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I mean, does your program get an image and print it in color ASCII?
@EriktheGolfer No, it reads the image from your mind
@EriktheGolfer No, it's a colored cat program, obviously
@TuxCopter that would be awesome
@mınxomaτ @TuxCopter Please. I just asked a question because I didn't know if the output is constant or if the program gets input.
i would make interactive but i dont want computer to blow up
Oh, so output is constant.
Should I be worried about a faint, high-pitch whine coming from my phone charger plug for a full 30 seconds after it has been unplugged?
@BlueEyedBeast But I don't really see how it would color the output
@TuxCopter I don't either but
@Calvin'sHobbies It only mean than a soul is trapped in and try to get out.
More seriously it's weird
@EriktheGolfer no it gets image from reddit
@Downgoat Now, I really want an answer if you can, not irony.
no im serious
it gets like top 5 image from reddit
It get images from /r/earthporn and make them ASCII
@TuxCopter It does it again if I plug it in for just a moment o.O
@TuxCopter Oh. So, it can help console users who happen to have internet to have at least one contact with nature?
Dear Samsung: No more hidden souls in products please. - CH
Like all those exploding Notes...
Souls are (maybe?) because of Chinese workers taking their lives. Oh, and the lives took by Samsung Galaxy Note 7 are moving across all Samsung products as souls.
Samsung products are cemetery confirmed
Psst... I think CH has a... NOTE 7!!! RUN!! (if he does not, then I think he has some Galaxy S7 Edge, the next product in the row). If anyone is a Samsung employee, representative or anything, sorry :D
Google translate spotted ._.
@EriktheGolfer Nah just a reliable Samsung washing machine.
@TuxCopter teacher has only taught us how to food in french so pls explain joke
@Calvin'sHobbies Well, washing machines can explode, too, especially if you constantly overload them :)
> croix-poteau d'/r/Europe
> cross-pole
1. croix-poteau. seriously.
2. “de /r/Europe” would be more correct
@NewMainPosts that would be 12 bytes in V if I just implemented a certain feature...
clearly / is vowel
It's 'slash' or 'barre oblique'
i mean if you have certain pixels on your screen borked / == y
wait is y vowel in french
@Downgoat Yes
Q: Shortest code to throw a NullPointerException

KangaliooWell, the task is quite easy: just write a program which takes no input and throws a NullPointerException (or the equivalent is your language). You are not allowed to throw these by using a throw operator or something else (for example "throw new NullPointerException" in Java). The code should ...

I adjusted some lineheight and character spacing and now output is pretty cool:
idk, colors are less saturated in screenshot
Slope field?
wait wat
goat doesn't speak math
if I take a List<T>, and turn it into a Map<T, Integer> (where the integer is the count), what is that operation called?
that's what Mathematica calls it
@NathanMerrill enumerate
enumerate in python
at least thats what python uses
neither of those are in Eclipse Collections
@Downgoat @Calvin'sHobbies I think you've both got it the wrong way round
they have a huge amount of available functions
but not this one :/
@MartinEnder enumerate + reverse? :P
enumerate adds indices, not occurrence counts, right?
oh, yeah, enumerate is not what I want
yeah, enumerate is zip with index
@MartinEnder Yeah, we are wrong
@NathanMerrill histogram might be another useful keyword
Question: I am making a reddit bot, is it possible to do color in reddit comment?
btw anyone here familiar with ncurses
What would you call this creature: <,,,.>
<,,,.> could be some kind of insect
actually looks more liek earthworm
maybe like a *-pede
H--------------- mod hammer
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AngsError handling What's great about golfing is not having to deal with errors. Except now. I need to do a list of arithmetic operations with certain limitations, and I wan't to know what goes wrong if anything. Challenge Given a correct starting value and a sequence of calculations with addition...

Yay upgraded to windows 10!
Python halp request:
I have this loop:
Yis python is my strength
for a in b:
    for c in a.foo:
but I want this continue to work on outermost loop
pls halp js has easy solution
Wait on the outermost loop?
You're doing it wrong<tm/>
pls suggest alternative then
for a in b:
    for c in a.foo:
        loop = True
    if loop == True:
It's really hacky
ill use exceptions
but it works
Eww. Is that really the best way to python that?
I don't think so
@Geobits yes
proof python is bad lagnuage
sane languages have labels
@Downgoat :(
There has to be a better way to break out
Don't use my crap example to demonstrate your view on Python
:( :( :(
A: Python: Continuing to next iteration in outer loop

culebrónfor ii in range(200): for jj in range(200, 400): ...block0... if something: break else: ...block1... Break will break the inner loop, and block1 won't be executed (it will run only if the inner loop is exited normally).

for a in b:
    for c in a f.boo
        if (continue outer condition):
        #rest of outer loop
@BlueEyedBeast this is breaking not continuing
they have different behavior
Oh god. for...else ?
continue willl not run following code
I think it's the same thing?
That's also disgusting
someone please explain wat for else is
I love for else, it fits a very common pattern.
Is that worse or better than my example?
When you want do do something depending whether you found something in a search loop.
so if break is not called it does #rest of outer loop
python is one crazy language
Wait what is for/else
There's also try/except/else.
@Downgoat Wait is there list comprehension in JS?
Wot I'm learning so much Python here
@Qwerp-Derp yes
[for (var pic in goatPics) render(pic)]
for ... else - else is called only when break is not used in the for
Am I just using a very old version of JS
@BlueEyedBeast You've got it forwards.
The accepted answer is not clearer if you've never seen for, else before (and I think even most people who have can't remember off the top of their head how it works). — asmeurer Jul 21 '14 at 20:08
@Downgoat Eurgh that looks awful
are you kidding me
map(render, goatPics)
On the other hand, if you can remember 15 esolangs then you can probably remember how for-else works.
@Downgoat How do you do [str(x) for x in lis] in JS?
pls tell me how [(k, r) for k, r in d] makes sense
@feersum I think I've used it like once
And I do all my programming in python
(Converts everything into string)
@Qwerp-Derp lis.map(str)
even better solution
Wait is there a more efficient way of [str(x) for x in lis] in Python?
If you're unfamiliar with it, naturally you won't spot the opportunities to use it.
pls halp stupid reddit rate limiting is stupid
@Qwerp-Derp haha
@Downgoat d is a list of things that can be broken into two pairs. d=[(0,0),(1,1)]; [(k*2, r+1) for k, r in d]
@Downgoat ;_;
@Qwerp-Derp map(str, list) but only in py2
What about Py3?
The only tidbit I have with Python is that there's two different versions
@Qwerp-Derp yeah it's the easiest to read
otherwise map(str, list) gives a generator
which can be useful sometimes but not if you want a list
So in a list like [2, "derp", 0.5]
Which is called derp
is a list
And then I do derp = map(str, derp)
a generator can only be iterated through once
derp then equals ["2", "derp", "0.5"] right?
[*map(str, my_very_very_cool_list)]
untested but should work
but that's so ugly
@BlueEyedBeast It do the work
And it's golfier
I should use that in code-golf
add it to a tips page or somthing
A: Tips for golfing in Python

TùxCräftîñgWhen mapping a function on a list in Python 3, instead of doing [f(x)for x in l] or list(map(f,l)), do [*map(f,l)]. The best solution is still switching to Python 2 though

This is an odd question
but does anyone know where I can get royalty-free goat sounds
from itertools import count
list(map(print, count(1)))
is a cool infinite loop
Frequenting Downgoat seriously impacted you visibly
@BlueEyedBeast :O how it works
No, it's for a TF2 project
@TuxCopter count is an infinite generator that starts from it's first argument
when list is called on the generator returned by map it goes infinite
Python equivalent of (map putStrLn.show [1..]) basically (Untested, haven't done haskell in months)
@Downgoat might know
Also @Downgoat I need your Upgoat avatar
Preferably in the highest quality you've got
Huh I got another 'user was removed' rep change
Transparent background would be a plus but not necessary
@TuxCopter +Rep or -Rep?
How much?
Question: would ansi code for bold & red be: \e[1;31m?
@quartata ok
A user who updooted one of my answer got modnuked visibly
@Downgoat Yes
i have an SVG but SE doesn't let me upload
you can probably trace the above however
@Downgoat Great! Do you have Downgoat in the same resolution too?
What are you trying to do
@TuxCopter You'll see
@quartata yes
Such perfection
Why are the +1 and -1 different sizes
Thanks a bundle
And in different places
because gaot majik
Not perfect enough
@Qwerp-Derp good question
Now for the hard part
@PhiNotPi do you know of a place I can run a Mam algorithm through?
I just lost 10 reputation with the message "User was removed". Does that mean a user who had upvoted one of my posts was removed/deleted?
It happened to me too some minutes ago
11 mins ago, by TuxCopter
Huh I got another 'user was removed' rep change
Ah, I see that now
idk who was deleted
Idea request: what shuold reddit bot do
black magic
@TuxCopter -1 red magic is better
idea: use CNNs to determine what image is of
i read article on this the other day
conveluted neural networks
Complex natural nachos?
they combine convelution op w/ ANNs which allow for cool & simple machine learning on images
but pls halp idk how to code properly
i mean you need some neuron to go of at certain time, like do you use timer or what
Do you mean like a neuron should activate for example n iterations after an other neuron?
If this, n++ is the solution lol
Anyone know how to get code like
# coding=zlib_codec
to work?
shit shit shit shit shit
i lost chatgoats code
idk why that challenge got so few upvote :(
upgoat downgoat did very well
@TuxCopter Yeah, that's not happening...
Crap, wrong app.
I only understood pizza
@Dennis Yo preferiría latas de lata sobre la pizza :P
Latas de lata? :P
@PhiNotPi I'm not sure how MAM is supposed to sort out the top 3 rankings here:
ARogueSquad > Spiky  			10>0
Spiky > BearCavalry  			10>0
BearCavalry > ARogueSquad 		10>0

ARogueSquad > CowardlySniperMk2  8>2
ARogueSquad > LongSword			10>0

BearCavalry > CowardlySniperMk2	10>0
BearCavalry < LongSword			 0<10

Spiky		> CowardlySniperMk2	 8>2
Spiky		> LongSword			 9>1

LongSword   > CowardlySniperMk2  6>4
@Dennis That right there is about the extent of the Spanish I understand
My algorithm produced:
1.	BearCavalry
2.	ARogueSquad
3.	Spiky
4.	LongSword
5.	CowardlySniperMk2
6.	TemplatePlayer
but its the ordering of the top 3 that I'm suspicious of
in head to head, we have a RPS cycle of ARogueSquad>Spiky>BearCalvary. However, Bear Calvary is the only one that loses to LongSword of the 3, and Spiky is slightly worse than ARogueSquad against LongSword.
to me, it seems like the ordering should be ARogueSquad > Spiky > BearCalvary ...rest of them
mam.hostei.com an online implementation
You might have to fiddle around with the inputs though.
@Zalgo You mean SockExchange.

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