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Then you'd learn about Stone's theorem in functional analysis.
Hi peeps.
@heather I'll be simulating it on an 8 qubit photonic chip. As it's photonic, we've got loss, making it non-hermitian, but the answer to your question is yes irrespective of that, but it's not a completely trivial thing [read: my supervisor wrote a paper which is getting published soon, so I have to 'subtly' avoid actually answering that :P ]
@skullpatrol Hey!
(it's probably more technical than just being 'non-hermitian', but anyway)
mods Skyrim
I wish I didn't have to do this
It's now after 1am, so I really ought to go to bed now. If you've got any other questions, feel free to message me here, or wait for my AMA, probably coming soon
okay, thank you so much! I look forward to further discussion =)
@heather You're welcome! Hope it was useful/interesting! Night all! :)
Good night
good night =)
@heather what are the chances this mod worked?
@0celoñe7 slim
@heather nods
In an unfortunate turn of events, I seem to have deleted my skin.
that sounds bad.
Not completely sure what happened there.
Or how to get it back.
an epidermis is kind of important for keeping your internal organs and the outside world separate.
@heather Ah, the whole body is gone
the feet, hands, head and underwear are just floating
@heather I am trying to manually edit armor
It's not working out well
How's the core temp?
41C right now
Not good.
@skullpatrol What?
@skullpatrol nonsense
@heather See, I did delete the skin but I had a good reason :P
How to put it back is a very good question though
@SevenSidedDie did someone get flagged?
wonder what happens if I ignore the reference and just go for it
worth a try
maybe I will at least have skin then
@0celoñe7 YES. EVERYONE. *flamethrowers* … Naw, it's just in my Favourites list, so I auto-join when I reopen chat.
::puts on asbestos suit::
@skullpatrol *gently toasts*
Sunny side up, please.
@skullpatrol I was more picturing marshmallows for some reason.
i'm looking at some notes on topology, and it defines a topology on a set $X$ as a set of subsets of $X$ $\tau$ where $X, \o \in \tau$ and the union of any two sets in $\tau$ is also in $\tau$ and where the intersection of any two sets in $\tau$ is also in $\tau$.
Yeah, me too. @SevenSidedDie but I couldn't come up with anything for marshmallows.
You need a union of arbitrary number of sets.
does that basically mean that $\tau$ is closed under the operations $\cup$ and $\cap$?
belly laugh IT WORKS
@0celoñe7 you have skin now?
Yes and what I wanted to do works
@heather well...maybe
One sec
@heather So I'm trying to improve the fit of some clothes in Skyrim
@skullpatrol please don't comment about things you clearly don't know about
@heather so I'm trying to change the fit of clothes, which involves editing meshes, which are basically the wireframes on which the textures are displayed
Now I'm using some mods which are apparently not compatible, so I have to do some hacks
just trying to help
To get it to work, I have to load in a reference body, then hide it, then work on the mesh
Now the mesh has another body with it, so there were two bodies
I deleted one of course, because that seemed logical
@0celoñe7 Oh fun. Also “fun” — it's notoriously easy to break Bethesda meshes. But fun, if you can find the magic process that makes them not die. It sounds like you've already got farther along than I ever managed to.
in Mathematics, 1 min ago, by heather
is $\emptyset\cup\{a\} = \{a,\{\emptyset\}\}$?
Turns out I have to fit the clothes to one body and leave the other body in the background
you need the other body to control the weight sliders, basically how the clothes fit on heavier/skinnier characters
I deleted one of the bodies, the one that was giving me skin
so I put that back, and it now seems to work
I just have to fix all of the stuff I broke now :P
@SevenSidedDie I tried to do this two or so years ago and gave up
it randomly occurred to me the other day to try again and I think I figured it out
I need to completely redownload my meshes.
@SevenSidedDie oh and for some reason there's a mod conflict and the mesh editor loads astrid's burnt naked corpse as the default skin
qute disturbing fitting clothes on a corpse
@0celoñe7 So Michelle goes to TN when you're in VA?
@0celoñe7 NetImmerse-related bugs/weirdness never ceases to amaze me.
Or does that mean she just goes to VA?
Today I learned about GPU overclocking on Linux
It's no fun
While being extremely fun at the same time!
@BernardoMeurer she's coming to VA
@0celoñe7 Dope
She's not answering my texts today
@SevenSidedDie I really don't know what's going on with it
nor yesterday
The game loads the textures just fine
@0celoñe7 Probably some kind of paths thing related to packed versus loose files. I always unpack all my BSAs when I start fiddling with meshes so that everything loads in external tools right, but that's a whole little project on its own.
Well, not always. I usually just get annoyed at missing resources for a while, and then I give in and unpack all the BSAs.
What's your core temp @SevenSidedDie when you play?
...and what do you set your fan speed at.
@skullpatrol I couldn't say… It's been a while since I started up Skyrim. (Ironically, having it all modded to heck means that when there's an update, there's anti-motivation to play because it just means a bunch of broken things to fix first. I love mods, but they're my curse.)
@SevenSidedDie I'm not using the default textures at all -- for anything.
That might be an overstatement.
But certainly not for bodies.
It's getting that texture from some mod.
@0celoñe7 That's a good point. Which makes it even weirder to work differently in-game and out-.
you will like this
Wow! You legitimately ended a sentence with a hyphen :O
Now that's something you don't see everyday.
@SevenSidedDie aaaaand now I'm getting clipping during jump animations
I spent several hours trying to get LaTeX working on my new computer
Just now found out that Word has a crappy (but faster for my needs) equation system
@SirCumference there's a reason why the world runs on Word, not latex
use word
@SirCumference Been there, tried that. It gets really disappointing really quickly. Great for high school lab reports, less great for everything else.
yesterday, by The Dark Side
user image
High school lab reports have a higher demand curve.
@0celoñe7 Like, self-clipping? Augh. The trouble with tweaking meshes is that they also have to work with the animations, which (AFAIK, haven't done it) takes just exhaustive testing and re-tweaking.
@SevenSidedDie Clipping with the body, which I don't understand.
I didn't even change that part of the mesh and somehow it broke
@0celoñe7 Something something animation bones.
Only thing I can do is make the mesh bigger, but it already fits perfectly
@SevenSidedDie Right. I think I have to edit the bones
So there are two things I can do
@0celoñe7 Or maybe the wrong bones were loaded? I dunno, this is way beyond what I ever managed to figure out. I just know about enough of it to know how little I know and have a vague idea of what can go mysteriously wrong.
@SevenSidedDie Well...I just used the default options when applying the bone settings to the mesh. I think there's settings I need to explore
@0celoñe7 IIRC, when I've messed with animations in the past, defaults tended to not be what the game expected, so yeah, that might be a rich field to explore…
@SevenSidedDie I'm doing some slight changes to existing meshes that work fine -- mostly.
I wonder if I can get away with not updating the bones at all.
@SevenSidedDie Hah! That fixed it!
@0celoñe7 Black magic. Congrats!
@SevenSidedDie Now to try to edit a little more and pray I don't crash the game :)
@0celoñe7 Make backups of the working meshes!
@SevenSidedDie What worked was just deleting a mesh. The mage clothes have a stupid fanny pack I deleted
Easy to fix
Now I'm trying to fit the...torso better. There's weird air pockets that can be eliminated.
At this point I just want to see if I can even do it
@0celoñe7 I've done that in NifSkope before without chaos. That sort of thing tends to be easy. Blender edits are a whole different ballgame.
@SevenSidedDie It works :)
Removed the bag, successfully straightened the clothing and smoothed it
Now I can finally play this basted game
2 hours later…
@vzn I read and enjoy Sabine Hossenfelder's blog every week, but I think she is getting a bit grumpy in her old age. I wouldn't attach too much significance to her comments in that article.
@JohnRennie She's hardly old, dude.
"in her old age" is meant ironically. I think she's about 40.
Top of the morning to you @JohnRennie good sir.
I thought she was a little older than that, but never mind. I enjoy reading Luboš Motl's delightful commentaries on Dr Hossenfelder.
I've followed Hossenfelder's blog pretty much since it started, which I think is a decade or so now - wow, how time goes by. I've always enjoyed her articles, but I do get the impression she is getting grumpier as time goes on.
That happens to us all I guess :-)
Yeah, it's only natural.
I find Motl's blog to be hard work. It's too opinionated for me. It feels like he's always lecturing me.
@TheRaidersofLasVegas Morning :-)
@JohnRennie I take it in small doses.
Actually, I try to avoid salt. Not one of my favourite condiments.
I feel the same way about sugar; but, that's because of my sensitive teeth.
I love this time of the morning (6 a.m. ish). I'm sitting in the study with the windows open looking out into my garden. The loudest noise is a blackbird singing in my plum tree. It's just so peaceful.
You often seem to wake up much earlier than this. I've seen you here at 4:30am, your time.
I can't actually think what the song of a blackbird sounds like. Guess I should google it.
@JohnRennie Wow, does sound quite lovely.
@Kaumudi.H it's one of the (few!) good things about starting so early :-)
Sounds like a good time to listen to some Floyd :-)
@TheRaidersofLasVegas I do like a bit of prog rock, though for the first couple of hours I like to keep things as silent as possible. Just the bird song and the wind sighing in the trees.
You have to make sure it's loud enough for your neighbours to appreciate it too.
From about 7 a.m. I put the radio on.
@JohnRennie :-) I used to wake up sometime between 3:45 AM and 4:30 AM for about 6 months last year and I gotta tell you, it's not nearly as lovely in the cities.
@JohnRennie You're more sentimental than usual today :-)
Sometimes even my cynical old soul is moved by the glories of nature :-)
But if that blackbird doesn't shut up I shall be reaching for my shotgun!!!
:-) ...hang on, do u really have a shotgun?
@Kaumudi.H are you boarding the train today?
@Kaumudi.H no :-)
:-/ Yeah, sometimes, some of your jokes are lost on me; I take them far too seriously.
@Kaumudi.H I've always thought of John as more of a crossbow sort of man.
@JohnRennie Yep! In another 9 hours.
It's ... actually happening. After all that work ...
How long is the train ride?
Nice, you've got a plum tree @John
@Avantgarde it's bearing a huge crop of plums this year! I'll never be able to eat them all.
@JohnRennie I'm jealous
is the black bird eating your plums?
That's the plum tree at the end of the garden on the left
So are we all going to play Where's Wally with the bird?
@JohnRennie Yep. I feel numb, really.
@DawoodibnKareem About 10 hours.
@JohnRennie Oooh. What are you going to do with them, then?
@Kaumudi.H So you won't get there till 6am?
Is it easy and safe to sleep on the train?
Quite safe, yes :-) Easy...erm, not so much.
I once travelled from Rome to Venice on a night train. It was full of football hooligans who made it entirely impossible to sleep. It quite ruined Venice for me, being too tired to do anything much at all the next day.
@JohnRennie Such a nice view
@DawoodibnKareem Oh, dang, that sucks!
@Kaumudi.H Big time.
Do you care about football?
I loathe watching soccer, unless my son is playing. He's rather good.
On Indian trains, 1) It's mandatory to switch off the lights by 9 PM if at least one person in the compartment wishes to go to sleep 2) One can always report hooligans (and other forms of misbehaviour) to the TTR.
Although this year, he has played more futsal (a kind of indoor soccer) than real soccer.
Ooh, nice! :-)
Nobody needed to report these particular hooligans. They could be heard for miles.
I loathe it too. I don't have a son, though. So I can hate football all I want :D
Wow! @JohnRennie brick wall fence?
Fresh plums. Picked 60 seconds ago :-)
@JohnRennie Ah, you'd gone to pluck some, eh? :-)
Nice. I've never seen non-red plums
I though it would be nice to have a few plums for breakfast.
@Avantgarde they are golden plums
Oh, neither have I. That's interesting.
@JohnRennie It's very nice that you have a broad view of the sky from your window. I don't :'-(
@JohnRennie Breakfast?! What is this abomination of which you speak?!
@Kaumudi.H you mean from your house in Chennai?
@JohnRennie What do they taste like?
@JohnRennie Yes, and my room at the hostel too.
@Kaumudi.H The same as the usual plums to be honest
I don't know what usual plums taste like :-/
@Kaumudi.H Really? You haven't lived!
Ah, OK. Gosh, it's hard to describe flavours.
You know what mangoes taste like?
Have you tasted apricots?
Oh, on second thought, I may have had some red plums!
It's a mixture of sour and sweet, no?
Depends on how ripe they are.
@TheRaidersofLasVegas No. That one I certainly haven't :-/
@Kaumudi.H student rooms are always rubbish. But they're just somewhere you sleep so they don't have to be great.
How about peaches?
@TheRaidersofLasVegas Nope.
I like plums more than apricots. But I like using apricots when I cook.
Tomorrow there will be apricots ...
They go well with chicken or with lamb.
@JohnRennie Well, no, I'm confined to the room between 6:45 PM and 6 AM!
Are you going to college, or have you been convicted of a crime?
To the hostel/room, yes. I'm not allowed to go out of the block after 6:45 PM or before 6 AM.
Are there common rooms in the block?
God, I hope so.
Actually, there's a lawn, a basketball court etc.
Any wifi?
But no plum tree or blackbird.
So you're not really confined to your room ...
Well, no, but...
@TheRaidersofLasVegas Nope. I'll have to use my mobile as a hotspot to use the internet on my laptop.
@Kaumudi.H Won't that be expensive?
I'll wait and see.
@DawoodibnKareem Nah. Only Rs. 400/3 months.
No internet in room?
I don't think so, no.
They must provide Internet in the common rooms surely?
It's alright, really. I've got a strong internet connection on my phone!
@JohnRennie I didn't even know they had common rooms until last night, when I read the rulebook they had given to me at the time of admission.
:39049599 No, Lenovo.
When my mother was an undergraduate (in the 1950s) her student hall had rules much like yours.
The universities were very protective of their young ladies in thsoe days.
@TheRaidersofLasVegas What, no, dude, you needn't have deleted that or anything. I was only joking :-/
@JohnRennie :-/ So, as it happens, YMCA remains stuck in that era.
To be fair, however, I assume that Indian cities are far more dangerous (for women) than cities in the UK.
Most cities in the UK are very safe for women, though of course there is still danger to be found if you're determined to look for it.
Central American cities are said to be worst in the world.
OH, seeing as you're all here, I'd like to ask a very important question!
Actually, Indian cities have a terrible reputation.
@Kaumudi.H Yes?
While you were in University, what sort of note-taking system did you use?
I used an A4 writing pad
@JohnRennie me too.
Whatever worked in the past :P
But that could be because John and I are both a little older than you, Kaumudi.
A4 gives you lots of room for sketching diagrams, and the advantage of a pad is you can discard sheets if you mess them up.
Then I'd bind the sheets into a folder at the end of the course.
It's possible to delete things from a laptop too.
@JohnRennie Oh, of course! Alright, this advantage has won over the perfectionist in me.

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