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7:00 PM
@Cerberus — nan 'tte?
@Robusto What, is that her grandma type? No:
@Cerberus — No. It means "Whaddya talkin' about?"
@Robusto The above video from the Catherine Tate Show.
The end is the best. The rest is great as well.
Apr 22 at 21:56, by RegDwight
@Fx I'm not a leader. I'm a tyrant monster.
Hm, I say all kinds of weird things...
But hey, it's true!
@RegDwight — It would be more interesting if you were a tyrant monster truck.
7:05 PM
My son loves monster trucks.
Feb 17 at 20:53, by Kosmonaut
He ate a car and it bled oil.
Why am I always saying random shit?
Why not?
What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
a. sunshower (34.29%)
b. the wolf is giving birth (0.04%)
c. the devil is beating his wife (6.43%)
d. monkey's wedding (0.16%)
e. fox's wedding (0.15%)
f. pineapple rain (0.03%)
g. liquid sun (0.74%)
7:06 PM
+1 for continuing to say random shit
@z7sg wth?
@JSBangs That should be @z7sg for maximum effect.
@z7sg h. Are you sure that's rain?
"the devil is beating his wife" err what?
Sorry, I'm not supposed to?
@Rhodri our survey says...
7:07 PM
@z7sg What is this really about?
@RegDwight No, it's okay for you to beat your wife.
don't piss down my back
@Kit Besides, it's only 6% of the time, and only when it rains while the sun is shining.
@Kit It's not OK, only assholes do that.
@z7sg — I think "pineapple rain" was a Prince song before he learned to speak English well.
7:08 PM
@JasperLoy He's the devil; it's different.
@JasperLoy This is about proving that random surveys, Internet, statistics, lies, yada yada
how many respondents is 0.03% anyway? probably about 3
@RegDwight Isn't the sun always shining, even when it's raining?
@Robusto That's so bad it ain't even cringeworthy.
Jul 1 at 13:19, by RegDwight
@MrDisappointment "Do you agree that the Sun is overrated, because it shines when it's bright anyway, unlike the Moon?"
It's a worse-than-thwackable offence.
7:09 PM
@RegDwight — That's the devil in you.
No! Not Al Pacino!
Do not want!
Eeet is thee devils that isss beating my wife, not I!
@RegDwight — Too late.
@Robusto On the plus side, that chick from Gladiator is kinda hot when naked.
@RegDwight — Nakedness does make the temperature go up. For women, I hasten to add.
7:11 PM
I thought alex was a boy's name. I didn't know there are girls called alex too.
For everyone who's not following,
The Devil's Advocate (marketed as Devil's Advocate) is a 1997 American horror film directed by Taylor Hackford starring Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino and Charlize Theron, and based on a novel by Andrew Neiderman. The film's title is a reference to the common phrase "devil's advocate", and Pacino's character is named for the author of Paradise Lost, John Milton. The movie has some minor allusions to Milton's epic, such as the famous quotation "Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven". Plot Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves), a defense attorney in Gainesville, Florida, has never lost a case. ...
@JasperLoy Alexandra rather than Alexander
Better than Wikipedia.
@JasperLoy it's actually pretty common. and i take it from your comment that you're a pineapple, which i would not otherwise have guessed
OMG i JUST NOW got @Robusto's "pineapple rain" comment
@JSBangs Oh, I know what a pineapple is. I learnt not long ago.
7:14 PM
In this room I mean.
@JSBangs — You kinda slow-rolled that one.
@Robusto i did. i'm a little sluggish on the uptake today
@JSBangs — That's why we go over this stuff.
I still don't know what a pineapple is.
@JSBangs But I don't think I'm a pineapple.
7:16 PM
@GraceNote Non-native speaker.
@RegDwight Better move that to Philosophy.
@all shhhh nobody tell Grace what a pineapple is
dangit, @Jasper, you ruined the fun
Feb 3 at 20:07, by Robusto
See, that's why we go over this stuff.
7:16 PM
Jun 18 at 21:35, by Robusto
Non-native speakers => NNS => ennenness [sounds like] => ananas [funny French association] => pineapple
@Robusto Oh, you said that to me too.
Geezers, that's recently explained, no less.
I guess I'm slow.
@RegDwight is trying to copy me now, but he originally got on my case for repeating myself:
Feb 10 at 16:07, by RegDwight
@Robusto: aren't you repeating yourself there?
It'd be weird for me to not be a pineapple, though.
He sees every sparrow that falls, truly.
7:17 PM
Mar 15 at 11:53, by RegDwight
Lots of echo, eh?
Also, ABBA.
@jsbangs Singaporeans study and use Eng since young, so I think that makes me a non-pineapple.
@JasperLoy i'm still gonna say you're a pineapple
ain't nothing wrong with it. Reg is a pineapple
@JasperLoy — Nope. You can still be a pineapple. Anyone who says "since young" is a pineapple, ipso facto.
Alle Menschen sind Ausländer, fast überall!
@RegDwight — Said the foreigner.
7:19 PM
So that's what the prickly things are. And pizza Hawaii.
@Robusto It's furriner, you pineapple.
May 7 at 13:05, by Robusto
In fact, every language but English sounds, well, foreign. I'm surprised foreigners don't realize that.
They do, but not being able to speak their language, you don't realize it.
@RegDwight i blame the parents. what are they doing, teaching their kids some stupid language nobody speaks instead of english?
@RegDwight — Not bad. You may pass your Turing test yet.
7:21 PM
@JSBangs ... spoke the Gitane Blonde in almost impeccable English.
what's a gitane blonde?
hum, so, @Third Idiot is now Thursagen
It's either a female bicicyle rider or a female smoker.
@Fx why are you pinging him???!
@JSBangs Romanian -> gypsy -> gitane ->
:For the French bicycle manufacturer, see Gitane. Gitanes (, "gypsy women") is a brand of French cigarettes, sold in many varieties of strengths and packages. It is currently owned by Imperial Tobacco following their acquisition of Altadis in January 2008, having been owned by SEITA before that. Originally rolled with darker or brun (brown) tobacco, in contrast to 'blondes'. In honour of the name, the cover sports a silhouette of a Spanish gypsy woman playing the tambourine. The boxes have always featured the colours black, blue and white. There is a distinction between the "blonde" styl...
7:22 PM
Although a female smoker would be a Gitanes blonde.
quick, someone delete the ping....
well, now i'm confused
and i have to go home
@Fx You should leave out the @ unless you wanna mess with him!
good night.
7:22 PM
Buona sera.
@simchona I edited
The ping is only an issue if the person has been in here. Has that person been in here?
@Fx But it might be too late...
but I don't see why I shouldn't @-mention him
It'll probably still ping hi,
7:23 PM
@GraceNote Ages ago, under a different handle, but yes.
@Fx because @ mentions ping them and let them KNOW you're talking about him
@GraceNote I think it will appear in certain inboxes in certain places.
@Fx @-mention whom? @simchona? @Robusto? @GenghisKhan?
@Rhodri If it's been ages ago, the ping will not hit.
7:24 PM
Here's to hoping he didn't get it
@JasperLoy Only if it's been within a recent enough time.
Nobody can @-mention F'x, BTW. Except me, of course.
@RegDwight Genghis Khan but Immanuel Kant.
@simchona It's OK. Actually 3i is a pretty nice person...
The time period is extended if it is an exact name match, but that only extends it no longer than 1 month.
7:25 PM
@simchona Chill. I don't think he's planning on showing up here any time soon, give or take any number of pings.
Of those in here, only Dwig and I could ping the fellow, anyway.
Don't forget MrD.
Here's another one: Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
@RegDwight MrD is faded, like jcole and rchern and Dori
7:26 PM
@RegDwight the contraposition is true: I can @-mention everyone if I want
@Fx doesn't work, does it?
@JasperLoy That sentence is in every comment on every question ever.
Hopefully the hot ginger removes a few of those.
@JasperLoy — Time flies like a footlocker. I thought everyone knew that.
@GraceNote Nope. We tried stuff.
Superpings work. Everything else does not.
@RegDwight you can't get to me, but I can get to you all :)
7:27 PM
@RegDwight But our superping works, aye?
Heehee uehehehe ♪
@RegDwight — I think you misspelled supperpings.
@Robusto I think you misspelled "I".
Therefore I am.
@RegDwight Now you are just MSU.
7:29 PM
by the way, is there a limit on the ping abilities? to avoid people doing things like that:
@Fx Like what?
There are limits to pings in all sorts of ways.
@Alain Pannetier @Alan Hogue @Alenanno @Alex @Andy F @Antony Quinn @Atømix @Benjol @Billare @Boofus McGoofus @Brian Hooper @Brian Nixon @Bruno Rothgiesser @CJM @Caleb @Callithumpian @Cerberus @Charlie @Chris B. Behrens @Chris Dwyer @Claudiu @Colin Fine @Dancrumb @Dusty @Ed Guiness @Edward Tanguay @Eldros @F'x @Fraser Orr @FumbleFingers @Guffa @HaL @Hamid @Hellion @Henry @Henry @Hugo @J D OConal @JSBangs
I mean, can you ping an indefinite number of people just to make new ennemies?
@Fx Well, again, unless all of those people have recently been in here, that won't really have an impact.
@Fx Hey how did you get the alphabetical list?
7:30 PM
Second, just do @Michael. That'll get you all the enemies you need.
plus my mad vim skills
sorry, skillz, I tend to be sloppy at the end of the day
It's like tapping people on the shoulder, then running away
@RegDwight — You mean coitus?
@simchona yeah, I always loved that :)
Other than that, normal pings do not have limits to how many you can put in a single message. There used to be more fun bugs, though.
7:31 PM
@Robusto I always do. Who told you?
For example, @@@ used to hit everyone in the entire room.
@RegDwight please, get a room!
I have a room.
(It was a bit more complicated than that, but that's the gyst that needs to be known)
or we'll see to interruptus your coitus
7:32 PM
@GraceNote THWACK also hits everyone.
@Fx I have a friend who replies to that with "I'm in a room, aren't I?"
@JasperLoy Last I checked they were quite directed.
@Martha I'm sure you thwack the hell out of him
@GraceNote It is gist.
@GraceNote — gyst => gist
7:33 PM
Pfft. I'll stick with gyst.
I just wish the SE chat got the same quick-fix feature Skype has
(I knew I'd get jumped on for that)
@Fx He doesn't usually succumb to the Nerdy Male Punning Disease, so no. Plus, he's a herald. Heralds don't pun; they cant.
@GraceNote — Nuh-uh.
7:34 PM
@Robusto Yuh huh
@Fx You mean like [up arrow] [edit] [enter]?
@GraceNote — Like, dude ...
@Martha no, I mean like "s/text to be replaced/replacement/"
(Oh, I'm already losing ground here...)
Why does dude only refer to male but babe can refer to both male and female?
7:35 PM
going to hit an arrow is like moving your hand all the way to the other side of the keyboard; too much effort :)
@Martha and I'm saying that's too much efoort
@Fx I'm saying that the SE chat mechanism for that is 1. hit the up arrow, 2. edit at will, 3. hit 'enter' to submit.
@JasperLoy Because babe is derived from "baby", which also has the same application as both unisex and as female-specifically.
Chad just downvoted me and deleted his answer because he's pissed.
(Alternatively in the other direction, but regardless point is that they share the same relationship, sortaaye)
Just because I pointed out to him that his third reference contradicted what he was arguing.
7:37 PM
@Kit He will run out of piss very soon.
@Fx You could always punch Dwig and make him do it.
Get back to work.
Or use a weapon, if that is your preference.
Weapon of choice.
7:38 PM
wow alot happened while I was eating
a lot too
I do enjoy that video!
@MattEllen What did you have for dinner? I had KFC!
Thanks for the support @Martha.
@JasperLoy nice! I made my self some fajitas
7:40 PM
I didn't mean to piss him off.
@RegDwight Hey this video is not available here. What does that mean???
@Kit No prob.
@Robusto — So nobody catches Breaking Bad references around here?
I think Lauren Ψ made the title of english.stackexchange.com/questions/7762/… too general.
7:49 PM
@Robusto I've only ever seen the commercials.
I like the actor, but he reminds me of my ex. Ick.
That's me when I was a Soviet pioneer sql.ru/forum/actualfile.aspx?id=11031666
@Kit — Best ... TV show ... evah.
@BogdanLataianu I disagree. I thik the title is an improvement and specific enough. what would you suggest as a better title?
@BogdanLataianu I think the original title was far more vague, but as she says, "Of course, we are a collaboratively edited site, so if you liked something better before I changed it, go ahead and change it back."
And really, coming from AMC it's so surprising for them to pull off a Breaking Bad. I mean, it's like if you suddenly found out that Latvia had landed men on Mars and brought them safely home.
7:50 PM
@GraceNote She edited one of my titles, so I edited it so that it was more my style.
@Kit Looking it over, seems like a perfectly justified re-revision on your part.
@Matt I think it's too basic question and should be closed perhaps. There are questions already about the possessive vs plural. I will search Like this: english.stackexchange.com/questions/1073/…
@BogdanLataianu Even if closed, it still has a title, and the revised title is much better than the old one
@BogdanLataianu Then the title improved your ability to realise it's a dup :D
7:53 PM
@Kit — I knew this would come to no good. Now we have a kindergarten teacher in here correcting our grammar.
I wonder if she scored in the 99th percentile on the GMAT. Do you think? Maybe that's a req for working for SE?
Oh for...
@Robusto You're like the fifteenth person who asks that.
@Robusto I'm sure I did better on my GREs than she did.
Well, just for grins I edited her post title. ^_)^
@GraceNote You misspelled "O say..."
7:56 PM
@RegDwight — Awww, geez, I didn't know there was gonna be a quiz!
@RegDwight There's no plot.
Plot is Russian for raft.
We are suddenly being told we can't run with scissors or eat paste. I am, like, this close to saying hasta la vista, baby.
@RegDwight Those would be too high up.
@Robusto Have you tried talking to Lauren about this?
@Robusto Try eating pasta with scissors. That's what the Germans do.
7:59 PM
I know my earlier statement was meant to imply that I wasn't even going to bother, but in seriosity, she doesn't seem like she'll be all that non-listening and will explain what her criteria are.
In fact, I'll just go post that myself.
I approved the three title edits, and I would have approved them in any case, for any user, even if he/she had not been SE staff, because they made the titles better. This isn't really a case of SE staff censoring you, it's a case of improvement.

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