Create some code that gains the highest words per minute on TypingTest.com by inputting the correct set of characters in quick succession. The typing test has to be a one-minute test and on 'Aesops Fables'. Since this is code golf, the score will be calculated as 1/(bytes/wpm)^2 ...

how (the hell) could an human produce such a thing? — xem Jun 16 '14 at 18:33
Q: Efficient Typing on a Gameboy

Flp.TkcMany old Gameboy games often required string input from the user. However, there was no keyboard. This was handled by presenting the user with a "keyboard screen" like so: The 'character pointer' would begin on letter A. The user would navigate to each desired character with the D-Pad's four b...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Qwerp-DerpMatch the anagrams! code-golf regex Your challenge is to create a regex that matches every anagram of the original regex, and nothing else. So, for example, if your regex is: ABC It should match (and only match): ABC ACB BAC BCA CAB CBA It shouldn't match things like: AABC (contains an e...

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