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Q: Gay or neutral equivalent to Casanova

Tony SanzoneI've been searching for a bit to find something that fits this. The closest I could find was Paramour which is more neutral, but it's still not exactly the same. I was wondering if there was a term that fit the bill here. On the dictionary page for casanova, everything relates to men interested...

1 hour later…
Q: Is their a word for nut, berry, & seed bars?

CapistranoBars without oats, but rather only nuts dried berries and other seeds are increasingly common nowadays, but is there a word for them? if not in English, then maybe there is a word that could be borrowed over? Sample sentence: these aren't granola bars since they don't have grains in them; thei...

2 hours later…
If a moon is a month, why is a half-moon a week?
'Cause the moon takes half a moon to go from a crescent to a full moon.
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: When do we use " Have/has been not" and Have/has not been"? by David D Y Choi on english.SE
2 hours later…
Q: Word meaning 'easily pleased?'

queroEspecially when used pejoratively. Used to described someone who is easily pleased by small things that are very common or that people can get easily.

Q: Describe a person who's always give chances

Nicholas Kok Describe a person who's always give chances. In a word.

3 hours later…
Why is it that the simplest answers often earn the most reps? My latest one doesn't even have any supporting evidence, and no one's complained.
Q: 'Consume' as a noun

Fab von BellingshausenIn 'Meteorites and Their Parent Planets', H. Y. McSween writes: Chondrites are not well-blended consumes of ingredients, but instead are lumpy, heterogeneous aggregates of different components. I am not familiar with this use of 'consume' as a noun and it is not listed in dictionaries, e.g. the...

Consumer, consommé, consumé? This is one question where I would really like to know what the actual answer is.
@MetaEd Won't some of my answers do?
3 hours later…
@Mick Hi, how can I help?
Q: What is it officially called when someone can say exactly what you say as you say it?

Steven ChoiI heard someone mention it recently, and I've seen it on Youtube on the old show "I've Got A Secret". They call it "simultaneous speech" or "simultaneous talking", but all the results I'm getting when looking it up are about simultaneous translation, which isn't what I'm looking for. I wonder if ...

Q: I would like to ask about semantics course !

JuliaWhat does mean when we use a word to explain and describe thing for example, chair is a thing that we sit at it ....etc.

Phrasal verb of the night: wear (sth) in
Nice phrase, but not very common maybe. Would I be readily understood using it?
@Færd Absolutely. You can also break something in.
Hmm. Now that I've said that, I think I would always use break in instead of wear in. Wear out yes, but not wear in.
@terdon Thanks! Do you mean wear out can also mean break in?
I guess not.
@Færd No, only that while I would say wear out I would not say wear in.
Hey @MetaEd. That answer you linked to can only be vaguely extended to the F.E. wiki if you ignore the whole pretext of the original linked-to META question. Your linking to that under that postdoesn't really seem appropriate at all.
... to me ...
@MetaEd Am signing off. Loads of work to do tonight. Anyhow, see what you think.
@Araucaria What do you think might be a better way for me to express it?
I hate my house. Or maybe it hates me. Backed up drains.
sigh how is this off topic, exactly?
Q: There's a product described as "Omaha Steaks Burgers" is this proper English?

George There is a commercial that has the description, Omaha Steaks Burgers, it drives me crazy. It sounds wrong, when I read it, it looks wrong. It seems improper to me. Old-fashioned burgers just the way you like them. Extra juicy with a flavor that's out of this world, our Omaha Steaks Burger...

Sep 2 '16 at 15:26, by Mitch
Aug 1 at 19:27, by Mitch
Jun 27 at 21:28, by Mitch
Dec 17 '15 at 15:36, by Mitch
people are idiots
@MetaEd houses are overrated. Literally. The cost way too much.
Yes, unit price is literally a rate.
Concerning your question @terdon have you thought about a "dashed line"?
Used on graphs, etc.
@skullpatrol ?
What question?
The one about the etymology of "dash." @terdon
Oooh, that one. Yes, someone posted a new answer so I guess it made it back to the front page, eh?
Anyway, presumably, it's called a dashed line because it is made of dashes, so I don't think that could be the source of the word dash itself.
But dashed lines are quicker to draw.
Um. No?
Not by hand, anyway. And how is that relevant?
Just a thought...
...Walter Lewin draws them with amazing speed in his videos.
Ah. I can't, I can' hardly draw them at all, let alone fast.
A line is fast, but having to lift the pen from the paper all the time would slow me down immensely.
Yeah, he does them on the chalk board.
1 hour later…
Homophonic spellings — Lambie 46 secs ago
Spellings that sound gay? :)
As apposed to?
Spellings that sound straight...
As opposed to stereophonic spellings.
Transphonic spelling: spellings that change :-)
Q: A positive synonym of "misspelled"

Michael RaderThere are many brand names that are misspellings of real English words. Instead of calling them misspellings I would like a more positive term for this type of name.

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