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git pull?
or node build.js
I have to get to where git is first.
Oh, pretty terminal!
git should be runnable from anywhere now
also, yeah, you should get the git bash menu item
when you right click on a folder
Oh. Wish I'd know that before I navigated there.
Oh! It did something!
All files added.
It couldn't find 'uglify-js2' when it tried to minify.
What do I do next?
yeah. I got that too. I can't figure out how to fix it
run git status
Probably install it.
It's a minifier, I would assume.
yeah, I tried, but that gave me more errors
@KitFox it always tells me that, and doesn't matter
i just ignore it
I figured it wasn't important.
you can build and do everything without that
Since that file hasn't been updated in a long time.
OK, so I have changes, no changes added to commit.
Does git commit -a commit all changes?
have you run git add .?
Will that add them all? Or do I have to do one at a time?
that will add them all, but apparently git commit -a does the same
Will that commit at the same time, i.e., should I have a commit message in there somewhere?
Do you want me to just go read stuff, or do mind if I keep asking instead?
it will load a text editor for you to enter a message. I'm not sure whatthe default is
but if you do git commit -a -m "message" then you won't load an editor
omg, it reminds me of the old vax email interface from college.
@KitFox you can keep asking :D
That's a hella short message. edits
Um. How do I make it go?
make what go?
I wrote the message, but I don't know what to do next.
I must be thick.
in the editor? save and exit
(not save as, there's a preset filename)
I don't see how to do that.
what does the screen look like?
I don't know what editor it's loaded
ah then I think push esc a few times then :w then :q
wtf? That was stupid.
what happened?
It worked, but not exactly intuitive.
oh, yeah, that's VIM. I dpn't really know how to use it. my boss swears by it
So now what?
i lurve VIM
I <3 emacs
That committed it locally, and now I push?
the quicker way to exit is to do <ESC>ZZ
@KitFox well you've commited your change
@KitFox yes
git push origin?
git push origin master
I'm guessing.
At least I was close.
@MattЭллен what is the "master" for?
i've just been doing origin
@JSBձոգչ that's the branch
oh, maybe master is used by default
git always tells me off if I forget it
@KitFox note that when you use publi.sh it handles the whole commit+message+push thing for you
Authentication failed.
master is used by default
@KitFox you'll need to give it your github username and password
I guess I need to update git!
makes cute wrinkly nosed faced, trying to remember password
Damn it.
@KitFox What up?
does a little dance
giggles maniacally
@JSBձոգչ I still have to build first, right? Well, if I want to use the changes.
@KitFox publi.sh also builds for you
it does everything
it's like jesus
So node build.js, then publi.sh "Commit message"
Oh. So just that then.
Jesus couldn't have babies.
Just saying.
@KitFox neither does publi.sh
Will it turn my coffee into coffee with wine in it?
@KitFox i haven't tried that command
!!coffee with wine in it
@MattЭллен Could not process input. Error: reserved word "with" on line 8
So. @Matt. Maybe you want a piece of the bot?
a piece of it?
You know. You could contribute.
More than just answering my incessant questions.
@Matt. Where's the button?
oh! Is there a bit you'd like me to write?
@Matt. How did I break it?
@Matt. What's a semi-colon?
:D I like that too
!!color f60 000 Boo!
There's lots that doesn't work wonderfully well.
it works!
!!color f60 000
!!color goldenrod
It doesn't auto-expand because of the query string.
KitSox only understands hex colors
We could change that, I bet.
!!color deadbe
@KitFox somebody mentioned jquery.color
!!color bedead
@JSBձոգչ That would be @Mr.Shiny.
which would require us to add that plugin to the source, but it should be fine
anyway, i'm not going to do that now
!!help color
@JSBձոգչ color: Displays a color square for the hex color(s) passed in, with optional text. /color backgroundColor [foregroundColor] [text]
(note that I added the third param)
I saw.
It's too bad it won't autoexpand.
@JSBձոգչ How do you make it do HSV or HSL instead? That's easier for testing stuff than RGB.
!!color deadbe bedead
Wow, vomit.
!!color beaded
@Matt are you on github?
@tchrist too much work
@KitFox aye
What's your handle?
Oh, of course.
right now the color command is utterly stupid. it just takes the arguments you give it and forwards them to dummyimage.com
making it do anything more sophisticated requires that i either parse the color expression myself and convert it to hex, or convince dummyimage.com to do it for me
the latter is probably not going to happen
the former is probably not very hard, but as mentioned requires work
@MattЭллен There. You are on as a collaborator now.
@JSBձոգչ It's value added. Taking arguments is real work.
@KitFox Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
Bring enough for everybody.
!!color b0d1ce
I always wondered.
You can't just take a peek?
!!color acebed
!!color facade
I love this game!
!!color c00ped
!!color deface
!!color sesquipedalian
!!color def ace
!!color fade away
!!color f00d face
!!color bad dad
@KitSox hey, it's mcdonalds' colors
how convenient
!!color f00d f06 f9
!!color f00df06f9
!!color ab0de5
!!color bad f00d
Nice. are we making avatars out of these?
@KitSox yeah, that is about the color of bad food
@JSBձոգչ that does look like bad food.
@Mitch That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
omitting the second A changes the color a lot
@Mitch That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Stop expecting sense!
okay, so we should add a jinx command
!!color c0cac0
!! !!
@Mitch That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!color b100d
ah, that's better :D
!!color b0661e
!!color 18g8b8
she seems to be repeating herself
@JSBձոգչ You do not have permission to use the command refresh
!!tell KitFox refresh
@JSBձոգչ You do not have permission to use command refresh
!!tell KitFox welcome
@JSBձոգչ Command hi does not exist.
@KitFox Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!color DA221E
anyway, I should be going
But I just got back!
@KitFox Where's the milk?
Right here.
@KitFox can you refresh for me?
KitSox should say something after she refreshes
The old version had a jinx command, but it wasn't very exciting.
as a sanity check that she's still working
OK. I'll do it.
did you rebuild?
(i assume you made the change in source/commands.js, after which you should rebuild)
Is there any word/category to describe the origin/nature of words that finish with certain pattern and characters like:
...ize, ..tion, ..ism, ...rian

I for one, know (*think*) that (...)ism is usually used in some sort of idealogical and systematical context, as in Communism, Mormonism, Darwinism

So, I'm trying to make sense of the exact usage/origin of these words.
@JSBձոգչ I thought you said publi.sh did everything.
it should
It did.
I must not have written the right thing.
I used a return statement.
evidently not
which is also what i would have done
in fact your fix is almost identical to mine
reloading the page probably reloads the bot
So...I must have to post a message explicitly?
When the bot loads?
actually, i'll bet that nothing after the window.location.reload() will actually happen
since the reload restarts the bot
(i'm speculating here, but it makes sense)
That's what I was just thinking.
basically what the bot needs is a startup message
something it posts as soon as it connects
That's also what I was thinking.
of too meeting
@JSBձոգչ Just go already!
@JSBձոգչ I'll see what I can figure out.
@KitFox JSBձոգչ is afk.
Yes, and I am eating salad.
7 mins ago, by Simon _eQ
Is there any word/category to describe the origin/nature of words that finish with certain pattern and characters like:
...ize, ..tion, ..ism, ...rian

I for one, know (*think*) that (...)ism is usually used in some sort of idealogical and systematical context, as in Communism, Mormonism, Darwinism

So, I'm trying to make sense of the exact usage/origin of these words.
@all Please throw me a bone
Oh, I didn't see the question there.
-ize would verbify a noun.
-tion is a nominal suffix, so it would nominalize a verb.
-ism, sure, seems about right.
-ian would be a person or thing that follows or is part of an -ism context
Roughly. I guess.
Although more likely a thing. I think -ist is more likely to be the personification of the -ism.
@KitFox Oh, thanks. Didn't know a thing on this subject. Is there any reference to learn more about these? Because, I can't seem to find anything that mentioned what you just said.
quantum, quantize, quantification, quantificationism, quantificationist, quantificarian.
@Simon_eQ I don't know, but probably @Cerb would have some ideas.
You might check etymonline or a big dictionary for those suffixes.
@JSBձոգչ Oh, it's you again...
@KitSox you always make me feel so loved
@KitSox thanks, will have a look
@JSBձոգչ Here try pinging me while I'm afk. I want to see what this does.
!!afk smoke
@KitFox Why are you leaving me!?
@KitFox where have you gone?
@JSBձոգչ KitFox is afk: smoke
OK. So it sets a message.
@KitFox Where were you!?
@KitSox smoking, obvs
@Simon_eQ The Oxford Dictionaries have some definitions for some suffixes: oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/--ize
@KitFox yawns
That's not what I...
@Simon_eQ Keep in mind that many suffix have multiple meanings, and some are just very vague, not much more than "a word derived from another word".
@KitFox yawns
OK, I think I removed the prohibition on refresh. So can someone else try refreshing her?
@MετάEd yawns
@MετάEd That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Thanks, @MετάEd.
Look! I'm using git!
should I have tried !!curtsey?
@KitFox Yeah. Silly git. :-)
hee hee
!!color facade
!!color decaff
!!color decade
!!color accede
!!color deface
!!color c0ffee
that's not what coffee looks like!
@JSBձոգչ Oh, did you see I fixed the refresh?
You can do it now.
@JSBձոգչ yawns
@KitFox how did you make me an admin?
i looked for this and couldn't find it
I didn't. I removed the requirement to be an admin.
Easier that way.
interesting. debatable which was the right idea
it's hard to see too much downside to letting anyone refresh
@JSBձոգչ Right. Not so much. You think I'm crazy?
Anyway, what's going on with the tell me your laws listener? It seems like the tell command must be interfering.
@KitFox your sanity has always been in doubt, but not because of this
!!tell me your laws
@JSBձոգչ Command your does not exist.
But the regex is clear enough. That ought to work.
//this is an ugly, but functional thing, much like your high-school prom date

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