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Just got "Where in the World" for puzzling. Haven't been there for at least a couple of hours ...
@HatsStackExchange Last year we just had a question about what the hats mean, all together... not just numbered ones.
are we still testing blue in the face for quick 1-reps?
@DavidPostill that one is just "be active during the solstice"
@KazWolfe no, fail
@TheSharpieOne alrighty.
The one the theory was based on also had negative votes on the question and also had some answers ... to many variables
Anyone want to test "Talking about something till you’re “blue in the face?” Maybe getting asked to move a discussion from comments into chat?" with me?
@KazWolfe I know. I haven't visited it for a few hours. So I should have got the hat a long time ago.
@DavidPostill i blame caching
@Catija is there a hat for guessing a hat this year?
@rekire That was too much work on the part of the CMs, so no.
>.< 134 more views... To gold badge... And hat...
(But I hit the repcap)
well i said in here earlier what i did for getting blue in the face, did that not work for anyone ?
@Videonauth What was it?
I didn't get Blue In the Face.
Maybe I need two more upvotes?
Hello, welcome to SO! Make sure to check out our tour and our How to Ask page! — Mithrandir 20 mins ago
@Catija sure I understand that
Well i had someone ask a question, i comented my guess got an upvote on that, and OP commented that i should move it to an answer i replied that i will do and got that upvoted to and wrote my answer
bot of my comments have been upped exactly one time
@Mithrandir You got it.
So now we wait again.
@Mithrandir I had 6 upvotes, no go
Ah, but was it a new user/within 3 minutes?
funny thing I just realized: the fact we cannot test the end of the winter solstice for the Where in the World hat is actually a specific instance of the halting problem. lol
So I get closer to that badge :D
these secret hats are so mysterious
after the solstice "halts" we can know it is over, but until then it is impossible to prove when it halts with 100% certainty
@MasterBob that's the whole point - and why we are having so much fun trying to figure it all out :)
@DavidPostill and exactly why we're here
@EmilyM so the day can go on forever?
and thus... HATS FOREVER!!!
i moved elementary to confirmed
@EmilyM you could upvote a post every hour, each time on a new site , until you stop getting the hat
@TheSharpieOne thats not really relevant to the halting problem for the hat. more relevant is can the winter solstice go on for ever? and the answer is yes it might, since exhaustively proving it cant is impossible.
@Eran that doesnt solve the problem. That tests proves that it currently is no longer the winter solstice. The halting problem in this case is to prove when the winter solstice ends/the hat giveaway halts >before< it happens.
okay, testing the "move to chat" theory.
should i actually move it or no?
Just got Blue in the Face
Must have been a recent comment.
and it can't be a deduction like "calling break always halts so this program halts when I call break" in the original halting problem, so it also cant be "the end of 21st always ends the solstice" for this version.
@EmilyM The real Winter Solstice has a precise date and time (2016-12-21 10:44) so it only lasts an instant - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/December_solstice
"Blue in the face" is a term for someone who is turning blue because they won't stop talking to take a breath...
alright just spammed the active C++ list with a bunch of edits to my old crappy unanswered questions. come on, hat...
One of these comments:
Hello, welcome to SO! Make sure to check out our tour and our How to Ask page! — Alexander O'Mara 4 mins ago
Use an array maybe? Not sure what you are looking to accomplish here. — Alexander O'Mara 6 mins ago
First is +2, other no upvotes.
@DavidPostill interesting, 10:44, the GDoc doesn't account for the minutes, it rounds and assumes the entire day.
@Eran a correct test would prove the end of the solstice while the solstice is occuring from nothing but the information available while the solstice is occuring. in otherwords you need to prove the future using the past, which you can never do with 100% certainty.
@EmilyM im talking about the hat's definition of solstice
@AlexanderO'Mara This one has a comment made after it, maybe that is key?
011 is a reference to Stranger Things.
That's cool.
@DavidPostill im talking about the hat's definition of solstice
either way though its just a curious idea
@EmilyM That also has nothing to do with the halting problem.
@Catija :)
it was subtle
Temporal hats use a strange definition of day.
Up by 5? I'm killing it this year!
someone upvote and comment after stackoverflow.com/questions/41251444/…
I missed hats due to school :(
sry, gotta go
@AlexanderO'Mara Nice!
Proving when the hat timeperiod ends/halts using only knowledge about when it started and that it currently is not halted/ended is definitely an example of a halting problem in general. its non-computable completely, not just in turing complete machines, so you are technically correct I suppose, since the halting problem specifically concerns turing complete computation.
@TheSharpieOne done
@AlexanderO'Mara lol, thanks. Maybe change it to ask what version of jquery and jquery ui they are using so it is not spam.
@bluefeet I love it. I hadn't looked past the waffle hat and now that I see the jacket/dress, it's so obvious. Great job!
I think an upvoted comment is not enough, since I had such comment earlier in the day and didn't get the hat. Perhaps the question must be answered after the comment is created or upvoted.
@EmilyM You don't need to prove it. SE has publicly stated 4 years ago how they define a day for time sensitive hats.
You can use outside definitions/axioms that tell you the answer by assumption/definition, but you cant compute it. Since what we can't compute is when something is going to stop, its about halting non-computability. the original halting problem is about a turing-complete computer attempting to determine when it will halt being non-computable.
A: Why are date-based hats awarded too early?

AarthiSo, the official answer is: we over-awarded the hat so that people in Auckland / Tokyo / Shanghai / Vanuatu wouldn't have to wait until their midday to receive it. You're all mostly programmers, so you should be reasonably familiar with how much of a headache timezones can be sometimes. Since St...

To break it down simpler: if you go into the computation with an axiom that tells you the halting occurs at x, then of course it is known. That still doesnt make it computable though.
"Since Stack Exchange is run on UTC, we have to leave a +/- 12 hour buffer so that the nations around the International Date Line have just as much opportunity to grab hats as people along the 0 longitude."
should be +14/-12
i would think
@EmilyM No it shouldn't. Nobody has a day that is longer than 24 hours at this time of year.
8 days a week
then why did they start handing out time specific hats at 10 UTC, 14 hours before Dec 21st started locally for any timezone?
We don't have hats during the clock forward/back times
could it be because there is a UTC timezone which is UTC + 14?
or are you saying that it is a bug
btw im not talking about DST
so im not sure what clock forward/backward has to do with anything
Testing superman hat rn.
Stack Overflow has Time Machine... LoL.
No its because there is a timezone that goes over the IDL and has a correction of more then 12 hours
what David should have said is that Nobody has a day that is longer than 24 LOCAL hours at this time of year
@EmilyM A possibly newer answer which may satisfy you
A: Why didn't (or did) I or some other user get a hat although the requirements were (or weren't) fulfilled?

balphaLeeway on date-based hats Unless the requirement mentions a specific timezone, hats that are date-based are often awarded for 14 hours before and 12 hours after the specified date in UTC, to accommodate people everywhere in the world. This means you can earn such a hat even though for you it's n...

yes that answer says the same thing I am saying. sorry if I came across rude btw. hard to respond to a bunch of people being snarky and I got a bit rude.
@EmilyM I think the local is not required in my statement ;)
why the goat is hat awarding so delayed
there are timezones that have there own leap seconds,days,months,years etc that can make them appear to have a day of more then 24 hours from the perspective of other timezones that for whatever reason dont add the leap time. this is rare but im pretty sure it has happened before because some timezones are really weird. Like North Korea has its own timezone which they do totally arbitrary things with.
*i think north korea has that. forgot the I think
@EmilyM lol, that is a fun and interesting fact. TIL
What did I miss?
has anybody tried buying a hat yet?
@AndrewLi The North Koreans are controlling time
@KazWolfe cost too many unicorn dollars... I'm unicorn broke
my favorite is that during ww2 britain made itself GMT+2 despite the fact that GMT+0 is within the confines of that timezone. So you could describe GMT+0 as being the same thing as GMT-2 depending on the year
Pieon where did you get unicorn dollars in the first place
so we need someone who has about 1m unicorn dollars
@TheSharpieOne You didn't know about that? ;)
@Saiid I mined them when they had that one thing that one year
I feel like SE is messing with us and fuzzing hat awarding so we don't know what the secret triggers are.
Can I get an upvote and a comment here? Welcome to SO! See the [tour] and [ask].
Welcome to SO! See the tour and How to Ask. — Barry 33 secs ago
@Barry not gonna do anything.
@KazWolfe Is that not what blue in the face is for?
an example of a totally valid time which makes nonlocal 24hour+ days is 23:59:60
@Barry We don't think so.
@TheSharpieOne Oh yeah, that thing
stackoverflow.com/users/1413395/… has it and he's been posting that sort of thing all day
This user got the Taco hat while only editing relatively new posts.
Taco is only about editing
Elementary is about editing old ones
maybe it's first edit, without summary?
@Saiid No, editing questions with no answers with votes
@KazWolfe the user @Barry pointed to left summaries
@TheSharpieOne .-.
As did the one just linked now
I've got both of them
@Saiid It's in the Gdoc
Do we know of anyone who has Elementary but not Taco?
@Volatility me
@Volatility hi (i have elem, but not taco, and i never leave edit summaries)
@Pieon yes, I see...
@Barry @KazWolfe about when did you get Elementary?
@Volatility I did, on Stack Overflow, until I edited this question.
some people suggest that taco is editing with a negative net character change. @KazWolfe would you say your edits removed more text than was added?
@Volatility two hours ago?
actually, i got Elementary not long after editing this post
a little less. i just spam editted some old posts after the gdoc was updated
damnit someone just upvoted my candidate for superman.
@EmilyM Yeah it's 30 minutes different to South Korea :)
Is there any way to turn off emails from Google Docs?
add it to your spam filter /s
@AndrewLi must be getting spammed so much
feel pity
for real though, try this?
thats a doc specific way though
ppl i set up a requests for testing area in the docs so try to test it if you can
@MasterBob yeah...
im trying to but the community user kept rejecting my edits :(
Seriously the amount of comments
@Andrew Li chat rooms are for not chatting, chatting is in google docs :)
@MasterBob Yeah, chat rooms are for documenting the hats and how to get them.... duh
@TheSharpieOne Yeah, my point exactly
Just got the Taco hat. Revision history
lol. There are 3 people at least editing the same sentence :)
supposedly taco is editing multiple posts without leaving an edit summary
But people have gotten it without not leaving one
@MasterBob i got Don’t Wanna Taco ‘Bout It for edit 7 old question which havent answers. one of the questions has 0 votes. the number of questions is likely to be lower because hat does not come immediately.
@Saiid Gotta love how it says, "Thanks to Jon for button ninja skills" but I remember that button is one of the defaults in Adobe Flash.
@Volatility and it would perfectly fit the name, "I don't want to taco bout my edit!"
@AlexanderO'Mara lol
@Alex we assumed 5 or 3
My current guess is for an edit of only whitespace and punctuation (of 6 characters or more?), although I'll need to do some tedious cross-checking to verify that
@MasterBob I know :-(
@Alex also, we tried with the 0 votes thing, but its inconsistent
@MasterBob circle narrows) if I had known it before, I could test it idea..
@MasterBob Yeah, I didn't include an edit summery.
@ATaco i guess its hat lag then
I'll give it atleast 10 minutes before calling it disproven.\
Still need to get 8,243,721 and 6.
Still no new theories?
only the ones on the top of the doc
anyone here have "6"
I wish, that and 8,243,721 are the ones I'm missing.
heres the conversation from chat that i was doing with some other ppl
(I’ve gotten it and left an edit summary every time -Saiid) (Maybe you skipped one -MasterBob) (It wouldn’t let me edit without one .-. -Saiid) (Ah, now I see. Some people reported getting the hat when SE reminded them, but they didn’t actually submit without one -MasterBob) (Interesting… -Saiid)
theres more
but its too long
@AndrewLi im commenting :)
Also note, that the 2k isn't needed to edit without a summery.
I've got 1.4k on PPCG and could hammer edits without one.
i know
i noted that
@ATaco wait what? sry i misunderstood that but you cant hammer without 2k
Newest theory for Taco: make an edit without changing any alphanumeric characters in the body, on a post that is not your own
@MasterBob PPCG might have a lower rep requirement to hammer edits.
@Volatility no, that shouldnt be right, ppl have earned it with changing characters in body
@ATaco i see now
6 could be 6 consecutive days of activity?
Might need multiple done.
@MasterBob oh. Example?
@TheSharpieOne i have 11 days of act and not for me
@MasterBob 11 !== 6
i know, but i had to pass 6
10 minutes later, still no hat. Almost definitely not Hat Lag.
It only started yesterday, you would have been at 10
you probably have to reach 6 during WB
oh whoops
much like a lot of the events for other hats have to happen during WB
maybe 6 of activity (i mean doing something, not just visiting)
@MasterBob Calling it, Solution is not to simply, "Edit an old post with no answers without leaving a summary"
Trying editing no alpha-num chars, (So I'll add a tag to something) and not leaving a summary.
Someone named "Erno Chen" keeps commenting :(
Anyone else notice this edit which helps eliminate some theories: meta.stackexchange.com/revisions/288284/32
Who here has the mild mannered hat?
@AndrewLi and who do you think that is?
I no longer think my theory is correct: there are people who have done several such edits without getting the hat
"low score" = 0?
@KazWolfe I believe so, or lower
@ATaco I did more than that and got it
I'm trying to work out what in particular triggered it.
The hat itself is merely the reward for the effort.
@ATaco we don't care about why we get hats. we just want the hats
@MasterBob +1
The world deserves to wear my likeness with PRIDE!
This did not grant the hat either.
@MasterBob everyone wants to be like me, lol
@ATaco did you vote on the question before editing it?
im still lost in how you get the Blue in the Face hat.
@Volatility No, for both.
"No, I didn’t comment on any of the posts I edited, nor did I cast a vote -Saiid"
Important to remember that Community has Taco. So it can only be something that Community does.
I was checking my theory that you can only get Taco if you hadn't voted, but apparently that's not the case :-(
of course its not
ok im stopping my hat search right now
im going to vote
I know there are problems with Amped Up (which I think I should have gotten but haven't). Does anybody know if there are also problems with Running Ragged? I qualified (+150 each on three non-SO sites) hours ago, but no hat yet.
@Mithrandir Why can I only have one hat when you have 3?
@MarkYisri He's awesome.
Still a chance for hat lag, I only just got "Just here for the hat" and "I am your father" on SO.
@Ataco I only have Just here for the hat
This guy has Taco for just editing tag wikis (mostly additions, although some have deletions as well)

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