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But stripping down the site to strictly yes or no answers... seems to be doing just that.
@James No, but we're also supposed to be a site that focuses on expertise and not just opinions.
@James Just because this site is not useful in all cases does not mean it is not useful and worth having around
@murgatroid99 You did. Sorry. My phone screwed up. It loaded a Fluttershy shirt that I loved and then it switched to the contest... Now I can't find that first shirt... =(
I am honestly wondering how long until other sites are going to remain happy that we cut/paste wiki data from into our answers to 'avoid link rot'..
there are a ton of deep questions and answers on the site that aren't just wiki links or yes/no answers.
I'm not saying that we can only have yes/no answers. That's why we allow Good Subjective questions.
but when we get into strong opinion/discussion territory, this is bad for the model. the SE system is based on facts and expertise
@Tristan yeah, I can't figure out how to go back to the submissions from elsewhere on the site
@James Wikia is creative commons licensed, as is SE
@James We are supposed to summarize, not cut and paste
@FAE During the elections @agent86 got a lot of shit for providing 'google' answers. And yet we down vote questions where people say "From my observations I see this as the answer" for not being authoritative.
also, it's encouraged to reference more than paste large blockquotes
@James it's the difference between "I've seen this happen once" and "this is an authoritative answer" - one data point does not make an answer
@agent86 Haha, for the record I was putting that word in there before this popped up :)
"How many shots does it take to kill someone with the sniper rifle in TF2" is a valid question, but a poor answer is "One time I shot a guy once and he died so it's one shot"
a better answer is "It depends on where you hit them and how much life they have, here's a chart or a source that gives the relative damage depending on location and here's a link to a site that has some additional data"
is "You can one shot a person in the head." an invalid answer?
Is it literally just because someone put 'one time I' in there that makes it less true?
@James not invalid, but incomplete and not very good.
pokes chat with a stick
Is the day over? Did the contest finish?
good answers have data, and authoritative sources. it's possible to say there's a "best" something with data - but without data, you're just posting opinions
However, "Who is the best jungler" is not really a "good subjective" question. It fails a few criteria, like "Great subjective questions have a constructive, fair, and impartial tone" and "Great subjective questions invite sharing experiences over opinions".
try to think of it as if you were writing an encyclopedia article to answer the question
Okokok.. Back to the question at hand that started all of this (as we digress a bit too much)
@James If an answer has just one point of anecdotal evidence is true, it does not make it good
@FAE I got my PS3 today!
@Tristan You're so eager, it's cute!
How is a list of abilities that make up an easy to jungle with character different than just asking for a list of characters whose abilities make it easy to jungle with them?
@RavenDreamer Congrats! Which HDD size?
@FAE 160gb
@RavenDreamer From the Me3 contest?
@FAE I'm a pony! Of course I'm cute.
@James No. From the LoL contest. I got 2nd, but Blamo got 1st, twice, so that bumped me up.
SE has single-handedly made of me a console gamer.
Even when I lose, I win.
It's scary.
@murgatroid99 Aye, so remove the anecdote and it is now Authoritative :) Cause we have no way to check how much knowledge the person actually Has.
@RavenDreamer Did SE also get you an Xbox?
@RavenDreamer Oh, well Gratz for that then! :D
@James If an answer does not have data or good sources, then voting will help determine its accuracy
@Tristan Naw. I don't need Halo.
and it's probably not very good
@James Because the former invites sharing expertise and answers based on experience and the latter invites a "list of X" with inaccurate voting schemes and no expertise to back it up, just soliciting opinions.
Anything else is either for PC or PS3.
@RavenDreamer But.. but.. Halo is fun! :)
@James Pshaw. I'll take my FPS with keyboard and mouse, thanks.
@RavenDreamer Your dislike of Xbox makes me sad... =(
@RavenDreamer Hehe, I own them all :D
@Tristan I don't dislike it. It was just less useful to me.
And now, blue ray player!
@James Even the mediocre RTS?
@murgatroid99 There is a game system called an RTS?
@Tristan Touché, good sir (good pony?), touché.
@James The Real Time Strategy game Halo Wars
@murgatroid99 Oh, I meant I own a few 360s, 2 PS3s, 2 Wiis and a couple of PCs and gaming laptops :D
I did skip the Halo RTS... Not a huge micro management RTS fan.
@James I see. I thought you meant all of the Halo games
Stack Exchange! Meta needs lazers.
@FAE But the former is either the latter in disguise or not that useful.
You're welcome.
I'd play RTS games if 90% of the gameplay wasn't listening to your units saying "YES SIR WALKING TO WHERE YOU CLICKED SIR YES SIR ACKNOWLEDGED"
@BenBrocka We need to get you a god complex and fast :)
@James There is a fundamental difference between describing criteria for some quality (such as being good at whatever) and listing everything that meets those criteria
@murgatroid99 Then I once again say that question should just be closed instead of edited into a new question that is likely just a dupe of all the other how do I jungle or what is jungling questions
Mass Effect should have director's commentary, by Mordin
@BenBrocka They couldn't let anyone else do it - they might have gotten it wrong.
@RavenDreamer D: Little garrus!
@BenBrocka So much cute!
@James OK, that I can agree on, but whether the current question should be closed is a different question from whether the proposed question would be a good fit for this site
@BenBrocka Garrus-kun! :3
@RavenDreamer it's so awesome. WebGL too
@murgatroid99 Yeah but technically that question was never asked :) we just kind of got Wayyyy off topic :D
@James it's still a good thing to look at for determining the boundaries of this site. And there is little that is truly off topic in this chat
Hey, hey... For a console RTS, Halo Wars was pretty good.
Mass Effect 3 War Asset Guide
haha @agent86 Get a horse in Skyrim, it dosent believe in obeying the laws of Physics and makes for exploring what may be hard to do very simple :D
@Tristan If you ignore all the bugs and poor balance and inconsistent difficulty curve
@Tristan What's the competition, though? StarCraft 64?
@Brant And Battle for Middle Earth 2.
@murgatroid99 Yeah but its a bit too much like talking about politics for me.. Nothing is going to change from the discussion, none of us can make the changes needed so all we do is sit here and state our side over and over and over again to each other.. and it drones on and nothing really good comes out of it.
@James We did get rid of ITG. That demonstrates that we are capable of effecting change
@murgatroid99 Should I point out I am permanently ignored by users because of my stance on that tag? That the discussion took from August till a month ago to finally get a vote going that people actually would vote for?
they need to release Hey You Pikachu on virtual console :/
Q: How do I figure out how to get to new locations?

agent86I love exploring in Skyrim. There's just nothing like forging a trail through the wilderness and discovering a brand new location, loaded down with treasures, monsters, and surprises. However, sometimes I need to get somewhere specific. I find it tricky many times to get where I'm trying to ...

Q: Why are my ally's powers greyed out?

Ben BrockaSometimes my squadmates (especially EDI and James) have their powers greyed out, but usable. I can cast them from the menu just fine, but they're the shade of blue they usually are when they're filled out. What does this mean? I assume it has something to do with the power-slowing skills these c...

@James It took longer than from August, just FYI.
I don't ignore you.
@Brant But the sideways glances still hurt you know!!! (just kidding :))
DrawSomething anybody? I'm kromak
@James I know nothing about the first part. And as people have pointed out here before, democracies have inertia. Things take a while to change, but they do change
@LessPop_MoreFizz I didnt want to go back to the rumored 'it was closed before and brought back' period.. that was WElll before my time.
I can however remember seeing my first ITG question and going 'Wow, how awesome is it that there is -finally- a website that is willing to tackle this sort of question!!!'
@JuanManuel Sending you a drawing. I'm nihilistronin
Hell I think I actually signed up cause ITG questions where allowed here :)
@Tristan the most annoying bug in Halo Wars that I have seen is one on the mission where you have to protect a couple of civilian ships. On Easy, the civilian ships explode before they take any damage and you automatically fail the mission
@James my first question on here, I believe, was an ITG actually
(which I then proceeded to solve myself)
Hm. I wonder what my first question was.
@James I am not going to go into this whole argument again, but if a kind of question does not work with the site model, it doesn't matter that a lot of people like those questions
My first Gaming question is still pending, heh.
Disclaimer @Tristan, I have 0 drawing skills
Q: What is the surface water to land ratio in minecraft?

JamesI know the worlds are generated randomly by a seed the creation of a new world. I also know that there are rules to how everything is put together. Water only between these levels (as an ocean) ores of type X found in range Y, everything pretty much between 0 and 128. What I am looking for is i...

Q: What is Steam? DRM?

Raven DreamerWhat exactly is Steam? Isn't it DRM? What can I do with it?

THat was my first question.. to which I accept partial blame for how effing huge Ocean Biomes can now be :D
It was a feeder question.
@murgatroid99 Haha, Please refer to my earlier statements that we should just drop the conversation man :)
@RavenDreamer haha, what a noob
huh, my first questions suck
Q: Does GLaDOS actually say "There Really Was a Cake?"

Ben BrockaI found some youtube videos playing this GLaDOS sound file which I don't recall in the game at all. All the videos are fan made, none show the quote being made in game. I've beaten the game about 4 times but I've never been able to discern this from her final words. Was this included in the real...

hehehe :)
Wow, I'm awesome. Last night I saved my game of The Witcher exactly at 22:22:22
@Fredy31 I should play The Witcher again since I'm gonna play 2 again when the EE hits in 3 weeks
the EE?
Enhanced Edition
They're adding a ton of new content
@Mark if you want to discuss this I think we have to do it in here, because I feel like you aren't understanding what I'm saying
Also, my first question was asked quite some time after I started here, and it's pretty good IMO, and still doesn't have a good answer.
Q: Rewards from Mutually Exclusive Factions in Morrowind?

LessPop_MoreFizzIn The Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind, several of the player joinable factions are mutually exclusive, most notably, the three Great Houses of Telvaani, Redoran, and Hlaalu. While I'm familiar with the general bent of each (Telvaani are mages, Redoran warriors, Hlaalu thieves), and I know the genera...

Ah HA! "users who don't do the most basic kinds of research themselves"
@tzenes I'd much rather you replace your graphs and specious conclusion with actual data.
So all those questions that could be answered by just doing it should infact be blocked from the SE sites!
@JuanManuel After seeing my first drawing, you may think the same of me.
@tzenes My point from the start is that you've provided graphs and reached a conclusion that isn't supported by anything other than your word that the data proves your position—which you had before looking at the data—is right. It doesn't help anything, it just inflames a situation more than it needs to be
Hmm, also interesting to note.. You can get answer or question banned by receiving too many down votes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz the Telvani have the reward of being AWESOME
that is the only relevant reward
they have freaking giant organic wizard tower homes. How can you choose the other houses?
@BenBrocka and I know the general recommendation is "When in Doubt, Choose Telvaani," because the rewards are generally considered superior, and Telvaani is the basis for some excellent mod content as well.
@MarkTrapp I do believe he provided the query that generated the data for the graphs.. If you want to question the data wouldnt that query be where to go to validate or invalidate it?
@James The query doesn't support the data shown in the graph and it invalidates the conclusion in the post (that there's a trend that more and more new users are leaving because their questions are getting closed and we should fix that). But apparently I'm misinterpreting the graphs, so I'm asking for the actual data.
@MarkTrapp Yeah I already poked a bit at the 'recent trends show' part of the conclusions yesterday.. I was just mentioning if you wanted the data, there it was is all.
At the end of the day unless they came in here and said "Screw this, you closed my question I am going" we can never actually validate those who left because of that :)
@James The query provides one data point: number of questions closed per month by a person who registered during the same time period; there's 6-7 different sets of data between the graphs and the post
@James Right, exactly: so why are we worrying about 20 or so new people leaving a month?
They could be leaving because of the (lack of|proliferation of) lazers for all we know
@MarkTrapp I am not, I just agree with the people who yesterday said they do not care why people are talking about it right now.. but our 'new user experience' could use a bit of consideration for improvement
you're assuming that the 97% stay
this is not true
I did not include the numbers on what percentage stay
only on what percentage of people who have a closed question leave, and what percentage those people are from all new incoming people
@MarkTrapp At the end of the day I do not care about the numbers at all.. I just agree that we could do a bit more effort to try and make people want to stick around/return here.. Hell for all we know these are just people who do not have another question to be asked/answered yet :)
ME3's ending was so bad my mom just emailed me asking if the ending was really that bad
she's not a gamer, she just heard about it after looking up why I won a Tv
@James but if there isn't a problem, do we really need to make an extra effort to solve it?
@tzenes That's the conclusion you presented: "However, because I correlated by join date, what it actually says is that users who get a closed question are less likely to stick around and accumulate rep. This becomes progressively more true as time passes. […] This graph is the percentage of users which join each month and ask a question which is closed. I've used a logarithmic scale, so the first thing you should note is that it's a very low number (1-4%)."
@BenBrocka LoL, Forward the email to to EA/BioWare. They cant deny that parents asking about it means it must be bad :)
@MarkTrapp wrong graph
@tzenes So by your own interpretation, 96-99% of new users are not affected by closures.
the first graph shows the affect of closures
@James Also, about people with no questions, I was a member of this site for about a year and a half before I posted my first question
the second graph shows what percent those are of all incoming
@BenBrocka Oh god, let's hope they don't try another Dead Space 2 ad campaign: "A game with an ending so bad your parents will hate it."
@LessPopMoreFizz Aha! I predicted the new Operation: ME3 Multiplayer thing.
They want you to promote your dudes.
They should fire their marketing dept
How the hell can such an amazing game have such a retarded ad slogan
@TimStone better: everyone will hate it
@murgatroid99 a 1-4% growth rate seems slow to me for a site with this potential and such. I would identify that as potentially the problem as opposed to 'its because we are closing their posts!' as the problem.. Again, the cause doesnt matter, the growth seems a bit low and maybe we could find ways to entice people to stay.. Hell, give a badge for Asking a question that was closed with no upvotes :D
Just show people there is a reason to stick around and partake :)
@James I'm all for fixing problems with new user on boarding, but there's no evidence to suggest there's a problem other than a user or two complaining. A site as large as Gaming.SE cannot be everything to everyone: a few people are not going to like the site, and a few people are going to be vocal about it
people who have a question closed are better than 50% likely to not gain more than 200 rep
that's the conclusion we draw from the first graph
@murgatroid99 I think I poked around the site for a month or so before I went, ya know there is alot of GOOD minecraft info here, maybe they know why the worlds have so little water :)
@tzenes That graph doesn't support that at all. You have three data sets, one is 95%, one is 30%, and another is 25%. Where are you pulling these numbers from?
@tzenes Right, but how different is that from people who don't have a question closed in the same period?
What's the delta there?
@mark, the percent is on the right, the raw numbers are on the lft
the blue and red lines are on the left
the green is on the right
since the blue and red lines represent raw numbers (not percentages)
@tzenes I do not think rep growth is a good indicator personally
I have been a member for over a year
@James it's imperfect, I accept that
I have hit the rep cap Once in that time.
Q: Why in Angry Birds Space, I got 1,720 more points but my total score increased not as much?

動靜能量For example, in one level, my highest score was 96,850 and then I got a better score of 98,570. So that means my score for this particular level should be increased by 1,720 points. However, when I check my rankings, I found that my total score (for Pig Bang only) was only increased from 1,925,...

Q: Does shattering a frozen Reaper prevent his friends from eating him?

Steve V.Alternate Title: "How can I choose between The Raw and The Cooked?" Cannibals are the main Reaper ground enemy you encounter in Mass Effect 3, so called because they devour the corpses of their fallen allies to regain armor and strength. Disruptor and incendiary ammo both do an excellent job of...

I didn't have a better one
if I had a better metric for people not sticking around, I'd use that
@tzenes So you have two numbers, both around 70. Where are you getting 50% of users never gain more than 200 rep from that?
@tzenes Exactly.. So shall we get off the numbers and on to considering what we can do or propose to try and improve the site?
@tzenes Don't you have access to how many posts they make, or how many days they have visited the site?
@mark that's the greenline
@tzenes …which is at 95%.
@James that doesn't make it worthless
That post on M.SO about how dropbox gives them a nice little tutorial is a very good point in my opinion
@MarkTrapp I don't think the last 3 months are accurate
Linked in has the %complete until you fill out all the parts of the profile they want you to do, etc
I chose 50% from the may to sept period
I agree with @james. People can find a site useful without participating
@Wipqozn that wasn't exactly helpful
@tzenes Fine, I choose March-11 as my period. It's at 30%. You're cherry picking.
@murgatroid99 that's it, the majority of the people who benefit from SE never actually participate, they just read. Its' the same withm ost sites
@mark I"m not tryign to cherrypick I'm choosing a conservative number
@tzenes I think how many posts they make is a better indicator of how much they stick around, instead of rep gain. I might be missing a lot of context here though.
@James Shog9's reply to that post is very on point about why that wouldn't work for SE.
@tzenes Did not mean to imply they are worthless.. I just meant to say they have served their purpose.. we are talking about things and new user's first experiences? Wasn't that their purpose?
@Wipqozn They're all really low numbers, there isn't an easy demarcation
it's partly the 90/9/1 "rule"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Let me go check, it was a bit earlier I read that
@tzenes at the very least can you not see how these graphs are incredibly confusing? Can you provide the actual data behind these graphs and—instead of drawing your own conclusions—explain your methodology?
@James sure and if you want to talk about that go ahead
@MarkTrapp I think a lot of people found value in the graphs, I didn't but the statistical rigor into them for a high level of scrutiny, because I didn't think it was necessary
if you really want high percision statistics you can pull the numbers for yourself.
you don't need me for that
I wanted to show that this is a problem
not, how much of a problem
not how many decimal places
just that a problem existed
@tzenes Well the end result is a post with someone complaining about draconian and esoteric rules and several well thought out arguments overshadowed by a set of misleading graphs with no supporting data that's been accepted by the OP because it supports his position. It makes it out to be there's this huge problem when there's nothing to suggest that there is
@MarkTrapp If you think there is no supporting data then you are wrong
@LessPop_MoreFizz Erm, Do you have the URL to the question?? I can find the exact duplicate post but not that one.. (is it on M.G.SE instead of M.SO??)
I get that you were confused by the graphs, but to say there is no supporting data is false
My search skills fail at times
@tzenes Where is the data? You've provided one query that doesn't correspond to all the graphs
the graphs are themselves visualization of data, same as the query
I could provide more queries for you if you're incapable
@James It's on mso, let me find it
they seem relatively trivial
@tzenes Okay, so you're saying all the graph data is from the query you provided at the end?
thats not what I said
A: Create a guided tour for new users

Shog9First off: I like parts of your idea, though possibly not for the reasons you'd hope. More on this later, but... keep it in mind. While the FAQ and privilege pages may offer enough information to teach new users some of the basics of Stack Exchange, they aren't the most coherent or beginner-f...

I said they're both visualizations
not that they're identical data
@LessPop_MoreFizz Damn.. How did you find it so fast?
I tried searching for like New users experience, new user tutorial, came up with Nothing.
The money quote is this:
> everything a new user does is self-serving, and they're rewarded for doing things that benefit them by being given more things that benefit them.
@James Because it was in my browser history?
@LessPop_MoreFizz ... Thats cheating :)
Ok, Have to head home..
Will BB in about 30 and give it a read :)
@tzenes Okay, where's the underlying data for those visualizations? That's what more important than taking your word for it that your visualizations accurately describe a problem. You started your post saying you care about taking measurements, yet you haven't provided your methodology or base data.
As I said, I thought getting the data was trivial and I didn't need to provide all the queries for you
if you really want I'm sure I can reconstruct them
let's see
All users with closed questions: data.stackexchange.com/gaming/query/65149/…
@tzenes The claim I'm making is that your methodology is flawed. You've told me repeatedly that I'm misunderstanding the data you've presented. I can't confirm or deny that without repeating your results.
@mark if you wanted to disprove me all you had to do was pull the data yourself
so, those two queries make up the first graph in raw numbers
I calculated the percentage in Excel as low rep/All
this one would be the incoming user rate: data.stackexchange.com/gaming/query/65149/incoming-user-rate
I used incoming and low rep close rate as the two raw on the second graph
with percentage calculated in the same way
here is the incoming low rep user rate: data.stackexchange.com/gaming/query/65149/…
I didn't include that in any of the graphs, though it seems like you thought I did
I'm still wondering if this meta question about answering closed questions is really intended as "Should questions be closed if I'm able to answer them?"
@Sterno Why?
@Wipqozn Based on the comments
His main contention seems to be that he's annoyed they're closed when he can answer them
@tzenes So is it a fair characterization that the first graph charts the number of closed questions vs. the number of closed questions by new users? And the second graph is the number of posts vs. the number of closed questions by new users?
@Sterno Questions can be closed for reasons other than being unanswerable.
except the first chart is correlated by join date, so that's not 100% accurate
@RavenDreamer Indeed! I used the example that I could post a C# question here and probably get an answer
it's more accurately people who joined in a month and had a question closed vs people who joined in the same month, had a question closed and never accumulated more than 200 rep
which is why the last 3 months are essentially meaningless
the second graph is number of new users vs number of new users who have a closed question and less than 200 rep and joined in the same month
all of my group by's are for joining in the same month so I can get an apples to apples
@tzenes Right, so let's take December 2011. There were 1,775 new users and of those 1,775 users, 45 had their question closed and still have less than 200 rep at the time of the data dump. In that month, 2.5% of new users were affected by a closure and didn't make any significant progress afterwords
@tzenes That's not statistically significant.
is that true?
prove it
IT's a good thing that got scanned sideways.
@Wipqozn This is what basic image editors are for.
A month to month variation of 20 in the new users affected by closure who don't make significant progress is statistically significant
@StrixVaria I'm also lazy.
@BenBrocka I saw you mention dragonvale and now I'm hooked.
Q: Where is the Nightmare's key in Catfish's Maw?

Ashley NunnI have completed everything I can think of, and my map shows no more rooms with Chests in, yet I do not have the Nightmare's key. Where is it in this dungeon?

@LessPop_MoreFizz Damn, that looks pretty delicious
@TimStone Yeah, the Montanara Pies that are their signature are unbelievably delicious too.
(Montanara pie = pizza on fried dough.)
You call the game "Draw Something." I call it "Draw a Wiener And Then Write The Word The Person Is Supposed To Guess." MY VERSION'S BETTER.
.... Can't really argue with that.
@James Oooh gotcha.
@AshleyNunn Don't feel like writing up an answer now, but if you take a look here it should help you find that key.
@LessPop_MoreFizz NSFW
@Wipqozn Should we expect another 30 image map?
@Tristan ...maybe
Hey all
Also, what did you think of the drawing @Tristan?
@Wipqozn You sent me a drawing? On DrawSomething?
10 mins ago, by Wipqozn
user image
with regards to our earlier conversation
Okay, so did accepted answers not changing sort order on meta actually get implemented?
Q: How should we deal with out of date questions/answers?

LessPop_MoreFizzThis is perhaps a concern largely unique to questions about MMO's, and other multiplayer games that see major game-balance patches released on a regular basis, but how should we address content contained on the site that is, by being out-of-date, no longer correct? For example, this World of War...

Accepted answer is at the bottom
@Sterno Are you sorting by votes, or oldest?
I guess I must be
but by accident?
It only puts the accepted at the top for "Active"
Yeah, somehow I clicked that without even knowing there was a sort option there
...wait, I think
I don't know
@Sterno Self-accepts sort normally.
(or it changed and I'd previously sorted by votes all this time)
@TimStone Aha!
That's cool
@Wipqozn Oh nice! I didn't see that.
Also, I've stolen your gravatar to use as my new steam avatar @Tristan.
@EBongo hah. Add me, sir taptap if you want
in gamecenter
Anyone want to check out a browser sponsored, dressed up, chat room with swords? browserquest.mozilla.org I find myself coming back to it often for more clicking.
@Wipqozn I put a lot of time and effort into cropping that. =P I have like ten other Fluttershy gravatars for emergencies though.
@Tristan It's a pretty awesome gravastar.
In fact, of the gravatars you've had, it is my favourite by a very wide margin.
Just a really awesome image.
@Wipqozn I'm glad you like it. Everypony should like Fluttershy!
Do you have a larger version of it @Tristan?
@Resorath Did you see the edit on the contest info? Your question will count.
@Wipqozn I don't. It was just a screenshot of today's Equestria Daily banner.
@John @OrigamiRobot Minecraft? :)
@Sterno Yeah, like @TimStone said, it's because it's a self answer.
I moved my accept because the fact is that it most closely resembles what actually gets done.
@badp's answer is, in light of his strikethrough a non answer.
And @GraceNote's is incomplete given some of the duplicates that point to that question at this point.
@James I'm up for it. :)
hopefully people will notice and upvote accordingly and it will sort properly with time.
Is it just me, or is the entire premise behind The Hunger Games unnecessarily cruel and sad?
@tzenes Okay, take the raw numbers of dead users with closures for the time period of Sept 2010 to March 2012: the mean is 19.4 with a standard deviation of 11.7. One would expect—in any given month—to have somewhere between 8 and 31 dead users (70% likelihood at 1 SD) or 0 and 42 (95% likelihood at 2 SD). If they fall within those boundaries, you can't distinguish the result from random chance/normal variability. We've only had two months that have fallen outside those ranges: Jan and Feb.
@tzenes Now, this doesn't suggest that there isn't a problem, but it does suggest that there is no trend developing over time: most months are well within the normal variability one would expect. However, the same size is incredibly small: there's a huge amount of variability because of that. The data is inconclusive.
@tzenes But here's the kicker: the number of dead users with less than 200 rep and a question closed is on average 1% of the number of all the dead users with less than 200 rep we get. So you have three things: only ~3% of all new users who are dead and have a question closed, only 1% of all dead new users, and a variability so large one can't predict a trend from the data.
@John It's pretty bog standard gladitorial dystopia.
aww, look, it's @RavenDreamer's first ever question!
Q: What is Steam? DRM?

Raven DreamerWhat exactly is Steam? Isn't it DRM? What can I do with it?

The tropes been around in sci fi for a few decades now. The only unique twist is that it's TEENAGERS THIS TIME.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But...with kids!
@Wipqozn Those tags are terrible.
@John Alternately, Battle Royale, but but but with white people.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I just removed them all except steam.
Although Battle Royale is more of a comment on Japanese High School culture, wheras Hunger Games is more about scarcity.
@John I've not seen Origami around for a bit...
@James He was on earlier today
We could just hop in to the server as is and keep going.. or should we wait?
@James Nor I.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I do recall him being folded in to an airplane earlier today :)
I missed him on Steam by 11 seconds. Ugh.
haha, maybe he got our ping
But I have seen people like @Fredy31 who are Online on Steam but their account says last online 14 days ago :D
The Steam Servers are too busy to handle my request to download a game.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I love Battle Royale.
I just totally crashed through stream. Err. made steam crash. Got it backwards.
@John Actually I just got home.
Does the PSN let you download games like steam does?
Haha, Hey @OrigamiRobot :) Up for some Minecraft?
@RavenDreamer some of them.. Most of the games when the vita is concerned
So, is there any way to make Steam not pause my downloads when I'm playing a non-networked game?
@MarkTrapp I don't think that's the correctly way to find statistical significance for Time Series Data
@LessPop_MoreFizz Log into the game then tab back out and start them up again
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not unless you manually restart them after starting the steam game.
by that logic if we went from 1 to 1700 (100%) in the same time period it wouldn't be statistically significant
And I actually think there is a Q/A here about that @LessPopMoreFizz :D
@RavenDreamer Yeah, I meant as a default. :/
Q: How do I continue downloading a game in Steam while playing?

DrakeI have many games on Steam and many more I will buy, but I have a problem and I hope you can point me a solution. When I download a game, is it possible to launch and play a single player game under Steam and continue downloading others games in the meanwhile. Steam blocks my download as soon a...

@James Nah, you guys go ahead...
@James Yeah, I figured it has probably already been asked and thus asked chat rather than searching or making a dupe.
in fact, I'm 100% sure that logic is wrong
@OrigamiRobot Don't want to get too far into the map if you are going to be interested to join in later...
@James You two take this one. I just got Binding of Isaac recently.
@OrigamiRobot Any good?
@Mark we can imagine two ordered data sets: {1, 1000, 1, 1000, 1, 1000} and {1, 1, 1, 1000, 1000, 1000}
according to you these have the same statistical significance
@James Quite.
yet, as you can plainly see one has higher statistical significance
Q: What is Steam? DRM?

Raven DreamerWhat exactly is Steam? Isn't it DRM? What can I do with it?

@RavenDreamer My, how far we've come.
I knew the answer to that. I asked it for the reps.
@RavenDreamer Rep whore.
@James I think binding of Isaac is only like $5 on Steam. And it's worth twice that.
@OrigamiRobot @Tristan Maybe I shall have to give it a peak.. I did like the original rogue quite a bit :D
@Mana When people complain about their day on bookFace, I normally "like" it.
@John So whats the verdict on Minecraft? if Origami is out, should we consider Spell Bound instead? Save Sunken Island for him?
@tzenes Hey man, how have you been?
@Wipqozn Which reminds me, would you explain that picture you shared from that George guy?
@Mana frustrated
my builds are taking too long

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