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@quartata most of the object naming rules are open-coded in src/objnam.c; if you're trying to override an item class name, like you seem to be, obj_typename is a good function to change; you'd probably also need to change xname or xname_flags (depending on what version of NetHack you're working from) because NetHack has quite a bit of code duplication
@wat It's only interesting in low-level languages like C or tarpits like brain-flak/fuck or hexagony. In every higher-level language, it's trivial with or without builtins, so you tried putting on duct-tape to block all the obvious approaches, which is never a good idea because languages are so different it's hard to tell what's OK and what isn't.
Just my two cents
@DrMcMoylex That's EXACTLY what happened.
...these are the most insane password requirements ever copyright.gov/eco/help-password-userid.html
It got better when you relaxed the restrictions, except that it's still pretty trivial
the ban on ampersands is really curious, it implies the password's being stored insecurely at some point
but the social security and word bans are what got me
like, I can't use the number 24 in there now
and I can't use the letter a or I
I can see the reasoning behind wanting people not to use their SSN in a password
@ais523 True
also, the spelling dictionary on this computer contains all individual leteters
so taking that post literally it's impossible to generate a valid password
that's my point
also, you can't use two consecutive repeated characters
like wtf
all my passwords are something like ThereAreBeesOnMyCeiling


Wow spam
remember to flag as spam and not vote to close
Several consecutive words and all lowercase/uppercase letters
This totally bans CHBS passwords as well
@TuxCopter wanna join in next game
wow that spam was cleaned quickly
@BlueEyedBeast it's not spam, it's rude or abusive. Same consequences, tracked differently
I was planning to flag as spam but it looks like it got six flags already
oh yes, abusive
Q: The Most Durable Pokemon Types

Devin WhiteIn Pokemon there are 18 types: Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark Fairy Pokemon have either one or two unique types that define them. For example, a Bulbasaur is Grass/Poison and a Char...

@ais523 You wanna know why?
in Charcoal HQ, 2 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body: GUYs I juSt Reached Onee HundrEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDD SUBS!!! XD by Mike Szer on codegolf.stackexchange.com (@dorukayhan @DrMcMoylex)
> Six Flags
@ais523 I saw you answers about throwing a SIGILL, and it reminds me of a way I like about how to throw a segfault in Perl (it probably depends on you perl version tho) which I like a lot :
perl -Mthreads -Mencoding=utf8 -e 'threads->create(sub{})'
(too many "I like" in that sentence :x )
testing my pastebin now
hmm, I'm not aware of what threads->create does (I can guess from the name, though); is it expected to take an argument that doesn't return?
it just create a new threads which runs the sub passed in argument
but the issue is with -Mencoding=utf8
it's deprecated, and for some good reasons
right, I just realised that that was a utf8y flag I didn't recognise
and when used with the module threads, creating new threads causes segault
there's -Mopen=utf8 and -Mutf8, which are sane
First time I noticed that, it took me a while to debug it... when perl says "segmentation fault (core dumped)", you know you're gonna have a hard time
-Mencoding is worrying though
yea, I use -Mutf8 know, but when I started with perl I was using -Mencoding=utf8
incidentally, -Mthreads is also deprecated, or at least discouraged
because it doesn't really do what it was designed to do
oh, that's something I hadn't noticed!
Q: Generate /* line number comments */

Challenger5Your task is to write a program (or function) that will take a string as input and append text to the beginning of every line that satisfy the following rules: The text appended must contain the line number. You may use 0- or 1-based indexing. The text must be a comment in your language. A comm...

@ais523 any idea which core module we are supposed to use to create and manipulate threads then?
so the basic problem is that Perl doesn't really have any threading libraries which are more efficient than just doing things in a single-threaded way
so the only reason you'd use threads would be for programming styles which use them to make things clearer, which given how confusing Perl threads are, seems slightly self-defeating
I'm not sure if there is an official way to do threads right now, but it's not something I've been keeping up with
ok it makes sense. It's pretty sad though, threads are very convenient for a lot of (specific) applications..
in general, Perl is held back from many applications where it would otherwise be appropriate by its shocking performance qualities
I wrote a build system in Perl
but it's not portable because it uses about 1 GB of memory
you say "shocking" as "bad", right?
I'm planning to rewrite it to delegate much of the actual data storage work to SQLite, meaning that Perl's inefficiency doesn't touch data that isn't actively being worked on
"shocking" as in "you'd be surprised by it, and not in a good way"
it's not unusable though
you just have to be careful about what applications you use it in
if it isn't performance-sensitive, the speed of writing Perl can often compensate for the slowness of actually running the program
I noticed a while ago that Perl's performance are quite horrible when it comes to algorithmic/mathematic codes or stuffs like that
more than once I started a project with Perl, and when I ran it, I saw that it would take days to complete the computation and had to switch to Java or C ^^
Like that time I had the very bad idea of writing a virtual machine in Perl, or the time I implemented Eratosthenes sieve in Perl to compute primes bellow 1 billion... You don't want to try those!
@ais523 OK thanks. I'm working on 3.6 fwiw
@ais523 hey, are you the person making the nethack TAS?
I swear this room has to be the highest concentration of Nethack folk I've ever seen on the internet outside of IRC (and Nethack focused places obviously)
i think even non-Nethack players can appreciate the ridiculousness of this: nethack4.org/pastebin/new-2003-turn-plan.txt
Question: can i return an object which has a method and call that the function?
e.g {f:s=>s}
i think
@Downgoat I need to see the console output for when the relay broke
@Downgoat that's just an object which has the identity as .f
@quartata cant exactly
this doesn't let me scroll up
If you have condump on check the log
check all the logs
@xnor yes, one of htem
i'm a fan
welcome to PPCG
though if you're sucked into golfing, I guess there's no hope of the TAS getting finished :)
@xnor also that's an old link, you should probably use this link which automatically goes to the latest version of the endgame plan
Test, please ignore:


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
@arda I think it's just an excuse to boast three monitors :p
although 3 16:10 monitors is weird
@wat you should really get your SSL fixed
@Downgoat I specifically don't have an SSL cert on the files.dkudriavtsev.xyz domain. The main domain has one though.
@Zacharee1 not really, I was testing ShareX
@Zacharee1 No it's not. 16:10 monitors are amazing.
@wat I hope they aren't OLED
but why are they amazing?
@Zacharee1 I prefer the aspect ratio to 16:9. it just looks more natural.
It's closer to the golden ratio

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