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> Antechinus males are known for their intense sex lives. By the time mating season begins, the male antechinus has already stopped making sperm and only seeks to empty the stockpiles. This comes in a wild frenzy, trying to quite literally mate as much as physically possible. He ignores food and sleep, and seeks only to mate.
> As the days progress, testosterone and stress hormone levels are at an all time high, fur begins to fall out, internal bleeding sets in, and the immune system fails, allowing gangrene, parasites, and liver failure to take over. Even after he is completely disheveled, he still seeks another mate up until his dying breath.
> The mating season is 2-3 weeks long and culminates in the death of every antechinus male. Toward the end of this marathon of mating, the females show a decreased interest in the males. This could be because they have already conceived and just aren’t receptive to mating anymore, or it could be because the males look completely disgusting.
a little from column a, a little from column b
> these males have a “doesn’t matter, had sex” attitude
So not that different from humans.
so. the novel is not going so well.
Imagine your hands are the anus of your brain, and just poop words all over the page
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 what's your sticking point?
@MattЭллен I haven't done enough preparation and so I don't know what the plot is.
I hoped for some inspiration once words reached the paper, but alas, that hasn't happened yet.
do you know how you want it to end?
it's really a shambles at this point
What's happened so far?
I am thinking of abandonning the contest and instead trying to just complete the plot outline in the rest of the month
No, wait! We can help!
So far an alien agent has had a meeting with the president and a famous painter was taken away by the secret service after the government overreacted to a comment the agent said.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 this is awesome
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Excellent. What's happening next?
@KitFox I dunno. That's the problem.
Are the aliens interested in world domination?
Mating with our species?
Harvesting penguins?
not exactly. the "aliens" are just humans like the residents. they are from different post-earth settlements.
they are interested in exploiting a natural resource of the planet.
also, establishing a military presence.
Are they potentially not as human as they seem?
Or maybe there is anti-alien racism?
defending this volume of space from a rival faction that has been blockaded for centuries.
"Fuck you, Xenos!"
Or something.
yeah, there will be racism, etc. cultural imperialism. that sort of thing. but I still need a plot to drive those themes.
Sounds like they want to take over.
That's a plot.
maybe a resident's kid has been kidnapped and the aliens are suspect, but it's actually a resident plot to drive up xenophobic feeling
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Are the aliens perhaps exploring how they might exploit humans by observing them up close?
Maybe the rivals have a thing that's a big thing that appears to be a "magic" weapon, but the spies eventually find out that it is nothing but a big empty threat.
the aliens need to find the kid but keep coming up against resistance from the residents
@Cerberus The aliens are alien humans. actually it's all humans. some from other planets.
The rivals aren't as advanced as they pretend to be.
Oh, I see.
Feeling inspired yet? Or should we keep pushing random ideas in your direction?
Also, I think you should know that it will be crap. It's a first draft. The goal is just to get something on paper.
I know it will be crap. But even my crap has standards
lower them
Don't start telling me your crap doesn't stink.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Has any evidence been uncovered that the aliens are working on a genetic breeding programme, where they are trying to have descendents of their own dynasty mate with the local elite and produce a President in a couple of generations according to an elaborate plan?
Anyway. Spies! Intrigue!
@Cerberus That sounds a little like Dune.
And are they perhaps on the brink of a breakthrough?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, a little.
They aren't! It's all an elaborate ruse!
A clever subterfuge to hide their real plan.
@JSBձոգչ I'm afraid I can't let you do that, JSBձոգչ
Which is to ... uh ...
The daughter of the speaker of the upper house is now dating an alien. There is some local resistance, but she likes him. Is he involved in the programme, or are not all aliens evil?
or maybe the locals get tricked by the aliens because the aliens leave a giant wooden horse in the centre of their capital
Yes. I think maybe I need to layer a couple plans together.
^ racism
@MattЭллен That's always nice!
@Cerberus imagine the aliens like foreigners. Only, foreigners that nobody had ever encountered until a few decades ago.
@MattЭллен That's what I was thinking with the big fake weapon.
@Cerberus can always use another giant wooden horse, that's what I say
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah I know, strangers, but human. Otherwise they couldn't date humans.
@Cerberus sure, they could date. haven't you seen Star Trek?
Right, and everybody knows that foreigners lie about their culture and stuff to make themselves look good.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 like Europeans vs Native Americans
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah and I've always considered that aspect a giant failure.
Oooh, cowboys!
An alien species should not be human but with a wrinkly nose.
@MattЭллен yeah. It's kinda like that. only, in this case the Europeans would have known that the Natives were there, and would have left them alone until they discovered FTL on their own. Kinda like the prime directive in star trek.
the backstory is that humanity left Earth on these Arks that traveled at relativistic speeds to various other planets and established settlements. these journeys took millennia. Eventually the various settlements rebuilt their civilizations and regained spaceflight capabilities and eventually FTL, then started meeting up again.
The story takes place on a Settlement planet that has only recently returned to space.
and it was one big party and everyone lived happily ever after
So long as I'm not on Ark B
Could it be than they weren't actually FTL and that's the big secret they are hiding?
They are faking it, and the stakes are high?
well, except for the one faction that got into a fight with another, and blew up a couple of their planets, thus drawing the ire of the rest of the collective space-faring humans, who created a blockade around that faction's space.
@KitFox It would be pretty hard to fake considering astronomical distances
Well, yeah. That's the interesting part.
They would have had to plan it millennia ago.
As a result of one guy stealing another guy's sammich.
@MattЭллен OMG Ark B, so boring.
it's all middle management, hairdressers and telephone sanitisers
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How does their FTL travel work? Junction points, presumably (or you couldn't block them)?
@MattЭллен Ugh, telephone sanitisers. Those blokes are utterly unhip.
not a hoopy among them
@Cerberus The details are not meant to be important to the story.
@JSBձոգչ That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@MattЭллен help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube (page 0/0)
Then I give up.
!!help listcommands
@MattЭллен listcommands: Lists commands. /listcommands [page=0]
oh! of course
Oh right. So @JSB, how do I pull your changes and merge them with my local changes?
I have a faction of the blockaded people who managed to sneak through at extreme cost in order to explore other human settlements with the goal of achieving some breakthrough.
Or the other way around?
@KitFox git pull origin
A new Google tablet, or...what?
@KitFox then !!refresh
@JSBձոգչ So that won't overwrite what I haven't committed yet?
@Cerberus the back of a very thin cereal packet
@KitFox no, it should merge them
That must be it.
Called Robotic Kitkat Cereal.
sounds likely
I don't know where to execute git from.
the command line
I know that.
so you do know!
Which directory?
it should be in the path
@KitFox the root of your repo
so the directory of your repo
Oh, it's not.
WTF am I even looking at?
!!help tell
@JSBձոգչ tell: Redirect command result to user/message. /tell msg_id|usr_name cmdName [cmdArgs]
if you tilt it just right, you can see Richard Dawking's face
!!tell KitFox color ff00aa
@JSBձոգչ Command hi does not exist.
I can never make those work.
@MattЭллен That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!tell JSB listcommands
@JSB help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube (page 0/0)
!!help get
@JSBձոգչ get: No info is available
!!get coffee
@JSBձոգչ Invalid "getter" name coffee
that's disappointing
@JSBձոգչ Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
My git is in a weird location.
!!help nudge
@JSBձոգչ nudge: Register a nudge after an interval. /nudge intervalInMinutes message, /nudge remove id to remove, or the listener, nudge|remind|poke me? in? intervalInMinutes message
@MattЭллен Invalid "getter" name stackoverflow.com
!!get user_id
@JSBձոգչ Invalid "getter" name user_id
!!get kitsox
@MattЭллен Invalid "getter" name kitsox
oh fine, i'll just read the source
!!get 6040
@KitFox Invalid "getter" name 6040
@KitFox where is it?
Buried in the AppData folder.
Does anyone know whether IP filters could work against spam messages on a forum?
!!get last answers
@JSBձոգչ Invalid "getter" name last
!!get answer
@JSBձոգչ No site found for name stackexchange
A: How can robots beat CAPTCHAs?

MainMaTwo easiest ways to get through CAPTCHA: Use human farms, i.e. ask for people to fill CAPTCHAs for money, just like ProTypers does. Use an OCR. There may also be a bug either in the CAPTCHA mechanism itself or the surrounding application, allowing someone to bypass the CAPTCHA. By the way, t...

@Cerberus to prevent a poster from posting them? only if they post from the same IP everytime
okay, so !!get is supposed to fetch things off of an SE site
but it's undocumented
@MattЭллен I was thinking about human farms.
@JSBձոգչ Shocking
If a certain user solves more than three captcha's in five minutes, his IP gets blocked for an hour?
@Cerberus depends on how you feel about false positives
!!get answer last
@JSBձոգչ No site found for name stackexchange
@MattЭллен Maybe have the user use e-mail verification to remove the block if he wants to?
@JSBձոգչ I gues that needs to be changed to extract the site the chat room is bound to
!!get answer last Matt
@JSBձոգչ no method found with this name
Oops I have to run.
!!get answer last cerberus
@MattЭллен no method found with this name
yeah, the !!get command seems to be busted
@Cerberus see you!
!!get question 12003
@KitFox Invalid range specifier english
@KitFox Invalid "getter" name english
@KitFox Invalid "getter" name post
@KitFox No site found for name stackexchange
Right but I was figuring out how to git.
mine's installed in program Files (x86)
I'm getting a little annoyed with this.
I have totally stuffed up my installation.
GitHub is a GUI for git, right?
uninstall and reinstall should be quick
@KitFox sort of
Yeah, ish.
If I pull it all out and then install git...
sounds like a plan
you won't lose your repo
Oh shit.
you spill coffee on your keyboard?
I moved some stuff.
But hey, there's a shell right here!
So I will. Uh. Point it to the place where I moved the stuff and see if it works automagically.
Not dir. ls, but no -a? I guess nobody uses that now?
are you using the git prompt?
git bash?
ls -a seems to work for me.
UH-oh. I don't know what happened here. My prompt changed to this >>. What does that mean?
you're running python?
@MattЭллен Here's the weird thing, it's PowerShell. But I saw git-bash when I was moving stuff around.
I don't know powershell. I think @JSBձոգչ does, though
I know powershell some.
I don't know how you've installed stuff, but normall you can right click on a folder and choose "git bash" from the popup menu
but I can't seem to escape out of this.
escape out of what?
Whatever my weird prompt thing wanted.
Now I blew it up.
OK, now I have [master +0 ~2 -0]>
That's good, right?
i think
OK, so what semi-innocuous thing can I do to try this out?
!!color ff00aa
!!color ffffff
Still fixed. Did you fix your typo? I didn't make the change in the source.
I changed it only in master.js
I can recompile from here, that should be OK?
any change you make in master.js will be blown away by recompile
make all of your changes in source
I did.
so did i
so you sholud be fine
I just changed yours in master.js because I was in a hurry.
So when I try this commit, I don't know what it will do.
Damn it.
i'm going to push another change to colors.js
It wants to know what to execute publi.sh with.
sh, or bash
look in the bin folder of your git install
What's the difference between sh and bash?
I have them both.
bash can do more
try sh and if it doesn't work use bash
Oops. I already used bash.
heh, no trouble :D
if it works, then all the better
So then I need to push?
How do I do that?
git push origin master
or, if that doesn't work, you'll need to put in the url of the repo where origin goes, IIRC
Oh, I forgot to pull first.
Now it's scrubbed my changes again. So I did that wrong.
did you commit before you pulled?
I don't know what I'm doing.
Have I mentioned that?
It's cool
@JSB still has a typo that I can see, but I can't find it in the source.
Also, my stuff is in the source, but not the master anymore. So. What order do I need to do things in?
@KitFox after changing things in source, run nodejs build.js
when you're ready to push to the repo, run ./publi.sh
OK. But your changes will or won't be in my source files?
the latter also runs the former
I'm confused about how the changes are put together.
Oh, I found yours.
OK, I see. The colors.js file is listed in the changed files.
when you run nodejs build.js, it assembles the pieces from under source/ and makes them into master.js
so Kit needs to install nodejs?
@MattЭллен I guess so, because I don't have it.
when you run publi.sh, it takes the changes under source, runs build.js in order to bring master.js up to date, and then pushes all of the changes to the git origin
!!google nodejs
@KitFox when you run git pull origin, it takes all of the changes that i pushed to the origin and applies them to your machine. so at that point, you have all of the changes that i have pushed
What happens if we are working on the same file?
Do I need to install nodejs in a particular path?
either that or update your global path variable
I'm not sure where that is. That would be my preference.
@KitFox it should merge the changes
if the changes conflict, it will tell you and offer you a chance to resolve them
OK. So the reason that doesn't happen with master.js is because of the build, right?
Not because of the merge process.
start > right click computer > properties > advanced system setting (in the left had list) > environment variable (button at the bottom)
path is one of them
woot! I just got fifty bucks!
for a story i wrote
@JSBձոգչ Congrats!
@MattЭллен Thanks. I have a lot of these.
they're alphabetical at least
or you can add it to your user variable
Scrivener? wtf?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrivener;C:\Users\KitFox\AppData\Roaming\npm
That's my path variable value.
add the path to nodejs/bin to the end
What's Scrivener doing there though?
did you install the scrivener desktop app?
if not, I have no idea
it probably added that then, maybe to avoid messing with the registry
Oh. Sure. That makes sense.
I am feeling grouchy about the whole thing.
Must be almost lunchtime.
probably :D
I must have done it wrong. It still doesn't recognize it.
maybe I told you the wonrg path. what's the path to the nodejs exe?
if you change the path variable you need to make a new cmd window, the current ones won't pick up the change
I did that.
I don't have a nodejs.exe.
Oh wait. Let me try...
No, that didn't work. Maybe I installed the wrong thing?
oh, apparently I meant node.exe
Yeah, that's what I just tried.
I bet my paths are all screwy.
I should reinstall git somewhere sensible.
so your path would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrivener;C:\Users\KitFox\AppData\Roaming\npm;c:\path\to\node.exe
Include the exe?
grinds teeth
That's it. I'm pulling it out.
Except it won't let me.
what's going on?
Nothing a little reboot can't fix.
OK. Now to reinstall git...
How would I like to use Git from the command line?
what are the options?
git bash is good if you like bash
it also gives you a handy context menu item
Use Git Bash Only, Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt, and something that has red all over it
git gui is... not my prefered option
@KitFox chose both of those. best of both worlds
Oh. I picked Git Bash Only.
oh well. no problem
How should Git treat line endings in text files?
with care and tenderness
I don't know how to choose my options! I think this means I should turn back.
no! carry on!
OK, then I will tell it to do them as-is.
No autoconversion helping crap!
sounds fine. windows can cope with unix endings, anyway
Oh. OK. It's just installing now.
I thought I blew something up.
I feel like a grown up!
OK. So. Starting over at the beginning.
I can't remember what I was doing. Command prompt?

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