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@JohnLawler: That analogy is unreasonable. The debate around evolution is not merely about terminology and definitions, but about whether or not something actually happened in the past. Using one of the various acceptable definitions of the word "tense" is fine, and the one you are on a crusade against happens to be the one that is most widely used. Linguists use many different definitions. Why do you care so much about the definition of a word? You're battling windmills. — Cerberus 10 secs ago
I have voted for your comment.
Figgered. :)
> Snowden Is Said to Claim U.S. Is Blocking Asylum Bids
Quoth the New York Times.
“Said to”?
Observe diverted airplane.
And I do not mean it was enjoying itself, either.
I suppose it cannot be proven.
You would think that if they refueled at Spain, they could have kept going.
This makes no sense. They went backwards!
Yes. Perhaps Spain only allowed them to fly backwards.
But then they could have swerved off over sea at some point.
Mare liberum.
Don’t you think it’s time that you guys got to vote in American presidential elections, given how he seems to be telling you what to do?
Well, the EC also works for corporate interests.
By what right that America is allowed to cancel the flight plans of diplomatic planes over other countries, I shall never understand.
And there is probably lots of influence in the other direction too, from Europea corporate interests...
@tchrist They request it, of course, and the French government also spies on its own citizens, so they may not be much better.
It’s like the passport-cancelling thing. How does that work? Once you have no passport, you become a non-person?
@Cerberus Don’t they know that that’s our job?
No, but you need a valid passport to get through customs.
@tchrist Everybody does it.
So you have to ask your country for permission to travel?
Isn’t that in violation of some international rights thing?
We have stupid data retention laws and massive phone bugging too, have had it for a long time.
So they just lie.
@tchrist It is rather that every receiving country demands that passengers on a plane have valid passports, and the country of departure has to guarantee that the passport is valid on departure.
@tchrist Who lie?
Yes, to some degree, although most of the stuff is known.
Whoever says they aren’t bugging you because it’s illegal, but are.
Who says what?
Well, our guys, for one.
But didn’t you say you get bugged, too?
Our secret service say they are bugging us only on court orders, but there are serious doubts whether they don't at least occasionally violate those rules.
And ISPs have to retain data for 6 months or so.
But, in general, I think it isn't done on a scale nearly as massive as in your country or in England.
They probably don't collect all data by default.
Yes, I think we’re the aces in the communications surveillance arena.
And I don't think ISPs will give them data without a court order.
And we don't have secret courts.
How would you know?
Guys, I was talking about this girl for a while with my Japanese friend
The existence of a secret court is not secret, merely its operations.
Well, that’s one kind. :)
Your FISA courts were always known as such.
Yeah, I know.
and he believes she is amazingly hot, and I agree with him but do you think she is just average looking girl in western point of view?
These gag orders are creepy.
I suppose we do have secret court sessions, but that's better than an entirely secret court, I would say.
@O0oO0oOO0ooO You may want to try another channel.
do you mean channel in terms of chat channel or youtube channel?
but I want to learn English =/
Non sequitur.
Not Very Macho.
@tchrist Yes: they should only be applied when there is a specific need to keep certain specific details secret, and only for a limited time. The way your government is abusing secrecy in order to prevent any checks and balances on the system, and thereby any change or criticism, is really something special. I don't think we have that.
Special, indeed.
> The CDC found that the number and rate of prescription painkiller overdose deaths among females increased about fivefold 1999 to 2010. Among men, such deaths rose about 3½ times.
Don’t take more than the bottle tells you, idiots.
It doesn't say that...
“Overdose deaths” means you took too much.
> CDC researchers reviewed death certificates, which are sometimes incomplete. Specific drugs were not identified in every death. In others, a combination of drugs was involved, such as painkillers taken with tranquilizers. CDC officials think more than 70 percent of the overdose deaths were unintentional.
So less than 30% were intentional then?
An overdose can be intentional.
> One striking finding: The greatest increases in drug overdose deaths were in women ages 45 through 54, and 55 through 64. The rate for each of those groups more than tripled between 1999 and 2010. In 2010, overdose deaths in those two groups of middle-aged women added up to about 7,400 — or nearly half the female total, according to CDC statistics.
> It's an age group in which more women are dealing with chronic pain and seeking help for it, some experts suggested. Many of these women probably were introduced to painkillers through a doctor's prescriptions for real pain, such as persistent aches in the lower back or other parts of the body.
Heh: “real pain”
Is it bad to take painkillers with tranquilizers?
I guess.
I think the benzos may also be central nervous depressants.
One should think many people needed both.
But the bottles don’t say not to mix with opiates.
Yes, and are probably prescribed both.
I get the idea they take more than they are supposed to take.
Or mix with things that aren’t on the Rx list.
So it may rather be an overdose of both.
It isn’t like barbiturates where mixing with booze was so often fatal.
> barbiturates are still used in general anesthesia, for epilepsy, and assisted suicide.
Very similar conditions.
It’s like with Heath Ledger.
> The report concludes, in part, "Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine." It states definitively: "We have concluded that the manner of death is accident, resulting from the abuse of prescription medications."
That’s more than one opiate AND more than one benzo.
That's a lot.
And he/she probably took a lot of all of those too...
Heath Ledger was a he.
Hey, does this advertisement appeal to your patriotic sense?
The guy in Brokeback Mountain
Haven't seen it.
@Cerberus No, I don’t care for it.
The advert.
> While the medications found in the toxicological analysis may be prescribed in the United States for insomnia, anxiety, pain, or common cold (doxylamine) symptoms, the vast majority of physicians in U.S. are extremely reluctant to prescribe multiple benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam, alprazolam, and temazepam) to a single patient, let alone prescribe the same to a patient already taking a mix of OxyContin and Vicodin. A
It doesn't give you warm, tingly feelings?
I’m not like that.
Do you think it would appeal to many people?
It's interesting how different countries deal with patriotism.
Somebody certainly did.
We are totally allowed to gush over the monarchy (though never without some irony), but practically everything else is taboo.
Flags are also taboo, except on a few national holidays.
Flags are taboo?
All but.
Some people fly the flag all the time. Some people fly in on the Fourth.
yay South Park Season 14 started
Buildings of Parliament.
No flags.
That is so weird.
I'm no crusader; I'm not invading anybody's turf. You can say anything you want, and call stuff anything you want, and correct people for anything you want. No problemo. But I believe I have that privilege as well. That's all. — John Lawler 16 mins ago
Bah. I have to step out for a moment and clear my head of frustration dueling with miasma and ennui. And allergies.
The central court of Parliament, still no flags.
That’s a church.
Canon court?
I don't think it ever was a church.
It's just Mediaeval.
@tchrist Arg!
Note US and Colorado flags flying in front of gilded cupola.
That’s real gold, too.
Still, the number of flags is modest.
What other flags could we fly at the State Capitol building?
There is no Denver flag. :)
More American flags!
On every corner ten!
A national holiday, and we get a flag!
Why would anyone fly the same flag more than once?
Don't people often do that?
This is the office of a far-right party in some parliamentary building.
They like flags.
And I believe that was some extra-patriotic flag with an orange lion on it.
It was quite a scandal.
The French like flags, see?
Notice three French flags against one European flag.
Why are there three of the same flag in the same place?
Can never have too many flags?
I don’t understand why you would ever have more than one of the same kind.
It’s weird.
Dead soldiers?
I prefer trees.
No permission to access.
It's tens of American flags from a city hall.
@JohnLawler: I didn't mean to say you were burning the cities of future-tense-sayers, it was a metaphor. I'm also not forbidding you, just correcting, OK? — Cerberus 2 mins ago
He’s just quibbling, not even condescending to answer the question asked, just bitching about something that doesn’t matter.
I hate when a guy says "Oh I love Maths so much, they are so interesting!!" after learning some functional programming and calculus but he didn't study much when he was in highschool
@tchrist Yup.
@tchrist Anything I should look at?
Carry on, then.
Only personal insults require intervention.
They will be flagged.
@Kit Happy birthday!
@JohnLawler I’ve edited his question to replace your shibboleth with more appropriately professional terminology so that you can finally answer the actual substance of the question asked instead of quibbling about the precise terms used to phrase it. — tchrist 16 secs ago
When in doubt, use your thingy.
A: Can't search for a question about "that" and "which"

Nick CraverSearch now does a much better job of this, which is no longer a stop word - take a peek: http://english.stackexchange.com/search?q=appropriate+use+of+that+and+which

I still find more with Google.
Ugh. I hate tick for check mark.
A tick is a bug you have to dig out of your skin, or what a clock does half the time.
@tchrist they were creepy enough to begin with. O_O
Beware the clowns.
Send in the clowns.
What’s clown in Latin? I keep coming up with gravedigger.
If that’s correct, it’s rather dark humor.
> Another Bolivian official said later that Italy had also refused permission.
Clown is a rather specific word.
I'd need a definition.
Maybe the Romans didn’t have clowns?
If you mean jester, then of course they had them.
Lots of words for the court fool.
Although I don’t know that I would think of a stultus that way.
I can see why it applies though.
My dictionary says "nar", which means jester very specifically.
Nar is new to me.
It's Dutch.
Well, that would be why.
Semper ineptiens
@tchrist There are ten flags all bearing the name of the same grocery store in front of said grocery store here.
@O0oO0oOO0ooO They still make that junk?
That and 17 million other reasons.
Well, yes.
Hey, you get to quench flags now!
Quench flags?
It says 10.1k by your name, so you will see “offensive” flags in chat now.
Oh, I've had 10k for ages. I'm retired.
What was wrong with the old ones?
Old what?
Oh my, I seem to have cracked up.
This is not a disease one ever recovers from you know.
Once you’re funny, you’re stuck that way.
I suppose I'll stay humorless, then.
Oh no! It's too late! My eyes! They've been infected with… vitreous humour! The worst kind!
Through a Glass, Darkly.
Throw water on it, quick.
Gah. I can't stop waking up early here.
The sun sets for all of two hours, if even that.
I woke up just before 4:00 today.
Although I did go to bed at seven last night. Wasn't feeling well.
Sounds like me.
Well, the 4.
I really love the sun.
Love hate, I guess.
I am so diurnal there are people I could share a bedroom with and never see.
I’ve been up in Alaska in June. Very bright.
I'm further north than Anchorage right now, for comparison.
Anchorage is about as far north as I’ve been.
I think they're at about 61˚ latitude, and I'm at 64˚.
It’s kinda funny that you have America as both your southern and your northern neighbor.
Heh, yeah.
Although parts of Canada may be a teensy bit further north.
I'd have to look.
That is really exciting. There’ll be time enough for darkness when you’re dead. Enjoy the sun in the days of your youth, before the cold bitter days at life’s end.
I tend to get naturally high this close to the solstice. I would be just whacked up there.
Seasonal affective bounciness.
Any expert know what's difference between "relational" and "related"? thanks very much
I'd be happier here, but certain members of my family are making this trip difficult for me.
Oh I am sorry to hear that.
S'okay. I tend to avoid my dad at home because my views and personality kind of clash with his, but here that's difficult. We get along best when we haven't seen each other for awhile.
I know exactly what you mean.
"Intimacy breeds contempt" versus "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".
Lock even the fondest friends together in an 8'-square room for a long enough while, and pretty soon they’ll be clawing each other’s eyes out.
And eventually, you'll all get closer than you ever thought possible.
The last two lines are the story of my high school experience thus far.
Since we've all been in the same class together for ages.
Haha, "high school experience".
Silly silly.
Same circle of friends going through the tumultuous years together.
Knowing more about each other than you’ll ever likely know about that many people again.
It continues through college, then peters out.
Yeah. And sometimes I wonder whether we'll even remember each other's names in fifteen years.
I'd like to hope so.
You’ll remember the names of the ones you’ve slept with. Actually.
And quite a few more, but you may not have talked to them for those 15 years.
Then something will happen and you will realize you haven’t even thought of them for 10 years.
Time will tell.
I still keep in contact with a few high school friends. Very few, but some.
Of course, this is from “before” the Internet, so to speak.
So you only keep in contact if there is a lot of shared context.
Same set of people I also worked and lived with in college, and a bit afterwards.
One still works at our first job out of school.
Yeah, I am trying to figure out living arrangements for university, actually.
Depending where you go, you might have to live in assigned dorms at first as a freshman.
Some schools do that.
I'm thinking of actually avoiding dorms and living off campus.
Oh, they allow that? Some places won’t if you’re a freshman.
Some places won't let students live at home, for example?
That one I am unsure of.
I know that I had no choice about staying in a dorm my first year, nor did my mom or siblings.
Wait, that is not true.
My sister I think never lived in a dorm. Not sure.
Of course when Mom was there it was segregated.
Now they mix genders even on the same floor sometimes.
I want my own food preparation facilities. That's the number one priority for me, I suppose.
Yes, when you lived in the dorms you had to buy the awful meal plan.
Oh wait, the sun is up for you, isn’t it?
Yeah, why?
Mine is just fading.
I was thinking you were up really late, but it’s the other way around.
I'm looking at costs for dorms, and unless I want to live in a shared space with four people, it's cheaper to live in an apartment with one other person.
Most students I’ve known always live with a lot of people. I only lived with just one other person for one year, and with two other people the other years.
But here there are houses with five students or more in them.
I knew a lot of four-person pads.
I'm kind of demanding in that I do not want to live with a) people I don't know or b) people I dislike.
(and I want a kitchen).
The only time I lived with someone I didn’t know, which I dreaded extremely, was as a freshman in the dorms.
They paired me with another small-town high-school valedictorian. It worked out ok.
Other than that, I only lived with friends.
Gosh, they want a minimum of $3k/8mo. for the meal plan. Heck no.
This can become somewhat trying, though. Be careful on the craziness of whom you live with.
That sounds about normal.
@tchrist You were a valedictorian as well, then?
I’m an over-achiever.
That's almost four hundred bucks a month for food. I can live off of half of that.
That’s a hundred bucks a week.
Which is only a lot if you’re preparing it yourself. From scratch.
Not if you’re paying somebody else to make it for you.
I can go through that much in food a week. Fresh fruit. Catfood. :)
Ah yes, how's your kitty doing?
Just fine, thanks.
Good to hear. He's such a lovely creature.
And I have learned that the neighborhood black fox is a black vixen, now with two black kits.
She runs through my garden. My kitty crouches down very low when that happens, but no conniptions yet.
There’s a bear prowling the neighborhood again, going into people's garages for birdseed and garbage.
Yeah. There were animal-control officers prowling around yesterday with flashing blue emergency lights and guns.
I learned an interesting thing.
There’s a two-strikes-and-you’re-out rule with transporting bears.
With moose, there can be repeat offenders. :)
But it is very traumatic for the animal. One actually died of fright during transport.
We had a moose in the sandbox once.
@tchrist Oh no. Poor thing.
A real moose, or a toy moose?
A real moose! It moseyed on over and nibbled at a tree, from the sandbox.
People here aren’t always aware that moose are dangerous.
A former mayor of a kinda-nearby town was actually killed by one a few years back.
We stayed inside. Luckily, in all our years on that acreage, nothing bad ever happened in terms of dangerous wildlife and the like.
@tchrist Wow.
Except for one time a man chased his wife through our backyard with his shotgun.
He never hit her, but she was scared nearly to death and the police had to shoot him.
Not dead, mind you.
@Mahnax My goodness. I thought you lived in an exurb or something.
@tchrist We do now. That was before.
Yeah. I would rather live in a real city.
That doesn’t seem to keep the moose and elk away around here.
But not so much in the way of bears and lions.
Lotsa coyotes everywhere though.
Oh, breakfast time. I'll talk to you later!
Good night and good morning.
@tchrist Moose are awesome.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yo mamma so fat, her hip size an RSA prime.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yo mamma so ignorant, when she say she be tired, she think she using the subjunctive.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yo mamma so old, she written in ALGOL.
Yo mamma so skanky she douche with Norton Antivirus.
> De onvoorziene landing die op de luchthaven van Wenen werd gemaakt werd echter ingezet vanwege een probleem met de brandstofmeter, blijkt uit het radioverkeer.
They landed in Vienna because of a problem with the fuel gauge.
Hey there
Guys please help
"It's a great honor for me to be here today and to share the stage with such great speakers. " I used 2 times great word in this sentence. help me to find synonym to this word
@Cerberus can u help?
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev Outstanding? Fascinating?
@Cerberus I'm not native speaker where you'd replace one of this synonyms? where they look best?
You were looking to replace "great" before "speakers", weren't you?
"It's a great honor for me to be here today and to share the stage with such outstanding speakers. "
That would work for me.
Every one.
Do westerners think coffee in cans (or can-coffees) gross?
Have never tried coffee in cans.
And your defination of westerners seems a bit too broad.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yo mamma so computer ignorant she think C++ her cup size.
@Cerberus know anything about Ubuntu?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO I have never heard of such a thing, but I assume they would hate it, yes.
@Noah Alas, no.
I realised that I have never seen one of them while I was in Australia. Do you think can-coffees are any worse than Starbucks coffee? In terms of quality, I think they are equal XD....
As I said, I have never seen one.
And I don't drink coffee.
I do know that Starbucks is generally not considered high quality here.
I drink coffee a lot. I am super coffee drinker
I like the smell.
Starbucks started crap coffee business and it has inspired others to make their own crap coffee businesses =/.. I hate u starbucks...!
No starbucks is great.

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