Tip: the two categories are [1: red / light red / purple] v. [2: blue / light blue].
You would probably never guess the finer distinctions between the colours within groups; but you should be able to guess the difference between group 1 and group 2.
If someone posts a question that can easily be answered by googling it, is it better to not answer it and let it linger (presumably before being closed), or answer it, knowing it will probably be closed anyway? After all, the person still (presumably) wants an answer
@Cameron anyway. The original idea behind SO, and then its siblings, was that even if something is googleable, we don't care. Because we wanted to be that first Google result. But then over the years things changed. SO no longer wants to be a copy of PHP.net, and we are not supposed to be a copy of etymonline or Wiktionary.
@Cameron there's a lot of talk on our meta, and in fact in the transcript of this room as well. But basically things just changed, and the powers that be never quite explained why.
@Cameron It's hard to strike the balance. If you allow too much crap in from the start, you scare off all the good people and quality just won't have a chance.
A-class content attracts more A-class content. B-class content only attracts C-class content.
"My friend used the expression 'burst like a soap bubble'" isn't a fucking translation. But "in German, there is an idiomatic phrase 'wie eine Seifenblase zerplatzen'" is a fucking translation.
but if you mean "anything where you provide a foreign word/phrase for additional help" you're dead wrong; such questions have been very popular and allowed before
If you describe the phrase you are looking for in English, and then ask for a shorter/idiomatic way to say that, that's a phrase-request. After you do that, you can still mention the exact equivalent in another language, but the key is that the question must still work with that bit removed.
The interface is English, the userbase is English, the questions are about translating mediocre poetry. There is no reason for a German to touch that site, really.
@Jez Look Jez. We've had this discussion so many times. You know how it works. Go post a request on our meta to allow translations. Simply telling me your opinion for the umpteenth time, and having to suffer through listening to my opinion for the umpteenth time, won't change jack.
@Gigili First of all, you couldn't be less specific. I handle OVER 9000 flags every breathing moment of my life. Second of all, even if I happened to know which flag you mean and what happened to it, I wouldn't necessarily spill the beans. Flags are anonymous for a reason.
> “Over 9000” is a popular catchphrase derived from the Japanese manga anime series Dragon Ball Z that is typically used as an innumerable quantifier to describe a large number of something like “several”, “lots”, “butt loads” and even the metric “ass tonne”.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Thank you. appreciate that. The main objective of this thesis is to introduce Windows Azure platform, its possibilities and limits, particularly with regard to interaction with mobile clients running on Windows Phone 7 platform. This is demonstrated on the development of an application, which is designated to ease navigation through difficult terrain.
@RegDwightѬſ道 This application is primarily designed to help cyclists and persons with handicap restricting their movement. The knowledge acquired through design and implementation of this application is generalized to be useful to other developers using Windows Azure platform. The application is developed with focus on the usefulness for the defined target groups. This thesis is focused on the server side of the application running on Windows Azure platform.
@RegDwightѬſ道 The client side of the application running on Windows Phone 7 platform is not covered in this thesis and is described in detail by Vít Čurda in his thesis Development of map application for tracking in cloud - Client side on Windows Phone 7
@VojtechRuzicka it should be either "Windows Azure" or "the Windows Azure platform", with an article. Same for "Windows Phone 7", drop the "platform" or add a "the".
"Designated to ease" is awkward as well. You'll need a different verb there. Not sure which. "Supposed" would be the most natural I guess, but too informal.
@RegDwightѬſ道 So what is correct form. Demonstrated by? Or demonstrated through? Or should i use entrirely different construction? Thanks for your help.
@VojtechRuzicka I'm still thinking. That "on" sounds like a literal translation from German or a Slavic language. In English you'd probably say "using the example of", but that's a bit of a mouthful. And actually perhaps the whole sentence should be reworded, because it's not quite clear what "this" is referring to.
Then again it's an abstract so I suppose such a blurry usage of "this" is kind of okay.
I get it now. WHat you're trying to say is: "This is demonstrated by the development of an application designed to ease navigation through difficult terrain."
"Design" is a great verb. Can't believe I missed that one. I kept trying to shoehorn "develop" in there, and it just wouldn't work because there's "development" in that phrase already.
I used "designated" instead of "designed". I am not very sure abbout the difference though. Can someone explain please. That is my last question, i promise .)
Anyway, thank you for your help, you were most helpful and i can finally sleep tight, because my abstract was checked. See you guys and have a nice day (or night or whatever time it is at your country)