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3 hours later…
LoL, "This part of exam indicates that test makers were looking to provide the appearance of greater authenticity
@Reg After many hours of running "sudo port install BLAH", I finally have what I wanted. It runs in just a couple of seconds now, and takes only a few lines of code. And creates the most awesome graphs. I’ll show you tomorrow.
@tchrist The Slavonic one.
Yeah, he gets reps back if we delete it, sure.
@tchrist How does that help the site, I wonder.
Does it help the site not to have a very negative closed question lying around, you mean?
@MετάEd I would ask others’ opinion, though, mods or comm coörds.
@tchrist No, does it help the site to restore the rep lost for 12 downvotes to the author of the bad question?
Why does the site care about his 24 reps?
Reputation is supposed to indicate whether someone's other posts are trustworthy.
I’m often not impressed by his other posts.
Restoring reputation when a really bad question is deleted seems counterproductive.
It gives him a better reputation than he earned.
I see.
Guys, I have a question
What is the umbrella term for describing words such as Agreement/Addition/Similarity/Opposition (e.g. Again, moreover, as well as, on the other hand)?
I knew it last time but I forgot XD..
Google says transitional words and phrases.
@Cerberus Nice link, TA.
@MετάEd TA.
1 hour later…
I think I've mastered bytes and binary operations
1 hour later…
@O0oO0oOO0ooO That sounds sexy.
2 hours later…
@Cerberus You here?
@tchrist you here?
@RegDwighт You here?
@Meysam Who are you, Sudhir?
And good morning.
@Cerberus Good morning. What's the meaning of "not least difficulty" in "Amid renewed reports of structural problems not least difficulty of reducing employee numbers". Could you rephrase the sentence to make it easier to undrestand?
"The Yen was down against both the Euro and the USD over the week. Amid renewed reports of structural problems not least difficulty of reducing employee numbers, still a belief that the Yen would resume its earlier 2013 weakening against USD."
@Meysam Hi! That is ungrammatical.
The author probably made a typo. It should probably something like this:
@Cerberus Like what?
> The Yen was down against both the Euro and the USD over the week. Amid renewed reports of structural problems, not least [the] difficulty of reducing employee numbers, [there was] still a belief that the Yen would resume its earlier 2013 weakening against USD.
That text is written in a headline-like style, where words are generally omitted, but also in a very sloppy way.
But you can say "x, not least y, ..." to mean "x, of which the least (part/factor) was not y, ...".
Thank you. As I understand, "[the] difficulty of reducing employee numbers" is one of the structural problems mentioned in the reports, right?
So you are not to blame for finding that text hard to read!
Apparently I need to read more newspapers though.
Well, this text was poorly written regardless.
I guessed so.
The other paragraphs have other problems, I saw.
@MattЭллен are you busy?
@JohanLarsson nope :) what's up?
I wrote this:
    public static class AttachedProperties
        public static readonly DependencyPropertyKey MidPointProperty =
            DependencyProperty.RegisterAttachedReadOnly("MidPoint", typeof(Point), typeof(FrameworkElement), new PropertyMetadata(default(Point)));

        public static Point GetMidPoint(FrameworkElement element)
            return new Point(element.ActualWidth / 2, element.ActualHeight / 2);
no idea if it is correct, I fail to bind to it
CenterPoint="{Binding Mode=OneWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Grid}}, Path=(Grid.MidPoint)}"
what does happen?
It says it can't resolve symbol MidPoint
I have never written an attached property before so can be plenty of wrong/dumb
I'm thinking about it. I can't quite recall how I've done dep props in the past
If i do this on the same control it works:
Length="{Binding Mode=OneWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Grid}}, Path=(Grid.Row)}"
restarting vs
so you need a way to attach the property to the grid
yes I want the midpoint of the grid, np to do with a converter but I thought I should make it a little harder this time :D
I wish there were clean support for lambdas in Xaml
so I tried
 <TextBlock Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Grid}, Path=(Grid.Row)}}"/>
and I get the error "The property 'Path' was not found in type 'RelativeSource'."
Oh I see what I've done
I think one curly is wrong
Xaml is not a nice language
I quite like it
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=(Grid.Row)}"/>
I like the declarative style
That looks like it works
It is not all bad but gets so insanely verbose
i always miss ctrl + m + o like crazy when writing xaml, my wish is that it would collapse to current level
I don't think you can use attached properties like that
yeah it is probably plain wrong
for example DockPanel.Dock is part of the DockPanel class
but s not the point of attaching to add things to existing classes?
sort of
I'm not an expert
I fought with the system for weeks to get a moveable line attached to a chart
I should perhaps ask an SO question, always hesitate before doing it sor some reason
I can't even remember how that works
This prints 0:
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1">
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=(Grid.Row)}"/>
And this 1:
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=(Grid.Row)}"/>
thanks for your time, I'll go with the converter for now
I've been playing around with custom shapes
no probs. sorry I couldn't be of more help!
so, I suppose you could extend the Grid class and add in the dependency property you want, then attach it to your shape
can one inherit from Grid?
here are the shapes, I'm pretty noob at this so can be wrong. Did not bother trying to figure out measureoverride and arrangeoverride
@MattЭллен Looks like it public class Grid : Panel, IAddChild (from MSDN signature)
so it's not sealed
that's good, if you wanted to go to that extra trouble
it is an option but then converter feels cleaner, will work with all FrameworkElement also
@JohanLarsson you could make the container element a dependency property of the shape and then set the midpoint that way. that's how I added a moveable line to a chart
ah, nice
there is probably a way to figure out containerelement by walking the tree also
aye, probably
Then I could have a RelativeToProperty, {Center, TopLeft,...}
Q: need help inventing an English word

Zhang WeiwuI am looking to make up an English word in a project. I am not polluting English. My intention is to be as correct as possible in making a new word to address a concept that is going to be repeatedly debated in my project hundreds of times. The word is to describe addictiveness of coins of a per...

I just got a spam email advertising USB car chargers.
I never realized the flux capacitor was a car charger. It all makes sense now.
Q: Why do they answer with "what is" in Jeopardy game?

Suzan CiocWhy do the players of Jeopardy game answers the question with "what is" sentence? For example, if they asked "J.S. Bach played a mean violin but preferred this instrument with a slightly longer body & slightly shorter name", they answered "what is organ" (incorrect) or "what is viola" (correct). ...

@Robusto You have to phrase that as a statement.
Q: Which is correct AND or OR?

RJIGOIf I want to mean: he is without money and without job, do I say He's without money AND job or do I say He's without money OR job ? Please also explain your answer.

Why . Just why.
Boring Friday meeting. Lators.
In other news, turns out John Paul II was a saint. I wonder if he knew.
A: Can't search for a question about "that" and "which"

Nick CraverSearch now does a much better job of this, which is no longer a stop word - take a peek: http://english.stackexchange.com/search?q=appropriate+use+of+that+and+which

Whoa. Dude.
so @RegDwighт my new addiction is setting in.
Yesterday I started making a spreadsheet to calculate the most cost-effective ways to get new track and power functions for my train.
I think there are apps for that now.
The most surprising result: buying the box of flex-track is the cheapest way if you're just looking for track length
Oh, but that doesn't surprise me.
really? I thought the box of flex-track and straight track would be cheaper
And I'm not even a train person. Like, at all. But that I knew.
surely straight track is cheaper to make than flex?
Well I don't know how cheap it is to make, I only know how not-so-cheap it is to buy.
well, yeah. all the train parts are expensive.
I was about to conclude that it's cheaper to just buy track and power functions separately than to buy the kit, but I forgot about the wheels/couplers.
Those don't seem to be sold in separate kits. So I need to figure out their avg price.
also I need to educate myself on what different kinds there are.
Ha. Millions.
:) yeah but I mean current ones.
Well okay. Halves of millions.
How many halves of millions?
That is the question.
Mr Shiny will report back with the results.
Because if it's halves, not half, then halves of millions has to be at least millions.
yesterday, by RegDwighт
And you keep explaining my jokes to... who?
You've said that before.
I doubt it. You don't have proof.
3 mins ago, by RegDwighт
yesterday, by RegDwighт
And you keep explaining my jokes to... who?
But I didn't say that before. I said that after.
yesterday is before.
It is before just one day, but after millions. Halves of millions, even. Obviously you're misrepresenting the situation on purpose.
@RegDwighт Yes, but you were GOING TO say it before.
Whenever I misrepresent stuff, it's on purpose. Otherwise I'd just be presenting it. wrongly, but still.
@DavidWallace I was also GOING TO be an astronaut. You don't have a point.
How do we know you're not an astronaut?
Apr 19 at 17:49, by RegDwighт
@KitFox As my math professor(s) used to say, "By looking closely, one can easily observe that..."
1 hour later…
I can banish spirits to the vasty deep!
A: Etymology of "chookas"

John SmitheChookas is sick as ayyy mate. Kind of like, "have a good one ayy cunt" which you say to a theatre spud.

What is wrong with me today? I can’t bring myself to agree with anything on the flag queue enough to delete-vote it or re-flag it. This is unnatural. I seem to have turned pussy. It’s like I am taking the “first do no harm” thing too seriously.
@sim We have a spammer.
@Sim You need the stack team: he’s on a whole bunch of sites doing the same thing.
@Reg Ping me when you’re handy for a bit and I’ll send you baby pictures of my lovechild.
Q: Is English the most popular language in the world?

Shaona BoseOn the Internet, on television, in books, and on most of the objects which are meant for the masses, it’s English which is used as the language. Is this the same in every (or almost every) country? Is English the most widely spoken language?

Oh come on.
@tchrist liked by most people — Shaona Bose 10 mins ago
So she wants to know if most people “like” English? What is this, Facebook?
hey guys
@RegDwighт is it required to say "what is" by the rules of Jeopardy, and is senseless in English? — Suzan Cioc 4 hours ago
@tchrist Next you'll be unable to downvote any question because you're taking "IDIC" too seriously. Like Cerb.
@Reg watch this. . . .
The colors are largely arbitrary and silly. I was just experimenting.
That’s using Graphviz.
Via Graph::Easy.
How many nodes must a man walk down, before you can call him a man?
I can’t believe I actually typed whilst in a comment. I never use that word. Ever.
@tchrist That sure looks like Graphviz.
Oh. Late jinx.
I haven’t tried any of the others.
I hate it so much I would recognize it blindfolded.
Cuz hideous, made in the 80s, never updated, and it was AT&T who made it.
I could go on.
But I suppose you'll just join me in AT&T hatred.
If and only if it’s AT&T as in SysV. If it’s AT&T as in research.att.com, then no.
> --renderer The external program (default: "dot") used to render the output formats like "png", "jpg" etc. Some choices are "neato", "twopi", "fdp" or "circo".
Anyway. For something that's been open-source for decades, I'd expect better. That's the most polite thing I will say about it.
But yeah. Whatever. If you need it for a throwaway task it's okay.
       The output can be a dump of the graph in one of the following formats:

           Graph::Easy  bloodgate.com/perl/graph/manual
           DOT          graphviz.org
           VCG          rw4.cs.uni-sb.de/~sander/html/gsvcg1.html
           GDL          aisee.com
           GraphML      graphml.graphdrawing.org

       In addition, "Graph::Easy" can also create layouts of graphs in one of the following output formats:

           HTML   SVG   ASCII   BOXART
Would you go for one of the others? I hate Graphviz half-loaded on my system.
The hours of "sudo port install" were for fixing it to actually be loaded.
Well aiSee is ours so I'm biased. But as far as the graph is concerned it won't look much better. Your node degree is quite high.
I’m no connoisseur. No ken.
"Node degree"?
The number of incoming plus outgoing edges.
Ah, yes.
On average, I mean.
All the format classes inherit from Grump::Data.
So that a record can have data.
So. Whatcha need it for anyway? Spill the beans.
What, the graph or the classes themselves?
Well. The call graph, yes.
It’s actually an inheritance graph.
Right. Sorry.
I wanted to show the Indi^Wcolleagues how the OO setup worked.
Anyway, I mean, if you're debugging or if it's just casual interest.
No, I wrote it.
Ah the colleagues.
I understand.
I mean, the whole system of 150 classes.
They are, um, having trouble understanding it.
Well how should I put it. The picture doesn't clear up too much.
That was part of the point. :)
I was making a joke.
These people spend man-years in Visio.
You might even say it's like a thousand words or something.
The problem is they refuse to look at any docs that are longer than their little text window.
Sounds familiar.
I fully documented the API of every single class, using POD. They said that was too hard, because it was too much documentation.
They never document anything. I go nuts trying to figure out their API.
I have a program with like 40 options that dynamically load like 100 possible format classes. The testing possibilities are combinatorically explosive.
Buit the most common use is simply being able to do something like: grump '$gcos =~ /Tom/' /etc/passwd
hello friend!!!!
But it knows a hundred different formats and incalculably many files, and the variables are always the names of each particular record's fields.
Perhaps you should tell them that having comprehensive documentation doesn't mean you have to read it all. You only need to read the bits you need to read.
You want to look up a class, you look up the class.
Yes, exactly.
It’s like thinking you have to know every function in the C library before you can use any of them.
I do not know where this comes from.
I mean, the graph isn't much different. You can only look at so many spots in it at once.
But yeah. People. Them's the worst.
Oh, my soup is ready. I will have to abandon you.
They are also kinda brain-damaged about how inheritance works.
Ok, byze.
@iAmbitious hello friend. I will have to maroon you as well.
The brain damage is caused by Java and C++.
They don’t grok mix-ins very well.
Let alone C3 method resolution order instead of depth-first search.
Where’s @Rob? I need somebody to bitch at about dumb Java programmers. :(
Maroon is a weird word. I wonder why it means both deep purple and to strand on a deserted island or some such?
Gosh you know things are bad when even Community is going around protecting shit.
Oh, is it the International Random Map Day yet?
It’s the poster for the You-stole-our-land-day-you-dirty-Amerikans Day in Russia.
And that isn’t an international map. It’s an AMERICAN map! :)
It was 96 degrees 100 miles north of Anchorage.
And there are no clouds over Alaska in that picture, which is bizarre.
I’ll let you translate 96 degrees, 100 miles, north, and Anchorage into Russian on your own, sorry.
Me, I didn’t realize how long it took the sea ice to break up on the North Shore. That pic was from a couple weeks back tops.
But please don’t translate Alaska into Russian. It would make That Woman all mad.
Well, 96 degrees, 100 miles, north, and Anchorage in Russian would be 96 degrees, 100 miles, north, and Anchoragskov. Or Anchoragski. Or Anchorageev. Russian is hard!
Why do you have three names for the same place?
And how come you don’t have your own word for anchor?
Because joke.
I thought that was obvious.
Yes, I was teasing.
I often think that.
That’s because I often am.
I'm trying to watch The Green Hornet right now. I do not get it.
The original, or some remake?
It's like the most nonsensical movie ever.
@tchrist there was an original?
Remake then.
This is from a few years back.
With some Chinese guy who I keep wondering whether he's Zulu in the Star Trek remake or not.
Yeah, Sulu is really Kato. It is known.
Well looks like it's a different guy after all.
Sez IMDb.
On whose home page it also looks like Johnny Depp is holy shit when did he get so old?
> The character debuted in The Green Hornet, an American radio program that premiered on January 31, 1936. ... The Green Hornet was adapted into two movie serials: The Green Hornet and The Green Hornet Strikes Again! (1940, 1941). The Green Hornet was a television series ... aired for the 1966–1967 WITH BRUCE LEE AS KATO
No way.
Not the Bruce.
That is cool I guess.
It is.
This guy sure is not.
I am thinking the remakes didn’t do him justice.
Who could?
But I will give it another fifteen minutes of my attention. BBL.
> Williams and Lee's Green Hornet and Kato appeared as anti-heroes in the second season of the live-action 1960s Batman TV series, in the two part episodes "A Piece of the Action" and "Batman's Satisfaction".
Intermezzo: so I switch back to HDMI input and the first thing I see is Christoph Waltz. I guess I like the movie a tiny bit more now. Intermezzo out.
> Rotten Tomatoes, 44% of 211 critics gave the film a positive review, with an average score of 5.2/10. Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times called it "[a]n anemic, 97-pound weakling of the action comedy persuasion ... a boring bromedy that features mumblecore heroics instead of the real thing."Lou Lumenick of the New York Post found it "an overblown, interminable and unfunny update (in badly added 3-D)", and called star Rogen "miscast".
I declined to go.
> Roger Ebert gave it one star and called it "an almost unendurable demonstration of a movie with nothing to be about. Although it follows the rough storyline of previous versions of the title, it neglects the construction of a plot engine to pull us through."
Let me say something before I even read the above quotes.
It's a strange beast.
A real firework of gags. Joke upon joke upon joke upon joke. And they all fall flat. Every single one.
Really quite an accomplishment.
The pacing is all wrong, the delivery is amateurish, and the editing is abysmal.
But the writing as such is completely par for the course.
Now let me see what you have on offer there.
Well. Not sure what Kenneth Turan is getting at, other than that he doesn't like it. Ebert is more comprehensible, and more on the money, too.
I hate SQL. Well I hate when I write SQL because I am basically incompetent at it.
Now I'll just wait a long, long time.
Don’t write SQL.
That’s for los peones to do for you.
hey guys
I'm not native speaker need help
anyone available to help?
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev What kind of help?
@tchrist When you are managing a small business, you are los peones much of the time.
@MετάEd what about ORMs?
@MattЭллен Other Regulated Materials?
Object Relational Mappings
Overheated random materials
Orange Roast Mangoes
Obtuse Rectangle Minimizers
Oblong Rooster Microwaves
Obligatory Rickroll Memes
So, ORMs are good for not having to write SQL.
speaking of not writing SQL, time to go pick up my kids at daycare. bye!
1 hour later…
@tchrist You rang? Yes, Java is stupid. nod
Stone knives and bearskins.
2 hours later…
> The original Twinkies recipe used natural dairy products and bananas for the creamy filling. In fact, the original choice of banana filling is why Twinkies have that distinctive tubular yellow shape. However, vanilla cream was used as a substitute after a banana shortage during World War II. After the war, people preferred the vanilla taste, so the change became permanent.
Twinking is a type of behavior in role-playing games. A player who engages in such behavior is known as a twink. The precise definition of twinking varies depending on the variety of role-playing game. In "pen and paper" role-playing games, a twink is often synonymous with a munchkin. In MUDs, a twink is a player who is variously anything from a munchkin to a newbie to a griefer. In MMORPGs, twinking refers to a character gaining equipment with the assistance of a higher level character, particularly by giving said low level character higher level equipment that is otherwise unattainable...
Twinkle, 'the picture paper especially for little girls' was a popular British comic, published by D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd from 27 January 1968 to 1999 (1612 issues). It was aimed at young girls and came out weekly, supplemented each year with a Summer Special and a hardcover Annual (the first annual was dated 1970). The comics were introduced by Twinkle herself and featured comic strips, dress-up dolls, a Twinkle Club letters page, and often puzzles. Among the most popular comic strips were Nurse Nancy ( illustrated by Sabine Price artist ), Jenny Wren, Witch Winkle, Polly's Magic Paintb...
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" is a popular English lullaby. The lyrics are from an early 19th-century English poem, "The Star" by Jane Taylor. The poem, which is in couplet form, was first published in 1806 in Rhymes for the Nursery, a collection of poems by Taylor and her sister Ann. It is sung to the tune of the French melody "Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman", which was published in 1761 and later arranged by Mozart for a famous set of variations. The English lyrics have five stanzas, although only the first is widely known. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 7666. Lyrics The Engli...
The Twinkie is an American snack cake, marketed as a "Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling". It was formerly made and distributed by Hostess Brands and is currently owned by private equity firms Apollo Global Management and Metropoulos & Co. Twinkie production in the United States will resume after an absence on American store shelves, becoming available again by July 15, 2013. It is still being produced in Canada by Saputo Incorporated's Vachon Inc. (at a bakery in Montreal) which owns the Canadian rights for the product. History Twinkies were invented in River Forest, Illinois o...
Tinker Bell (often misspelled as Tinkerbell, also referred to as Tink for short), is a fictional character from J. M. Barrie's 1904 play Peter Pan and its 1911 novelization Peter and Wendy. She has appeared in multiple film and television adaptations of the Peter Pan stories, in particular the 1953 animated Walt Disney picture Peter Pan. She also appears in the official sequel Peter Pan in Scarlet by Geraldine McCaughrean and commissioned by Great Ormond St Hospital as well as the "Peter and the Starcatchers" book series by Ridley Pearson and Dave Barry. At first only a supporting charac...
[[Brent Corrigan won the "Best (Amateur) Twink Performer - Bottom" 2008 Golden Dickie for Fuck Me Raw while his studio at the time, Cobra Video won for "Best (Amateur) Twink Studio" largely through his films.]] Twink is a gay slang term describing a young or young-looking man with a slender, ectomorph build, little or no body hair, and no facial hair. In some societies, the terms fox, plum, chick, or chicken are preferred. The related term twinkle-toes, which implies that a man is effeminate, tends to be used in a derogatory manner. The terms can be complimentary or pejorative. Origin ...

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