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@Mithrandir @AndrewLi got that hat.
What hat?
Blue in the face
@David After 3
No clue.
I saw that hat in leaderboard.
Were you editing? Commenting? Asking? Answering?
@AndrewLi Could you share any clue about Blue in the face ? :)
Joining chat here because I have no idea how I just got Where in the World - anyone know?
Same problem ^^
Where In The World secret hat?
I just got the hat Where in the World in Spanish Language. My last actions were downvoting and flagging an answer as spam, getting a downvote and getting some upvotes in Meta.
DId you go from the HNQ?
what is HNQ?
Hot network questions
ah. No.
I edited old questions and voted a lot (more than 20 votes gone)
I just got it on Ask Ubuntu
@fedorqui Funny, because I was about to say that I got that hat too.
After heading from the HNQ
I am also chatting in the Spanish Language chat
I received it after visiting /questions
And upvoting two different answers on questions in the HNQ
Just got on SO and ELL. ELL i came from the HNQ, SO not.
re Where in the World, I think it might be tied to tomorrow's date (possibly because of the solstice)
@MartinEnder Just about to say that
it only kept popping up now and it's 14 hours until 0:00 UTC
I just got Where in the World (and Cutting the Cord) by downvoting 7 questions via the iOS app, on Meta Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow and Chess.
solstice is tomorrow at 10.44 (wiki). Could it be related to up/downvoting at that time?
I just voted now and got the hat
What did you vote? An answer or a question?
since it didn't show up before today, and date-based hats are available from 14 hours before until 12 hours after the day (UTC time), a date-based condition seems more likely than a time-based one
Yeah, maybe just like the First Responder hat (ie dependent on date)
I just performed a vote (precisely, a downvote) today in the site where I got Where in the World
ahhh there's sun and moon versions. pretty sure it's the solstice then.
seems a bit like the dress/hat last year where you had to do just about anything on a particular day
So now I'm #2 hat-wise network-wide.
@MartinEnder Depends on how you define date-based. The date-based hats are in that time range because they are fixed around midnight. This one might not be tied to midnight but some other time.
Like, the time of the solstice?
I'm just glad that PPCG is ranked 6th site-wise :)
@Mithrandir Let’s not jump to conclusions.
@Wrzlprmft Just throwing out a suggestion.
@fedorqui Was it on an answer or a question?
On Chemistry, where I got Where in the World, my last vote was an upvote on a question.
Maybe you have to vote 12 hours before midnight (as per your local time)
Experiment in progress. We'll see if I get it on Physics and/or AI.
It could be "voted on 21st of Dec".
@KritixiLithos my downvote was on an answer
Got 'Where in the world' hat by just randomly voting on question and answers.
All date related hats are usually +- 12h on dates
However, I just got the Where in the moon hat in Travel and Ask Ubuntu, where I had upvoted answers from network posts. So are probably there, @Mithrandir
Nope, they don't need to be HNQ...
I just got it on AI, where they were not on te HNQ.
Community user has it too
I got the Where in the World moon hat on SO. Probably from just voting, or posting an answer. I think any action will work. I tried a couple of votes on other sites to see if I get it there, but if it's tied to the hour, I may have been too late.
It happened after I voted on two Hot Questions' Answers
Like Flip Flop from last year, maybe sun/moon are random
I got Where In The World just after giving an upvote to a 3 years old question
hey. I just wrote here what I did prior to getting the Taco hat: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/288271/…
Anyway, I upvoted two answers that are not on the HNQ, so not the HNQ.
can someone try to reproduce this?
I upvoted one answer to a question I just posted like an hour ago, not on HNQ. also got Moon
And I didn't get it on Physics, where I upvoted two that were on the HNQ.
I got it for answering a three-month old question, got 2 upvotes. Also upvoted the Q.
I should say moon, recent question, upvote, currently night time over here
It's day here, got moon. Although I didn't set my location to here
SE thinks I'm in Tauremornalómë
also answering a 3-year-old Q, upvoted the Q, got 3 upvotes on my A. Got moon. It's day here.
I answered a question at 12:00PM my local time (or to be exact 11:59:07AM). Not sure if that time matters.
Night here, got sun after old Q/A upvote
How do you get the Moon hat?
If you have the sun I don't think you can
Sounds like gives exactly opposite.. Sun for Moon and Moon for Sun. Got Moon here in India.
But it's a sunny day
Maybe it's regional
@Marius I don't think it's related to answering; I got Taco hat after making an edit (without an edit summary). The last answer I made was ~10 hours before that. The last upvote I received was ~4 hours before that.
probably random. There was a similar hat last year.
Please click on link while signed out (for the amped up hat): codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/11880/41805
7 mins ago, by Mithrandir
Like Flip Flop from last year, maybe sun/moon are random
Ok, I just got Where in the moon on Physics by upvoting a bunch of questions (with no pattern to them).
I just got on Physics too
Looks like it's just do something now
It's probably just vote on December 21.
@orthocresol So this may mean that you get the hat only for editing. I edited stuff yesterday and didn't get it. Maybe you have to be the first that edits the post?
I got Where in the Moon on SciFi and on meta SE. Only one upvote was required.
@Marius That might be so; I was the first editor on the post.
@orthocresol same here
@Scimonster That's probably it
It seems a joke
I just eearned Where in the World?
secret hat
I have 5 hats
About Where in the World: I got in on Travel where my last activity (comments) was 11h ago. I probably voted at about the same time, 10-11h ago. (and a badge "Commentator" awarded 6h ago).
and I don't know how???
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ Weel maybe
@Mithrandir probably based on what copy of the new Pokemon game you bought.
Regarding sun/moon, I got Where in the World (moon) on meta.SE by downvoting.
So, so far, whether it's upvotes or downvotes doesn't seem to affect it.
where in the world has for sure has to do with some actions taken today 21st Dec, Winter Solstice.
I'm checking whether it could be just visiting
I just got Where In The World (sun design) on two sites
both by visiting a question via HNQ, and commenting
Started getting this..
people have noted a possible connection between the WITW hat(s) and the solstice; for reference I'm in GMT and it's 1045 here
@Mithrandir I don't think it is; I was on PSE when I got mine on SO, haven't gotten one for PSE
@anaximander It's 11:46 here and I still got the hat
GMT+8 18:47 now and got the hat three times
@Volatility I'll second that; I visited four or five sites on the network and I only got the hat on two
I'm in GMT and got the WITW hat.
Only got the hat on a site I took some actions on though. But I've done loads of things on that site so could be anything that triggers it.
Didn't get it without doing anything.
Voting once gets it.
I upvoted and commented
HNQ doesn't seem to be relevant.
@JonW did you get the sun or the moon version?
I got the sun by triggering an error page
Does Amed up count only for FB, twitter and G+ ? Anything else ?
Anywhere you can post a link probably works
That's cool. Thanks
@KritixiLithos You have to use the "share" link with your userid on the end
@KritixiLithos You need to click the 'share' button so that it has your userID
Still no Elementary badge >.< :(
@KritixiLithos yes
what is where in the world
is that a secret hat
@EmilyM Yep
I just got WITW (sun) on The Workplace
only upvoted there
can someone please put details about it into the google doc on secret hats?
I upvoted two answers on Music: Practice and Theory, but didn't get the badge. On the sites where I got the badge, I had at least two votes on questions.
Maybe one is sufficient.
so, a) WITW seems to always give you the same design for actions around the same time; I'll have to try something later to see if I get the moon design by doing something at night
and b) it seems that upvotes do it
I just got WITW (moon)
I tried to farm it by upvoting 2 answers of hot questions
@orthocresol So, I just got WITW Moon on Music by upvoting one question. Upvoting two answers didn't do it.
@УмеренноУпоротаяУтка what time is it where you are?
It seems like everyone got it around the same time?
@orthocresol what time is it where you are?
@anaximander no manipulating with timezones
@anaximander 18:58 (GMT+8)
Got sun here, while the sun was up.
ok, so I'm GMT and it's before noon here, and I'm only getting sun
Im in the UK, 10:58am and not got it
@orthocresol That's not it. I edited a question on SO website, I was the first to edit and no taco hat for the past 10 minutes.
Sounds like it is for action about gmt:00
@orthocresol Hey, I'm in the same timezone as you
@Marius Hmm, how about the edit summary?
@anaximander what Q did you get it on?
you guys are in GMT+X timezones, and you're both after noon, and you get moon
@Panda Singapore here, the sun is still up, I want my sun hat!!
@orthocresol Didn't add anything to it.
Am I only one who cares about hat and not philosophy behind it ? :D
@orthocresol I'm in SG too
I'm GMT+10 and got sun
@Volatility what time was it when you got it?
local time
@Stewartside I got it for an upvote on an answer
9 something PM
sun, in a PM time...
@anaximander As in you upvoted or as in you got an upvote?
you're GMT+10
so that's am in GMT
and you got sun
I got moon when it's still AM in GMT.
@orthocresol I don't seem to get it after upvoting 2 questions
@Stewartside I upvoted an answer
ooh, here's a thought
oh, apparently I'm GMT+11
@anaximander hmmmmmm, not for me...
how old was the question?
no, scratch that
the ones I upvoted were everything between 5 and 22 hours old, and I only got sun hats
It's probably just random and we're spending way too much time on it :P
It's definitely related to upvote.
I got the sun hat!!!
I just got it on ELL (moon version)
yes. probably random. And once you get the Sun, you'll get the Sun in any other site. No Moon.
If you first get the Moon, you'll get the Moon everywhere
I've got it on four sites now, consistently for upvotes
I got the sun one
I had just upvoted a question
Probably just random
@Panda Hmm, do you have a Moon one on any other site?
Thanks, guys for helping me get the Amped Up hat!
@orthocresol Lemme try out
it does seem that there's something making people only get one hat
not sure whether it's that once you have one, you're stuck with it, or that the thing that decides which hat hasn't changed
@CinCout what's your timezone?
I just got where in the world
what's your timezone?
@anaximander GMT+5:30
so 11am
must be for voting within UTC 12:00pm (+- an hour) and dependant on timezone
Just eye-balling the leaderboard, the split looks fairly even
Any relation to timezone?
UTC +8 -- Sun
Is it possible to get both the sun and the moon?
They're the same hat?
@Panda They're named the same so doubtful
Just in case anyone conjectured that, the choice doesn't seem to be based on hemisphere.
If anyone wants to help me test out Suggested Edit queue hats, head over to Puzzling or SFF...
You can even do tag wiki edits on SFF :P
I created my developer story on SO, still no hat. Anyone?
@CinCout You need to edit/add 2 items
items are fields right? @Panda
@Panda Create/edit two new items
Where in the World theory: tomorrow is the winter solstice. badges started arriving soon after 10 UTC.
Kiritimati is UTC+14.
10 UTC is midnight Kirimati, where it just turned solstice day.
@CinCout Yea, add 2 items to the 'timeline'
I think once you get either a sun/moon, you won't be able to get the other one on other sites. So it's either all suns or all moons
I've just got Where In The World on Mythology. All I did was vote 30 times.
I got WITW on 3 sites.. all moon
@Chenmunka Just 1-3 upvotes will earn it
@CinCout I got all sun
on 3 sites
I got where in the world
Thanks for the tip @Panda
@Panda: Ahh. I used 30 votes as it got me Civic Duty -> 925!
Cool :P
I got 5 WITW.. all moons
while I can see sun out the window :P
@CinCout Think once you get 1, the design wont change
yeah.. like the dress one last year
Do you guys think where in the world refers to how you can estimate a users location based upon the timezone they appear to be posting from based upon deviation from UTC?
and them implying your location is nonexistant
could it be to do with how you voted. Sun for upvote, moon for down?
aka a timezone that doesnt really have any real land locations or something
downvotes have no effect
only upvotes are earning the hat
I got it on meta.SE by downvoting twice
Hey y'all before you start advertising how to get secret hats make sure the trigger is correct.
I am not sure but it might have something to do with the interval between my two votes. I'm testing it out again.
@bluefeet agreed
Feel like bluefeet knows all the solutions but just wont tell us
like.. blue in the face ;)
@Stewartside Of course I do, and no I won't tell
:'( </3
where's the fun in that ? @Stewartside
Well I'll have a hat....
that's fun, right?
Anything about Mild Mannered? I got it and don't know why :)
Someone with "Where in the World" hat lives in another hemiphere than usual or as posted in his profile?
@juergend not me
I have the Taco hat but no clue how!! @Pikoh
BTW i just got the "moon" hat, the only thing i've done is a comment and upvoting 1 question and 1 answwer
This is Fine doc currently says "Answer must be posted after the start of Winter Bash 2016". I can confirm this is not true. I posted an answer on Dec 13, and the one that received the bounty is from that date as well. The bounty was awarded after the start, of course.
My guess: "Where in the World" is for posting or voting while it's 21 Dec somewhere in the world.
(Having just got a couple of those on sites where I've hardly done anything today.)
I got it for upvoting a HNQ
@Randal'Thor That reflects my experience. Just upvoted a question and answered it and got the hat. That's the onlyt actions I've done on that site.
I got the Sun one. It's GMT here (11:45am)
The timezone probably doesn't have anything to do with Sun/Moon.
The hats have always been a bit 'loose' with the accuracy of date-based ones. They have always triggered pretty early for ones explicitly based around a particular day.
@JonW Oh, are there two variants again?
I got moons.
Like Flip Flop last year.
@Randal'Thor just got the where in the world, all i did untill now was answerning a question, but then close voting it because its a dupe
You can get "Where in the World" by upvoting but don't know how many times.
@Mithrandir Exactly.
@Bhavin just one is enough
how can i get moon?
If you have sun you can't
I got moon
Maybe you can get the sun on one site and the moon on another?
@JonW I got three sun from different sites
@JonW no. I tried on way many site. ONly got moon
My problem is only with Amped Up. :/
@AnkitSharma Link?
@AnkitSharma Same here ! Just because we both are Indians. :D
@AnkitSharma How? I got only suns
Q: Where is my Amped Up Hat?

Ankit SharmaFrom winterbash2016.stackexchange.com Amped Up share a link to a question on social media that gets 5 clicks You haven't earned this hat on any sites yet. I share one of my Movies & TV question on twitter with the share link under the question. Below is the twitter stats: More t...

I have 9 moons, no suns
I am 100% sure you can only get one of them
Will you link it here?
Every year they have hat like this
I just shared link through messenger but didn't receive hat.!
Post the link here, in SE chat.
@TAsk my twitter link show 10 clicks. Still no hat :/
Ohh.. Even I did make sure that it gets atleast 5 hits.
Link if anybody can help me to get Amed Up
With your user id, preferably not OBed
@TAsk uhuun I know the answer
I even used share button
Which of the previous Star Wars films does one need to watch before Rogue One? #RogueOne #StarWars http://movies.stackexchange.com/q/65221/1190?stw=2
And 150 views here for gold badge and hat
@Mithrandir sorry can't help with that.
I don't expect that many upvotes, but I do want those views...
Can't do any of that unfortunately. I even clicked one of them by mistake

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