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Yes, I forgot about the quotes
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I disagree. "Do you yourself joke around?" more like.
So 'I joked that' ............ is wrong
@Monica indignant No it isn't!
er correct
'I joked when I said..........' is right
@KitFox "Do you yourself joke around" has a totally different meaning to me than "do you joke yourself". In the latter, "yourself" is the object of "joke" while in the former it's an intensifier on "you"
I am confused now
sorry..I'll be quiet now and let @KitFox say stuff
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Would read it as an intensifier in both cases.
@KitFox I would read it as an intensifier only if it was "Do you joke, yourself?"
The man asked what he should call me. I joked that he could call me whatever he wanted, just as long it wasn't late for dinner.
@KitFox You joked "that", you didn't joke "him"
@MrShinyandNew安宇 pfft Commas.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes. I know.
That's why I would read "Do you joke yourself?" as intensified. Otherwise it doesn't make sense.
Especially in a question like "Do you X yourself", it really seems like "you" are doing something to "yourself"
@KitFox when someone is asking a question about "is this phrase correct" I usually assume that it might not make sense :)
You think a comma is really required there?
@KitFox "Do you hit yourself?" vs "Do you hit, yourself?"
@Monica "I joked that" but "I was joking when."
@MrShinyandNew安宇 "Do you cook yourself?"
So Monica, can you rephrase the question "Do you joke yourself" without using the word "joke"?
@KitFox exactly: that's a better example
I am thinking
26 mins ago, by KitFox
I am quite irascible.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 How about "Don't kid yourself" just to make it interesting?
It doesn't make much sense to cook oneself but in a context of "does this sentence work?" I think we have to be sure of the intended meaning
@KitFox But you can kid yourself, and you can yourself kid (others)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Precisely.
I will show you the context where I found it
That's what makes it interesting.
'Any doctor is a good psychologist.'
"That means you are also a doctor'.
'But you said you are.'
'Hw often do you hear jokes? And joke yourself?'
Maybe the context is stupid :D, but this is where I found it
"And joke yourself?" = "And make jokes yourself?"
I think.
Ah. In this case, "and joke yourself" means "and make jokes, yourself"
So was that correct or not?
Or you could say "And joke around, yourself?" (that comma still feels awkward to me)
@Monica It is correct.
It is correct. But when you strip it down from "How often do you hear jokes? and joke yourself?" to "... do you ... joke yourself?" it becomes harder to understand.
@KitFox Yeah, I think it shouldn't be there.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Right. And it ought to be "And joke, yourself?" then?
@Matt: I meant rainy.
So with context it makes sense
So my son is doing LEGO camp this week.
@Monica Yes.
@KitFox I'd say that in this case the comma isn't strictly needed because the intended meaning is obvious and also the most natural way to read it.
I see
@KitFox Never heard of a camp for that!
@KitFox sweet! Do they build their own tents? :)
He asked me last night why we can never get the big toys.
He ought to have just cut my heart out.
Oh, I typed that by chance
How old is he? :)
Our parents always told us that it didn't matter what other kids got, and that we should be glad that we got anything at all.
We always felt we got less, but it didn't matter at all.
We also didn't have cable television (unlike literally every other kid), and that didn't matter either.
I did not really like toys.
is back.
I mostly played with my imagination.
When I was little I told my mother that I would anta to bring me the most expensive toys as he was the one to pay
It's really not important: kids may look disappointed, but there's no harm done.
ask Santa*
@TDS None at all?
@Monica Haha, you were a smart kid.
Wow, Reg is superfast in closing questions these days.
Oh, and we also never got a game computer.
While other kids had SNESes.
@Cerberus yeah, I never had one of those either, though we did eventually get an actual PC and I pirated games for that
Oh hello.
It's not that. It's difficult to explain to a kid that 1) big toys are expensive and 2) I'm only going to get him stuff that I think he will play with for a long time, especially if I'm going to pay lots of money for it.
@Cerberus Me back.
@KitFox Tell him those exact words... he'll eventually figure it out.
I was hoping to get into Little Big Planet and help him build stuff and get interested in programming, but the physics sucks so bad, I can't stand playing it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You pirated games? As in downloaded, or released?
Does make up need a hyphen?
@gigili So what happened? You flagged that answer on tourism?
@Cerberus as in copied floppies from other people, geez, "downloaded"
@Gigili Check the dictionary. That's the right approach for hyphenation.
I'm not some cheese-eating teenager
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Not this past week, he won't. He'll cry and cry and cry and beg and promise to be really good and play with it all the time.
@KitFox How about "no, you can't have everything you want"?
@TDS Oh oops, clicked the one person, I meant Clark.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hahaha. I no rite? Kids these days.
"Mommy, pause the TV so I can pee!"
@Gigili Words go from A B to A-B to AB over time. The rule is to check the dictionary to see which phase it is at. That is what Larry Trask recommends.
You already said that.
@ClarkKent Nothing happened.
@KitFox Well, yeah. There will be times when they are like that. But not all crying is bad, even if it does break your heart sometimes.
"Mommy, what is this boring part in the middle?" "They're called ads." "Well, let's skip them."
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh hehe. I would never call that "pirating", just borrowing someone else's game. You've been indoctrinated by certain big corporations.
My daughter says "I don't want to watch this show". "That's a commercial, honey"
@Gigili Ah, so I see that gnash cannot play ping sounds, only flash can.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 My best child has been really volatile this week. I'm not sure why. Saturday was my worst day ever since becoming a parent.
@Cerberus "indoctrinated?" Or perhaps I make my living in software, and know the difference between borrowing something and borrowing it but keeping a copy?
Also, my shoulder aches and it has been raining forever.
@KitFox You don't like rain?
And I have an important meeting today that I am flying solo on and I just can't so it.
Not today.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Okay, then willingly switched to a new paradigm?
@ClarkKent I don't how to thank you for the infopack.
@Gigili You may treat me to dinner in future.
@Cerberus willingly what?
Ack, I mistyped and then evil spelling corrector changed it into another word.
@ClarkKent So kind of you. I certainly will, just wait for the day.
@Cerberus No issues.
They changed their parading. Behind a paravent. At the Paralympics.
@Gigili Well, after all, Mahnax and I gave you the magic camera last year, remember?
@KitFox Ack. You can't postpone it?
@Cerberus No.
Cerberus has a new favourite word.
Have someone else do it?
@ClarkKent How can I forget? I'm looking hard of ran opportunity to repay the favor.
@Cerberus er, whatever. The point was, I made illegal copies of games that I never paid for. That is called pirating in the vernacular, and has been since the 1700s.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Namely, ack. QED.
Except back then it was books that were pirated.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Ack, what's it?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 And ships!
@Cerberus No.
I'm armed and ready.
That's the whole point!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Illegal? Was that seriously illegal in Canada? And did you think of it that way? And did you use the word "pirating"? None of that was or is the case here.
@KitFox Well, they weren't illegally making copies of the ships though :)
I once pirated an entire bay.
Good times.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Sure they were!
In bottles!
And stuff!
I can hardly believe that copying a game is illegal in Canada.
@Cerberus First of all, it was probably illegal in every country that was part of the Berne Convention on copyright. Though it's possible that "software" didn't technically fall under copyright in a given jurisdiction because of narrow wording in the copyright laws and a lack of precedent-setting court-cases or other legal tweaks.
So yes, when I was copying software it was illegal in Canada and I knew it.
Have to go
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It is absolutely legal here.
@Cerberus er, what? software doesn't fall under copyright where you are?
Everybody borrows each other's games, we all think it's fine, and it is perfectly legal.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You probably even peeled the sticker off to do it, didn't you?
Or is there some kind of personal exemption for sharing games? I doubt it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Giving something to a friend is not protected by copyright.
@KitFox I did whatever I could
@Cerberus how about "making a copy of a game"?
Downloading films is legal too.
would you wake up early in the morning?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Also legal, as long as you don't share it with large numbers of people.
would you ride on a raft with a chicken?
-that- would be dedication
@Mitch To make a copy? Yes, if that was what it took
And as long as you don't sell it, probably.
the chicken thing.
@KitFox Tricky, I was only young, didn't know how to steer a raft.
-did- you wke up early? that's what counts.
@Cerberus What about making a copy of a copy?
@Mitch Well, that never mattered, so...
@Cerberus I bet it's not the same
But it doesn't matter
it's not the original copy.
Indeed not. "Pirating" just sounded a bit hysterical.
@Cerberus Um, that's what people say
yeah..all the earrings and tatoos...a little much.
What who say?
13 mins ago, by Gigili
Does make up need a hyphen?
So can everyone meet on the 11th at 3pm for two or three hours of excruciating meeting time?
@Mitch I do like the eyepatches.
11 secs ago, by Gigili
13 mins ago, by Gigili
Does make up need a hyphen?
People, who talk about illegally copying things. They call it pirating.
8 secs ago, by Gigili
11 secs ago, by Gigili
13 mins ago, by Gigili
Does make up need a hyphen?
Eye patches...Both eyes is way cooler
41 secs ago, by KitFox
24 secs ago, by KitFox
@Gigili It depends on the context.
It's been called that for centuries
13 mins ago, by Clark Kent
@Gigili Check the dictionary. That's the right approach for hyphenation.
didn't 'pirating' come from 'privateering'? (the later was sanctioned)
@Gigili People would have replied faster if you explained your question a bit more.
'makeup' is what one puts on their face. a make-up exam is one you take if you missed the normal one. You 'make up' with your significant other.
I don't care about what people would have done.
25 secs ago, by Gigili
@MrShinyandNew安宇 At least here, nobody would ever call borrowing a game from a friend pirating. It implies some sort of mass sharing or commercial. And nobody had even heard of the word in 1990. But perhaps it was different in your country.
@Cerberus perhaps they don't speak English in your country
@Mitch Ah thank you. One wears make-up? Or make up?
again with the 'pirating' you're giving all the real pirates a bad name.
@Mitch I would prefer "make-up" for lipstick etc.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It is an international word, obviously.
hm...maybe so.
We have the Piratenpartij.
@Cerberus I'm sorry, it's not obvious to me what people in other countries say when discussing copyright infringement.
there's gotta be some use that is just 'makeup' I'm sure.
'Pirate makeup'?
@Gigili I'd use just "makeup."
Not obvious? Not sure what you mean, but let's drop it, since we're not arguing about something substantial.
@Mitch Yeah I think both makeup and make-up are used for lipstick.
googling for makeup finds a lot..QED.
I like pie, QED.
@KitFox Umm. OK.
You're not helping.
Actually I remember the word bootlegged was used more in the 90s, can anyone confirm this?
@Gigili The answer is: it sometimes needs a hyphen, and sometimes it doesn't.
And you should provide more context, like a sentence, to get a more specific answer suited to your needs.
Whoa, I restart my computer and see so many QEDs now.
@Cerberus You say "pirating" is an international word, obviously. I say it's not obvious. How am I supposed to know how people in Amsterdam talk about software piracy?
@ClarkKent QED.
"Bootleg" was for music and booze.
ngram on bootlegged and pirated. pirated is becoming more popular, bootlegged less popular and flat since the 40's
"Pirated" has a broader context.
@ClarkKent we've now moved on to 'exactly'. QED
Wait, did the star wall disappear?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, you have not heard of the various Pirate Parties in Europe? Perhaps I should not have assumed that.
@KitFox Has or had?
I've never heard of a Pirate Party.
I don't see any starred messages on the right.
@Cerberus Both.
Do you guys see that too?
I can see the star wall.
@ClarkKent take off the eyepatch on your right eye
I see it too.
I am using Chrome.
Weird things happen to me all the time, I forgot.
Chrome sucks. QED.
Let me restart my browser...
Or Chrome-QED sucks.
@Cerberus Those parties were not around in 1989 when I was copying software on 5.25" floppies using Diskcopy and Copywrite
Ah I see the star wall again, very weird.
The PPs have members in the European Parliament.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Word.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I know. To me, it is a fairly new word, that is, it is hugely more popular now than 10–20 years ago.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I remember using those floppies in school.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 so you were there -at the beginning-? and left before it took off?
Or when you were doing the tape-to-tape copies.
@KitFox I never owned a computer that used tapes, thankfully
My computer class teacher could not pronounce "hard disk". He always said it as "hard diks" and everyone laughed.
That was lucky. When I was young we didn't even have tape-to-tape.
So you really felt you were doing something illegal when you were copying a floppy? I guess our social norms were quite different then.
@Mitch The piracy was not the beginning or end. But it was a beginning.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Music tapes!
we would scrounge up cassettes from the garbage and use a hand magnet to do our recordings.
@Mitch Seriously?? And that worked?
@Cerberus Oh, yeah, music tapes. Yeah. copied lots of those.
Ah, some of my old cassette tapes got damaged. Now I have none left.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It appears you would never have considered that illegal?
we also had to whistle through the phone speaker to simulate a modem. Your lips get really tired.
@Cerberus Yes, I knew it was illegal. I knew it was somehow wrong. I didn't then and don't know equate it to theft though.
@Cerberus I knew it was illegal.
How does Fair Use work in Canada?
I could only do 'ampersand' and 'open paren'.
@Cerberus As long as it is not too dark, it is fair.
@Cerberus We have something called "Fair dealing" and it's way more restrictive than, say, US Fair Use. Which is why the US's copyright trade unions that get Canada put on the Piracy Watch List every year are full of shit.
@Mitch Hahaha. I had to explain why that sound was funny to someone once. THey didn't know what it was.
Obviously getting a product, which is normally not free, for free, is noteworthy, even to a child.
what's funny is that they sent the ack/nak sequence to the speaker. I'd like to have heard what he actual content sounded like.
@Mitch You could leave the modem speaker on all the time.
something like +++ATS3
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh, that's silly.
@mitch Yesterday we talked about "presumptive" and "presumptuous". I often misspell it as "presumptious". This also reminds me of "sumptuous" and "scrumptious" which again have different meanings.
That could annoying real fast.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Noteworthy ≠ illegal.
@ClarkKent exactly
People lend and borrow stuff all the time.
I had to explain why Wall E's boot sound was funny to some kids too.
@Cerberus Well, noteworthy, AND I knew it was illegal
There seem to be no end to the tense questions. Maybe we should all close them under one tense answer.
I tried to find any evidence that borrowing a game is illegal, but I can't find any (in English), so I suspect it is still legal now in America.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 "Knew"? How?
@Cerberus surely you grasp the difference between lending and duplicating?
@Cerberus someone told me? I don't know. How did you know all the things you knew?
a 'presumptive heir' might well be presumptuous and sumptuous, but usually not scrumptious, unless it comes with a white wine sauce.
Yes, but both are called lending in this context in daily speech. Perhaps because you need to lend someone the game for him to copy it.
@Mitch I should have said it was the context of a joke, but I can't remember what. Some modern cartoon and they were making reference to oldtimers.
@Mitch Sorry it's ATM2
@Mitch What a lovely sentence!
@ClarkKent I read that as 'anxious' questions, and thought that closing them would just exacerbate the situatino.
@Cerberus The two acts: lending and copying, were named distinctly and known to be distinct in terms of legality. Nobody, or at least not many people, believed that LENDING software was illegal. Why would it be? But once you've kept a copy, instead of paying the people who made it, clearly you've cheated the system.
So today Noah asked about pig pork ham, and after that he brought in hog swine as well in the comments. His one question always becomes 9000 questions.
what was Wall-E's boot sound? the modem connection sound? I think I've only seen random 3 minute clips of the entire thing.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Cheating is not the same as doing something illegal.
But never mind.
I'd like your opinion on something else.
@Cerberus But I KNEW it was ILLEGAL
AND cheating
and not nice.
I asked how you knew, and you didn't say.
thus at least somewhat "wrong"
Illegal ≠ wrong.
103 1
Adultery is legal.
@Mitch It was the Mac boot sound.
His username is one two three in Chinese.
@Cerberus I said I didn't remember how I learned that it was illegal. How is that relevant?
@ClarkKent Oh haha.
@ClarkKent no way.
@Cerberus So what? isn't "cheating" wrong? usually?
@KitFox will listen out for it.

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