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@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ok, I will go with htmlspecialchars()
yeah, HTML and CSS don't come close to the pooppile that is PHP
@MattE.Эллен Reading is to Read as Berkshire is to ...
@MattE.Эллен How dare you!
sniggle snort
@Mitch It is.
@Cerberus I haven't forgotten how wrong you are :)
@tchrist I just can't tell by hearing because I'm am so biased. How are AmE and AusE closer to each other than either are to BrE?
AusE and BrE are both non-rhotic (in general)
@MattE.Эллен I am glad that user has stopped emailing me to scold me for now.
@JasperLoy good. if you feel harassed you should report it to the mod of the site you're both members of.
@tchrist Scottish is unintelligible to Scots!
or where the harassment is taking place
They communicate by gestures (mostly punches to the face).
@MattE.Эллен Thanks, though strictly speaking, mods are not overseers of private email.
@JasperLoy Australian spelling follows British spelling most of the time. But that's to be expected since the two countries share the same monarch; the Queen's English is likely more influential in both BrE and AuE than AmE. In terms of accents, all 3 are quite different, and there are regional variations in all 3 on top of all that.
@MattE.Эллен Do AusE and AmE sound similar to you? Do either sound closer to BrE than each other?
@Lawrence How about New Zealand Eng? What can you say about it?
@Mitch I think Aus is closer to Br
than to Ame
@JasperLoy no, but if he is continuing a dispute that started at SE, that isn't right.
I'm waiting for what Proxima Centauran English will sound like. Lunar and Martian English will sound like Russian and Chinese.
There were five speakers in that clip. Only one was English.
And what about Broken Eng? LOL.
Broken Britain is a term which has been used in The Sun newspaper, and by the Conservative Party to describe a perceived widespread state of social decay in the United Kingdom. The Sun has run frequent stories under the "Broken Britain" theme since 2007. Whilst the phrase is essentially a political one, the frequency of these stories has decreased since the Conservatives came to power in 2010 with the root causes coming under more scrutiny by the electorate. == Associated social issues == The term has included coverage of several supposedly interlinked issues: Child neglect to include the...
@MattE.Эллен The Sun is broken
My understanding of Britain is limited to England.
Along with the Daily Mail.
Which one has the page 6 girl?
Kevin is Scottish, Graham is Irish.
@Lawrence I think you might be overestimating the importance of the monarch
Graham does not have a strong Irish accent, though.
It's easy to find those who do.
@JasperLoy It's different again. There are close relations between Australia and New Zealand. The written language is essentially the same, but the accents are different.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 She's on the Australian dollar. Which is made out of plastic. So...there you go.
@Lawrence OMG, Eng is so hard.
@Mitch The Sun has Page 3 Girls (I think, they might have modernised... LOL)
@Lawrence Both speak their own flavors of Antipodean English.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's hard to overestimate the importance of the monarch.
At least the current monarch.
@Lawrence They're closer together than any others. Australians and NZers can tell the difference but outside it's harder.
@Lawrence Not really. Just estimate any importance at all and you're probably overestimating.
@Lawrence ?? no offense to any monarchists here, but the current UK monarchy is important in only the taxes they don't pay and the emotional scandals that keep important journalism outfits like the Daily Mail in business.
@MattE.Эллен Progress!
@JasperLoy I suppose, the Chinese language has similar patterns. Correct me if I'm wrong, but even within China, I think there are different regional pronunciations of Mandarin.
@Mitch The Queen had the ear of the PM back before the referendum over EU membership. I don't know if she whispers sweet nothings into Theresa May's ear, but she certain had influence over Cameron.
@tchrist I came across a comparison a while ago. Let me see if I can dig it up.
@MattE.Эллен That may be the case, but it certainly has no effect on Australia or Canada or their languages
@Lawrence Well, well, I am sure your neighbour speaks different Eng from you!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 true
@tchrist That comparison between AuE and NZE isn't coming quickly to hand, but what I can quickly understand of this comparison seems legitimate.
@MattE.Эллен clasps chest gasping for air
are you... blaming ... breathes deep ... the Queen then?
@Mitch should I call you an ambulance?
When the Queen dies, who will become King and Queen @MattE.Эллен?
No, I don't think they'll stand for him, at least not in both roles.
@MattE.Эллен reaches ... for ... phone
CSS, HTML are front end or back end?
@Mitch The Queen advocated for leaving the EU. People listen to the Queen
types pass code
@tchrist lol
@MattE.Эллен I think they should listen to Matt Ellen.
Wrong? types again
What? types again
@Mitch If you need to know what to look for to tell the difference, then that's true.
warning that 5 mistakes will result in wiping out phone
gets in
My phone is like my computer. When it acts weirdly, just restart it and it will be fine.
automated update starts
@Shafizadeh front
The very sight of 'thx' makes me cringe.
@JasperLoy at the moment, Next in line is Prince Charles, who is married to Camilla. So they would be king and queen. Although Camilla would not have the same power as Elizabeth, as Queen is a lower rank than King. (Which is why the Queen's husband is a prince)
Perhaps I should enter the SO room and see how many copies of 'thx' there are.
@MattE.Эллен Which only supports my contention that...
Aug 1 at 19:27, by Mitch
Jun 27 at 21:28, by Mitch
Dec 17 '15 at 15:36, by Mitch
people are idiots
:D yes. it's true
@JasperLoy good to know. thx
are you serious that the queen wanted to brexit?
@JasperLoy bettern than 'tnx'. that makes me nauseous
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 :) . Australia held a referendum about having its own head of state not too long ago. It failed. Say what you like about why, but enough people voted for the monarchy that the Queen's still Queen of Australia.
@Lawrence Just because they voted to not change things doesn't mean she's important.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yes. that is what I read. I never heard her say the words. but merely reporting it would have swung some people
@MattE.Эллен I thought that she wouldn't be queen, only some other made-up title, just not queen.
But it's also weird for Britain to remain in EU given that there is much water separating it from mainland Europe, hmm.
What if I cannot swim?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ugh, well, they had already scrapped that part of it which made it interesting.
and if queen, ceratinly fewer powers than a regular wife-of-a-king-who-is-queen
@Mitch not as far as I know. the Queen didn't grant her all Diana's titles, but I think she'll still be queen
@Mitch None taken. My comment to @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. :)
We could hold a referendum on spending millions of dollars to change our currency's name from "dollar" to "loonie", and people could vote either way, but it still wouldn't mean that the name is important
They had good, working prototypes. But they only want to focus on the most massive mass market.
"Streamlining" their hardware products.
@Mitch Oh, dear! I'm scared!
@Cerberus It's one thing to have prototypes. It's another thing to have a functioning marketplace of swappable components.
I mean, once Charles is King he can do what he likes. That's kind of the point
Can I hold a referendum for myself to leave my country? Hmm...
@JasperLoy how do you think you'll vote?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 They didn't say that was the problem?
I think I will make a movie Jexit for that.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I have a couch that is very old and well-loved. It's moth-bitten and stuffing is coming out. THere's that stain from that party (or was it that other party) and then that one time I was sick and sleeping on it. There's not as much loose change in it anymore, but it serves well for eating while watching TV.
Next week it's dumpster burning time.
@Cerberus The article was vague about why.
I thought I read "streamlining".
I'm guessing that the things I predicted would be hard turned out to be hard enough to kill it.
@Cerberus that's just biz lingo.
They hired a new director earlier this year, whose jurisdiction included Ara. It seems to have been his decision.
New man, change of plans.
These things are often rather arbitrary.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 "This was a science experiment that failed, and they are moving on”, they'll learn from it maybe.
@MattE.Эллен Do you really think the Queen wanted Britain to leave the EU?
would either of you (@Cerberus, @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇) consider the Fairphone 2 as your next device?
@Cerberus That's what I heard. She was pro-leave.
@JasperLoy There's more than enough commonality to hold a conversation. :)
@JasperLoy Why bother with a referendum? Just do it.
@Mitch NIKE.
@MattE.Эллен it seems a little out-dated.
@Cerberus apparently it was a vicious rumour started by the sun rt.com/uk/334991-queen-brexit-eu-referendum
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 fair (lol) enough
@MattE.Эллен I like the idea, but I upgrade my phone because it's too slow, usually
@MattE.Эллен When did you starting loling too?
@JasperLoy it's contagious
like herpes
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ew
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I suppose there's a difference between "important" as an absolute statement and "important to (person)" as a comment about sentiment.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Alternatively, one could also say that it doesn't mean she's not important. :)
@Lawrence Well, even still, most people never ever think of the queen at all.
litotes to the rescue
@Lawrence The referendum isn't proof that she's not important or that she's important. What it's proof of is that, given a choice between doing nothing or spending tons of money and time to change things, people voted to do nothing.
I heard that Dick Van Dyke had a really accurate Cockney accent impersonation for that but the director told him to do it different (like the abhorrent one he had in the movie) because then Americans could understand him.
testing, testing
Or I could be remembering wrong, and he was just the worst.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I wish more voters thought like that in the UK
@Helmar Ahoy!
@Mitch I heard that he didn't know how to do a Cockney accent, just made something up, and has been miffed ever since that not one brit on the production team told him he was doing it badly
@Mitch you have said that many times :D
@MattE.Эллен You guys should have voted for "brexit + republicanism, or bremain + monarchy" then
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Too polite.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It seems that the queen pardoned some people here on death row in the past.
@MattE.Эллен I forgot.
Oct 31 '15 at 17:22, by Mitch
I heard (probably badly) that Dick van Dyke actually had a really good Cockney accent in rehearsals for Mary Poppins but the Americans on the set couldn't understand him, so they made him American it up. Maybe I heard that from Dick van Dyke himself. We haven't talked lately so it's probably an old memory.
@Mitch but you still remember the fact
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I suppose it would be safe enough for someone to respond, "Well, I never!" It can be taken either way. :P
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 LOL that would have been even more devisive
Aug 23 at 13:41, by Mitch
Aug 3 at 0:30, by Mitch
have you seen the movie 'Memento'?
Memento is often misspelled as momento.
But moment is never misspelled as mement.
Aug 23 at 13:42, by Mitch
Aug 3 at 0:34, by Mitch
in The Frying Pan, Jan 12 '14 at 16:12, by Jolenealaska
Hmm...have I asked you that before?
Do you know that Esplanade and Promenade are both train stations here in Antarctica?
@MattE.Эллен If your course is in October, you will be speaking Greek like a native in December =D
@JasperLoy I didn't know there was a Death Row in Antarctica.
@Lawrence Anyway, as a Canadian, I have a hard time even remembering that the Queen is the Queen of Canada and not just the Queen of England.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Not really. The camp that wanted Australia to have its own head of state was actually popular. Unfortunately, they were divided as to how to implement it. So the referendum had 3 options, I think - retain the monarchy, or one of the two. And as it turned out, the monarchy was retained. There's quite a lot of support for the current Queen. Probably not so much for the next in line.
@JasperLoy like a native English speaker, certainly
@Lawrence wait, so it was a three-way split?
Prince Charles is such a doofus. He's pro-fox hunting and believes in homeopathy.
Then we need Kit to run far away.
The Australian republic referendum held on 6 November 1999 was a two-question referendum to amend the Constitution of Australia. The first question asked whether Australia should become a republic with a President appointed by Parliament following a bi-partisan appointment model which had been approved by a half-elected, half-appointed Constitutional Convention held in Canberra in February 1998. The second question, generally deemed to be far less important politically, asked whether Australia should alter the Constitution to insert a preamble. For some years opinion polls had suggested that a...
The Brazilian president has been removed.
> Additionally [the No side] included some republican groups who did not feel that the proposed model was satisfactory, in particular they thought the people should elect the President.
So it was A) a yes/no question, and B) loaded with political reform in addition to symbolic reform.
@MattE.Эллен Oh come on. Pfft. The next thing you're gonna tell us is that his ears are too big.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Others have pointed out the uncanny similarities / commonalities between Australia and Canada.
@Lawrence "uncanny"?
I am going to do a quick survey. What do you guys do with dust jackets? I usually throw them away and just display the book without the jacket on the shelf.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's what I was alluding to regarding the "why" of the monarchy's retention.
@JasperLoy That's a hard one. I totally want to keep them. But one little tear ruins them and you feel like you have to throw them away.
Usualy you get much brighter colors in the bookjacket.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think I need some intestinal reform. BBL
@Mitch I find it very hard to read the book with the jacket on. It just keeps slipping in all directions. A nuisance.
@JasperLoy I keep them, but take them off and leave them on the shelf while I'm reading the book.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How about remarkable?
@Lawrence I think it's pretty clear that, in Australia's case, there are at least two reasons why they kept the monarchy: 1. they like it, and 2. the proposed change wasn't acceptable or worth the cost, irrespective of whether they like or dislike the monarchy.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Aha. Some use them as bookmarks.
You can't tease apart the two reasons from a yes/no vote
@Lawrence Why are the similarities uncanny or remarkable?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The sentiment at the time - and afterward - said otherwise. There's a lot of love for the Queen in Australia. I don't think the cost of change was particularly important in the vote. The hassle-factor of the change, perhaps. But calling the attitude towards the monarchy merely like is really an understatement.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You mean the reasons in the article aren't enough?
I don't have an intuitive feel for the similarity. It's just what's been reported by others.
@Mitch his spoon is too big. or was that the queen of France?
It is midnight now. @Lawrence, why are you not sleeping yet? =)
@JasperLoy :)
Do 'canonical form' and 'normal form' represent the same meaning to you?
@JasperLoy without further context, pretty much
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think it's just to make for an eyecatching headline
Aha. Some math authors seem to use Jordan canonical form and some Jordan normal form, for example.
@Helmar "Normal form" reeks of databases to me. "Canonical form" not so much.
Hmm. Things moved. Sorry, that was for @Jasper.
@AndrewLeach np
But the same author used Jordan canonical form and Smith normal form in the same book! Which is what provoked my question.
Maybe he was not too concerned about uniformity.
@JasperLoy Maybe Jordan wrote the canon? ;)
Nah. Pachelbel.
Or Tallis.
Speaking of canon, the Pali canon is the canonical literature of Theravada Buddhism, and Wikipedia has an entry on the Pali canon.
Actually, I will sign of now. Bye! :)
@Lawrence Good night. See you in the morning at breakfast!
@Lawrence I didn't notice you posted a link.
Hm, my profile picture keeps changing, even though I haven't touched my profile.
I think it is a bug at gravatar. Many are changing. Don't worry.
It's not worrying, more like irritating - in a "hey that guy took my answer - oh, that's me" kinda way.
@Lawrence I think if a significant fraction of Australia has a stronger emotion than "like" towards the monarchy, then that's an uncanny, remarkable difference from Canada.
The monarchy simply plays zero role in day to day life.
People feelings towards it are arbitrary and capricious.
Does the Queen still sign stuff in the UK?
like books and body parts?
She still has to ratify each and every law
@JasperLoy The Wodehouse canon is a chronicle of a long dead generation that didn't even exist back then
@JasperLoy In math terms, they're mostly synonymous. wait, take that back. 'normal form' and canonical form' are mostly synonymous.
'normal' is one of the most highly overridden word in math.
the lay canon is different to a normal canon
@MattE.Эллен So they come into effect by her signature, but does she actually ratify it?
"La Reine le veult"
The last "ne le veult pas" was by Queen Anne, I think.
Q: Why is it called Happy Christening instead of Happy Baptism when a child is baptised?

samayoI was just about to write and print a small poster for a month-old baby as he is about to be baptized soon. I wanted to put a "Happy Baptism [name]" when I felt the urge to double-check because it didn't sound right. And it turns out, "baptism" is not the right description of the event but "Chris...

And hello to all.
Any morphology buffs around am I off with my assertion that part of compound nouns can be attributive nouns?
Q: "Attributive Noun" vs " Compound Noun"

dz420What's the difference between an "attributive and a compound noun"? Some English sites say it's all but thee same and some sites say they're different. Compound : In a compound noun all the words in the compound form one noun and one idea. It's a permanent union. Attributive : they can modif...

@samayo I've never heard anyone say either "happy Christening" or "happy baptism"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's because the baby has at least a fifty percent chance of crying through the whole thing ;)
@Helmar I dunno, it just seems odd to me. Who do you say it to? the baby?
@samayo Welcome to the fray.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't know, never have been to a christening in a English speaking country
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Languages like INTERCAL exist but they're still better because they excel at at being bad.
But we don't say "Frohe Taufe" in German either
@samayo Just say 'Congratulations' to the parents ;)
@Helmar Or else "good luck"!
Just as it's traditional at weddings to congratulate the groom and wish the bride good luck.
Just avoid the awkwardness and praise the buffet ;)
You baby's got a great buffet. Well done!
@samayo christen (v) General meaning of "to name" is attested from mid-15c. Related: Christened; christening.
Guess since baptism and christening split earlier that's the reason
"act or ceremony of baptizing," c. 1300, verbal noun from christen
@samayo You'd be better off researching which variant to use for the specific culture applicable to your usage. The answer to your question is, "It depends." :)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Same here. I have never heard it. But it is costumary to nail a poster on the wall saying something. I am going for baptism.
@samayo I can offer an anecdotal illustration. Where I grew up (predominantly protestant), it is always called "baptism", but where I live now (predominantly Catholic), it is commonly called "christening".
No one actually says that to the baby, as one would "happy birthday". This is just purely for the guests to read, something people just put as a decoration of the event.
@samayo do a google picture search for "happy baptism" and "happy christening". Obviously, it's both customary somewhere.
Safest bet, just ask someone who will be coming to the party. :)
@RMac We are Orthodox. And I have only seen the word baptism so far, so I'm going with it.
@RMac Unfortunately, when it comes to English, I'm light years ahead of everybody.
No one know how to put two words together.
@samayo Haha, that's ok. You're not making the poster for yourself, right?
@samayo You could use "christening" just to irk people. :)
A friend gave birth to a month-old baby.
Or a baby who is one month old right now :)
@samayo Aww, congrats to your friend!
Is your friend Catholic?
@RMac thanks. @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 we're all Orthodox.
@samayo what do you call it, then?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 He previously states his intuition was to call it "baptism". He only started questioning it after consulting Google. :)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Orthodox?
We are Eritreans. We don't speak English, but in our language we use the word baptism.
@samayo enh. go with baptism then.
as far as I can tell, there's no strong reason not to.
I have a hard time imagining someone who'd get upset by it.
as a (former) Catholic I wouldn't have blinked at "happy baptism" over "happy christening" or vice versa
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Religion can imbue some ridiculous sensitivities in some people. Conventions are super important to some denominations.
@samayo Why do you need an English sign then?
@RMac Sure. But no matter how you slice it, a christening is a baptism.
@Helmar It is costumary to include English. Like a in birthday card.
I dare you to use "Merry Christening"
"Happy Splashing Water On Your Baby Day"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ehh, in this sense, yes. But not all. Christening implicitly involves naming and dedicating the child to Christ, as well as a baptism. Baptism alone can be limited to cleansing the soul and joining a new church (dedicating the person to Christ).
@RMac so, a Christening is a baptism, as I said.
"Happy You Made Your Baby Cry Day"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 All christenings are baptisms, but not all baptisms are christenings. Just clarifying for people who might have taken your statement to say they are the same. :)
shitty venn diagram: ( baptisms (Christenings) )
@Helmar Best to have a whambulance on standby.
@RMac Certainly :D
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Can you include the ships, please?
Oops, sorry all, have to step out for all. Cheers!
Lord, I can't type lately...
@Helmar ( baptisms (Christenings) ) (Christening-naming-things-only)
The wiki infant baptism article cites two sources explicitly for christening vs baptism. From two different churches, both links are since dead.
@Mitch I'm not sure a five year old would understand the concept "population of beer drinkers in the US", but maybe I underestimate five year olds.
I think he's explaining to 5 year olds who are already data scientists
population is not on that word list though
Hi Mathew.
Should I try to distill a question from this comment stream to finely address the issue of compound nouns vs not really compounds?
Q: "Attributive Noun" vs " Compound Noun"

dz420What's the difference between an "attributive and a compound noun"? Some English sites say it's all but thee same and some sites say they're different. Compound : In a compound noun all the words in the compound form one noun and one idea. It's a permanent union. Attributive : they can modif...

I know those comments kinda escalated, but he seemingly didn't want to join the chat :/
@MattE.Эллен 5 year old is an annoying trope for someone to simplify things to.
I've heard 8 year old and 12 year old.
Usually they start off w good simple explanations then slowly morph into technical language that was neve explained. And the existence of that terminology rests in a lot of theoretical explanation. Eg 'sample error' wTF is a 'sample'?
There's the the quote that if you can't explain your (esoteric academic) ideas to a X-year old then you don't really understand it.
But the other view that if an X year old can understand it then it's too simple for research
@Helmar you mean, you want to ask about defining a compound noun?
judging by the commennts, that'd be POB :p
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 POB?
Primarily opinion-based
oh, coulda guessed that
Well, gotta go now anyways, maybe I'll have a look at it tomorrow if I can put up a question that does not call for opinions.
Bye guys

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