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4. If you ask someone else to proofread it, they'll be able to make their changes on the actual document, even if they don't know TeX/LaTeX,
Reasons to use TeX:
1. File formal is just text, i.e. the files are human-readable without any special software.
2. You can get nice editors for TeX on Mac, Linux, Windows, i.e. you're not constrained to use Windows and Mac only.
3. You'll learn to use a program that is the absolute world standard in science.
4. Really nice features for composing documents from sub-parts.
5. Easier to version control, if you ever want that.
Absolutely 5.
@DawoodibnKareem Yeah, if they have MS Office.
Microsoft should have built version control into Word at least 25 years ago.
In fact, all the Office products.
Everyone would use it. It would make them worth having.
@DawoodibnKareem First of all, they have "track changes". Second of all, building version control into a file editor an idea that several products have tried and it has always turned out to be a bad idea.
@DawoodibnKareem It absolutely would not.
Track changes doesn't really count.
Even so, integrated version control is a devil's kiss.
I should say: MS might be able to come up with a good version control system, but even the fact of having to learn another system on top of e.g. Git would be annoying.
Just let the version control systems do their jobs and stop using proprietary file formats!
But everyone who works on a large number of documents needs version control. And because Office doesn't have it, they try to implement it themselves (ImportantDocument.v0.3.Dawoods_changes.2018.04.19.doc.backup).
Of course I'm being a little bit flip: in order for MS Word to work as well as it does, of course it needs a proprietary format. At least, it did when it was invented. I dunno maybe these days it could use JSON or XML internally...
If it were built into the product, people wouldn't mess it up by trying to do it themselves.
@DawoodibnKareem Sure they would. You can't stop people from misusing tools.
Plenty of people who use Git use it in horrible bad ways, for example.
You'd have to make it easy to use properly.
^ That's a huge hypothetical.
Version control is a fundamentally tricky problem.
Microsoft tend to get their most usable version of any piece of software about 15 years after version 1. Then they start making it worse.
Git is notoriously hard to learn, and I think part of the reason for that is that humans are generally not used to thinking of data the way Git does, even though Git's data model is very good.
@DawoodibnKareem heheheh
And yes, a Word document is zipped-up XML internally. So it's definitely do-able.
That's what the x stands for in foo.docx.
@DawoodibnKareem ohhhhhhh
In that case, unzipping it would make it suitable for version control.
Hmmmm, interesting.
Oh by the way, there are WYSIWYG editors for TeX. Look up LyX.
I'm sure Microsoft could come up with a version control system where the zipping was transparent.
@DanielSank Right. I first used TeX (actually LaTeX) in the 1980s.
I forgot that technology changes in time.
@DawoodibnKareem probably about the same time I first used it. 1985 I think.
@JohnRennie Hey, that's the year I started!
Oh, John, let's you and me have a "who's older" competition!
Can I play too?
It only became useful when the university computing dept got a printer that could print TeX output properly. Before then there were only daisywheel printers, which made using TeX a bit pointless.
I met Napoleon once
I am v. old
@DanielSank I dunno, I think HDE put it best:
Jul 27 '17 at 1:16, by HDE 226868
@SirCumference Been there, tried that. It gets really disappointing really quickly. Great for high school lab reports, less great for everything else.
Same with @0celo7
@SirCumference Why do you say that's "putting it best"?
Jul 27 '17 at 1:16, by 0celoñe7
@SirCumference there's a reason why the world runs on Word, not latex
@SirCumference Ok, what's the reason?
Please don't tell me about "why the world works on Word"
Is it the same reason that most people's computers are full of malware?
People are stupid?
My current mission is to divine how a big ass Excel VBA worksheet works
and turn it into a website
it's very bad code
Well HDE got 6 stars for saying LaTeX was disappointing...
@Slereah That's what the VB in VBA stands for.
@SirCumference That's disappointing.
LaTeX absolutely has problems, don't get me wrong.
Very Bad Application
@SirCumference Look, like I said, there are reasons to use Word and reasons to use LaTeX.
@SirCumference MS Word is perfect for non-nerds who just want to write essays, letters, or whatever else non-nerds write. It is not and never has been targetted at people like us.
the elite
@Slereah Exactly what I read lol
@DanielSank The best reason to use Word is that it's your employer's corporate standard.
@Slereah a minority isn't necessarily an elite :-)
Some people care about version control, not having to buy software, not using Windows and/or Mac, and like the power you get from LaTeX's macro system. They also like that because LaTeX is open source, the community has generated a huge repository of packages for custom tasks.
Those people use LaTeX. Those people did not star HDE's post.
Also LaTeX doesn't change every 3 years
If they could have down-starred it, they would have.
In general it just feels like LaTeX truly shines in math-heavy documents
@Slereah to be fair MS Word has been pretty much unchanged since 2007
Not as much when Word can accomplish the tasks easier
@SirCumference You're ignoring the list I gave: version control, raw text format, open source, free, no need for Mac/Windows...
Imagine if Microsoft bought out TeX and added the infernal ribbon to it.
> open source
Bernardo is that you?
@DawoodibnKareem Not a good idea, since it's open source
People can just do their own branch of TeX
They'd get away with it though, because they're a marketing company.
@DanielSank I'm just messing with you about the open source stuff :P
Then they'd try to sue Donald Knuth for inventing it in the first place.
@DawoodibnKareem TeX isn't really a big selling item among non-nerds
And nerds already know what open source is :p
I find it really, really, really nice that when I want to set up a computer, I just download the latest Ubuntu or whatever and install it and I'm done. I don't have to make a MS account. I don't need a license key. I don't need my credit card. I don't get a crappy talking installer. I can partition the drive easily. I don't get mother------g Candy Crush on my system...
Yes, seriously. Windows 10 ships with Candy Crush.
Well, to be fair, Candy Crush is a step up from Minesweeper.
And so I can't use MS Word.
I'm watching two collared doves fighting over territorial rights. My goodness they are going at it hammer and tongs. Whoever decided doves were a symbol of peace had clearly never observed them closely.
@DawoodibnKareem False. I'd rather play Minesweeper.
I still play Solitaire if I want to play a Windows game
@JohnRennie ooof, which one is winning?
@Slereah I liked that Space Pinball game. Remember that?
@JohnRennie I hear you. There are columbidae species that will fight to the death over territory.
@JohnRennie is space pinball still a thing?
@DanielSank I have the actual CD version of that one!
@Slereah o_O
Well, not the original version, but the Maxis version
There's actually multiple pinball game
@DanielSank to be honest all collared doves look the same to me. I hope that doesn't make me speciesist :-)
Ok I guess the discussion's shifted to which PC games are best
The space cadet one, the pirate one, and the dragon one
@JohnRennie And they will kill each other's babies if they have babies of their own.
@DawoodibnKareem Eek! I didn't know that. Isn't nature wonderful? :-)
This actually happened in one of my enclosures recently.
Well it's 4:30, ought to head to sleep. 'Night
To sleep, perchance to dream of Microsoft Word
And another breeder that I know had an incident where one pigeon got stuck in a fence and other pigeons pecked its eyes out so that it couldn't find food, and died of hunger.
Best PC games... What about TIE Fighter? That game was sick.
Worms was great too.
Planescape Torment is best
@ACuriousMind will back me up
@DanielSank Space Pinball disappeared when Windows XP was replaced by Vista. However there are copies hacked to run on Windows 10 floating around on the web if you want one.
Space Pinball is probably not coming back due to technical reasons
From what I hear they lost the source code
And I don't think Windows is gonna pay to reverse engineer it
You just have to grab the executable from a Windows XP CD and it will run fine on Windows 10.
In fact you can freely download the XP files from MS. Google Windows XP mode.
How can you lose source code?
@DawoodibnKareem In the olden days people weren't that careful about backups
People didn't really use Git or whatever else
if the hard drives they saved things on failed, that was it
How olden? Back-ups are hardly a 21st century concept.
Well even in the 90's, really
They also lost most of the source code for Grim Fandango
Or was it a case of ... these tapes would be better put to use for Windows Vista?
Here's an example
"I got another name and another name and eventually walked out of Lucas with a tub of tapes that were in this format I'd never even heard of before"
There you go, Space Pinball running on Windows 10.
What better way to while away a Friday morning when I should be doing some work? :-)
@DawoodibnKareem the original developer was bought by a another developer who then went bankrupt. The source code disappeared somewhere along the line.
And I thought it was ridiculous when a leading relational database developer lost the only programmer who understood their code when he was hired by a rival company.
Losing the only programmer who understands the code happens a lot
I had to do a lot of maintenance like that
I know. I'm ashamed to say that I have often been that programmer.
"Does anyone know what this is?"
I jump up and scream at my employers to have them let me hand over my knowledge to someone else. I write reams and reams of technical documentation. But it still happens.
The reason my ex-employer still pays me a retainer is that no-one else wants to maintain my code. They could do - the code isn't that complex - but they want to do more exciting stuff. Should I fall under a bus they would find themselves in a bit of a bind.
(Not that I would care, being dead :-)
You could simply decide that you no longer wish to be thus retained.
That's the goldmine
I've done that.
All those COBOL and FORTRAN and APL programmers
I love APL so much tho, rly
@DawoodibnKareem it's a lot of money for a little work :-)
The problem with being a COBOL or FORTRAN or APL programmer is that you have to program in COBOL or FORTRAN or APL.
@JohnRennie Sometimes there are more important things than money.
@DawoodibnKareem Name 5
@DawoodibnKareem yes, I've quit well paid (very well paid) jobs because I wasn't enjoying them. That's why I left Unilever. But money is an important consideration.
@Slereah God. Love. Optimism. Friends. Children.
@Slereah Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope.
God and love aren't real!
And I'd rather have money than children
not everything that can be counted counts
@s.patroller Damn uncountable sets
Is $\mathbb R$ more important than money
@Slereah Yes but if you had children, you wouldn't sell them for any amount of money.
Mar 29 at 19:24, by Slereah
God isn't real, but the easter bunny is
Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Easter Bunny?
He is risen indeed!
Where on Earth did you find a picture of the risen Jesus carrying a St. George's cross?
Isn't that somewhat anachronistic?
@JohnRennie well, it is almost St George's, no?
Google image
By some quirk of fate it's also some form of important holiday here in Barcelona
Is it 420 blaze it day
It's sort of their patron saint except for the other two patron saints?
Anyways, it turns out that the St George's Cross on the Barça logo is in fact the same as in the English flag
I'm ashamed to say¹ I don't know when St. George's day is. I had to Google it.
(¹ I'm not really)
@JohnRennie Seriously? I am neither English nor Christian and I know when St George's day is.
What do people even do on Saint George Day
kill dragons?
@Slereah nothing, basically.
It is a non-event outside of the more rabidly nationalistic organisations.
that's because there are no dragons
Thanks to St George.
The English celebrate St. Patrick's day far more enthusiastically than they celebrate St. George's day.
I assume by killing snakes
(mainly because St. Patrick's day celebrations involve excessive drinking :-)
2 hours later…
@JohnRennie aka the good people
only good people die young
...so they say.
@0celo7 You're an American @0celo7, you're supposed to hate the British
I can respect patriots in other countries
the british patriots want to take back the colonies!
we'll deal with those crazies if the time comes
though I can respect their gumption
trump has got a lot of gumption
I say let's back Louisiana
The Louisiana purchase was a mistake
@Slereah we're overdue for a good land war in north america
911 was a land war
when was the last US war actually on US soil
Spanish American war?
the very few attacks on california during WWII don't count
what about the war with Canada
What, the war of 1812?
Spanish American war was in 1898
although... was any of it on American soil?
Not sure
Hey @BernardoMeurer have you got any experience with Apache CloudStack?
peril harbour?
"the last battle fought by opposing troops on American soil was the Aleutian Islands Campaign of WWII. "
what about the last war on French soil?
Errr, depends what you consider french soil
Algeria was still French when there was Algerian independance
The Algerian War, also known as the Algerian War of Independence or the Algerian Revolution (Arabic: الثورة الجزائرية‎ Al-thawra Al-Jazaa'iriyya;, Berber languages: Tagrawla Tadzayrit;, French: Guerre d'Algérie or Révolution algérienne) was a war between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front (French: Front de Libération Nationale – FLN) from 1954 to 1962, which led to Algeria gaining its independence from France. An important decolonization war, it was a complex conflict characterized by guerrilla warfare, maquis fighting, and the use of torture by both sides. The conflict also became...
If you mean mainland France probably WWII
not counting terrorist attacks I suppsoe
Wasn't there any French territory in the Vietnam war?
The Indochina war, yes
but that was before
@Slereah @JohnRennie In Barcelona it is traditional for men to give women roses, and for women to give men books
because, y'know, why waste a good book on a woman, or something
@EmilioPisanty Give me a copy of Bruhat, ladies
and there's tons of book fairs and stuff
the sexist overtones are slowly getting eroded but they're definitely still there
I dunno if a sexist holiday is better than a xenophobic one tbh
@Slereah I was thinking more in terms of this kinda thing youtube.com/watch?v=DRH7ODFeqJY
I mean, it isn't all that different
only real difference is that it's real
I guess that answers "what do the british do on Saint George Day"
@Slereah well, some british people
the EDL is pretty fringe and it is almost universally seen as such
other british people might e.g. attend such a parade on the other side of the protest-antiprotest divide youtube.com/watch?v=JB_-JDuYgq0
@BalarkaSen srsly!?! donkey kong en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donkey_Kong
@EmilioPisanty I don't get what's happening here
5 hours ago, by John Rennie
It is a non-event outside of the more rabidly nationalistic organisations.
@0celo7 Foreigners out
(plz don't quote this out of context)
@vzn aha, an old classic
my knawledge of video games is epsilonic
@BalarkaSen I am having the hardest time writing this definition
I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems and writing a definition isn't one
new J cole album
@BalarkaSen so it's greater than zero
I am still waiting for the new Death Grips album
you're gonna love this definition when it's done
it will definitely be longer than a page
@0celo7 Sorry I won't love it unless it's 100% in set theory notation
@Slereah You're French, shouldn't you too?
Well yes, but I do already
no need to tell me
ok then
@BalarkaSen want to read federer section 4.4 with me
homology groups of currents
Why is \hat so awful in latex
It never places itself in the right spot
Look at this bullshit
what's the issue
too far to the right
"here we study the homology theory of the local lipschitz category"
@BalarkaSen help!!!
@BalarkaSen oh god there's objects and morphisms
only for cool cat(egorie)s
So can anybody suggest a good source to learn about angular displacement/momentum/velocity properly ? I was initially learning it from Halliday Resnick Krane, but the hand wavy stuff introduced there left me extremely confused (like the only thing they told about angular vector displacement is that infinitesemal angular displacement are vectors, and $\omega = \frac{d \phi}{dt}$, but I don't have a clue like how an arbitrary rotaion $\phi$ can be broken into $\phi_x, \phi_y, \phi_z$ etc)
Peckish today.
So I had a light snack :-)
Like I also don't understand why $\omega$ should be towards the axis of rotation, and what infinitesemal angular displacement actually is (eg suppose you have the axis of rotation $c(i + j +k)$ where $c \in \mathbb{R}$ and the unit sphere is rotating in a constant angular velocity along that axis. Then what's $d \phi$ and how i t relates with $d \phi_x, d \phi_y, d \phi_z$ )
@JohnRennie ooo
@JohnRennie what is the stuff near breads? Big red beans?
@CaptainBohemian sausages
@JohnRennie hot dogs?
So any recommendations ? Some good online resource would be good (well not requiring much mathematical background since I know calculus but idk linear algebra or matrices)
@CaptainBohemian no, traditional English sausages. A mix of Cumberland and Lincolnshire sausages.
@JohnRennie ok, probably I know what sausages are now. We have that kind of food, too, but I don't eat that usually.
What I see when I felt sublimed:
@Secret someone evaporated you?
lol, I am talking about the artistic emotion
Though you now make me curious what it is like to be literally sublimated (assuming we choose phospholipid as the reference phase diagram)
but I am not gonna do that, cause I still have work to do in this life :P
Hi... can someone explain to me how Coloumb obtained that electrostatic force is proportional to the product of charges?... I have understood how he got the 1/r^2 term using the similar Cavendish exp... actually I was thinking how exactly one measure charge? I am not asking for the modern techniques like electrometers but how Coloumb may have worked it out... how was the basic charge unit decided upon?
@tatan do the experiment with one charged object
Then with two charged object
How to do with one charged object... you obviously need 2 charges for a charge to have its meaning... otherwise i may assign anything to a single charge and it wouldnt matter
And what kind of experiment do you mean?
does the term "noncommutative" always refer to the background geometry is noncommutative unless else is specified? For example, "noncommutative gauge field theory" means a gauge field theory on a noncommutative spacetime geometry rather than that the gauge fields themselves are noncommutative?
@JohnRennie sir would you please help a bit with my question?
In the days of Coulomb it was probably this
Maybe... but how did he get different amount of measured charges?
@tatan it's a natural assumption that a force on a charge $Q_a$ will be proportional to the magnitude of that charge i.e. $F \propto Q_a$.
But the same would apply to the force on the other charge $Q_b$ i.e. $F \propto Q_b$.
Sorry but I don't think that it would so naturally come to a person before the law was discovered...
The only way this can be true for both charges is if the force is proportional to their product $F_{ab} \propto Q_a Q_b$
@tatan produce a charge via some method, do it several times the same way, this will give you several objects with the same charge
I actually wanted to know how did one come up with that assumption
You can then consider two such objects as an object with twice the charge
@tatan I have to say it seems obvious to me. For example gravitational force is proportional to mass. Why wouldn't electrostatic force be the same?
Imagine Coloumbs law has not been discovered..
Would you be able to say it this confidently?
If yes... then on what basis?
@tatan well, wouldn't you expect the force on two electrons to be double the force on one electron?
@JohnRennie EM isn't linear in QFT!
@Slereah begone prince of lies ... err ... prince of misleading statements
(doesn't have quite the same ring to it)
@JohnRennie just saying, EM being linear isn't an obvious idea!
And neither is gravity!
You just have to test it experimentally
Yes... at the present situation I definitely would... but when Coloumb said it electrons were not known... so maybe the concept that electrons cause charges were not known... so this may not be what Coloumb thought... it may seem I'm a bit stiff with my idea... sorry for that... but I was trying to build it from basic
@Slereah trouble me no more, hellspawn, or I shall be forced to post a picture of my dessert.
@Slereah I agree with how you would build up charge...
Back in Coulomb's day people thought charge was a fluid
I agree again

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