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Q: Can "daisy chain" be a verb?

Abby T. Miller ΨI edited this question and used "daisy chain" as a verb. I'm wondering if that title is technically grammatically correct.

now we have pitchforkers ASKING QUESTIONS
It's because we ARE AWESOME!
@JSBangs As it were, I've held back numerous times from asking questions related to naming tags for Gaming.
BEHOLD the addictive quality of our site!
@JSBangs (And s/he's in the room.)
@GraceNote Just name them Peter.
Someone who doesn't know whether "daisy chain" can be used as a verb is not someone I would rely on to edit questions on an English Language & Usage site. I'm just saying.
@Robusto Abby's on Apple, though
@Robusto he's actually not assigned to our site. from what i understand, Lauren is "our" pitchforker
Jinxes all around.
@RegDwight We don't have string instruments all that much, as it were.
@GraceNote — Oh, well, then it's all right. I mean, Apple calls their retail clerks "geniuses" so I guess in the spirit of hyperbole ...
and abby hain't edited a think on our site
wtf? I'd rather he not make sweeping assertions about what's jarring to hear
Still, a firm grasp of English ought to be required for any kind of editing, I would think.
@JSBangs Surely we've got a generic "verbing nouns" question around somewhere?
@Robusto Well, daisy chain can be thought of as more of a noun. You can verb nouns but it isn't necessarily grammatically correct, less as a rule and more on a case basis for some of the more different terms.
it's somewhat more unusual for a non-simplex noun phrase to be verbed
(but not unheard-of)
@Jez That question is a train wreck. I am considering deleting it wholesale and starting from scratch.
@GraceNote — Well, if you can "swift boat" John Kerry and "bum's rush" anybody you don't like, you ought to be able to "daisy chain" several nouns together to create verbs.
I was editing a question on Apple and used "daisy chain" as a verb. I know I hear it a lot as a verb but was just wondering if anyone had any technical reason why it was or was not a legitimate usage case.
Jul 12 at 15:59, by RegDwight
Hey, I have just betweened Kosmonaut with my betweening comment.
I mean, if I sword you, then you'd probably call me out for killing the language as you bleed to death.
My thought was that since "chain" is a real verb, and a daisy chain is just a specific sort of chain (right?), that it would work.
i really think that abby has the right idea by not using a real picture of herself, seeing as how the initial discussion of lauren here in chat derailed into an embarrassing discussion of her hotness
@AbbyTMillerΨ it works. the answer you got is the correct answer
@GraceNote — Languages change. Twenty years ago you would never "gift" someone or "friend" them, but now those are used a lot.
@AbbyTMillerΨ It doesn't have to be a verb. You can be ouched, betweened, and yesterdayed.
@JSBangs I don't know if Abby's picture looked that different from that as depicted
Unless I got wer't the images confused
A word becomes a verb by being used as a verb. That's all there is to it.
@RegDwight — Another way to say it: a word gets verbed by being verbed. And I just sarcasticallyed you.
Someone will probably link to Jabberwocky in a minute.
@GraceNote I'm the one standing in the gray hoodie, but my avatar still isn't a picture of me.
@AbbyTMillerΨ Well, as it were, I got wer't the images confused.
@Robusto Nothing sarcasticallies like Sarkozy.
it never ceases to amaze me how much space those Thinkpads waste
a wasteland of bare plastic to the sides of the touchpad
@RegDwight — Didn't Liszt write a Sarkozy March? @Martha would know, I bet.
@Jez Which you'll never use because a Thinkpad touchpad is horrible!
I liked the nipples.
Y'know, the whole mess of who-is-who could've been avoided by corresponding the layout of the flair images to that of the seating arrangement, one way or another.
@Jez Prolonged usage always leaves gunk on your monitor, though.
@GraceNote — Yeah, well ... how's that going to get us our T-shirts?
@GraceNote that would've required Joel to plan ahead a little! gasp
@Robusto You don't have them yet?
the nipples weren't on the monitor
@GraceNote — You mean ThinkPads actually lactate? Eeeeuuuwwww.
@Jez Do you never close the thing?
@Jez Nipples? Haven't been around many naked women have you?
@GraceNote so is that second pic supposed to be the entire chaos team? if so, I think I see Lauren and Aarthi there
ye gods, ANOTHER pitchforker
@JSBangs Yes, it's the full team
@GraceNote — Nope. Possibly mine is being withheld for obstreperousness.
@Kit laptop terminology
@Jez You're talking to Kit
@Jez No, it's not a nipple. People generally have two nipples, you see.
The correct term is clit.
I can help you guys out with the picture. Clockwise from bottom left:
Brett, me, Aarthi, Lauren, Laura, Sam
Francisco Scaramanga is a fictional character and the main antagonist in the James Bond film and novel The Man with the Golden Gun. The film was so named because it described Scaramanga's possession of a golden gun. In the novel, the character is nicknamed "Pistols" Scaramanga and is also called "Paco" (a Spanish diminutive of Francisco). Scaramanga was played by British actor Christopher Lee, who is also the cousin of Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond. Novel biography Francisco Scaramanga, of Catalan origin, became a trick shot and performed in acts in a circus owned by his fath...
He supposedly had three.
not, not, not, hot, hot, not
@Robusto Whaddayamean, supposedly? I saw it on the silver screen with my very eyes!
@Robusto I qualified my statement.
Besides, you are arguing in the wrong direction.
@RegDwight — I suspect you were using someone else's eyes.
Besides ... Hollywood? Makeup?
You're makeup.
@Kit but those are so hard to find
@RegDwight — You misspelled "awesome" ...
@Robusto I also misspelled "I".
And superfluous nipples often don't resemble the standard ones.
I're awesome.
@Jez i disagree with your assessment, but don't want to further encourage the discussion
@JSBangs And equally as difficult to work as on a ThinkPad.
@JSBangs Haha, and yet you totally want to state it, don't you?
@JSBangs Ditto.
Besides, it's an awful picture.
Brett comes in, lemme see...
@Kit Atypically, I love them.
It gives me a headache looking at that crooked shit.
Ah yes. There he is.
@Kit right. how are you supposed to make any kind of an assessment based on a crooked group shot like that?
@Kit Gimp it, baby.
We always called those micro-joysticks in Thinkpads "eraser-heads", and I much prefer them to any of the alternatives now available, because they don't click.
@Rhodri Interesting.
@Rhodri My T43p lasted quite a while, actually. Even if I went the whole "replace every board on the ship" route on it eventually.
since i got GIMP 2.7.2 devel build with single window mode, I've grown to love it
@Rhodri wait, did you miss the thread of what was being discussed there?
It only got phased out because it got infected, not for any issue on the machine itself.
You guys, uh, I won Mr. Tennessee 2004
i really want them to release a polished 2.8 though. AFAICT then it is basically good enough for 99% of Photoshop users.
@JSBangs Nope :-)
@Martha I use mine more than the touch pad, mostly for practice.
@Martha That's what I always hate about touchpads.
Just saying.
@Kit must... resist... jokes....
@BrettWhiteΨ Wow, I haven't even participated. I am sad!
@JSBangs That was the joke.
I sit next to @BrettWhite every day and I have to take my sweatshirt off when he comes in in the morning.
He's just that hot.
@BrettWhiteΨ but that's just TENNESSEE.
@BrettWhiteΨ You must have all of your teeth!
I won the sheep herding competition, I won the talent portion where I ran through a bluegrass medley of Barenaked Ladies songs
@AbbyTMillerΨ Let's not forget 3 o'clock hot time.
@AbbyTMillerΨ See, the cool people are not on your team.
2 days ago, by Rhodri
::buries head in hands:: I swear you lot are worse than the slash writers for innuendo.
@pitchforkers Don't you, uh, have work to do?
@Rhodri Thank you, thank you.
I'll tell jeff you were slacking in here
Why am I quoting this daily?
@RegDwight zOMG! The hot people are hanging out in the coolest room on SE!
@Jez look, community engagement is part of our job, or something
@Rhodri Yes, why?
@Rhodri Apparently because you forget it and have to remind yourself
@Jez Don't play like you don't love it.
Feb 17 at 18:43, by RegDwight
@GraceNote I can't imagine why
You lot are hopeless. Hopeless, I tell you. THWACKS all around, not that it'll do much good.
@AbbyTMillerΨ Seriously though, that part is awesome. We like engagements.
The only problems we ever had in the past were all due to lack of engagements.
Meh can't be bothered fixing grammer. Just parse it however you like it.
i think we need a new research team to find out synonyms for 'awesome'; when said, the system randomly substitutes one of them
@RegDwight Not having enough engagements did at least keep the divorce rate down.
@Rhodri Quick @Jez, gimme a synonym for awesome to reply @Rhodri.
I... I think I need to leave now. I find myself trying to come up with a joke about "wait, who's getting married" to go with the "engagement" comments. You guys have infected me!
being on top of Everest is awesome. Eating a York Peppermint Patty is awesome. Watching the Red Sea part is awesome. Community engagements are.... less than that.
@Martha A long time ago, @Martha. A long time ago. Also, @Martha.
@Martha EL&U FTW
@Martha Oh, good, I wasn't the only one thinking on those lines
@Rhodri You put the W and the F on the wrong end.
Is that Gail Tufts?
Eddie Izzard.
Same difference.
i love eddie izzard
"Awesome like a hot dog?"
@JSBangs No flirting in this chat.
@RegDwight we're glad. chatting with you guys is way more fun than most of our other tasks!
@RegDwight what else will we do, then?
@JSBangs Talk about Bulgarian influence on Romanian?
Is he belligerent to everyone, or just women?
@AbbyTMiller more awesome, you mean
@Jez awesomer?
awesome plus
doubleplus awesome
@Kit Fumble? It hasn't seemed like there's been any predisposition towards any criteria
@Jez We should start using "shiny" instead of "awesome". I.e. the Firefly sense, not the "ooh, shiny..." sense.
@AbbyTMillerΨ Kids these days. It should be doubleplusawesome, all one word in Newspeak.
i just thought of an idea for an a51 proposal
@Kit ok, ok! it's been a long time since I saw that movie!
ducks and covers
actually, Newspeak might fall under Planned and Constructed Languages
I must feed. BRB.
@Kit So must I. It's way past lunchtime.
I gotta say it: The CHAOS team has to be SE's answer to these folks: jeopardy.com/thecluecrew/aboutthecluecrew
Oh, is it coffee break time?
AFK for stand-up. I'll take my abuse offline.
Artificial Intelligenceai.stackexchange.com

Q&A site for software developers who use / want to use AI techniques in their projects.

Closed after 12 days in beta.

this is curious.
that seemed to have more beta activity than some of the betas now
@Jez There's an article on the blog detailing why they closed.
Here we go...
Posted by Robert Cartaino on December 22nd, 2010

On Monday afternoon, we unceremoniously closed down a Stack Exchange site: Artificial Intelligence.

Not that many would have noticed. It had an laggardly 83 questions in its 12 days of existence. It wasn’t so much the lack of questions that was of concern — a site can stay in beta as long as it takes — but the conspicuous lack of expert-level questions. This was also the emerging opinion amongst the users:

I committed to this proposal some time ago, hoping that this might become a site for researchers or knowledgeable academics asking serious technical questions about artificial intelligen …

> The earliest questions on a site will set the tone and topic of the site for a long time.
that smells more of bullshit than my office right now
@Jez no, i think it was a good decision and the right thing to do
i reckon that if it were still going now, AI would've built up some good experts
it's a big topic... worthy of another try
that's functionality that's maybe needed on a51. 'try again'.
not even with a variant; the topic was spot-on.
as for them saying the number of questions was small, im guessing the perspective has changed a bit. 6.9/day is now rated as 'okay' and better than some other betas
@Jez i agree, and i expect that this will happen eventually
@Jez It has been changed a bit, but that's the beauty of evolving design
but it'll take a while
@JSBangs It does happen, as it were. Less so on ones that make it to beta then break, but ones that reach Commitment or not even, and end up shut down, have come back with renewed vigor.
@GraceNote example?
french proposals :-P
@JSBangs French, ROBLOX I think went through a second one...
There's no restriction of recreating a proposal if it gets deleted, so I know that it has happened, but I can't really see deleted stuff on Area 51 so I can't really confirm anything on my own.
There's only been 4 Beta breaks, though
they should add a 'repropose' though
Gadgets (too broad yet too specialized at the same time), AI (not enough expertise), Atheism (didn't work), and How Stuff Works (scope was awkward)
I mean, they had much more elaborate explanation than what I've just written, but I'm not going to write blog posts into the chat room.
'not enough expertise' is dodgy.
it takes time to build up expertise, and some beta sites right now would be in trouble
how many on parenting are 'experts'? :-)
i gotta go and do actual work
talk later
Jesus Christ. Some people still can't use Google!
Check out OP's last comment here:
Q: What does "and lo" means?

PacerierWhat does "and lo" means? Source: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html

> google.com.sg/… not in the first 10 hits. what's your definition of few?
@Jez Like I said, it's a very terse note I put in there, the blog went into greater detail.
Now click on that link.
Seriously, WTF.
It's 2011 and people actually type "what is X" into Google rather than just "X".
And I'm not even talking about quotation marks or anything.
So you give me the definition for "eggs" and you expect me to know that "and eggs" means the same thing? What about "ham and eggs," am I expected to know that means the same thing too?
ham and bacon
@RegDwight Although that would have helped: google.com.sg/…
That must be why they think I'm some sort of data mistress at work. I know how to search for keywords.
> ฺ
Is that the European Union flag symbol?
If that's supposed to be a measly dot, then yes.
You be the judge.
I can't even tell what that is supposed to be in that image.
(The first one. Not the flag)
Hold on, I can get a better image from the main site.
Virama () is a generic term for the diacritic in many Brahmic scripts, including Devanagari and East Nagari, that is used to suppress the inherent vowel that otherwise occurs with every consonant letter. The name is Sanskrit for "cessation, termination, end". As a Sanskrit word, it is used in place of several language-specific terms, such as halant (), hôshonto (), pulli (), chandrakkala (), halant (), halanta (), a that (, a.sat , lit. "sound killer") and "killing as punishment"; or "canceled". In Devanagari and many other Indic scripts, a virama is used to cancel—or “kill”—the inh...
Well, it's too many dots, that's for sure
@RegDwight But that one has the same number of circles as stars in the flag
yesterday, by RegDwight
@GraceNote My standard snarky response to that is "Different question is different".
7 mins ago, by Jez
Is that the European Union flag symbol?
is not the same as "does this one have the same number of circles as stars in the EU flag?"
@RegDwight No, but it means that the Virama isn't the same as the symbol in question, because it is similar to the EU flag
Congratulations, you have achieved the minimum level of incomprehensibility required for participation in this chat.
I mean, you're still correctly answering the same question, it's just a different question.
Oh, I am not answering questions at all.
I am not here to answer questions.
But you successfully did.
What is this, a q-&-a site?
@GraceNote Accident. Sorry. Won't happen again.
@RegDwight You think we're a hyphen site?
That symbol is familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. The dotted circle is where another character would go.
Frigga. Can't find it.
If I enter it into Google, auto-suggest recommends " ฺ bangkok post"
I guess it's just an underdot?
The symbol is ֭
or more correctly - hebrew acent dehi
In my xchilsdhoodssdsd
@RegDwight — And here is the same symbol after Viagra:
@GraceNote — A hyphen site? No. Much bigger than that. More a like hyphenation!
@Robusto Thwack!
Hey, he threw trout to the bear.
@BrettWhiteΨ — And what did you do with him after you won him?
@Robusto Sometimes you eat the trout, sometimes the trout eats you.
@RegDwight — You mean coitus?
yesterday, by RegDwight
@Robusto I always do. Who told you?
it's a small octopus
@RegDwight — It's an open secret.
it comes to something when you go to the toilet to get away from the smell.
Apr 1 at 17:15, by RegDwight
Find a stranger in the Alps?
I did feed that one
Apr 1 at 13:04, by Robusto
@RegDwight — Let's get our quotes right ... "I do mind, the Dude minds. This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man."
Hm... I need to translate "Mother Nature" into a random language that isn't Japanese.
best way
@Jez What the hell is wrong with your work environment?
@Kit It apparently was built in an abandoned barn, if I recall earlier statement on the matter.
@GraceNote Мать-Природа or Природа-Мать.
With these conditions, I'm not surprised that one would fervently prefer to work from home.
Мать, Матерь (от  — мать, матерь, связано с  — вещество ) или разг. мама — женщина по отношению к своим детям. Из-за многозначности термина и его различного понимания в социальном, культурном и религиозном контексте сложно найти универсальные определения. Биологические матери Биологическая мать — женщина зачавшая, выносившая и родившая ребёнка. С развитием репродуктивной медицины стали возможными суррогатное и генетическое материнство. Суррогатное материнство Суррогатное материнство — технология репродукции человека, при которой женщина добровольно соглашается забеременеть с целью...
@RegDwight How awesome does that sound when spoken?
Hi Everyone!
Hi @MattRockwell!
Hi @MattRockwell
We over at UX.SE are trying to attract more users to the chat part of our site. It seems like you all have a lot of activity in here. Any tips or tricks on how to make it more active?
We have a somewhat large user base
it just seems like no one uses chat
@MattRockwell — Hey, you're not the real Мать.
@MattRockwell — Start posting lots of Beavis & Butthead questions. Half the people in here are mods or agents of CHAOS.
@MattRockwell And so you learn lesson one of how to get people into chat - you need things that people will stumble into and not know what they're doing.
@MattRockwell This is The Incomprehensible Room. It wouldn't do if you understood us.
@GraceNote [matʲ prʲɪˈrodə].
@Kit It's a converted barnhouse. on a farm.
@MattRockwell get one of the mods to noncommittally ban flirting. Find a few user who like flirting an throw them into the mix.
there are horseflies buzzing around and manure on the fields
im getting out of here sometime soon
@MattRockwell 1. Have a user base of really cool people. 2. Talk about random sh*t a lot. 3. Get @Kit to hang out and make innuendo.
@RegDwight Hm, I don't know how to read that, so I'm gonna wing it!
it wasnt so bad in winter but now in summer it's gotten worse
@Jez Ah. Well, up until a couple of months ago I was working near the sewage farm.
@Grace , it's sounds OK..... But Russian is a very hard lang
That wasn't fun when the wind was in the wrong direction.
heh, i dont know how ppl can work near those.
there's a pub near the one here
@MattRockwell Get two-three users to be constantly in chat. And fooling around. So whenever someone drops by, he's not facing a cold and empty place.
and it reeks half the time
@Rhodri Ooh, my brother was recently working on a plant that was near a sewage dump in a swamp. I've heard horror stories of that.
(And, as it were, I think I recall exactly the same "It's weird to go into the bathroom to get away from the small" comment)
@RegDwight That's the best advice so far.
We started off by posting some Italian music videos, recipes, language jokes. And discussing questions from the main site from time to time.
Right on. Thanks for the tips.
I would be here during European business hours, the US users would drop by later and keep it up during the night.
@RegDwight That was my lesson one! No fair in saying it in a comprehensible and cooler and impressive and successful fashion!
In some sense English is a very simple lang.... Not the case with Russian
that reminds me; if anyone wants to hang out in french language and usage we're here:

 French Language and Usage

General discussion for French Language and Usage - PLEASE USE ...
@Jez giggle That's how I met Jez.
Jun 27 at 19:49, by RegDwight
Voulez-vous paar Gruweschuh? Non, merci, mir reiche die!
@GraceNote — BTW, I hope this isn't for illicity purposes or some kind of prank. It's not nice to fool Мать-Природа!
@MattEllen Oh my friggin' CUTE!
@Robusto It's for trying to flarnge up a name for the personification of the world as a force of power in a game project.
@Kit My heart nearly exploded with rainbows
@MattEllen Awwwh!
Easy route is always just to stick with English, but... I figure, if I mash in enough languages together, or suitably work on just a single language that I don't comprehend, it'll come out something.
@MattEllen The problem with the hardware is that while it's installed, its newspaper-fetching, barking, licking, and house guarding functionalities are disabled.
I mean, if I could even remember what 3 languages I slapped together to make Kijohsa from the word "Balance", that'd be nice for me.
@GraceNote — You can't use something like Gaia?
@Jez , I'd like to join to it but I compl forgot it... Tu la voulous George Dandine.... I can't recall spelling, to say this I can more or less right
@Jez you'd think manufacturers would think of these things in this day and age!
@GraceNote my money is on Japanese, Polish, and Bahasa Indonesia.
@Robusto Everyone does Gaia/Gaea! It'll cause predisposed notion like, for example, that the entity actually exists.
Well, you could go for the whole Nibelungian thing and try Erda.
@Robusto Erda? Not esda or sieda?
@trg787 that doesn't stop you in EL&U
@RegDwight — Blame Wagner.
Or this:
Urðr is one of the Norns in Norse mythology. Along with Verðandi (possibly "happening" or "present") and Skuld (possibly "debt" or "future"), Urðr makes up a trio of Norns that are described as deciding the fates of people. Urðr is attested in stanza 20 of the Poetic Edda poem Völuspá and the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning. Urðr is together with the Norns located at the well Urdarbrunn beneath the world ash tree Yggdrasil of Asgard. They spin threads of life, cut marks in the pole figures and measure people's destinies, which shows the fate of all human beings and gods. Norns are alway...
@Robusto I think I used too much Norse as is, but that is always an option.
(Though I need to remember which project I was involved in that was already calling itself Erde...)
Hey, Erda is hot. Check 'er out:
@GraceNote Sorry Grace, I've missed what you're trying to achive
@Robusto Somehow I can't help but read that as урод. (Butterface, f*ckhead.)
Y'know what? I'll waste time if I spend too much time. Erda it is!
5 mins ago, by Grace Note
@Robusto It's for trying to flarnge up a name for the personification of the world as a force of power in a game project.
@GraceNote Ooh, Norse. Now I want to play Age of Mythology.
@GraceNote — You're welcome. Now you'll have to explain flarnge to me.
I'm trying to basically come up with something for the mortals to refer to when referring to magic that seems to come from the world itself, rather than that wielded by magical creatures or spellcasters.
@Robusto Slaptogether in a fashion without paying enough regard to the actual ingredients as long as it ends up looking nice.
There's always the Slavic "Moist Mother Earth".
@GraceNote — That is exactly how Richard Wagner used Erda in Der Ring des Nibelungen.
@Robusto I should read the actual thing sometime, rather than just draw parts of it from excerpts here and there, shouldn't I?
Enlil is the Summerian god of Earth and Air
@GraceNote — Well ... you probably don't have the ass to sit through the entire Ring cycle. Very few do.
Or Ki, which is the Summerian Earth Goddess.
weird they have deities charing power
@Robusto I'll have you know my rear is perfectly shaped and worthy of compliments, thank you very much!
(But, yes, it probably would be a long read. I'm sure I'll get the time for it some time, though)
@GraceNote (If you want something funnier and shorter, try "Expecting Someone Taller" by Tom Holt)
@Robusto Is that a reference to that thing you tried to reference the other day and got dejected that no one reacted?
Breaking Bad is an American television drama series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. The series is broadcast in the United States and Canada on the cable channel AMC, and is a production of Sony Pictures Television. It premiered on January 20, 2008. The series was renewed for a fourth season, which premiered on July 17, 2011. Set and produced in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Breaking Bad is the story of Walter White (Bryan Cranston), a struggling high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with advanced lung cancer at the beginning of the series. He turns to a life of crime, producin...
I don't think I even know what channel AMC is
yesterday, by Robusto
And really, coming from AMC it's so surprising for them to pull off a Breaking Bad. I mean, it's like if you suddenly found out that Latvia had landed men on Mars and brought them safely home.
Oh, I've heard of that. Never seen any, though given how little TV I watch that's not surprising.
Jul 2 at 15:11, by Robusto
Best TV show evah.
@Reg , can you to translateА it to the public? Its words of the musician that I mentioned above..Мне близка интеллектуальная ситуация Германии перед началом второй мировой войны: тогда был осуществлен уникальный синтез искусства, науки, магии. Об этом, о людях, сделавших это, — о Вирте, Вилигуте, Хорбигере, Йорге Ланце фон Либенфельсе, Хильшере, — предпочитают молчать, потому что сразу возникают ассо
А под фашизмом в чистом виде я понимаю романтизм. Если довести романтизм до
логического конца, он приводит к фашизму. Если вы романтик по ощущениям, вы должны
остановиться. Иначе вам быть фашистом. Новалис больше фашист, чем Гитлер
I need three things before I can do that. 1) Source 2) Reason 3) Time.
@Rhodri I despise the word "moist."
@Kit That's an odd word to dislike.
@RegDwight I can give you a reason: You love translating poetry.
@GraceNote I think it's actually a very common word to dislike.
@Kit If that were poetry.
@RegDwight You won't know until you translate it.
@GraceNote Try the Anna Russel version. Besides being hilarious, it's also quite accurate.
@Kit Oh, I pretty damn well do know that everything I translate reads like poetry in the target language.
@Martha I assume shorter as well?
@GraceNote If Kosmo were here, he could tell us what that "oi" sound is and why people tend to hate it.
@GraceNote Yes. Much. Lemme see if I can find you a link.
@Kit Because they associate it with Fran Drescher's voice?
@Kit How peculiar. To me, it's not much else than voiced.
(vOIce, there it is again)
@Reg , Ok , :) Kuryuokhin said that he sipmatized to Nazist Germany But his reason for that was not we can think.... My English is too lame to translate it
You can find parts 2 & 3 in the sidebar links.
@Martha I'll nob that for getting when I head home, then.
Deja vu all over again.
@GraceNote hehe. 'nob' means something else in the UK.
My clipboard is all sticky.
Robusto is in ur internet posting déjà vus.
Whoops, my flash player has crashed. I'm taking this as a sign that I need to close my browser and get some w*rk done.

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