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"A few" is exactly four. Always. If you use it for anything else, you are wrong. If you take it to mean something else, you are wrong. — RegDwigнt 35 secs ago
People keep asking for a clear answer, thought I might as well give them it.
Great news! I assume this is written in the Royal Charter of the English language
Well it is now that I've written it.
noöne will ever mistake the many for the few ever again
I am a bloody Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. And numbers are all about orders.
I should hear today. By noonish.
@RegDwigнt prehaps you could also clear up how I ask a question to which the answer is 44th?
@KitFox eeeee!
The how manyeth?
You just go to a crowdy place and shout at the top of your lungs, "OBAMA!!!!!"
I love my black president.
Once you go black, you never go back. To peace and privacy, that is.
I love his hot wife and his adorable children.
Meh. You're the one who values peace and privacy.
@KitFox Making you love his children is all it takes to not make you notice he doesn't love yours.
Really? What's he done to my children?
Wait for your children to grow up and tell you.
I am not your children. I can't.
You funneh.
Making coffee. brb
I am not funneh, I just clearly see that he's a Chicago politician and she has a fat ass.
But they won't tell you, just in case you're a spy drone
It don't matter none. Him, someone else. And I prefer mine this way, given the choices.
That's the thing, you're not given choices.
Yes, we've had this discussion before.
It boils down to you thinking that the process works in a way that it doesn't.
Whatever. I don't care. I choose to not care. It's a country on the other end of the world. It can go up in flames. And it will. Not my problem.
Yes. Thank you.
No prob.
Except it won't go up in flames. Hasn't yet. Nothing's changed.
Except for the Tea Party, but they keep getting smaller.
And it doesn't bother me any. I have food on the table and a roof over my head. That's not likely to change.
America's only a few centuries old. London didn't go up in flame until 600 years after the Normans invaded.
Oh, yeah, and the plagues.
Well, whatever.
I just don't have the energy to piss away on things outside my sphere of influence.
Besides, I grew up here, so it's normal for me.
@MattЭллен Yeah. America has no sense of time. I mean, the White House is barely sixty years old. And they still had frigging segregation then.
@KitFox is that why I was getting rained on this morning?
@KitFox yeah I keep telling that to Cerberus. It's impossible to explain unless you practice it.
The White House is older than sixty years.
!!wiki White House
The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. It has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800, and the term is often used by journalists as a metonym to refer to the acts of the President and his top advisors. The house was designed by Irish-born James Hoban and built between 1792 and 1800 of white-painted Aquia Creek sandstone in the Neoclassical style. When Thomas Jefferson moved into the house in 1801, he (with architect Benjamin Henry L...
You think just because I'm American, I don't know nothing about history?
This is the White House some fifty years ago.
@KitFox no, I think you don't know about the White House because you clearly don't know about the White House.
OK, well, if you are going to count the restoration and shit.
Still older than sixty years.
and I suppose it has already been burned to the ground
See, only an American would proudly proclaim that 62 years is older than 60. For a European, that is frigging nothing.
@MattЭллен Well. Kinda.
My own family line has been here for 400 years or so.
Is that a scowl on your face, or are you just pleased to see me?
Oh, I don't even know.
I hate talking about politics, and yet I find myself making a presentation today about it.
I mean, putting one together.
for work?
Yeah. The teacher leaders for some reason have it in their heads that talking to Susan Collins is a splendid idea.
So why is it your job?
Teacher leaders should be doing it for themselves
Because I have made many mistakes interacting with the Congressional delegation as well as with the state legislators, and I thought I might be able to help.
Before they hang themselves accidentally.
fair enough
Actually you should have argued the other way round, "I'm of no help, as demonstrated by my many mistakes. Leave me alone."
So it's a little "political activism 101" for Friday.
Rule 1. Don't talk to your delegation.
Should have put it on the Black Friday.
I have that day off.
My point.
Maybe on Blue Monday, then
No. No. The meeting is on Friday.
You are not helping.
Oh, so not on Ash Wednesday, either?
@KitFox but I am helping a lot. I just gave you enough material for an entire presentation. "This country sucks, I'm moving to Uganda. Bye!"
"Ug and a", a kids show about a caveman and the letter a
I held that presentation a couple times in my life, huge success every time. For myself, anyway.
Why would I want to move to Uganda? I'm not even circumcised.
Don't know about the audience and don't care, as they are part of the reason the country sucks.
@KitFox I never said you wanted to move to Uganda.
Wanting never entered the building.
You think I contribute to my country sucking? Now I'm hurt.
And why would that be?
You clearly do, and you are typically quite proud of it. Why would that hurt?
Now you're just being mean.
No, I am just summing up your own statements in this room.
mummy! daddy! stop fighting!
Everyone contributes to his country sucking. Every society has the government it deserves.
I don't like it when you don't like me.
It makes me angry.
I never not like you.
It's OK, I'm not wearing purple pants today.
See, that's why your country sucks.
I am wearing two pair, just to make up for your failure.
I think I should have skipped the caffeine this morning.
As a result, my country sucks because my groin is moist.
why don't any days of the week start with p? I think Puesday should be instated, thus eliminating the confusion between Tuesday and Thursday when only using one letter.
suppresses smile
Moist groins are not going to make me giggle.
Purle Pants Puesday
Moist won't, but most will.
Although that reminds me that I am wearing Spider-man underpants today.
I like to think they are lucky.
Really they don't fit proper, so they ride my cheeks funny.
lucky old spiderman
@MattЭллен Puesday sounds like the love child of Puke and Piss. Which is par for the course in England, I guess, but elsewhere people are like ewww.
@RegDwigнt It will have Germanic rooots!
More like germ-maniac.
@KitFox two more steps and you'll have named the next Rammstein song. Or the last one.
I can't watch the video anymore.
sad panda
also no days start with Gr, so we should change Saturday to Graturday
I support changing the names of the days of the week to disambiguate single letter abbreviations.
@MattЭллен how long is your week? Also, how much is the fish?
I will write a bill and send it to my representatives to ask them to sponsor it on my behalf.
@KitFox excellent. I support your campaign
A-Day, B-Day, C-Day, L-Day, E-Day, F-Day, G-Day.
L for dyslexia.
L, LL, M, N (if you read it in Spanish)
@RegDwigнt twice the length from the middle to one end. Suspicious
@MattЭллен no Euclidean spaces in this room.
Oh shit.
Then I'll get some water
hurriedly spreads Riemann carpet on the floor...ish
Escher or no Cher at all. Wimps and posers, leave the hall.
leaves hall
Pimps and wosers on the other hand
My posse is on Broadway.
@KitFox which one was you, the wimp or the poser? Or the bittercress?
I am a wimp and a poser.
Not bittercress. I don't know what that is.
!!urban bittercress
@KitFox My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
Cardamine (Car-dá-mi-ne, bittercress or bitter-cress), is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Brassicaceae. It contains more than 150 species of annuals and perennials. The genus grows worldwide in diverse habitats, except the Antarctic. Genus Dentaria is a synonym for Cardamine. The leaves can have different forms, going from minute to medium-sized. They can be pinnate or bipinnate. They are basal and cauline (growing on the upper part of the stem), with narrow tips. They are rosulate (forming a rosette). The blade margins can be entire, serrate or dentate. The stem intern...
@KitFox No definition found for bittercress
> Cardamine enneaphyllos — Drooping Bittercress
Oh. I am bipinnate. Maybe I am bittercress.
!!define bipinnate
@MattЭллен bipinnate (botany, of a leaf) Doubly pinnate; pinnate and having leaflets that are themselves pinnate.
You don't know the Drooping Bittercress? Come on. It's almost like you went to school in America.
I did.
I'll teach it to my son.
Well, it's called cardamine in the UK too.
I think
Or am I thinking of cardamon
!!wiki cardamon
@MattЭллен That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Cardamom (or cardamon) refers to several plants of the similar genera Elettaria and Amomum in the ginger family Zingiberaceae. Both genera are native to India, Nepal and Bhutan; they are recognised by their small seed pods, triangular in cross-section and spindle-shaped, with a thin, papery, outer shell and small black seeds. Guatemala is the biggest producer and exporter of cardamom in the world, followed by India. Some other countries, such as Sri Lanka, have also begun to cultivate it. Elettaria pods are light green while Amomum pods are larger and dark brown. It is the world's thir...
oh, I am
then I've never heard of it
Oh, it's popweed.
I never knew the proper name for it.
it's probably not even a real thing, just an article someone planted in wikipedia
Your cardamom.
It's not cardamom.
Cardamom is what Jamie Oliver uses. Your mom is what everyone else uses.
I use cardamom in my apple pie.
And my apple tea cake.
And Cardamine is something else entirely, as indicated by the different name.
Right. That's what we called popweed.
Because the pods pop open when you touch them.
!!wiki daisy
Daisy may refer to: Names * Daisy (given name), a feminine given name, commonly thought to be derived from the name of the flower Plants * Asteraceae or Compositae, known as the aster, daisy, or sunflower family, including: ** Bellis, especially Bellis perennis (common daisy) ** Leucanthemum vulgare (ox-eye daisy) ** Leucanthemum × superbum (Shasta daisy) ** Argyranthemum (marguerite daisy) ** Osteospermum (African or Cape daisy) ** Rhodanthemum (Moroccan daisy) ** Chrysanthemum coronarium (crown daisy) ** Glebionis carinatum (tricolor daisy) ** Erigeron glaucus (seaside daisy) * Doroth...
@KitFox Oh! those things!
The Daisy is in another castle.
I only saw those for the first time... this summer
!!wiki wiki wiki
Wiki Wiki can mean: * The Wiki Wiki Shuttle - a free shuttle you can take to specific locations in the Honolulu International Airport * The phrase Wiki in Hawaiian * WikiWiki - as a concept
!!ficki ficki
@RegDwigнt That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: wiki

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