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@IanPugsley thanks!
Generally I certainly agree with you. LoL users in this volume seem to be a lost cause however. I applaud you for the attempt but I'd be closing and leaving scripted comments if any comments...a large deal of these users are exactly the sort of people we want to stay away from the site
@BenBrocka So we should condemn the good ones?
Then what is the point of the promotion at all?
@BenBrocka But we don't know which ones are the "good" or which ones are the "bad" yet, and it seems like a bad idea to just write them all off as a whole, since we're doing this as a site promotion.
@Tristan huh, your competing answer on gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/57739/… just shot up way ahead of you... good thing the contest ended
@Resorath That makes me feel bad. =\
@Tristan I wonder how it got 10 votes in less than a day
Huh. Wonder who cast a reopen vote on this? O_o
@Tristan get on steam plox
@OrigamiRobot This site promotion was a very bad idea IMO, and has caused almost nothing constructive
It's notable that new users didn't win the prizes either
I... I think I need a new pair of pants.
@FAE haha now its at 2 reopens (don't look at me)
@Resorath NOOOOOOOO! D:
@FAE Yikes! Sorry, that was me. I misread your statement and thought you were asking for reopen votes. <.< I saw it already had 1 and assumed it was you.
@Ben there was a seperate prize pool for new users and 2 did.
@FAE Honestly, if the last line of that question "What can be done to her to make her early game better but not skyrocket her into a crazy late game?" was truncated to "What can be done to her to make her early game better?" it sounds more like a question for advice on early game tactics.
@Tristan Bad pony! Bad!
But mainly...
@FAE It was an accident. =(
Q: Can you QuickSilver Sash or Cleanse out of Poppy's Ultimate?

SotereThe question is summed up in the title. What happens exactly?

@Lazers Why did this post so much later here than in SR? >_>
@Lazers I think we're getting every permutation of "can you do x ability against y situation" for LoL
or is it "every combination"? I always confused permutations and combinations
@Resorath time to do a script doing all compinations and ask mass questions?
@Resorath Yeah, "viable but not OP" is not really a metric we can use for a good answer. And given their statement about her being the most underpowered at the moment, it seems like they're more asking for basic design changes to her (seriously, when the crap are they actually going to roll out that stealth rework?!).
@Blem I just wish data.se updated more often than once a month
@Resorath I think it's combination. Permutation would be the same question asked different ways.
@Ullallulloo I think so too thanks.
@FAE and ya I realize the question is still fundamentally flawed. I just like thinking theres hope in every question
@LessPop_MoreFizz mother of GOD. If I hadn't already Kickstarted this, I would kickstart it so hard right now
@agent86 I am kick starting it AGAIN.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah. Were any of them actually worth rewarding...?
@Resorath API FTW
@LessPop_MoreFizz you go, girl
From a quality standpoint, not a contest-rules standpoint
I dunno, check the meta post?
@agent86 I should learn the api. is it REST/JSON?
@Resorath JSON, and it's pretty easy, if a bit limited
depending on your language, you might be able to find a halfway decent library; I rolled my own for jQuery/JS
and for python/twisted
@Resorath I left this comment.
Oh hey, it's like a week late, but... This video is relevant to this month.
@agent86 oh I have no problem with JSON, SOAP would have been a problem. I'll reuse my battle.net API wrapper and try it out sometime.
@FAE +1
@Tristan A week late? thats pretty much a decade in internet time. Did you hear they killed Osama Bin Laden??
@Resorath I was in the Army when that happened. They made a big deal about it. <.< Gave us all the day off.
I'm calling it now, if Riot does anything for April Fools there is going to be 30 billion questions about it.
@Tristan oh nice
@Rapida oh god no
@Resorath I reused an API I wrote for the browser game Glitch :) It got better as I wrote more tools with it, though.
@Rapida I think I'm calling in sick that day. I can already feel the tiny tickle in the back of my throat that will keep me from having the energy to moderate anything... oh, it just got a teeny bit worse :(
@agent86 ಠ_ಠ
@Rapida I'm kidding, clearly. Nothing could stop me from closing ALL THE THINGS >:D
@Rapida oh god
Crap, I really want that 27" monitor (I already have a decent SSD). I just can't think of another question that will be a view generator.
What do you guys think of having a room just for discussing terrible LoL questions? It might keep the bridge from being overwhelmed.
I think someone ventured the name The Escape Pod last round
@Rapida nah, keep it in here. maximum visibility is best
@Rapida This room isn't popular enough to be branched
Besides, we'd quickly run out of things to talk about if we couldn't complain about bad questions here
There, stupid eeeeevil morning meeting is over, now I can slack off again :)
@Rapida DBA split their VTC/ect into another room, it just makes it harder to find bad questions
This room is a lot more active but not active enough IMO to split
@Sterno eh, we could just start discussing some minutiae on meta. that always makes it fun in here :D
Tantrum spirals with SoundSense are annoying.
@James Hopefully you'll get my latest drawing. <.<
@Tristan Haha, Ill take a peek in a moment, writing emails now :)
@Tristan Dammit that song is stuck in my head now
Q: Allow users to pay 2X of their own reputation to deal X damage to target user's reputation

Jeremy BanksI suggest users be allowed to spend 2X of their own reputation in order to deal X damage to a target user's reputation. If damage were limited to -200 per day, users would be able to hold their ground by constantly hitting the rep cap, encouraging increased participation from these targets. I...

Wait, where did all of the up votes suddenly come from?
@BenBrocka Isn't that some sort of inverse serial downvote
@BenBrocka it's always friday in iceland though.
It was -11 when I found it and it's been getting tons of upvotes since
Only if quad damage power ups get implemented aswell.
so has the "this is a great idea!" answer
@CruelCow and the Redeemer
@BenBrocka Every user gets their rep reset to 0?
@FAE What song???
@BenBrocka I like that it was closed by The Establishment
Needs combo attack bonuses
@CruelCow including you, if you're too close
Q: What items are announced to chat when bought?

BlemI have noticed that some items get announced to chat when purchased, what items gets anounced and what makes them so special?

@Tristan the one you linked, winter wrap-up
@FAE Oh. Hahaaa! It's catchy. =P
So... A friend of mine drew a blank line with an arrow pointing to it, and a fish... And expected me to guess it
... Are you guys trying to turn Gaming.SE into an FPS? :)
fishing line?
@Rapida It was Tuna.
@Tristan Ok, I dont feel so bad about my Frosting picture then :)
He might have intended it to be Tuna, but he did not achieve his goal
@James Dual Enforcers for everyone!
Instagib rifles for the cool kids
@BenBrocka Haha, at heart I am still an Unreal FPSer :)
@Tristan what
Oh Oh! Am I cool? Am I? Am I? Am I???
@BenBrocka Backstabs for people with style
@James pre-vehicles, I assume
Backstabs don't exist
Haha, that reminds me. Did you guys see the GunCraft kick starter?
The Impact Hammer is acceptable however
@FAE From the first one on.. I really love the domination game styles and such :)
that was such a ridiculous and inventive melee weapon
@James I actually liked Onslaught mode.
@BenBrocka I'm a Flak Monkey at heart
@FAE Yeah... It was _________ (o )<| And I was supposed to guess Tuna.
@FAE Erm, yeah that one, sorry. LOL
@BenBrocka I'll take the Translocator please
Flak cannon, that was so awesome
whatever happened to inventive weapons? Alt fires...
@Tristan hahaha
@FAE I liked UT2004 pretty well still, but it was certainly no UT99
Domination is king of the hill right? Yeah screw that one.. fun and all but Onslaught (objective based) was much more fun :)
Now we just get games with 50 unlockable pistols :/
Especially with the Leviathan appearing around a cliff giving you those Oh Crap RUN! moments :D
@BenBrocka Realistic fps are all the rage now. A shock rifle would just be silly in COD etc.
@IanPugsley I have the Unreal Anthology thing, but my friend and I have never managed to connect to each other to play. :(
Everything is silly in COD
if it had Shock Rifles at least it might not suck
@FAE I bought the Unreal Pack on Steam a while ago
@CruelCow Resistance (PS3 series) actually had a couple interesting guns
@BenBrocka hey, the 49th one is way different from the 48th. the clip size is 8 instead of 6
@BenBrocka Okay, so based on answers I got to my Disgaea question... I'm gathering you can throw enemies into each other, and they become some sort of Voltron-like mega-enemy?
@FAE Resistance is pretty sweet
And TF2 has some really weird once if you think about it...
I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would, even though I'm not a huge fan of shooters on consoles.
But then again it was made by the Ratchet and Clank devs
@Sterno yes.
@BenBrocka I played through 1 in a weekend and ended up liking it quite a bit. Would you recommend 2 and 3?
@FAE bullseye
Keep in mind I don't really do any multiplayer...
I forgot 3 is out
@BenBrocka Yessssssssssssss
2 was sweet
I find this intriguing!
@Sterno you can level up enemies by tossing them onto each other. Also, you can toss enemies into your "home panel" and they'll fight all your reserve troops
the auger though
@BenBrocka I loved that thing!
the auger is awesome, especially in multiplayer
@agent86 The tutorial did not mention these things!
hows it hanging
Think cover can help you?
HAHAHA my shots do more damage after piercing cover!
The weapons were just so interesting. I miss that.
@Sterno yeah, that all works, don't try stealing enemies though
@Sterno yeah. there's a lot of nuance to the game. nuance and grinding :)
@RonanForman Hey man, have a few questions about the ultra hardcore thingy when you have a moment.
There's a lot of nuance and unique stuff
I really enjoyed Bulletstorm (re: interesting weapons)
@agent86 Haa! I actually played that.
I've got it for both 360 and PC, I need to play it through on PC again
@IanPugsley I thought it was an Ok game but a bit of a letdown overall.
@James the ending was dissatisfying but the gameplay was spot-on, for me
I can't play non-sci-fi FPS games any more. Guns are too boring, stories are too non-existent
@IanPugsley Yeah, sounds about right.
@IanPugsley I heard... iffy things about that game
@FAE if you liked Painkiller, you will probably like Bulletstorm
@IanPugsley Have not played that
@BenBrocka I liked Call of Duty ... until it went to CoD 3 (So yeah, I liked 1 and loved 2)
the writing/story/ending/etc. are terrible
but the gameplay is super fun
@IanPugsley The combos are neat to pull off :)
@FAE I'd recommend watching some LPs of both
@IanPugsley Also I think of the Judas Priest song first when you say that
@James I enjoyed one of those, on PS2? and never played another
@IanPugsley I don't really watch LPs :/
@FAE my favorite Judas Priest album!
@Tristan it is terribly silly and spot on parody :)
@BenBrocka I played CoD2 excessively on the PC and 360. Was just a good story and a good game...
@FAE not like a series or anything, just to get a sample of the gameplay :)
wait no, I played medal of honor
alternatively, the Bulletstorm demo might be floating about
Jeebus @murgatroid99
MW1 was really good, singleplayer at least, dunno about MP
people played MW for single player?
@IanPugsley yeah, I played the demo of this on my xbox. Have considered it and Brink when they become bargain bin fodder
@OrigamiRobot Autoupdating frontpage+me having played about 100 hours of BoI=fast answers
@IanPugsley The gameplay did look kinda neat (I played Bulletstorm's demo) but it esentially came down to "Do I find this interesting enough to pay €60 for it" and the answer at the time was "Nope"
@BenBrocka I've 100%'ed the last 3 CoD games, which requires some extensive SP playing
i always feel compelled to give someone an extra upvote on questions/answers/comments if they are one short of earning a badge of some sorts. im to nice i think
@murgatroid99 I was about to answer it. =( lol
well, except for black ops zombies. Didn't really care for that mode.
@agent86 my appologies
Bulletstorm was a fun one-time play
I never played the co-op though
@FAE It wasn't bad, but certainly not worth $60. Short, and the story was pretty darn cliched. Enjoyable for mass murder, though.
@BenBrocka it's not as terrible as people make it out to be, tbh. I won't say I really look forward to it each year, but I certainly don't mind it.
Bulletstorm combat just felt wrong somehow on the PC. Hard to define what I mean, but it felt very "console-ized"
It's everything bad about Halo but with none of the good parts of Halo
@fbueckert It's currently relegated to my "If Steam has it for €20 or less, I may get it if enough of my friends do" list
@Sterno everything seems to be going this way though
@Tristan Now I realize that if we still had the hat thing, I would finally get the FGiTW hat
@FAE there's a lot of games on this list for me. Sadly few of my "regular gaming crew" are steam'ers
@agent86 I was pleased that Deus Ex combat felt okay.
@agent86 ease of development unfortunately
@Sterno Yeah, it was certainly a victim of consolitis. That's currently my biggest gripe with multi-platform games. PC is never the primary platform being developed for.
@murgatroid99 I think we should still have the hat thing.
@BenBrocka yep. the skyrim and oblivion UI's on PC are utter crap for this reason, sadly
@agent86 Aw. It's a shame 360 doesn't do any 4 pack deals for their digital versions of games (last I knew anyway)
@FAE yeah, I know. discounts probably make the marketing director at microsoft physically ill
@James Sure,
Consolized FPS games are never as good as pure-console FPS games anyway, which is why I really liked Resistance
@Tristan I agree. They're like achievements, and I love achievements
Well, at least Serious Sam is staying true to PC shooters!
@RonanForman 2000x2000 map, branch mining outlawed ??
Unless the team is REALLY good, BOTH console and PC gamers get a worse control scheme :/
@murgatroid99 Everyone should love achievements!
(cough ME3)
@RonanForman Random start locations for all players?
@agent86 I hate this so much. Dungeon Siege III didn't even bother changing the UI element for "open/use" from "RB" for the console version. facepalm
@BenBrocka This is why I love Halo
@James I'm making the map smaller, I'm doing some tests, but I expect about 16x16 chunk map.
@FAE yeah. Ugh. And now they're even going "hey, just plug a 360 controller in. screw keyboard/mouse" in some cases
@murgatroid99 wouldn't know about that, I played Halo on PC
But yes to all the others.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I felt like the control scheme was decently intuitive for a console shooter, which is why I didn't hate it.
@FAE That game was just a high level of disappointment.. Loved 1, 2 was awesome.. 3 I played maybe 40min
@Sterno This. FPSs started on PC, and Serious Sam knows it.
@James I played the demo and was utterly "meh" on it.
@FAE I forget how, but I think R2's controls were better even
@BenBrocka Well, all of the ones after 2 are Xbox 360 exclusives, and I think they work well
@murgatroid99 I stopped playing after halo 1
online play stopped being good after more and more people started using headsets
or should I say more and more 12 year old boys started using headsets
@GnomeSlice Here I am.
@BenBrocka I'll try to pick it up sometime. :) Did you finish a Hard playthrough for 1? Getting through the beginner area was actually kind of rough. @_@
@James As soon as I saw they had dumbed it down, I chucked it out of the "games to watch" bin in the brain.
@BenBrocka Oh, I always keep everyone muted by default
@RonanForman Whats the difference between "Im looking for a cave!" and 'Branch Mining'? :)
@FAE I finished on Superhuman for both games
Sorry, Grace. Your G one-upped my intent.
@James Branch mining is every 3 blocks you make a tunnel.
@murgatroid99 some games don't allow that. I seriously mute my damn TV in ME3 because of that sometimes
@BenBrocka Nice. :D
@BenBrocka My Xbox 360 game collection is 5 halo games and ME3
@James Branch mining is a very specific technique
I always intend on doing 2nd playthroughs, but I so rarely finish them. :(
@BenBrocka Oh, yeah, that. I've learned to just ignore obnoxious people
@FAE Superhuman is easier and more fun in R1 in coop
@fbueckert I got it with 1 and 2 in a nice deal :) Happy to have 1 and 2... 3 can cease to exist as far as I care.. so much hype, so much let down...I mean Dungeon Siege 1 was -the- game that developed the system to make the worlds endlessly large.
speaking of, R2 has awesome coop multiplayer. No coop single player anymore though
@BenBrocka Ah, I haven't played it co-op at all yet. :(
Coop single player...you know what I mean
@BenBrocka Really? :( I love couch co-op.
@RonanForman @OrigamiRobot I know what it is.. But I am just saying if I can mine to look for a tunnel.. I just cant do it in a branch mining pattern and its all ok??
Nah, more and more games have been ditching it

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