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In a way.
@DavidWallace hmmmmm. not really. sure he provides us the tools, but without us this site is nothing. he needs us as much as we need his tools
not that I'm not grateful
@MattЭллен He doesn't need us. He has a life outside SE.
if he wants SE to be a success he does
@DavidWallace He's actually saying, "you need to help pineapples too."
@simchona None of us is thus obliged.
So we can just put signs up on the bubblers: Pineapples only. Native speakers only.
@MattЭллен English.SE is a success if it becomes a watering hole for English experts. The way forward is to help it become that. We need to clean our own house.
Well, Gilles makes the point that we could let EL&U become ELL, and start a new EL&U instead.
@DavidWallace So do—oh.
@KitFox But how is that any different?
Because defining expert-level is cleaner than defining basic-level.
And that would not be closed, with the same argument?
That ELU already does that etc.
@Cerberus That's what I meant.
A: Should we ignore the General Reference close reason?

MετάEdYour premise is wrong. Basic questions have never been what the site is for. Whether they are closed GR or closed OT, basic questions should be closed. Stack Exchange is a growing network of individual communities, each dedicated to serving experts in a specific field. We build libraries of h...

A: On the Closure of English Language Learners

phoenixheart6I think that the ELL would be much more successful if it were hosted in other languages. Much like the various stackoverflow in [X language] sites that are gaining a lot of momentum, I think that ELU could stand to have counterparts in other languages. The biggest problem with ELL, from what I co...

Huh? Help me, I think I'm falling ...
@MετάEd that's quite difficult. if only because rep whoring is satisfying, there isn't consensus that EL&U is for experts and the beginners won't ever stop coming
@Cerberus Sometimes aikido works where brute force doesn't.
@KitFox Aikido only works if your opponent helps.
@simchona Yeah, I know.
It may be easier to define an expert site than to try to steer EL&U away from where it is headed.
@KitFox Let's try steering and see what happens.
You could try...
I don't think it's really been tried.
We've been doing that. I'm not sure that doing it harder it a good plan.
And I really mean that I'm not sure.
I don't think we have.
@Robusto I know... inarticulate grumbling
I think we have been much too accepting of well intentioned users.
It's great that people put effort and time into the site, but if they are putting the wrong kind of effort and time into it, there needs to be some correction.
We thought we were getting a Mercedes with this site, but Robert Cartaino has made it plain that we will only get a fiat. From him.
Seriously, do you really feel that SE sites are for "experts"?
@Cerberus Yes.
@MετάEd I think if that's going to work, we need to have a meeting with all the 10K users. A summit of sorts.
Then we even disagree on the basic premises.
Because most sites don't seem very "experty".
@Robusto laughs
@Cerberus The ones who answer questions ought to be. Else why have the site?
Like the first one. Stack Overflow is for serious technical questions. The kind of questions that make ordinary peoples' eyes glaze over.
@Robusto Ought to be, but can't be; and then there are the askers...
And then many sites don't even qualify as "fields", if you ask me.
Which is fine.
If only the chat engine weren't so good.
I would have been out of here ages ago.
Anybody up for a cup of coffee?
@KitFox I would, but I'm at work and it would only keep me awake.
@KitFox tru dat
Yeah, well, the combination of experts (small minority) and cool enthusiasts (yay!) I find stimulating.
@Robusto I've got decaf pods.
@KitFox Apropos of nothing, decaf is faced spelled backwards.
I don't feel that SE is bad just because it is to me not mainly populated by "experts".
You know what's funny? In French, they say either déca or décafféiné(/e), and in Dutch it's always décafé, for some strange reason.
@Cerberus I am being a expert on Inglish. What you are?
I are baboon.
I am weasel!
@MattЭллен No. You is weefil.
wii fil? is that a new nintendo game?
a French game where you answer the questions of your son
@MattЭллен Yay!
@Robusto desserts is stressed spelled backwards.
@MattЭллен Haha.
@KitFox That has been well documented already.
You could just pretend.
It would make me feel like you liked me.
May 9 at 14:18, by Robusto
In business it's all about stresses
From cleaning up all of those messes
But just pop a pill
And you're certain to chill
While the problem you have deliquesces
@Cerberus I thank you!
@KitFox But because I like you I don't feel I have to pretend around you. That is the ultimate compliment.
I thought I wouldn't have to be, for you, a magazine.
And Tori's stuck in my head again.
Well, there is worse, I suppose.
Hey @Robusto, you going to Nanowrimo this year?
@KitFox I have no knowledge of such a thing.
Really? It's all the rage.
Besides, I'm too old to be a young writer.
Do it, do it. nanowrimo.org
Get started on that scifi story you were thinking about.
@KitFox Which one was that?
Uh. The one with the computers and spaceships...
@KitFox Already written.
The issue now is to publish it.
For which I have to gather it up in Scrivener, edit it one final time, then export it.
I thought you hadn't started it yet.
Q: What is the precise synonym for the verb "confuse" in context of two similar things?

Global SinkWhat can be the best alternative to "confuse" as in following sentence: "John always confuses the twins and is never able to tell them apart"?

I wonder why so many people who participate in these projects/contest want to write scifi or fantasy novels? I would too! Why are we all like that?
@Cerberus Because you don't actually have to know anything to write fantasy.
@Cerberus Those are easier to write.
@simchona I think you are being too hard on this question.
@Robusto Hmm that could be part of it. But then what do you need to know for, say, a contemporary love story? Or some kind of contemporary moral dilemma?
@KitFox Hmm you think so? How so?
I think there's also a love for the genre as a reader that's part of it.
@Cerberus You have to know stuff. Trust me.
I certainly do like SF and F.
@Robusto And you don't for an SF/F story?
@KitFox There's no context. Simply "what's the best alternative?"
It's not the clearest wording, but I am pretty sure that OP wants to know a synonym with less ambiguous meaning than "confuse."
Actually, you do have to know stuff to write good sci-fi and fantasy. But quality wasn't stipulated.
@KitFox What irony.
@KitFox Until he says that, it can't stay open. It's classic NARQ.
@simchona The context is given. As in "John always confuses the twins."
@KitFox And what the hell does he want in terms of an alternative? What is "best"?
He gave no clue. No idea what he wants.
Well, I think he gave a pretty good indicator of what he wants.
He gave no indicator.
OK, I'll edit it.
Don't edit something he doesn't mean, though.
And we don't know what he means.
@KitFox A crashblossom?
@KitFox I don't agree with your edit, but I'm not getting into a war with you over it.
If it's not what he means, he can edit it.
If it is what he means, no harm done.
I don't think you should edit additional meaning without him saying anything.
Either way, at least it is on topic.
I would have rejected that edit if it were in the queue.
@Robusto Same thing applies to other genres!
Well, there you go. And no matter where you go, there you are.
There I go and there I am.
No, no, no. It's "Here I go and there I am." Pineapple.
I thing the explanation could be that people in this site are just into SF/F.
@KitFox Ok.
Other amateurs probably prefer other genres.
@Cerberus Stoat Fornication / Fellatio?
@MετάEd Then we can make sure we're all pushing in the same direction.
You mind-reader.
@KitFox This question should be closed. It is not a question by an expert or for an expert. It's GR.
@Cerberus I know. I was just messin' with ya.
It's English.SE being misused as a thesaurus.
We should close all questions on ELU until they give us ELL! Strike! Strike!
Occupy ELU!
@MετάEd Until the rest of the EL&U core decides where they want to push, I'm sticking with status quo. No offense. If you want it closed, you know the process.
No, let's occupy Italian.SE. They have more respect for strikes.
@Robusto You ermine.
@Robusto Yes! Yes!
@KitFox Oh. Well my opinion has not changed on account of the ELL thing today. I would have closed that question anyway.
rolls tyres towards ELU main square
@MετάEd As it stands, it meets the criteria for a word request.
@KitFox Not as the OP wrote it, and you implied additional intentions that were not apparent.
@MετάEd Yeah, but, honestly, who wants to be Italian? People will think you are lazy or corrupt, and the best thing you can say about the economy is "Thank God for Greece!"
I seem to remember reading just recently that single word requests have always been sort of the bastard stepchild questions on English.SE.
(on our GMATs)
@MετάEd Yep.
by my calculations we are the 97.4th percentile
@MετάEd True. I hate them. But I don't need them closed.
Well, hate is a big word.
@KitFox A question should only be measured against the specific single word request criteria if it has already passed the more general charter of the site.
@MattЭллен Obviously your calculations, like your politics, are inferior to those who have the correct line.
@Cerberus I think we need them closed if ELU is going to serve experts and if ELL is ever going to be viable.
@Cerberus I don't understand why you are so willing to have ELU overrun by basic questions.
@MετάEd You know the process, sir. You don't need to discuss it with me.
I don't mean that as a criticism, by the way. I simply do not understand, and I'd like to.
@MετάEd They could have a site of their own.
@KitFox Right, I'd just like to sway you :-)
Come to the dark side!
@Cerberus Who could?
@MετάEd I just don't see the problem with basic questions or other kinds that I don't like. We have always had them, and were we harmed?
@MετάEd SWRs.
@MετάEd Try again tomorrow.
@Cerberus English.SE was always conceived to be a site for exchange between English experts. I have no problem with basic questions, just not here. This is the experts site. Basic questions should be asked, but they should be asked elsewhere.
@MετάEd Oh, and I don't feel criticized.
The harm is that experts don't like the site because all the basic Q&A totally gets in the way. So the site doesn't attract enough experts, and it turns them away.
@KitFox Oh, I mean that to be a comment to Cerberus. But I don't mean to criticize you either. :-)
@KitFox puts note on calendar
@MετάEd But what's the harm?
@MετάEd Oh, this.
Then how come all the people here didn't run away?
Yes. The site has never adequately served experts, which is its charter, its purpose.
@Cerberus You don't miss them because you didn't know them. A lot of them did run away.
We need more John Lawlers.
maybe not him specifically, but I get your point :D
I don't believe that it is as simple as that.
First of all, I think we have enough knowledgeable users.
And we need the people who love to give grammar advice on basic questions to have their own site (ELL). A person like Kris is perfect for that site.
@MετάEd Ahahahaha.
@MετάEd I am sorry, I beg to differ on the last sentence.
@JasperLoy Of course. Reasonable people can disagree.
I've got to jet. Later!
So I just discovered that ELL is nuked!
@JasperLoy So what is your disagreement?
Secondly, I don't believe that basic questions necessarily turn off knowledgeable users, if there are enough interesting people and answers around on the site, and if there are enough interesting questions left.
@MετάEd None of this was ever proven or made plausible, was it?
@Cerberus The site is overrun by basic questions. That does turn off experts. The problem isn't basic questions, is a site overrun by them.
@MετάEd Well, I just find many of his answers and comments very weird. You can extrapolate from there.
Any proof?
I could name some psychological phenomena that would counter this theory.
@Cerberus I am late to the game. All I can tell you is that whenever the subject comes up about ELU being an experts site the long-timers start listing all the people who got fed up and left.
Now the ELL nuking actually guarantees the continued survival of ELU, so we should be happy!
@MετάEd Uhhh whom do you mean?
@MετάEd Hehe, actually I don't know of any.
Like Kosmonaut and Rohodri and those guys?
@Cerberus A nice use of whom there.
@Cerberus Told you I am late to the game. Ask other people.
@Cerberus That was due to arguments.
@JasperLoy Yes, we get to live on as slaves, husks of our former glory, fetching single-word-requests for pineapples. You may call that living. I don't.
This, and various comments I've seen from management about English.SE basically being a lot unlike what it was created for.
They left because Jeff was 1.) very rude, and 2.) trying to make our site less experty by forcing censorship on us and other things.
@Cerberus Yes, thankfully I came in at the end of the Jeff era also.
@JasperLoy Thanks.
i think that (1) was the issue much more than (2)
or at least, i would have phrased (2) differently
Jeff fancied himself an expert when he was more of a prescriptivist dillettante
I also think that Rhodri deleting his answers was extreme.
@MετάEd Yes, so these are not the expert users you could mean. I have never heard of any such users leaving for the reason you mentioned.
@JSBձոգչ Well, the argument started with Jeff's insisting that we censor more, didn't it?
I think the thing about English is that some people think they are experts simply because they are native speakers. They then express localized opinions that are not necessarily representative of the bigger truth.
He called our site "a disgrace", and it was because some obscene but valid questions ended up in the MC.
@JasperLoy Well, I think usually one or more good answers end up on top.
Also, he deleted the question in which Joe Blow and I had some friction. However that has been restored.
@Cerberus he disapproved of some of our policies, b/c he believed them to be "too basic" when they were in fact linguistically interesting
NNS now stands for two things: non-native speaker and naive native speaker.
@JSBձոգչ Right, there was that too. But wasn't it mainly about the MC questions?
@Cerberus these were the MC questions
Bah, I tried catching up with the transcript but you people are posting faster than I can read.
@RegDwighт You can save it for bed time later on.
Who was it at SE that referred to English.SE as basically a failed site?
@MετάEd Jeff? Robert? Shog? Other people?
Tell me to stop.
@RegDwighт No, don't stop.
Failed because it is supposed to support experts but has become just another "grammar help" site.
When everyone is pulling the wagon in a different direction, the wagon is not going anywhere. While being loaded with crap.
I think it has succeeded. We just need to keep focusing on providing quality answers.
@MετάEd that would be Robert.
@JasperLoy Success is measured in terms of what you are trying to achieve.
Also, I think maybe we should look at the scope of the site now and then and see if we need to change it.
Aug 31 at 18:54, by ЯegDwight
A: Defining topicality

Robert CartainoThe issue of forming a site exclusively around "beginners questions" is one of reciprocity. Most sites at least perport to be experts talking to experts and answering each other questions. They, in turn, attract a fair number of enthusiasts and beginning learners asking interesting (albeit, begin...

> English SE has not panned out as an "expert-level" site. There is very little pretense that this site is only for advanced users discussing on the "finer points" of the English language.
I guess you were referring to that bit.
finds out news SONOFA!
@RegDwighт Yes. That was it exactly.
@JasperLoy great idea. Next week, let's discuss Portuguese!
@RegDwighт Now that is rather Non Sequitur!
I figure ELL will only pass muster with SE if ELU makes a serious attempt to clean its own house. But there are senior people such as @JasperLoy with the opinion that ELU is fine as a non-expert site. Probably you can count @Cerberus in that camp. And I bet @Kris is too -- she just earned her 10K did you notice.
@Cerberus I think the point you're missing there is that MetaEd is actually arguing SE's point of view, or at least what used to be SE's point of view, or at least what they used to pretend was their point of view.
@MετάEd Wait, Kris is a she??
@RegDwighт I think that's more or less right, though it's really my point of view.
They have flip-flopped in the past, they will flip-flop again.
@RegDwighт I did not miss that.
@Cerb I was under that impression.
@Cerberus I am jumping to that conclusion based on the name. Damned language and its sexist pronouns.
I just disagree with it completely. I don't believe it at all.
@cornbreadninja Hmm funny.
@MετάEd But but! There are plenty of male Chrises?
@Cerberus of course. The point is, they gave us the tools, and taught us to use them, but once we used the tools, they took the result and threw it away.
@Cerberus boys are usually 'Chris'. Also, she just seems she-like.
@Cerberus How many male Krises are there?
They tried to put rocks in our way in the process, too. We went to the next phase anyway. Looks like someone pulled the last-resort emergency lever.
I went to college with one, but I still think ours is a she.
@RegDwighт That, too, yes. And their premises are faulty.
brb, removing useless box from EL&U profile
@cornbreadninja So in what country is "Kris" actually used as a name? America? I didn't know that. I always assumed everybody was spelled Chris.
And why does it matter what gender Kris is? The point is that she (or s/he) would be a great volunteer on an ELL site, because what seems to delight her is giving basic advice on how to use the language.
A kris is a knife to me.
@Cerberus A kris is a serpentine knife used in Malaysia, etc.
@Cerberus Germany? My name is Kristina, not that dreaded Christina.
@Robusto Zactly!
@MετάEd It does not.
@cornbreadninja With a K? Wait, you are German??
Or your parents picked a German name?
@Cerberus My mother's side of the family is German and French, but my father was a full-blooded Greek who decided to name me after mom.
also, Kris Kristofferson. :P
I must say I identify more with being Greek.
@cornbreadninja Haha is that your full name? I love it.
almost equal, interestingly
@Cerberus naw, he's a singer/songwriter.
@Cerb, but my middle name also starts with a K, but is almost always seen with C.
Also mom's middle name.
Kristoffer "Kris" Kristofferson (born June 22, 1936) is an American country music singer, songwriter and musician as well as a film actor. He is known for such hits as "Me and Bobby McGee", "For the Good Times", "Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down", and "Help Me Make It Through the Night". Kristofferson is the sole writer of most of his songs, and he has collaborated with various other figures of the Nashville scene such as Shel Silverstein. In 1985, Kristofferson joined fellow country artists Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash in forming the country music supergroup "The Highway...
So you are K.K. Xtotolos?
@Cerberus ha!
So... Sweden has the male Kris.
I'm sure it exists in Holland too, but it must be rare. Or German.
Ugh, why is the type in the multiconflater so small? >_<
@cornbreadninja maybe it's the one concession given to discourage its use
@MattЭллен :[
It's really only the site address that's too small.
truth be told, I use the multiconfabulator sometimes when I'm bored
the autocolander can be interesting.
I'm not sure what these people expect from me anymore.
@MattЭллен No wanking in the multiconfabulator. I thought we went over this.
Done catching up, and clueless as ever.
@KitFox Yes, a summit is what we need. This room tends to be a little … squirrel!
@Robusto but the hole is just the right shape!
@MattЭллен Be that as it may ...
@RegDwighт you mean TPTB? I can understand. mixed messages right and left
Not really mixed, you know.
@RegDwighт TBTB, or other people?
well, we had Jeff saying "this place is for experts, and SWRs are stupid" and we have Robert saying "none of you are experts and so you can't have ELL"
@MattЭллен Yes, good point. Or well formulated.
The Bowers That Be
@Cerberus thanks :D
TPTB = The elongated-organs that be.
First they told us this site is not for pineapples without GMAT scores. I am a pineapple with no GMAT score. Then they shot down a chat room that wasn't harming anyone. I created that room. Then they complained we would protect too many questions. I am the one who is responsible for the most protects. Now they shot down a proposal for a sister site. I created that proposal.
The funniest part is, I don't believe they are doing this on purpose. They are clueless.
@MattЭллен My take-away from Robert is not that none of us are experts but that too many of us are willing to tolerate and even encourage the use of the site for really basic questions.
@RegDwighт And we love you for all that!
You are the most uncontroversial person ever here!
@Cerberus yeah but I'm starting to wonder if there's more to life than fixing other people's horrible output on someone else's site.
@RegDwighт Indeed. They have vague theories and bureaucratic rules based on them, and they don't participate in the community enough to really know enough about the various issues.
@KitFox Maybe a 10K summit needs its own room.
@MετάEd aye, it could be. I'm just annoyed as hell, so I'll make rash statements now and then
@RegDwighт Understandable. Didn't we think that too when Kosmy left?
@Cerberus this site is run by us, they say.
Many people coped with it by participating less.
That's the question.
How long will it take them to shut us down completely if all we do is sit and chat.
@RegDwighт I've been doing that for like a year now
I like your way of thinking.
@Cerberus Eia, quis me amabit?
it's not like we never help people in chat!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Same.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 but I haven't.
@RegDwighт true. You are a nobler spirit than me.
All this time I've been using their tools much to their dismay.
@Robusto Quis indeed?
Who said that?
@RegDwighт No GMAT score. That pretty much says it all. What did you expect?
I don't have a GMAT score either.
@RegDwighт They probably do like us, when they're not doing this stuff to us.
Me either. Does GRE count?
@Robusto expert answers to my questions. An Internet that's a better place.
I don't even know what GMAT stands for.
I score 100% on the Matt test. No GMAT score, though
Matt ~ Math.
@RegDwighт Fool that thou art. A better Internet? scoffs Surely this is the best of all possible Internets.
Matt ~ Meth.
Oh, dear.
Breaking Matt, new to HBO
@Cerberus Geeky Management Aptitude Test
@MattЭллен Making Brett.
@MattЭллен You misspelled AMC.
@Cerberus I dunno. Ask Carl Orff.
Well, I've gotta run again. I'll have a drink for you all, and our dear departed ELL, tonight.
Wot th' ELL?
Bye, Mrs. Hiny.
I have King Kong on hold, so you'll have to excuse me as well.
Then I'll bid y'all adieu and play Just Cause 2
@RegDwighт He's not really a king, you know. You don't need to wait on him.
No spoilers!
@MattЭллен Burn them bases!
@RegDwighт Too late.
@Robusto Ah.
I'll just fast-forward on 30x, then. That will still take several hours, though.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Thanks!!
King Kong? Haha.
@RegDwighт Your beef is with Peter Jackson.
Anyway, I'm out too. Hasta la Windows 7!
He can keep it. I'm a vegetarian.
Windows 7?
I see.
Windows 8 is more...apt.
Because it will be the next Vista, times 7!
Who has 10K privileges and wants to participate in the 10K summit Kitfox suggested, to try to find consensus about what direction EL&U should take?
You want to post a Meta question with a time and place?
I can make you a room, but you can probably too.
Oh, I see.
@RegDwighт Do you take eggs, milk and cheese?
@MετάEd Do you mind if I add some people to your list?
@MετάEd Ah, I just saw that room.
Because I kinda did.
@MετάEd Joined.
Q: Announcing an EL&U 10K Summit

MετάEdA chat room has been created as an open forum for users with any mod privileges (that is, moderators and users with 10K reputation). This chat room is intended for discussion and consensus building about what editorial direction users with mod privileges should take in light of the closing of the...

Bed time!
Night all.

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