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@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Woah! Let me try: **************
@quartata then what about "unscramble eval"? There's too many ways around it
@DrMcMoylex **** ***
@NathanMerrill Unscramble how?
@DrMcMoylex While you're on here, do you think this sandboxed challenge would be considered a dupe of your "What year was this language released?"?
Basically mego's answer, but without hash checking. Simply put a try catch, as well as check the ast
@ETHproductions No, I think it's good
@NathanMerrill The AST can be reversed into the original code though.
And it'll generate valid programs that don't get caught
@NathanMerrill That sounds like a fundamental problem with the challenge, then
So I don't see how that helps
FWIW, my "what year" was originally closed as a dupe of versatile integer printer
@NathanMerrill Your latest attempt to fix the problem just makes it worse
@NathanMerrill The current phrasing suggests that if there exists an input that will take an hour to compute the result for, the answer is not valid. This means basically every non-trivial challenge. — quartata 10 mins ago
Makes it downright impossible.
@quartata not if I just check the depths of AST
@NathanMerrill So?
That doesn't mean that's the program
You could craft a program so that the depths will only match. This is an obfuscation challenge, not a "unscramble" challenge
It's highly unlikely that there won't exist another program with the same subtree heights that comes first
If it doesn't exist than that's a pretty defining characteristic -- would certainly make it easier to crack
There could exist another program, but it likely wouldn't take input without throwing an error
That's language dependent.
and not true methinks
tell you what: make an answer like that then we'll see
OK: consider this: the unscrambled program stores it's source code in a variable, and checks to see if its equal to a string it's generated (a quine in a sense)
If that isn't true, it throws an error
So, right now I am "participating" in a Hackerrank competition being hosted at my university... PPCG has spoiled me, they are really bad at writing challenge specs.
The only way I could see this being a problem is if the language had coroutines
@quartata How so?
Actually, nevermind. That wouldn't even help
Option 2: write 2 or more programs: scramble them both using the same seed. Unscramble them both in tandem, eval then both, return the answer of they match
@NathanMerrill You still haven't addressed this:
Within an hour on which computer? — Mego 53 mins ago
I edited the question. On a typical consumer computer
That's still not very objective
Still feels like you're reaching for straws
The bottom line is currently the challenge is impossible
pls fix
We do it on plenty of other challenge
I could devise a program that would run in under an hour on my desktop but not my laptop. Both were purchased within the last 5 years.
I agree, it's not completly objective. But unless you are going to close every challenge with such requirements, it remains open
@quartata it's not. Literally every other submission is currently valid
@NathanMerrill That's tu quoque. Try again.
There exist inputs that take an hour for basically every challenge
Look at the edit
It's a duct-tape patch. The underlying issue still exists.
I'm looking at it.
Perhaps the challenge should go back to the sandbox for a while.
It's based off of the test cases
> if a challenge takes numerical inputs
And for non-numerical ones?
Those are the ones that really matter -- for numerical ones most languages don't have arbitrary precision anyways
What about challenges that don't provide test cases, but integers below 10 aren't acceptable inputs?
@Mego it's not. We have standards on this site, and we clearly allow such restrictions
@Mego tough luck
I've never been a fan of "reasonable computer" for constraints. I just haven't bothered complaining before.
@NathanMerrill That's not a very helpful attitude to take.
Like I said, banning hashing is not a solution. If there's a better one, I'll definitely do it, but a time limit is the best solution
Banning hashing is absolutely a solution
19 mins ago, by quartata
tell you what: make an answer like that then we'll see
All the other things you proposed were either crackable or extremely odd and I can't really envision them
There are no legitimate answers I can think of that require hashing either (except if the challenge needs it).
My next two programs were not that unfeasible
Please make an answer like that
Until then it doesn't seem like it's an issue
Hashing is an issue now
The quine one? Surely that isn't that unreasonable
Or the double scramble.
@mego per close vote: I believe the only unclear thing is the time limit. Everything else you may not like, but I'm not sure if it's unclear/broad
Mind if I paste one of the challenge specs? (Don't actually provide help on how to solve the problem)
then you can try to guess what the expected output is for a given input
@NathanMerrill That is the primary issue, yes. All the other issues (non-numeric test cases, challenges where numbers < 10 aren't valid inputs, etc.) stem from that.
Also what about large negative numbers? They're < 10
Oh, true, let me fix that
Edward is on a safari through Zootopia's largest party campus and has come across what looks like a zebra sorority party!
While Edward is watching from the bushes he notices that he can't quite tell how many zebras are at this party, the stripes camoflague is too good! He reads in his field guide that zebras of age 0 have 0 stripes, age 1 have 1 stripe, and so on (up to age 25). The guide also notes that zebras of age 10 can have 10 stripes or 1 stripe on one side and 0 on the other, and so on.
Now, take a guess as to what the output for 5 01246 is.
@NathanMerrill That's a terrible fix. You've completely excluded negative numbers for no good reason. The mountain of duct tape that is your repeated patches will collapse sooner or later, unless you actually fix the real problem.
Speaking of cops and robbers, my V quine anagram will be safe in two hours. Last chance for the robbers!
(the answer's 3, I guess people aren't interested)
@Mego it's only a restriction for time limits, and only for a certain range. I'm not saying the challenge can't handle negative numbers at all
I think it is easy to make a scramble program without hashing. I may be wrong, but I'd rather fix it now, than ban hashing and apply more fixes later on
@PhiNotPi I can't read this on mobile :(
Or you could ban hashing get rid of the time limit that makes the challenge impossible and then fix it
How do you fix the "double scramble" without a time limit?
I don't know but actually construct that first then worry about it
For now I'd rather have one very hard potential answer we're not sure about than no answers at all
Current answers are currently valid
(Except for the one.)
@NathanMerrill try this: justpaste.it/10jyh
@NathanMerrill No, they're not, because there almost surely exists non-numerical inputs for them that take longer than an hour
That are valid under the challenge rules and don't have test cases?
The test case rule only applies to numerical inputs
even then though I'm sure
even with test case rule for them it's still limiting such a significant amount of challenges
Basically any challenges without test cases
I'm trying to conceive of a challenge that matches all of those requirements. Not saying it doesn't exist: do you have an example?
Any challenge without test cases?
There are dozens
One that also doesn't have numerical input and can be passed input for hour long runtime
The latter part doesn't matter; you just need a sufficiently large input
So non-numerical input and no test cases. I'm still sure there's hundreds of such challenges
Why does this:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        echo "<p1> out </p1>";
show this:?
out "; ?>
shouldn't it just show out as a <p1> on my page?
Actually, I'm curious: do most languages have a maximum length for strings?
@NathanMerrill I doubt it. They just use as many memory adresses as they need
@NathanMerrill in java its Max int
its so hard to play crossy road on hololens
@quartata so I found at least one, depending on how you interpret "test cases". It has a single example
@AshwinGupta I think it creates a <p1> element, but it doesn't know what that means, so it just displays the text inside
But I don't know PHP
@AshwinGupta You don't have PHP installed correctlh
Are you sure u have a .php?
it's parsing it as HTMl
@AshwinGupta try with single quotes
@AshwinGupta No, it's getting parsed as HTML!
Because html doesnt display things between < and >
@DrMcMoylex Oh, I remember that now. Hmm
@Oliver oh that's right
so it just displays ` out ";`
@AshwinGupta Make sure the extension is .php
and you have php installed
@DrMcMoylex There was something different from the current version challenge though. What was that?
Oh right, the years didn't have to be unique
What happened to the original though? Was it deleted?
OK. I've changed the ban to hashing. I'd love it if you guys would avoid "unscramble my source" as well, but I can't enforce that
@Downgoat Are you around?
kind of
Check the TF2 room
Poll: On a scale of one to the letter dog, what is your favorite color of the alphabet? Express your answer in cubic centimeters. (It's a yes or no question btw.)
@quartata pls check too
@Oliver ah I am using .html, lemme try .php
I didn't know it had its own file extension
Not to beg for upvotes, but i am beg for upvote for my chatbot :P
A: Is this number a prime?

TF2GoatCheddar, 10 bytes Math.prime This returns a function which checks if input is prime using Math.prime. Example: $ cheddar primechecker.cheddar -x "[1, 3, 4, 10, 13] => (print) + f"

@Downgoat Dare I ask what the primality test Cheddar uses is
um ok I saved it as .php but now chrome cant open it :(
how do I like "run" it.
Or I mean display it
@quartata idk i think conor implemented it
it uses memoization
> EXTREME PROGRAMMING! (XP) is a software development methodology which is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements. As a type of agile software development,[1][2][3] it advocates frequent "releases" in short development cycles, which is intended to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints at which new customer requirements can be adopted.
Extreme programming (XP) is a software development methodology which is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements. As a type of agile software development, it advocates frequent "releases" in short development cycles, which is intended to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints at which new customer requirements can be adopted. Other elements of extreme programming include: programming in pairs or doing extensive code review, unit testing of all code, avoiding programming of features until they are actually needed, a flat management structure...
Windows XP = ?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC A dog's letter is R, and letter one is A, so we want something on the scale of A to R. Sea is a letter of the alphabet, and its colour is blue, which is a nice colour. I need to express my answer in cubic centimetres, or sea-sea. But it's also a yes/no question, so I need to answer si, which is on the scale or A to R. So... yes.
@Sp3000 The correct answer is potato.
TIL @Sp3000 is british.
@Sp3000 I live in the United States. That might mean I live in the USSR or the United States of Belgium. So I live in a USB. A USB is a kind of port. A port serves ships. Ships tastes like chips. Therefore chips are the letter 3.
Q: Animate finding the middle

OliverGiven a non-empty string, keep removing the first and last characters until you get to one or two characters. For example, if the string was abcde, your program should print: abcde bcd c However, if it was abcdef, it should stop at two characters: abcdef bcde cd Trailing newlines and...

Q: Find the "Recursive Size" of a List

Jonathan AllanInspired by Find the “unwrapped size” of a list. Define the Recursive Size, RS, of a list containing no lists as it's length (number of items contained) and the Recursive Size of a list containing any lists as the sum of it's length and the Recursive Size of those lists. Challenge Write a prog...

@AshwinGupta Any luck?
@Oliver yup just got it working
I had php installed but not the apache plugin for it
I'm stupid.
@ETHproductions Yup
hi gysu
@Oliver Please, for the love of god, two comments: 1) Don't post so many challenges in quick succession, 4 in the past day is a bit excessive and 2) Please think more about edge cases and include appropriate test cases, half the challenges I've seen have had insufficient test cases
Q: A simple number system

OliverLet me tell you about a simple number system. (which I made up just for this challenge) This system contains the functions (), [], {}, and <>. 1. () When () is given no arguments, it evaluates to 0. When () is given one or more arguments, it evaluates to the sum of the arguments. 2. [] When...

@NewMainPosts Very similar to brainflak
@DrMcMoylex What's brainflak
@Oliver brainflak esolang page is first result on google search for "brainflak" :/
@Oliver a language I wrote
@Oliver Since that probably wasn't very constructive feedback, here's what I mean with regards to the new challenge. You're missing 1) a clarification on whether division is integer division or float division, 2) an actual test case for division 3) test cases which go beyond the tiny output range of -2 to 2, 4) test cases which include more than 2 arguments to a command
@ETHproductions no — Oliver 5 mins ago
What's a good one letter-mnemonic for "sort" other than "s"?
o for ordered?
That's a good one
@Dennis Could you pull V?
Um, does the room name really have a trailling space?
@ETHproductions So egregious.
This made me giggle: buzzfeed.com/juliareinstein/…
@ETHproductions It actually doesn't
Well now it doesn't
Dennis threw around some crazy magic
@Calvin'sHobbies Wow, that's the most interesting news I've seen in a while :D
@ETHproductions Apparently logging out and back in to SE resets chat sound notification settings >:|
@Calvin'sHobbies >:U
Oh, so that's what that speaker-shaped button does...
It instates loneliness
I already have my speakers off, so it makes no difference to me :P
@AlexA. One of these days a ping noise will inadvertently makes its way into one of my videos.
@Calvin'sHobbies I hope that happens because it will be wonderful.
@AlexA. Sometimes I don't understand your reasoning -_-
> Sometimes
@Calvin'sHobbies I really hope that happens.
Will you release your recording schedule to help us out sabotaging you?
@AlexA. I suppose I should just come out with the truth and say always
@DrMcMoylex Well, "recording schedule" is not my strong point atm...
Talking is hard ._.
@ETHproductions Embrace the truth
Talking to yourself for a full 20 minutes and staying interesting is definitely hard.
@DrMcMoylex Done.
Now to double check that I'm not am idiot and everything still works right, haha
just to clarify here. if I do a $.ajax { type: GET } in my javascript that request is in phps $_GET variable?
sorry, this is confusing =/ lol
I have no idea but that sounds right
@ETHproductions yeah it does.
I gotta try some stuff gimme a min
Just from googling "php $_get", that sounds like what it does
@trichoplax BTW, had you edited the challenge, you would have seen the end of that sentence (it was conflated with markup)
Thanks though... I wouldn't have found that
so... many... oliver challenges
@ETHproductions ehhh yeah but it isn't working.
@AshwinGupta What isn't working
@ASCII-only everything, hold on tho lemme post some code. What I'm trying to do is send a GET request from javascript code, when php gets that request, I want it to create a <p> elmenent on the page.
So I've got this:
oh cmon, hold on I can't cut and paste becasue im SSH to my rpi, gimme a min
A min has been granted
CMC: Name an uncommon 5-letter English word that will be in most dictionaries. e.g. piste, amity
@Calvin'sHobbies Trite?
@Calvin'sHobbies edema
@NathanMerrill Are non-code-golf challenges really allowed on the obfuscation challenge?
@Calvin'sHobbies Enema.
@ASCII-only this is the part: if($_GET['run'] != NULL) echo "<p>RECIEVED A GET</p>";
that is important
and the ajax obviously
ignore the other stuff I was working on something
@Calvin'sHobbies zoeae
Sorry, slow
@AshwinGupta Um does PHP really compile that
that only works for querystring variables
it compiles. Well actually Idk but if I check the console on chrome there are no errors
Better yet: a 5-letter English word that has never been intentionally used in TNB (like piste?)
@AlexA. Oh. You win.
that ip is the site u can check yourself also.
@Calvin'sHobbies I destroyed a game of Words With Friends with that
@ASCII-only wait a min do you actually have to compile it somehow? I thought it was just parsed by the browser like other HTML
I'm stupid sorry :(
but it's never true at page load unless in querysthing
By querystring do you mean like the parameters in the URL?
@ASCII-only should I be using a POST request instead?
woah this is weird: google thinks my rpi browser is safari on a mac...
@Calvin'sHobbies zymes?
For the IP literate, do the addresses here reference anything?
@Calvin'sHobbies The first 5 have numbers 256 or higher and are hence invalid, so if there's a reference it'd have to be the last one
There's only one IP address in that comic
@Calvin'sHobbies dont think they are real I can't connect to them
@Sp3000 Chesterfield MO
Oh, and good luck finding out what computer was if any in 1997
Copyright on the lefthand side
The stuff I like is old ._.
@Calvin'sHobbies Do we get points for words which were intentionally use? link :P
No, too easy
Ok, then here :P
I think "basal" counts... by my search it was used three times, but they were all incidental, not "intentional" (all were pasting link to the wiki article on trichoplax)
@feersum yes. Fastest-code problems can be a good source, for example
Code-challenges could be weird.
If the program always returns 0 or 1, we can use some classification problem code-challenge?
Better yet, any program that always prints a nonnegative integer answers this.
I think that's what the "Challenges that allow any single number as output are not allowed." line is meant to guard against, but it's a bit of an ambiguous sentence so I'm not sure
As written that rule appears to apply only to cops.
I just got the first safe submission on the quine anagram challenge
Your HTTP request is unsuccessful. If you think you are making a late request, please contact the technical support team.
Reference number for this event :: 515789158327.
If you are making a bad intentional request, your attempts are recorded. Legal proceedings will be made about the proceedings.
And the shortest one too
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JustinFind the optimal sorting network code-golf sorting Sorting networks are an abstract model of "wires" carrying numbers, which outputs them sorted. This is the optimal sorting network for 4 numbers (where a vertical line indicates comparison / swap if necessary): Since there are two kinds of ...

Wikipedia too
My gradle run is suddenly not working, it doesn't do anything. Does anybody know a fix?
It is very slow, but it used to be faster
My IntelliJ IDE also starts slower than before
Gradle works, but it is slow
I think we got it :)
Steam is also pretty slow today.
The world is entering its digital Ice Age
Time to hibernate
But when will we wake up?
When September ends.
hi all
Hi @Lembik, do you know where we can get supplies for hibernation? :P
@KritixiLithos nuts?
why do you need them?
*Digital Hibernation
@mınxomaτ here comes the rain again
One thing I'm really looking forward to about my Agora job: not having to get up at 4:15 am.
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives the environment to be unsafe with no easy way to get away. These situations can include open spaces, public transit, shopping malls, or simply being outside the home. Being in these situations may result in a panic attack. The symptoms occur nearly every time the situation is encountered and lasts for more than six months. Those affected will go to great lengths to avoid these situations. In severe cases people may become unable to leave their homes. The cause of agoraphobia is a...
@El'endiaStarman I'm complaining that I already have to get up at 7am once per week.
Yeah. Thankfully, I've never had more than two 6am shifts in a week.
Often back-to-back though. >_<
So what will your job actually consist of?
Don't know yet. Probably a lot of database scheming.
I imagine that ^ is what you're doing.
(I have no clue about database scheming.)
Haha, indeed. I was actually playing with words there. "Schema-ing" would be more accurate - I'll be doing work with database schemas.
Phew, I thought everybody was sleeping.
TNB: the chat room that never sleeps.
Well, over-crowded chat-rooms might just have regional differences.
Does anyone know whether there's been a factor tree drawing challenge yet or am I ok to sandbox one?
I know I've seen such a challenge, but I think it might be in the Sandbox.
I was thinking an ASCII-art output more than just listing the prime factors like that
My computer's fan when I boot up:
...oooOOO ...oooOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo...............................................<etc>
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ this
oh dear, I just realised my comment on Oliver has 10 stars
pls don't hate me Olly ;-;
CMC: Find an English Wikipedia article in the main namespace with more references than the previous answer. I'll start (41 references):
Death anxiety is the morbid, abnormal, or persistent fear of one's own mortality. One source defines death anxiety as a "feeling of dread, apprehension or solicitude (anxiety) when one thinks of the process of dying, or ceasing to ‘be’". It is also referred to as thanatophobia (fear of death), and is distinguished from necrophobia, which is a specific fear of dead or dying persons and/or things (i.e. others who are dead or dying, not one's own death or dying). Lower ego integrity, increased numbers of physical problems, and more psychological problems are predictive of higher levels of death anxiety...
The 2016 Kaikoura earthquake was a magnitude 7.8 (Mw) earthquake in the South Island of New Zealand that occurred two minutes after midnight on 14 November 2016 NZDT (11:02 on 13 November UTC). The epicentre was about 15 kilometres (9 mi) north-east of Culverden and 60 kilometres (37 mi) south-west of the tourist town of Kaikoura; the hypocentre was at a depth of approximately 15 kilometres (9 mi). The earthquake ruptured on multiple fault lines in a complex sequence that lasted for more than one minute. Its cumulative magnitude of 7.8 makes it one of the world's three largest earthquakes in 2016...
93 references
313 references:
The United States presidential election of 2016 was the 58th and most recent quadrennial American presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The Republican Party nominee, businessman Donald Trump from New York, and his running mate, Governor Mike Pence of Indiana, defeated the Democratic Party nominee, former Secretary of State and former Senator Hillary Clinton from New York, and her running mate, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia. Voters selected presidential electors, who in turn will vote, based on the results of their jurisdiction, for a new president and vice president through...
World War II (often abbreviated to WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although related conflicts began earlier. It involved the vast majority of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. In a state of "total war", the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, erasing...
395 references
684 references:
Donald John Trump (/ˈdɒnəld dʒɒn trʌmp/; born June 14, 1946) is an American businessman, reality television personality, real-estate mogul, and the President-elect of the United States. In June 2015, Trump announced his candidacy for president as a Republican and quickly emerged as the frontrunner for his party's nomination. In May 2016, his remaining rivals suspended their campaigns, and in July he was formally nominated for president at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He won the general election on November 8, 2016 by earning more Electoral College votes than Democratic nominee Hillary...
This is a timeline of United States history, comprising important legal and territorial changes and political and economic events in the United States and its predecessor states. To read about the background to these events, see History of the United States. Some dates before September 14, 1752, when the British government adopted the Gregorian calendar, may be given in the Old Style. == 15th century == == 16th century == == 17th century == == 18th century == == 19th century == == 20th century == == 21st century == == References == Hakim, Joy (2003). Making Thirteen Colonie...
718 references
damn, you guys are good
highest I've found is ~400, obama
It gets tough when you get higher
Do you give up?
755 references:
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, IPA /ˈaɪsᵻl/), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS, /ˈaɪsᵻs/), Islamic State (IS), and by its Arabic language acronym Daesh (Arabic: داعش‎‎ dāʿish, IPA: [ˈdaːʕɪʃ]), is a Salafi jihadist unrecognised state and militant group that follows a fundamentalist, Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam. Its adoption of the name Islamic State and its idea of a caliphate have been widely criticised, with the United Nations, various governments, and mainstream Muslim groups rejecting its statehood. This group has been designated a terrorist organisation...
This is a list of notable individuals and organizations who have publicly indicated support for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 United States presidential election. Public officials serving below the state level and all other individuals and entities are listed only if they have a separate stand-alone article or are otherwise clearly notable. == Endorsements == Those who indicated their support after Hillary Clinton's presumptive nomination on June 11 are denoted with an asterisk. === Federal officials and state governors === ==== Presidents and Vice Presidents ==== Current Barack Obama,...
2979 references
... and we have a winner!
@KritixiLithos ‽‽‽‽‽
@lembik: Found 28/14 = 2
I used that link
...and it appears that it is the winner
Oh, c'mon
I used Wikipedia to find the most cited Wikipedia article
That's within the rules
CMC: Find a GitHub repo with more stars than the previous answer. Your number of points is the total number of answers you gave. I'll start (0 stars):
@PhiNotPi Which ones do you already have? I couldn't make it out from your code
My connection was down 10 hours but I survived
@KritixiLithos 5223
@TuxCopter what happened
39045 1 point lol
Linux need more jQuery visibly :P
^ wat

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