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Poop, crap, I have done zero work so far today.
set us up the bomb!
somebody ban @GnomeSlice from chat before he blames us for distracting him
@Ender "Somebody set up us the bomb."
take off every zig for great justice
@kalina I got accused of botting because I have "For Great Justice!" set to auto-attack.
@GnomeSlice this totally made me think of You Dont Mess With The Zohan
@kalina Your focus, needs focus.
Because I've done nothing
@kalina did you see the facebook cat image with this caption?
@GnomeSlice Your dad is going to be pissed when he gets home
@kalina Are you coming onto me or something?
@Ender I don't use facebook
@GnomeSlice hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Get a room, forgoddsake
@GnomeSlice You would be so lucky
@badp Get a nodiamond, for God's sake!
@badp once again swoops in and cleans up all of the fun
life at @badp's house must be boring
@GnomeSlice Don't need a diamond to do that
@GnomeSlice it's true, it's not mod abuse
@badp is the fun police
@badp Unusual amounts of fun detected... must exterminate all fun
Jeff Atwood on January 04, 2010

I noticed that the Stack Overflow question Strangest language feature has been closed and reopened several times now. The text of the question is brief:

What is in your opinion the most surprising, weird, strange or really “WTF” language feature you have encountered?

I agree this is not exactly an ideal question for Stack Overflow, per the FAQ:

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered! …

@kalina puu.sh/1R98s
@kalina What's that supposed to mean? :/
please remove and add
@GnomeSlice the very idea of you thinking I'm coming on to you is one that must be eradicated immediately
@OrigamiRobot room topic changed to The Bridge: General Chat Room for Arqade.com. The main quarters of Arqade's SEI AskQuestion Mothership, wherein we aim our LAZERS at arqade cabinets, fancy new spaceship logos and the eyes of people who would like to deny others the joys of pancakes. [arq] [-fun] [jin-fanclub] [lazers]*
You don't think I'm capable o getting women?
@GnomeSlice Didn't say that
In Soviet Russia, Women get You!
Fine, jeez.
@badp Excellent.......
@GnomeSlice that's a rather large jump from "me coming on to you", I bet it makes sense in your head though!
@OrigamiRobot There you have it.
@badp it's probably a mating thing. does the area where the cats congregate smell like cat urine?
@AnnaLear I read it, it doesn't appear relevant to chat
@kalina You are him. @GnomeSlice is his own favorite person.
also, is the "owner cat" fixed
@agent86 She's sterile and no, I didn't notice that.
@OrigamiRobot the whole @GnomeSlice sockpuppet thing is so several hours ago
@OrigamiRobot Keep up
Geez, people
@badp hmm, I'm pretty clueless then.
I leave to heat my lunch up, come back, and there are 150 new messages
@agent86 Well I don't think he's noticed, but it's probably something he should be able to smell come think of it
@SaintWacko I'm so sorry that you're not the center of attention and that chat continues without your presence!
@badp Have you tried singing back?
@kalina I hate it when that happens.
@GnomeSlice figures
At any rate the lawn should be marked as her property, although she's allowing this cat and the one before him to remain in it.
@OrigamiRobot I don't sing cat.
opens the fun hating message relocating menu
@badp bla bla
I don't care, my pizza is here
This pleases me
Reopened as "Pleases @badp"
@kalina ikr
@GnomeSlice I am back
@GnomeSlice ME TOO
I will have an Octopode Assassin of Ashenzari!
Q: Is there any reason to fire XMP Bursters outside of enemy range?

SnekseI can target a friendly portal and fire XMP or I can even do it in the middle of nowhere. Is there any benefit or reason to do so?

How foolish of me.
My big problems are focus and motivation.
So I end up sounding really dumb most of the time.
@GnomeSlice Also, sounding too smart makes people not like you as much
The real trick is to appear exactly as smart as you want to appear
@SaintWacko for some people the trick is appearing smart at all
@SaintWacko If decide you want to appear like a fool, this is actually very easy.
@kalina Most of those people aren't very good at tricks, either
@kalina I am about to make my sandwich.
I am feasting on meat at @GraceNote's suggestion
om nom
it doesn't effect you at all
just because you wish you had friends
@badp I'm not merging with @kalina in front of the likes of you.
@GnomeSlice ★
@GnomeSlice Thank God.
@GraceNote Do you want to get in on the merging?
who said anything about merging, isn't that a euphemism for something else?
@SaintWacko No. No I do not.
Woah Woah Woah. Safe for work peoples.
Some people spit take. Others cough.
@GraceNote I guess it's easier to emote a cough than a spit take
@OrigamiRobot Hey hey, third one is misleading.
@OrigamiRobot 10/10 for indexed memories
How would you do that?
@SaintWacko Probably similar to how you'd write out a rasberry.
@GraceNote It's a stretch, yes.
It would be uncivilized.
@GraceNote pthbbbbbbtt
@SaintWacko Are you out of stars again
@GnomeSlice Yes :(
@SaintWacko As calvin would say it.
You people say such starrable things!
@badp they make special "enzyme" cleaners for cat urine that you could try, which supposedly removes any cat markings in the area. (sorry for delay, network issues today :/)
@GnomeSlice are you working yet?
@GnomeSlice have you made any progress at all on it?
@GnomeSlice seriously...
@agent86 We use those, they work quite well
@agent86 no worries, I'll keep that in mind in case he does make a hit and run attack for the couch.
@Ullallulloo </3. I'm on a roll of crushing people's hopes and dreams fun today it seems
@badp don't give yourself that much credit
@badp supposedly cats will keep coming back to areas until you clean em real good. I know this from watching animal planet though, so...
build a trap -> capture cat -> drive 500 miles -> release cat
@kalina DUH DEH DEH!
@agent86 I imagine that our cat isn't yet old enough for us to step in and interfere in her social life :)
Wait, what am I supposed to do to link-only answers?
She's, like, 9? 10?
@kalina No
@Ullallulloo low quality
@GnomeSlice why haven't you made any progress
@Ullallulloo Comment
@kalina Because focus.
@GnomeSlice you need to make progress
@GnomeSlice progress must be made
@badp That's all?
@GnomeSlice FOCUS, it's important
@Ullallulloo Well, a flag would also be appreciated
@kalina I flagged one, but it got declined and deleted.
@GnomeSlice Does me pinging you help your focus?
@Ullallulloo I hate it when it gets declined and deleted. That's like "sorry you can't have a helpful flag for being correct"
@badp "declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention "
@Ullallulloo A flag declined and acted upon sounds like fat fingers in action
@kalina deeeeeaaaal with it
we can contradict ourselves!
@agent86 this is wrong
fundamentally wrong
@kalina no, see my previous statement on the subject of my rightness.
it is absolute
@agent86 statements about being always right is like saying @badp is good at games
@Ullallulloo I'm fairly certain I have dismissed this flag myself and didn't pick that option
probably what happened was, someone flagged it and mod #1 went "nah, that's OK" and then later someone else flagged it, and mod #2 went "that needs deletin'"
@kalina @GnomeSlice Shush
so flag 1 was declined, 2 was confirmed.
@Ullallulloo Yeah, I can see that too :)
@kalina see, I am good at games. and I am right. therefore, I win.
@OrigamiRobot tvtropes, DID NOT READ
@agent86 you too are a member of the fun police
@badp All your magical tools...
@GraceNote is the best moderator in the channel.
@kalina is this like being one of those "police officers" that goes to parties and dances?
She was a moderator, but she ascended.
@kalina What about AnnaLear?
that's the kind of fun police I am
@badp and you would do well to emulate her skills
@kalina She's she and I'm not one to be her.
I've backed myself into a corner and this could escalate quickly
So now, ponies!
@kalina nooooo
Image not found is best pony.
@kalina haha, we won't ban you for this! We'll ban you for the 10 seconds of entertainment banning someone brings. goooooooo CORRUPTION!
@OrigamiRobot works on mine
@agent86 Remember the times when you were the one corrupting others to vote for you? That was hilarious.
that's it, @OrigamiRobot the things I said, I take them back
I think he actually robbed a McDonald's for that. Well in advance, too.
@kalina yes, yes, and I don't know about weak willed. I mean, there's a piece of candy on my desk right now and... okay, so I ate it already. just now. before finishing that sentence.
when there is an election I am going to run for moderator
so I can either ban @badp or leave Arqade in a tantrum after losing
@badp man, who knew the power of expired mayo packets
just like everybody else does
@agent86 Hey! You said they were possibly expired!
@badp further testing confirmed the hypothesis.
I am now full of meat feast
And now I don't get to eat.
Have to go clear my driveway.
@kalina I nominated myself once.
@GnomeSlice you will never get any work done
@kalina I know.
@GnomeSlice well that was a waste, it's obvious you won't get it
@kalina Yeah.
Anyways, be back in maybe half an hour or more.
@agent86 I had that happen with a migration flag on SU
@GnomeSlice half an hour to clear a drive? You're doing it wrong
@SaintWacko spoiler alert: moderators are people and they disagree as much as everybody else.
@kalina It wasn't a waste. It allowed him to keep complaining about his self induced negative image.
@agent86 Nowai
@agent86 :O
@SaintWacko scary, but true.
@agent86 No one disagrees as much as @StrixVaria.
@kalina Should be using a flamethrower
@agent86 this is obviously propaganda
@OrigamiRobot I disagree.
@agent86 We aren't people and we disagree more than everybody else. Especially you.
@SaintWacko ...and back in reality
@kalina What?
I have a flamethrower
@SaintWacko I was going to suggest boiling a load of water and putting salt in it, and then pouring it over the drive
@kalina you're right - we're actually AIs that have been trained on thousands of arqade questions. that's why most of my advice is actually skyrim loading screen texts in random order.
@SaintWacko and you can speak English clearly? Bullshit.
Its trigger is a little sensitive, so if you squeeze too hard it tends to put itself out in a small fireball, but it's a flamethrower
@badp I don't disagree. You disagree.
@agent86 I KNEW it.
@agent86 You disagree with yourself all the time, you just don't write about it.
I had very little leg hair left after that day, but totally worth it
2 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@agent86 No one disagrees as much as @StrixVaria.
@OrigamiRobot this is stupid
@OrigamiRobot I think @StrixVaria disagrees
so i just attempted to purchase an 'unknown weapon' for 65 scrap from a black market dealer. He then reneges the deal, and I attack him. Upon bringing him down to 20% of his hull, he attempts to bribe me to let him live for a missile and 9 scrap. LOL. Yea, no deal guy. No deal.
the accumulated disagreement energy in this room could power the universe forever
@agent86 or destroy it
@agent86 or make a new one
@agent86 I feed off your disagreement
@Ender or destroy it, make a new one, and then destroy that one
@kalina no you don't
I think my eyes are bleeding
@agent86 mmmm om nom nom
@kalina I don't think that was delicious.
@agent86 SO TASTY!
Q: Diablo 3 Monster Curses

SabreWolfyI have a Wizard, Witch Doctor and Demon Hunter, all of which are very early in Act I. Sometimes a small skull appears above my character. At other times (only with Odeg the Keywarden in the Fields of Misery?) my character is trapped inside a red column for a few seconds, or moves very slowly whil...

You two are making me laugh in class -.-
@kalina no, it's totally not. you are so wrong. so very wrong. I can't express how wrong you are. you're just so wrong there is not any way you could be right, ever, in any reality, on any plane, forevermore.
The Elder Scrolls Online open beta has started - go sign up for your chance to participate http://bit.ly/SwA79k
@SaintWacko get over it, I've spent all day laughing at work
@agent86 oh wow that's like a three course meal
@kalina you're gonna get diabeetus
@SaintWacko I laugh at work in here, too. Difference here being, well, I'm supposed to be looking here (among other places) at work.
@GraceNote Lucky you :P
@SaintWacko see, downside is that she can't just log out if we get annoying... that's my favorite part of being a volunteer. not feeling it today? whelp, gonna go play some civ instead :D
@GraceNote You also work from home, right? or did you get yourself some of that office action?
@badp I work in my office at home. ♪
I wish I could work at home full time
my life would be so much easier
I do more work at home than I do at work anyway
Huh, well, that's about all I can do to it
I spend all day on Arqade while I'm at work
@GnomeSlice are you back
@GnomeSlice are you working yet?
@GnomeSlice how did clearing your drive go?
@GnomeSlice get some focus
@kalina Yeah, I guess. Wasn't much I could do to the drive, it was all hardened.
@GnomeSlice gogogadget do-some-work
@kalina You haven't seen my driveway; it usually takes longer than that.
@GnomeSlice I will never see your driveway either, stop even considering that.
@GnomeSlice it will never happen between you and I
@GnomeSlice you are... you, and I have standards.
You have a one-track mind, don't you.
I was talking about my actual driveway.
@GnomeSlice not at all, you were the one who was implying I should look at your drive
which would involve meeting
@GnomeSlice She is taken. By @fbueckert.
@OrigamiRobot lol @fbueckert -.-

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