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The boys are playing them this morning.
Everybody is playing games except for me. sulks
noooo :(
I think the hangman room is free.
I have an XBox controller (wired) that works well on the PC
Anyway, I hooked up the controller and stuff, but I forgot that mapping keystrokes takes a lot of patience.
I managed to play a level of Heretic, but I need to put more thought into the layout.
It will be great once I do that.
@KitFox are you still playing Heretic? I finished the first episode and have moved onto the second, but kinda forgot about it.
I also got Baldur's Gate because it was on sale and I thought it might have some native support, but of course, everything wanted to take hours to download last night.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Not until last night. It looks pretty good on my TV.
I mean, for what it is.
Playing through the Doomsday Engine makes a big difference.
I was frustrated with little things. Well, with every little thing.
So I think we'll play HL2 again tonight.
You're a grand old flag, you're a high-flying flag, and forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave.
Every heart beats true for the red, white, and blue, where there's never a boast nor a brag.
Do any restaurants in your country ever play Dota song or Skrillex dubstep musics for customers?
So should auld acquaintance be forgot, keep your eye on the grand old flag!
Best patriotic song ever.
Flag worship?! But idolatory is a sin.
India was loosed his freedom due to East India Company
"India lost its freedom"
Yeah, Initially India Company came in India for only business purpose...
After that they start make rules on people ...
It's never a lame thing to play Dubstep or Dota song in a high quality restaurant in Korea because no body can understand the lyrics nor they are aware of what dubstep is.
here give the complete information how they start rule on India en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_India_Company
@MattЭллен I'm a sinner. That's why my computer keeps freezing up.
How did India lost its freedom?
@KitFox because your computer is hell!
East India Company 1612–1757
Company rule in India 1757–1858
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 nice
Isn't Indian economy rapidly growing and it is promised that it's going to catch up USA by 2020?
hehehe its wrong.
@O0oO0oOO0ooO lose
I'm off to play. See you all later!
CU! Happy Fireworks Day
Government of India didn't standing on its given committed to the country People
@MattЭллен Ooops
the system start collapse due to bad Corruption
Looks like we've got a grammar police!
@MattЭллен I'll explode some stuff for you and drink tea.
@KitFox yay!
That's quite a depressing story of India, I always thought India is a mythical and exotic but beautiful place.
BRB raping a millionaire.
Oh my guoood... then what's the point of having condoms in India?
Yes. India is good place. But some people make corrupt it.
I think its all due to bad education and holes in the Rule of Goverment.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 what have they been reading? the Old Testament?
@KitFox hooray!
@Jez I dunno. It's odd. The ruling is really badly worded. In context, it is meant to codify the concept of common-law marriage, that is, if you act like you're married then the law considers you married. But the wording just says, roughly, "if you have sex, then you are married."
Have you ever seen "Wapanese" in real life or you can generally find them only on Internet?
what is that
Many people still believe in Arrange marriage
believe in
no probs :)
It's a word combination of White and Japanese, similarly there is a term "Wigger".
So Wapanese people are Japanese wannabees who knows 5~6 Japanese words but use them in conjunction of normal English
something like "I am better than you in Japanese desu"
at Japanese
XD... I am helpless
Today is Independence day Of America
I figured out about Jedward today and their musics are irritating.
intimidating? I must admit, I've not knowingly heard it
also, music is a mass noun (normally) so it doesn't need an s
not only does it not need s, it uses singular agreement: their music is irritating.
Do you think Jedward (Irish) came out in competition of the British boyband One Direction?
I think Jedward have been around longer than 1 direction. They're the product of X-Factor, I think
In fact, both groups are from the X-Factor
why is it "The X-Factor" instead of just "X-Factor"
I don't know. I don't know enough about it
hm, I guess that's what the show calls itself.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Sounds like there are going to be a lot of multi-person marriages, not to mention no end of same-sex marriages, coming out of this. I just hope they have pity on the sheep.
there was that time some man was forced to marry a goat...
but that was in Sudan
I can’t even imagine what it would have been like to have been auto-married at 13.
@tchrist every breakup would require a trip to Family Court
@MattЭллен Ah, the whole bride-price thing.
Wives as chattel
Peculiarly but impecuniously peculating ones.
> f. L. pecūlāt-, ppl. stem of pecūlārī to embezzle, f. pecūlium private property, orig. in cattle, f. pecu cattle, money.
Cattle, chattle, wives, and money: once upon a time, it was all much the same thing.
In some places, perhaps it still is.
@MattЭллен:You got your ans?
The colour of the bus and the colour of the coach are red?
I know the answer: it should be is
there is only one colour
> “Mom’s preference and dad’s preference is for you to finish your term.”
> “Mom’s preference and dad’s preference are the same here.”
> “The president and CEO is John Smith.”
> “The president and CEO are both women.”
The president's gender and the CEO's gender is female
I've been given the dubious honour of naming our first release (like how Google name releases of Android). Magic the Gathering Planeswalker names was suggested as a category I could use
My old company did bugs. Honeybee, Inchworm, etc.
I quite liked the idea of rodents
Alphabetical rodents?
I was going to go in size order
If I could figure that out
Oh, that could be fun. From dormouse to capybara.
And also R.O.U.S.
ha! I'd forgotten about that
@MattЭллен Good idea!
@tchrist I would start with Sarkahn the Mad, as I'm not sure the product won't selfdestruct releasing dragons as it does
@Cerberus I cannot get the theme song from Gilligan’s Island out of my head, about seven stranded castaways on a three-hour tour.
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip, That started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. The mate was a mighty sailin' man, the Skipper brave and sure. Five passengers set sail that day for a three hour tour. A three hour tour.
The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minnow would be lost. The Minnow would be lost.
The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle, with Gilligan, the Skipper too, the Millionaire and his wife, the movie star, the Professor and Mary Ann
> Now this is the tale of the castways, they're here for a long, long time, they'll have to make the best of things, it's an uphill climb. The first mate and the Skipper too, will do their very best, to make the others comfortable, in the tropic island nest. No phone, no lights, no motor cars, not a single luxury, like Robinson Crusoe, as primative as can be. So join us here each week my friends, you're sure to get a smile, from seven stranded castways, here on "Gilligan's Isle."
huh. Never realized Weird Al stole that bolded line for a lyric in "Amish Paradise".
You didn’t watch reruns as a kid?
A deprived childhood.
> Si les révélations sur le programme d'espionnage américain Prism ont provoqué un concert d'indignation en Europe, la France, elle, n'a que faiblement protesté. Pour deux excellentes raisons : Paris était déjà au courant. Et fait la même chose.
Like, duh!
> la totalité de nos communications sont espionnées. L'ensemble des mails, des SMS, des relevés d'appels téléphoniques, des accès à Facebook, Twitter, sont ensuite stockés pendant des années.
> Si cette immense base de données n'était utilisée que par la DGSE qui n'officie que hors des frontières françaises, l'affaire serait déjà illégale. ... En toute discrétion, en marge de la légalité et hors de tout contrôle sérieux. Les politiques le savent parfaitement, mais le secret est la règle.
The bastards won’t show me the rest of the article.
They will only show you the first sixth of it.
Voici the entire article.
> Le dispositif est parfaitement illégal – "a-légal", corrige l'un des patrons d'une des agences de renseignement. "Le régime juridique des interceptions de sécurité interdit la mise en œuvre par les services de renseignement, d'une procédure telle que Prism, assure la Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL).
WTF is the difference between illégal and a-légal, eh?
> La loi encadre certes strictement les interceptions de sécurité, autorisées par le premier ministre, sur avis de la Commission nationale consultative des interceptions de sécurité (CNCIS), mais n'a en rien prévu un stockage massif de données techniques par les services secrets.
> "Voilà des années que nous sommes dans l'autorisation virtuelle, confie l'un des anciens patrons des services. Et chaque agence se satisfait bien de cette liberté permise grâce au flou juridique qui existe autour de la métadonnée."
I'd guess one is prohibited by law and one is outside what the law considers
anyway lunch time.
I smell a rat.
> Les demandes de consultations sont loin de se limiter au seul terrorisme ou à la défense du patrimoine économique.
But I’m sure that Obama is right that “everybody” does this.
> La France est dans le top 5 en matière de capacité informatique, derrière les États-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne, Israël et la Chine.
I haz question! Wut tenze is “it has bein write” in?
A: Exact meaning of "You must be kidding"?

Danjuyou must be kidding.? mean are you try to disceive me. :it has bein write by Danjuma;

@tchrist What, bug embassies? Obviously.
@MετάEd No, not that.
Collect all meta-data on all communications everywhere that everyone does wherever they can get their hands on it.
Bugs collect data, not metadata.
Insofar as those are dinguishable.
@tchrist All governments collect whatever data might be useful, whether it's meta or not, and whether it's cricket or not.
@tchrist Is there any downside to deleting the Derp question? What's the effect on Derp's reputation?
@MετάEd Which one?
The Coke question?
Odd looking.
Thought you were talking about Sentry Foods.
Didn't go to those, I don't think. Went to Woodman's.
Even got the tote bag.
We have neither here, but both at home.
They're all almost exclusively in [your home state].
That would do it.
No Piggly Wiggly either.
We had those briefly.
And Schnucks.
Never heard of that one.
I'm gonna see whether the craft store is open.
Probably get some coffee.
The last book I updated, Programming Perl 4th edition, consistently gets more than twice as many paper sales as electronic.
This is unusual.
Paper is wonderful.
Other books are 50-50 or worse.
The old Perl Cookbook 2nd edition gets about 6:5 electronic-to-paper.
Don’t know why there is such a disparity.
I so hate it when I get mouse misfirings causing me to do something virtually irrevocable.
Life is not a video game. I want precision.
Hm, the sales during the first few months of release were 4:1 paper over electronic. Now it’s down to 2:1, which is still a huge lead compared with most other books whose exact data I have access to.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Schnucks! Haven't heard that name since we left St. Louis.
Someone told me their advertising line used to be: "We're people like you. Schnucks." And they might have wondered why they didn't get a lot of Jewish traffic (outside of the fact that Missouri isn't exactly New York).
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Have we talked about the terrible state of pizza in Missouri (or at least St. Louis)?
@Robusto eew! Maybe.
Imo's makes me ill.
Yes. Imo's. Damn, the worst pizza on the planet.
I always pronounced it shnooks.
That's how it's pronounced in their commercials.
That's not as close to schmucks.
shnook is a euphemism for shmuck in Yiddish.
It's like heck vs. hell.
Sorry for interrupting, but are there any name for this sort of "chart" imgur.com/2BWDDQ9 ?
Flow chart?
2 hours later…
@EClaesson tournament tree.
Source: I work in graph layout.
A bracket is a tree diagram that represents the series of games played during a tournament, named as such because it appears to be a large number of interconnected (punctuational) brackets. There are several kinds of brackets, adapted to different types of tournaments. The most common are: *Single elimination brackets *Double elimination brackets The "art" of filling in brackets, especially in NCAA basketball, is referred to as bracketology. Usage in North America Brackets are commonly found in major North American professional sports leagues. Often, at the end of the regular seaso...
Aka elimination bracket, playoff tree, and so on and so forth.
Structurally it is a tree as any CS student will tell you.
@RegDwighт Really?
If so, then you might have knowledge I’m seeking.
Hah don't hold your breath just yet. I am the marketing guy. I don't write the code, I sell it.
I have to make a graph showing the class relationships of a bunch of classes. It sounds easy, but there are a lot of classes to show. I would prefer it were programmatic. I looked at a CPAN module that alleged to do this, but I never did get it to work. What tool would you suggest? If not programmatic, then Mac or Unix would be better but Microsoft tolerable.
This is a directed graph, of course, not a tree.
Acyclic, blah blah.
I’m so non-GUI a guy, I think vi is the graphical interface to ed.
Define "a lot". Everyone always falls over their feet to suggest Graphviz, but it basically dies a slow and painful death if you have a couple hundred nodes.
Well, at least 150.
I tried Class::Sniff, which is really what I want, but it seemed to be in a race with the heat death of the universe.
It uses Graph::Easy, which I haven’t looked at. Perhaps I could hand assemble. But surely there are tools for this.
Basically, think of graphing a huge whole lot of per-package @ISA inheritance arrays.
Our tool, or really pretty much every tool out there, requires that you translate your data into a special format pretty much nobody else uses. To my knowledge, any and all publicly available modules suck balls and you are well advised to just hack it yourself from scratch.
I think the Class::Sniff problem was that it wanted to go up into all the included libraries, instead of just showing everything in the graph from one node below.
I was afraid you were going to say that. I was starting to come to that same conclusion myself, but hoped I’d been missing something.
The people at $job use Visio, but you can’t feed that data. It’s a closed system requiring 100% handwork so far as I know.
Hm, I guess I could ask on SO. :)
Yeah, ok, Graph::Easy looks like the way to go.
Our input format is GDL, fka VCG, and we have, or had, all kinds of in-house modules that translated all kinds of data into it, from VB to C to GED to apache log files to you name it, but it's a thankless job because every single user always needs something entirely different from the previous one.
@tchrist Visio is really the exact opposite of what you're looking for.
@RegDwighт Yeah, really.
@tchrist that one should actually support our format as well as Graphviz, last time I checked. Which was like four years ago.
> Graph::Easy - Convert or render graphs (as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz)
If it can render in Graphviz, that should be good enough, right?
At 150 nodes? I suppose. Not exactly rocket surgery.
> GDL/VCG Creates a textual description of the graph in the VCG or GDL (Graph Description Language) format.
Yes, exactly. No rockets needed. But something more than ->as_ascii, thank you very much.
Supports GraphML, too.
I think I begin to remember that guy.
He contacted me, must be like seven years ago, asking about some undocumented intricacies.
Though if I were you I'd opt for ASCII art, of course.
Heh. :)
The people this is for are, well, differently biased compared to me.
Then perhaps Visio will make a sudden comeback. Or you'll just use Powerpoint.
I can’t use any of those.
Nobody can. That's their unique selling proposition.
Visio is plenty big where I work. It’s the thing that people use.
I tried.
Jesus wept.
I feel you bro.
Now go try SAP R/3.
Just for the sake of completeness, you know.
Only Scott Adams truly knows the horrors of the place I work. He comicked it, or close enough as makes no never mind.
Hundreds of thousands of drones.
I’m sure there are dens of SAP R/3 there.
I have no idea how SAP make their money. Or Microsoft, for that matter. I honestly cannot comprehend it.
I have people sending me high-bit bytes who tell me they aren’t, all because some blasted data-entry operator in Dysropa used her fancy keyboard to type in España in some random fricking Microsoft encoding.
I can’t get my head around any of these ultra-giant places.
I am not up to full speed on Spanish encodings but I bet a NY bagel they are not anywhere as batshit crazy as the Russians.
I remember there are a bunch of Cyrillic encodings, yeah. But those aren’t are customers thank goodness.
Still today, there are any number of Russian sites offered in 3+ different encodings, of which exactly none work in your browser.
It’s bad enough that the damned Australians send localtime timestamps tagged with things like "CST".
And by "your" I mean "any", of course.
You have to get the full phone number with country-code prefix being from Australia to realize their CST is not your CST.
CST + 11.
Why don’t people just unify-upgrade into UTF-8?
Rhetorical question is rhetorical.
Rumor has it that someone was going to be sending in UTF-8, and they were vetoed because the C programmers on the other end didn’t know how to handle it reasonably.
They said just send us bytes.
Pretty sure those are bytes.
Now what I wonder is if I can open my MRT results on this machine.
Yes, same thing.
> Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT)
Don’t they usually come with an M$FT viewer?
I dunno. I think I'll go ahead and check out what's on this CD-ROM they gave me.
Or is it a DVD-ROM.
Yeah, they give you discs now when you have imaging done.
Holy crap. Look at that icon.
And Borland? Borland is a thing?
Well yes floppy, but I mean the art itself.
Straight from the eighties here I come.
Medical industry. Inherently conservative, like the space industry.
8-bit graphics.
Hah. You wouldn't know how wrong you are.
When the doc showed me the MRI scans on his viewer, it looked better than that icon.
Tell you what. We do static analysis and verification of embedded systems. Like, space industry, flight control, airbags, nuclear. Serious shit. Now we decided that we want to do medical as well. So our CEO visited some major medical industry fair, the medical industry fair, and he came back in complete shock and now we're not sure we want to have anything to do with safety-critical embedded medicine stuff at any point in our lives.
All that medical equipment, what it runs is Windows. Boilerplate Windows. My Vista Home is safer than what they have.
And their idea of doing, say, run-time error analysis, is "perhaps we could start checking if our JavaScript syntax is correct".
I am not making this up.
Yes, I know.
You certainly never want to be in a position to be the one who has to “certify” them against anything.
And just the idea of using them is scary.
So yeah. There's no chance in hell we're selling them some abstract-interpretation tool for a couple hundred thousand per node-locked license any time soon. I could, however, sell them a couple JavaScript tips I happen to have as a not-noteworthy webmaster.
Sturgeon’s Law is recursive.
^ every piece of medical equipment ever, for all we know now.
> "You know what I hate? It's all the 'My' stuff these days. Hailstorm has MyProfile, MyNotifications, MyContacts (I lose them all the time), MyWallet, MyUsage. . . Please! I'm not a three year-old or a Jack Russell Terrier. I'm not mesmerized by the first person singular possessive pronoun. I know that if it's in Hailstorm it's not mine; Microsoft has it and charges me to use it. I'm old-fashioned; I keep MyWallet in MyPants, next to MyAss. And guess what you can do, MyCrosoft?"
Wait, that's so 1990. MyEverything got superseded by iEverything. And even that one's on its way out now.
Yes, Frank Willison died in 2001. It’s his quote, from a list of them.
Ah yes.
@RegDwighт If you have to ask, it's probably not.
@tchrist Sherlock's brother is MyCroft Holmes. They started it.
@Robusto Seriously, these are not the kind of people who can't tell a cache from a pipeline, these are the kind of people who can't tell JavaScript from Java. And who can't tell why the hell anyone should be expected to be able to tell.
It's quite disheartening in every respect.

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