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nothing at all to do with copying anything.
@MετάEd It is such an egregious, abusive bit that it tells me something about the probability that other bits of American contract law are not fit to be leading in moral arguments either. And then I happen to know more about it, which points in the same direction. Hence my "if only".
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The only case in which that would be problematic is if you had to use the Sprint software to erase itself. The ouroboros of phone unlocking. The Sprint software would essentially then be the unlocking software too.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Do they even lock down Nexus??
@Cerberus No, that's like judging an entire culture based on a few loudmouths in a chatroom. Most people are nice; the loudmouths just seem bigger than they are.
Most US contract law is friendly old lawyers writing up stuff between farmers and banks.
@MετάEd I'm 99.99% sure that it doesn't have anything to do with software owned by sprint. Unless you're going to say that Sprint locks the phones by putting Sprint firmware on the phone itself. Which I can't dispute because I don't know. But even then, I should be able to unlock it by removing that firmware, or else it should fall under the doctrine of first sale because I own the hardware.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I know. But I was surprised by Ed's coupling of contract and morality. I mean, there is some relation, but it isn't one to one, not for me.
@Cerberus In some cases, yes.
Anyway, of course I only buy unlocked phones now. And recommend the same to everyone I know.
@MετάEd Well, a legal system is different from a culture, in that it is supposed to be a system. If you see bad coding in a program you have to work with, don't you trust the program less?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Phone unlocking is defined as circumventing the security which prevents you from modifying the phone software so that you can re-network it.
@MετάEd Sure, in most cases it will work fine.
I didn't mean to say it was all bad; just that there are some fundamental flaws.
@MετάEd Um... but the phone typically doesn't require modifying of its software to re-network it.
@Cerberus The legal system is part of the culture. It's not separate. Culture has many things in it too, but the legal system is one of those things.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The question isn't whether you modify the software, the question is whether you circumvent the security which protects the software from unauthorized use.
@MετάEd but "unauthorized use" is not a feature of copyright. You have to make a copy to invoke copyright.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 A copy was made for you, and licensed to your use with conditions. That's the copy we're talking about.
The copy of the software that is on your phone.
You got that software not by purchase but by license.
@MετάEd I dispute that the phone's GSM stack was "licensed to me". I bought the phone. I didn't license the phone.
@MετάEd What if Sprint takes an existing bit of (free?) phone-locking code, changes it a little bit, then formally brands it as its own? They would do that if they could...
It used to be the carriers were not so smart about that. They simply sold you a copy of the software. Now they license it to you.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I never said the GSM stack was the software.
@MετάEd That's where the lock lives.
@MετάEd Yes. But I wasn't talking about the culture in general. We can talk about that if you like, but I was only criticising this particular element of it.
It's not in the OS.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Maybe the GSM stack is the software. That's for someone more knowledgeable than me to know.
There are all kinds of software in a phone these days.
Anyway, I don't think the claim that they're "licensing" the firmware of the phone would stand up in court. No judge would accept that.
It has to be that the DMCA is explicitly disallowing this somehow. But I don't see how the interpretation fits. I'd really like to see the specific language, or a court ruling.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why? There are plenty of phones on the market you can buy that are not locked. If you choose to buy one that has restrictive licensing terms, that's your fault.
@MετάEd So you're telling me that if I bought a phone with no subsidy, and also signed up for cell service, that they'd give me a different contract? And the phone would be unlocked? Please. The phones are all sold locked.
@MετάEd Suppose I make a copy of a piece of software and use it to hack a bank. Then can the bank sue me for copyright infringement? No, because the main illegal act is hacking the bank, not copying the software. Now suppose that the bank gives me software that I am not supposed to use to hack the bank, but I do it anyway. Can they now sue me for copyright infringement?
I don't think so: I did do something illegal with the software (and software is always a copy of something), but the bank still has no standing.
You have to buy your phones from the manufacturer if you want unlocked.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The DMCA specifically disallows the circumvention of security mechanisms that protect a person's copyright. When you defeat the security mechanisms so that you can violate your license to use the copyrighted software, that's when DMCA comes in to play.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Perhaps it won't stand up in court?
@MετάEd I still think it's a huge stretch to call carrier-locking a copyright security mechanism.
@Cerberus Surely they can get you under DMCA as well as other things.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The phones are not all sold locked. That was one of the big reasons that the Registrar of Copyright decided the exemption wasn't needed for new phones, just for legacy phones.
@MετάEd DMCA, sure. But under "making an illegal copy"?
@MετάEd Only the copyright holder can sure for copyright infringement. If the bank gives you a piece of software, and you modify it, you are probably within your rights as the owner of that copy, unless you signed a real contract regarding the software itself. Courts have been unfriendly to the notion that software is never sold.
No, using a copy illegally.
@MετάEd The doctrine of first sale gives you a wide range of options for how you "use" a copy of a work.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Right. And phone companies wised up about ten years ago and started writing better contracts. They are the ones to blame here; they played the system.
e.g. a book maker can't sue you for writing in the margins of the book.
@MετάEd You’re a C programmer, right?
Remember the old cdecl program? Now it’s a web service.
Try it with this: void (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int), which is of course the proper declaration for signal(3).
> declare signal as function (int, pointer to function (int) returning void) returning pointer to function (int) returning void
This is why people avoid function pointers in C. It hurts.
It is also why I am here on ELU answering questions about who/whom instead of hanging out on SO trying to figure out elaborate function declarations.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Haha nice. Bai!
@tchrist We understand.
It’s easier. A lot easier.
@Jason No, but thanks for asking.
@tchrist Not when I can help it. Yes, the fact that this is necessary is pretty damned funny.
Phonetics is not the same as phonology. Phonology is like gun control laws; Phonetics is like the NRA. — John Lawler 3 mins ago
Learn something new every day.
@Mahnax: How are you?
Good afternoon!
Good evening
From India
Hi @aediaλ
How are you?
@Sudhir Hiya! I'm pretty good. Still finishing up w-rk. How about you?
I am fine
I'm hoping to go see a friend's house if we don't get snow tonight.
Oh! great
Its snowing there?
looks out window
Not yet, but it's about -9 C and could start any time.
You are programmer?
Thank God. In India its not too cold
What happened ?
@Sudhir More like a web designer and writer, but I went to school for computer science.
Oh! Great
I also work as PHP programmer for a company that outsources from US to India.
If you don't mind we can chat here.
Still waiting
@Sudhir Oh, I don't mind! I am just trying to do other things at the same time, so I might be slow to answer. You might have better luck at a time when more people are around.
You know Resonance company?
in US?
It is still the workday for those of us in the US, and some of our European regulars are probably commuting.
@Sudhir Hmm, I don't think so.
If you don't mind
Can I ask one question?
For freshers how companies recruit in US?
@Sudhir I am well, thank you. And yourself?
I am good
Its my sleeping time.
Ah yes, it must be quite late there.
OK guys I have submitted my request for account deletion. I will still be around on SE on the math site though.
Jasper, noooo!
@Sudhir Freshers? You mean entry-level jobs?
@JasonBourne Nooo!
mentally prepares self for loss of 980 rep
We will miss you, Jasper.
This is just to let you know, not to attract attention.
@JasonBourne everything you do here is to attract attention :)
even your votes are accompanied with chatroom messages declaring them.
@JasonBourne Thank you for telling us. You will still come to chat, won't you?
I am sorry for making you lose rep, and I am sorry I have cast revenge votes now and then (just a few, not many, on some users of this site).
My maths exam starts in an hour.
@Mahnax What topic is it?
@JasonBourne Um, all of Maths 20. So quadratics, rational expressions, sequences and series, systems, inequalities, and some other stuff.
Oh! I know all
Trig, too.
I am very good on Trig
@Sudhir Nice! I am in year 11 in high school right now, so this is my final exam.
I got 100% on the trig unit exam.
Oh all the best
@Mahnax Hmm OK, you might use more of the math site next time when you enter university I guess.
@JasonBourne Well, I will be doing a calculus course next year, so maybe if I will be of use there.
@Mahnax As part of your IB? Hmm, anyway, a calculus course can mean many things. Maybe no proofs or many proofs, so it can be at many levels.
@JasonBourne Who knows. Oh, I also did a unit on vectors, but that won't be on this final exam.
The vectors unit was an IB unit.
@Mahnax Hmm, I like vectors in high school. Do you do 3D or 2D?
@JasonBourne Both, but mainly 2D.
@JasonBourne You better keep that math account so you can visit us here. If I hear of you deleting any more accounts I will... I will... I don't know. Stomp and breathe fire!
@aediaλ Hear, hear!
@aediaλ Yes, I intend to keep my math account for life.
And I also intend not to create any more new accounts.
I am leaving for the day
Jasper, I hope you at least record your final numbers from EL&U so you can realize how incredible you've been here.
@Mahnax Well, I got many presents after all!
Bye Guys. Good night
@JasonBourne Yes, and you contributed so much here!
Good night, @Sudhir.
@Mahnax Yes, I am sorry I pissed off some people too sometimes.
433 answers, 19 questions, and 9275 votes.
That's crazy good.
@mah Which year will you be a freshman?
@JasonBourne There's no need to apologize for anything like that. Everyone gets angry at everyone else sometimes.
@JasonBourne I don't know. We don't use those terms here.
Oh, do you mean for uni?
@Mahnax Yes, freshman means first year in uni.
2014-2015 will be my first year.
@JasonBourne I thought you meant HS at first.
But now I must go, my exam calleth. Farewell, friends.
@Mahnax Oh, that is actually next year! You are a big boy now!
@Mahnax Bye! Good luck!
@JasonBourne Hehe.
@Sudhir G'night!
@Mahnax I'm sure you'll do stellar.
kncok 'em dead @Mahnax
@aediaλ There hasn't been many updates on that site in a while. Has Allie disappeareded?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think so. Something I read on the interwebs a while ago led me to believe she was still ok and just not up to dealing with the site, I think - I'm looking for it...
@JasonBourne You can't be serious.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ah, right.
Funny how "alive and not at serious risk of immediately not being so" translates in my memory to "still ok".
I really hope she is doing better though.
yeah me too
She is funny.
Her happiness must be increased.
From left to right: @JasonBourne's ELU account, StackExchange. (Artist's impression.)
By the way, did you know that religious people are now officially nuts?
3 hours ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
Anyway, I leave for lunch with this bit of news: Austrian Muslim group thinks Lego Jabba's Palace is racist
> In a statement, the Turkish Cultural Community of Austria called on Lego to apologise for affronting religious and cultural feelings. It says: “What Lego are recommending parents buy as a Christmas gift? The answer is pure racism.”
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 oh!
LEGO should release a Prophet Mohammed set. Technic pieces.
In fact, someone should propose one on CUSOO.
I mean, if you want to say that Lego is racist because the yellow figs secretly represent white people, despite lego's claims that they are "raceless", or that lego sets which feature flesh-coloured people are usually fully-populated by whites, etc, etc, then I would be inclined to not call you a crackpot. But calling an accurate rendition of a fictional place racist is dumb.
@RegDwighт Lego's Danish, right? They'll totally do it.
A Lego mosaic of those cartoons that were so popular.
Good thinking.
The Mosaic line has gathered some dust lately.
Time to revamp. With a bang.
I was thinking they should actually BUILD the Hagia Sohpia Mosque, and then fill it with these:
and a couple of guys loading them into a van
> (MORE: Texas Apartment to Track Dog Poop Offenders Using DNA)
Okay WTF how's that even related?
And it's not just a related link at the end. It's the third paragraph of the article, after which the article resumes.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 they did have the Taj Mahal, so why not the mosque. It is a World Heritage site, with very peculiar architecture that would make for a very advanced build.
So really. The possibilities are endless. They should do something.
@RegDwighт maybe they can make the terrorists-loading-dynamite-into-a-van bit a bonus kit that you get if you're one of the first 100 buyers at each lego store.
It's a win-win.
I wonder how long until someone flags my messages
The funny thing is, the Hagia Sophia used to be a Christian church. Until the Moslems came along and slapped the four minarets onto it. Who's racist now.
You rebuild our churches, we'll rebuild yours.
hell, Jabba's Palace is, in-canon, a monastery that he forcibly took over.
This story is probably the most levels of wrong I have seen in a long time.
We'll see.
Meanwhile, you seen the modular cinema coming out in two months?
I haven't bought any of the modular buildings yet
I might have to buy this one though
I like how the roof is decorated in ninja-turtle knives
@RegDwighт didn't it go mosque, church, mosque?
I have the pet shop now. I never meant to buy any modulars (except for the micro-modulars set), and least of all would I have expected the pet shop to be the first one for me. But well, here we are.
@MattЭллен mosque, church, mosque, Bo'marr Monk monastery, Crime-lord palace.
@RegDwighт how is it? anything interesting about it?
@MattЭллен it had quite a few steps before that. It used to be some Roman shit.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 it's simultaneously exactly as boring as I always thought, and quite awesome so I'm not even considering taking it apart, but instead adding another floor. Or two.
@RegDwighт heheh
I only got it for the piece count. Amazon had a special sale, 20% off everything.
So I think this one was like 110 Euros for 2100-something pieces.
And I mean, sand blue. Come on. Ain't going to get them at three times the price.
I was missing like 200 pieces, probably less, and then I started buying sand blue off BrickLink, so I was down to some 107 or 97 or something, and then of course this offer had to come along.
On the plus side, now I actually have the additional sand-blue pieces for another floor.
Does anybody have any idea about website bindings?
I don't even know what a website binding is.
no idea.
sounds like a microsoft thing
It hates me.
The whole fucking world hates me today.
Q: Questions on question mark with a certain type of sentence and spacing after periods when typing

NicoleDo you use a question mark when a sentence starts as a question but then turns into a statement? For example, "Can you explain this to me because I don't understand the second part." Another example would be, "What did he just say because I couldn't hear him over the noise of the television." I u...

drops "present" and hides
@KitFox nuh uh
@RegDwighт It appears to be nothing more than the old virtual-host thing. Why the hell Microsoft thought they needed a new name for something we’ve all used since the Web began, I have no idea.
@KitFox whispers, hopefully not too creepily It's sort of like a... a dead vole. I put it in your shoe? You see that I care? Yeah?
...is it still warm?
Uh, a little.
I don't want it if it isn't warm. pouts ungratefully
pops open the µwave’s door
This just cannot be right. The other site doesn't do it this way. Why is this all fucked up?
...aaaand Jasper's account is gone.
The main production site must redirect to the https site name.
All his posts just hit the review queues.
... which will be getting me my first Steward badge.
So, um. Thank you, @JasonBourne.
Huh? I see nothing.
Well I'm done with them.
That would do it.
Had only to fix an occasional typo.
That means what, ~80k reps will be siphoned off suddenly? That should make for some noise.
I dunno I don't seem to have lost a single point. Yet.
He hates you.
Perhaps they did listen, after all.
You think?
Q: Don't throw away all votes when a user is deleted

Mad ScientistCurrently, when a moderator deletes a user all of the user's votes are removed along with the user himself. I was pretty surprised at this behaviour when I first heard about it, and I don't think it is a good idea to throw away all of the votes just because the user is deleted. Votes are locked ...

Think? Dunno. Hope? Well, yes.
I'm gonna go down a few levels then
It’s like getting touched by a wraith. Lose a level.
So quick, all you math junkies, what rep interval does that translate to?
In fact we should be asking Jasper, he's the one on Maths.
You can’t tell which up votes were for questions vs answers, etc.
Nor can you see rep caps.
@tchrist I said interval. Certainly you can say, if all the upvotes are on questions and CW answers, you will have some sort of minimum.
Oh, that. You want the two most extreme ends.
The real art is to determine what the extremes are according to the rules. From there, the math is straightforward.
@RegDwighт But what is the outcome of that discussion? I think the votes will still be removed!
Anyway, my association bonus of 100 has still not been removed, I guess it takes a while.
@JasonBourne That would suck ass. You were the second-most active user by votes.
@tchrist I would think that almost everyone will have a net loss after this, even Kris or Thursagen, LOL.
@RegDwighт Well, it's OK, rep is not TOO important. Your parents, siblings, wife, children and friends are.
We must treat this as our last day on earth and ask, what are the truly important things in life?
These are the people that really shape the site. And look at the numbers. 9000 votes is a lot in that context.
wonders whether this will spark a streak of serial suicides
9000 votes is like three of these top people combined.
I know what is truly important to me now: A, B and C, which I shan't disclose. They aren't the same as before.
Not to mention all the badges that are tied to those votes.
Or maybe TPTB did a pseudodeletion only, hahahahahaha!
Anyway, I think the changes will take a while to filter through the system...
Hey has Robusto gotten 100k on ELL yet?
@RegDwighт the big question is: who is Ward?
he seems to be a compulsive voter.
so, never mind
@MattЭллен he's been brought up before here.
yeah, reading his profile rang some bells
In Swedish we have this idiom, "the taste is like the ass, divided" is there anything similar in English? (My translation)
@MattЭллен I assure you I have nothing to do with Ward.
Aug 22 '12 at 12:48, by RegDwight АΑA
178 reps, 19 profile views, 1 helpful flag, but 2172 votes. That's all-time top 20. More than Kit, more than Robusto, more than Mahnax, tchrist, MetaEd, simchona...
@JasonBourne I did not think you did :D
@JohanLarsson what is the taste of divided ass? Sorry, but I have to ask.
@KitFox roll back!
Is that what the Swedes use in lieu of alcohol they can't afford?
@KitFox Relax!
I can't! I messed it all up!
I don't want to be here right now! I want to go home.
@KitFox Just calm down...
@KitFox Well, on the plus side, these are the famous last words before getting promoted.
The Dilbert principle refers to a 1990s satirical observation by Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams stating that companies tend to systematically promote their least-competent employees to management (generally middle management), in order to limit the amount of damage they are capable of doing. In the [http://dilbert.com/fast/1995-02-05/ Dilbert strip of February 5, 1995,] Dogbert says that "leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow". Adams himself explained, I wrote The Dilbert Principle around the concept that in many cases the least competent, least smart peop...
@RegDwighт I just read his statistics, amazing!
@RegDwighт the taste and the ass are similar in that way. It is a fairly common tounge in cheek idiom in Swedish
@JohanLarsson tongue in ass cheek, you mean.
Or is that the joke?
gets absolutely nothing
@RegDwighт you know that puns are going to result in DNA ban right? I read it on meta!
Verdict: Swedish is nonsense.
I'm gonna have to live and die with that star I guess :)
No wonder everyone speaks English there.
Apr 14 '11 at 8:34, by RegDwight
@JSBangs Swedes are the worst. If you give them the slightest hint that you're not a native speaker of Swedish, they will immediately switch to English, and no amount of money, pleading, or threats will make them switch back. Which makes it next to impossible to learn Swedish while in Sweden. (They can't be bothered translating American TV shows, either. Sometimes they will add Swedish subtitles, if they are in a really generous mood.)
This worked. All last week it worked. This morning it worked.
Now it won't work.
I see that @waiwai has the highest rep on ELL so far!
Pour coffee on it till it works again.
Poor Kit. On a Friday, no less.
@RegDwighт ok might be
@JohanLarsson I just promise you, go to a Russian village and nobody will switch to English there.
@RegDwighт we have no integrity!
I would send you my developer who managed to unbreak my broken thing if I could, @Kit.
I think I’ve just made it mad at me.
In fact, go visit Moscow and try to get from the airport to the Kremlin, or even just buy milk, without knowing Russian. IMMINENT FAIL.
It’s locked in a death spiral.
@KitFox everyone where I work feels your pain. we were meant to be shipping beta products on Monday. It all looked good then a dohicky didn't work as expected.
I'm supposed to be creating a workaround for the thing I forgot about.
I was just trying a little redirection thing because they wanted to rename the site.
Of course.
Oh, and use https.
Now none of my stuff will work properly. So I was going to change it back but now it won't.
It just won't.
@tchrist How can you see that page? Do you need a certain rep?
Is it correct to say that taste is divided (among people)?
@JohanLarsson it must not be, since I don't know what you mean.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 looks like the std user profile?
@JohanLarsson for a deleted user
What is an example of a divided taste?
I think it's like "Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one."
So you know. Divided like everybody's is different.
The idea is that everyone's ass looks different. No two asses are alike.
That's what Johan's starred message says.
There's no accounting for ass.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 "there's no accounting for taste"? the idea is that everyone has one of their own, but I'm not using it correctly I think
@KitFox that is very similar, the gist of it is identical
Ah, then it's what Kit says.
Opinions are divided, like asses.
You're just trying to make me feel better.
@JohanLarsson so by "divided", you mean "everybody's is different?"

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