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@tchrist Ah. "Dutch Graves in Bucks County"
And hopefully not literally dis-heart-ening at a later point in my life.
We all have to die of something.
> Don't spend the whole summer inside writing code. You have your whole miserable adult life to do that. I'm forty years older than you are, and I spend all my waking hours typing on a silly computer, answering emails from people I don't know. If I hadn't spent my teenage summers at the community pool flirting with Sue Jenkins (what a babe!), I'd be a miserable old goat now. Plan to have some fun this summer, in person. Note that 'internship' and 'internment camp' both start with 'intern.'
"I died of JavaScript syntax" does make for a nice epitaph.
Except the syntax isn't the problem with Javascript. The problem is all the fucking frameworks people use to avoid writing Javascript. I don't get it.
Oh, I imagine it’s the semantics that did him in.
Please. If you want to criticize syntax and semantics, pick on PHP. Javascript is elegant.
You spelled elephant wrong.
Don't make me laugh. PHP is a target for three-year olds.
Well ...
OK, pick on Java then.
Yeah, that one's timeless.
Who's there?
Those all just make me cry.
All the frucking frameworks.
The toolchain is infinitely long and utterly inscrutable.
Yeah. And the thing is, they're all (except for jQuery) way more complicated than just plain writing Javascript.
We're long past the point of people knowing you can actually write JavaScript.
Isn’t that what programs are for?
Javascript frameworks like YUI and Dojo and Ext.Js are like trying to play the piano with mittens on.
@Robusto Java.
Java who?
That’s my line.
Then pick up your cues faster.
Ah, we went to a restaurant tonight and they had a beer from Boulder. I meant to remember the name ...
All this framework stuff is more complicated than any language itself is, and there are so many of them.
@Robusto Ja Va Binks.
There are lots of Boulder beers.
@RegDwighт That was a long way to go.
@tchrist Name a few.
We'sah free!
Fall Fest Amber, Singletrack Copper, and Igloo Ale.
Any pils?
I guess not in the US.
Normally $20 per or so.
Actually I'll go grab me a pils. BRB
A: What is your best programmer joke?

RoadWarriorIf Java is the answer, it must have been a really verbose question.

@Reg You have no idea how bad a name “Pilsner” has here.
@tchrist knowing Miller Lite I can imagine.
This is the problem. No one wants that crap.
@tchrist Is there an N-Z portion of that menu?
Though to be fair, technically Warsteiner is a pils as well, and it's quickly approaching Miller Lite.
@Rob I’ll bet that your beer was one of these.
@tchrist wait, so pils in the US is crap as well?
@RegDwighт Miller Lite isn't even beer. It's like something you could use to clean boots.
@RegDwighт We don’t have beers with that appellation.
Around these parts it's the best beer you can get. Very bitter. Takes quite some acquiring, that taste.
We have no shortage of bitters though.
Wait, is that a lager?
@Robusto I thought it was the result.
@tchrist I think it was the Freshtracks, come to think of it.
Pilsner (also pilsener or simply pils) is a type of pale lager. It took its name from the city of Pilsen (Plzeň, Bohemia, Czech Republic, where it was first produced in 1842). The original Pilsner Urquell beer is still produced there today. Origin The City of Pilsen began brewing in 1295, but until the mid-1840s, most Bohemian beers were top-fermented. The taste and standards of quality often varied widely, and in 1838, consumers dumped whole barrels to show their dissatisfaction. The officials of Pilsen founded a city-owned brewery in 1839, called Měšťanský pivovar Plzeň (, - now Pil...
I don’t know many people who intentionally drink lager.
Anyway. I said I was going to grab me one. AFK.
They just kinda get stuck with it sometimes.
I drink lager when I'm eating sushi.
Our local Japanese restaurant has three beers. Asahi, something else, and something else.
They are all very mild.
Of course still lightyears ahead of Miller.
@RegDwighт Lemme guess ... Asahi, Kirin, and Sapporo.
@Robusto Well. I don't know what to say.
Our best sushi join here makes its own beer.
@tchrist Ah, it was the Single Track Copper. I knew there was a track in the name.
@RegDwighт There's a first time for everything.
Hapa Beer. It’s a “Japanese rice lager” made for the Hapa restaurant(s).
It’s drinkable.
All the Japanese lagers are rice beer.
It's drinkable with sushi. Doesn't overpower the fish.
And yeah. Every time I'm there I try all three, and every single time I quickly forget which one I liked. Even though they typically give you a bottle as a present to take home.
I have no recollection of any preference between those. I suppose I more often order Sapporo given those three choices, but I have no reason to do so.
My son like sake. Go figure. I can't believe he's mine.
Last time it was Asahi. Which is probably why I happened to remember that name and not the other two.
@Robusto That’s disgusting.
@Robusto I do hope he drinks it warm at least.
@tchrist Sapporo is usually nama biiru*—draft beer. *Nama is spelled with the character for life.
@RegDwighт Yeah, and he buys the expensive shit. Which still tastes like crap to me.
Is it the biologist one or the other one?
@RegDwighт The gambler.
I see.
This pils tastes really good. And it cost like 19 cent, at Aldi.
The biologist can't afford expensive drinks or food. Although my other son turned him onto a way to get comped by casinos, which has turned out to be profitable for him.
I've heard there's Aldi in the US of A now.
Has been for a long time.
So I feel comfortable mentioning the name just like that.
I remember Aldi from my early days in advertising, it's that old.
I only know Aldi Meola.
And I wonder how he got from Lawrence to Di.
A: What is your best programmer joke?

microkid"Java programming is like teenage sex .... Everyone talks about it all of the time (but they don't really know what they're talking about); Everyone claims to be doing it; Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it; Those few who are actually doing it: Are not practicing it safely; Are doin...

Ah, he actually was Dimeola all along. He just dropped the Lawrence. Or Laurence, actually.
@Robusto there should be a rule for being done with the joke by the time your joke's truncated.
The software should recognize when it's a joke and not cut it off befo
2207 favorited.
Seriously, though, when I have to dig into a Java bean I get physically ill. The number of times you have to declare each member of a class is disheartening. I'm all for getters and setters, but there has to be a simpler way.
That is an egghead pursuit.
To the other side of the road.
Just leaving this here before it gets deleted. Which I do hope it will.
@RegDwighт That looks very intellectual.
Well, four people support it already.
Only 9996 to go.
It's so intellectual that I can't follow its subtle reasoning.
Doesn't matter. Just support it already.
Don't you want to have a LEGO set that looks just like that?
I mean, LEGO officially tried something very similar, released four days ago, but clearly they failed!
Jun 17 at 12:03, by RegDwighт
user image
@RegDwighт Similar to what? A black rectangle?
Black, yes. Rectangle, no.
They sort of got the color right, but the shape is all wrong.
I have to say, that tower looks wrong.
It looks evil, and it's not smooth enough.
Actually right next to the radiology office where I had my MRI is our local LEGO store, and turns out they put that thing on display just today.
I specifically didn't want to look at it, because I want to build it myself first, but I couldn't resist. It is enormous.
How did the MRI stuff go? Any news?
It may be enormous, but you can do better.
Right! I still have that CD open but haven't clicked on anything yet.
resists joke
1 hour ago, by RegDwighт
user image
Yes, and I am still quite afraid of that icon.
Wait, with test results?
The floppy icon is formidable.
The results will be sent to my orthopaedist. I just got the pix.
By the looks of it I must double click on precisely that floppy icon.
Oh...so will they tell you anything about how serious it is, your knee, was it?
If you never hear from me again, tell my wife hello.
Haha. Will do.
You still don't know which of the regulars she is, right?
@Cerberus my doc will. They only do some analysis and send it over to him. Takes a couple days.
Okay, so but can there be anything scary in the picture?
@Cerberus who now? What regulars? Where? What is this grammer?
@Cerberus my knee from the inside?
I am assuming your wife is one of the regulars in this room. Maybe...Kit. Or Jez.
I don't know the first thing about knees so a perfectly functional one will look approximately precisely as scary as a non-functional one.
@RegDwighт Yes.
@RegDwighт Exactly. So what are you afraid of?
Me? I am afraid of that icon that starts some exe.
I can sort of imagine not wanting to look at it at all.
I am not afraid of pictures.
Unless they are 16x16.
Why don't you start by enabling all extensions in your M$ Vista-thing?
@Cerberus or Caprica.
Oh, your wife is good!
Anyway, I'm double-clicking.
Wife, tell Cer to stop.
Thank you, wife.
Haha how did you do that?
Well she's my wife, she has to listen to me.
Or just think for a moment how that song goes.
Which song?
I presume there is some phrase that triggers her.
So how's it look?
Holy crap you were right I don't quite want to see it.
I would link to the precise place in the video, but I'm not allowed to watch it.
Scary stuff!
I know right.
As you say, I have no idea what a painless knee is supposed to look like.
X-ray is one thing, but this is another.
I don't mind looking at my X-rays. Not that I do it in my spare time.
It's vaccinating.
Me no has x-ray.
My last one was like ten years ago. The one before that, another ten.
Not that I'm complaining, it's not exactly healthy.
...but not very unhealthy either.
It's moderately something of everything.
A lot less unhealthy than, say, a short flight.
Even without x-ray scanners at the airport.
So you still have no idea what could be causing the pain, have you?
Also it seems to be getting better. Not sure how much of it is due to the pills.
Not knowing what it is is the only thing that bothers me. I just sat in front of a PC, this PC, just like I'm doing now, and then I stood up and it was there.
So I'd rather have it not go away for another month, but know for sure what it is, than have it disappear this very second and never know when or why it could happen again.
The pills are painkillers? Inflammation inhibitors?
I understand.
I don't know the first thing about pills. I never take any. Not even an aspirin. Not even vitamins. Nothing.
I know that these ones here are something with ketoprofen. That's all I know.
What if you're hungry and there's nothing with fewer calories?
Ketoprofen...that sounds like ibuprofen.
Oh, well. I'm sure they can fix you.
Then I drink two liters of water. By the time the stomach has figured out that I'm yanking its chain, there will be something to eat.
When did it start? Any connection with exercise or a weird twist?
That's ketoprofen. Two isotopes or something.
Or what it's called. Enantiomeres.
Nice graph.
Enantiomeres, funny name. Opposite parts.
Who cares. I had my final exam in chemistry. I am allowed to forget. And I surely forgot more than most people ever knew.
I took only 1 year of chemistry.
Gosh, feed Graph::Easy a mere 324 objects and the dumb thing’s layouter times out at its default 5 seconds. Must call $graph->timeout(3600) or something.
Now this is ibuprofen.
Different, but similar.
Congratulations on summing up chemistry in three words.
That's what I learned in that year.
@tchrist gee, really? I play with graphs with millions of nodes and tens of thousands of nested subgraphs every day.
@Cerberus three weeks ago now. No connection with anything. I don't remember the last time I played Wii Sports, let alone did actual sports.
I sit at PC at work, then sit at PC at home. Really quite pathetic.
I used to cycle 100+ km, then run 10 km, rinse repeat the next day.
Never had any problems.
100 km is too much.
Three hours.
That's fast.
A Tour de France stage easily gets to 300 km.
Running is probably worse for your knees anyhow.
At an average speed of 42 km/h.
@Cerberus exactly.
And have you seen what they look like after one of those (frequent, horrible) falls?
You can't really cycle too much. But you can easily walk too much.
@Cerberus you mean when they're dead? Hasn't happened in years, I think. Though I haven't been watching for over a decade now. Lost all interest in that drug shit.
It's not the movement that's harmful, but the blows from landing on the ground.
And if you mean when they're not dead, then it's not horrible. Business as usual.
They often need to go to hospital...
@Cerberus yeah yeah and people should not be afraid of flying, only of falling.
I'm just saying I know lots of people who were in biking accidents.
@RegDwighт These pure-perl graph implementations are slow because of all the method calls and indirection, is my guess.
Fewer people who were in running accidents.
@Cerberus Well I was in one.
How was it?
Great fun. They made me pay, what, 3k DM?
And now I’m getting DL errors on my dot binary. Grrrr.
DM? Damages?
Oh come.
For a single scratch on some stupid car that wasn't worth 3k had it been mint in sealed box.
@Cerberus Deutschmarks.
That's stupid.
Didn't you have insurance?
For biking?
For anything.
It's called "liability insurance" in Dutch, aansprakelijkheidsverzekering.
I never had insurance of anything other than health.
Or, rather, an insurance against wettelijke aansprakelijkheid.
Anyway. My bike was fine, and that car looked like it came directly from a junkyard, or was going directly to one, or both.
No home-contents insurance either?
No insurance of any kind ever.
(You should really get both. I pay about € 10 monthly for the two combined.)
It came in handy when my house burned down.
Well yeah that sucks.
Or I would have had to pay 100,000+ to the owner of the building and other people.
But I'm not sure any amount of money would be enough for the emotional value.
Still, being just traumatised is better than traumatised and bankrupt and without any possessions.
But yeah, I should at least start considering it.
The problem with the ASCII art version is you’ll never be able to print it out: too huge.
@tchrist Use brillant.
Or what's it's called in English.
3 pt.
The smallest font size.
Meanwhile I must be off for today.
Night all!
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And that is supposedly for you and your wife together, monthly.
@Cerb It seems to the skipper’s mom is sure she got a super staticky call from him on the 13th but was cut off. That’s a lot later than the 4th. Time to check phone records.
If they can prove that happened, it’s proof of life from 9 days after last previous contact. It should also have location info.
@tchrist Huh!
Why wasn't this investigated earlier?
No idea.
Asked myself same question.
@RegDwighт Knee pain?
An agate is a unit of typographical measure. It is 5.5 typographical points, or about 1/14 of an inch. It can refer to either the height of a line of type, or to a font that is 5.5 points. An Agate font was commonly used to display statistical data or legal notices in newspapers. It is the smallest point size that can be printed on newsprint and remain legible. Due to the small size of Agate (compared to typical newspaper body text that might be 8 to 10 points), and its use for statistical, stock, racing or other table uses, the term Agate may also refer to tables and texts using this poin...
Agate is the smallest font size that can be printed legibly. Where does brilliant come in?
Park said. “The perception among many here is that U.S. soldiers commit crimes and then run back to the protection of their base.”
Rape & Hide is a popular game among American servicemen and woman here in Korea
@RegDwighт Ah, I stand corrected. But you're wrong too. The 3 pt. size is called Excelsior, not Brilliant. At least here in the States, where it matters.

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