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Is Resistance vertical or horizontal splitscreen?
It's why I got Borderlands for PS3 though, love couch co op
@FAE both IIRC
@BenBrocka This makes me horribly sad.
@James Sure
@BenBrocka Excellent! I despise horizontal splitscreen. >_<
Is anyone available to help me?
@RonanForman With what?
I am just not sure what is ok and what isnt.. I mean look for tunnel but just not in the optimal pattern to also pick up resources?
Horizontal worked well with 4:3
@RonanForman What's up?
@RonanForman With?
well, either veritcal or horizontal
(ping ping PING!)
I want to see if this map is the right size.
@FAE One of the bigwigs from Insomniac games gave a presentation to my class on Monday!
16:9 needs vert
@RonanForman I'm available.
@BenBrocka "Let's split the screen into almost decent sized 4:3" or "Let's split the screen into something so skinny it's barely usable"... I very much prefer Vertical.
(Speaking of Resistance)
@RonanForman I can help too
@RonanForman I can do a quick hop in and out (15min?)
@RavenDreamer That is very cool.
He talked about the development process and the futility of zombie pants.
@James Just don't do this
@OrigamiRobot kk, now if I can get some art skills ill sign up :)
@BenBrocka This is part of why I never finished Gears of War. Horizontal splitscreen made it so I couldn't even see where I was throwing my grenades. -_-
You need to mod installed to get on.
@FAE by horiz you mean wiiide and short, right?
I can never remember which is which
@BenBrocka Yeah.
@RonanForman You read my mind.
@RonanForman How do I do that?
@RonanForman ah, Ill be a min then.. Which client version is it running?
Watching the server logs are we?
@RonanForman So this ultra-HC thing is pretty much PvP?
@FAE Yeah.
@RonanForman :( I'll be sitting out then. I have negative interest in MC PvP.
@RavenDreamer Sorry about the 'runloop'.
@RonanForman do you think you might have time to draw me a dood?
@FAE same here
@IanPugsley Sure, what do you want.
@GnomeSlice hm?
@FAE @BenBrocka Watch the video.. Its pretty much everyone sitting around waiting for the other people to die of natural causes :)
Plus, @OrigamiRobot died like he was made of paper last night :D
Natual causessssssssssssssssssss?
@RonanForman I am not whitelisted on the server
Q: Do items despawn?

OrigamiRobotI just found a heart! Unfortunately, I don't need this heart, but I am 100% sure I will need it later. If I leave the heart alone long enough, will it disappear? What about coins and other items?

Q: Does every floor contain a secret room?

Ian PugsleyDoes every floor contain a secret room (entered via bombed wall or having X-Ray Specs), including the Womb?

@James Username?
@RavenDreamer It's not very long.
@RonanForman Crysyn
@RonanForman whatever would be more fun - either actual me (can provide a pic later) wearing a shirt with a bear with headphones (see my gravatar), or just said bear with headphones
It could have been a lot better.
@Lazers I'm almost positive about this, but I can't load up BoI to check
@RonanForman By the way, am I whitelisted? Since we're talking about it.
@GnomeSlice You're not on.
@murgatroid99 I feel like they do but I'm no expert (hence the question)
@James Try now.
@RonanForman Not right now, but aren't you talking about our normal server?
Wow, my ping from the office sucks
@GnomeSlice Nope.
@RonanForman Still says the same
@IanPugsley I don't remember ever seeing a floor without a secret room, but it could be hard to check because on say the first floor you might not have enough bombs to check every possible spot
btw @RonanForman, do we want to mention something about texture packs?
@IanPugsley x-ray texture pack FTW! :D
@IanPugsley @RonanForman What are you guys doing?
@murgatroid99 yeah, the first floor and the womb are the levels I'd have any suspicion about
@James Piehole is where it's at.
@IanPugsley Not really bothered, but I'm not going to be using by zoom mod.,
@IanPugsley I refuse to use the default texture pack
Q: Ultra-hardcore signups

Ronan FormanPlease answer this thread with the following: Your Minecraft username The days you can play Whether you can record A picture representing you or description of a picture for the recording of the event (see the player's pictures in the Mindcrack intro below for examples). One the 1st and 8th ...

@GnomeSlice for the MC Ultra-hardcore
@James Try now.
Haven't heard of whatever that is.
Someday our editing filter will be so advanced it will just slap users in the face who post questions like these;
Q: skyrim hijinx of not letting u save after game data transfer

Jeremymy ps3 recently YLOD.however i watched online quick fixes and got it going long enough to transfer saved data from skyrim to new ps3.however it says "This user already has skrim saved data".It allows me to play from my saved point but won't let me save at all on new ps3.My old ps3 is kaput so the...

@GnomeSlice Ah, well.
It's all good.
@IanPugsley I know that there are secret rooms on Womb floors, but what I'm not sure about is Sheol, since when I get there I usually make a beeline to the boss
@murgatroid99 ah yeah I forgot all about Sheol
I've only beat Mom's heart once
(with a Bible :/ )
@RavenDreamer So, is the game nearing completion?
@RonanForman I hope my ping is better from home.. 2 bars is fairly low
@IanPugsley I've gotten to Sheol a few times, but I don't think I ever beat the boss
@GnomeSlice Ayup. Just added in the final character art to the game today.
@James We wont be using this server.
It is ridiculous and also amazing.
to see that viking run.
@RonanForman Ah, kk
@RavenDreamer Is there a release date?
@RavenDreamer does your school own it or will you be able to release it?
@GnomeSlice I'm not sure (I've never had to get something certified for the App store before)
There is a "no more devlopment after this date" date, though.
@RavenDreamer I have been meaning to ask.. What school do you go to that asks for game projects?
@IanPugsley Not my school, my sponsor company, and they very much want to release it.
@RavenDreamer ah awesome
@Tristan I shall taunt you with my being logged in, Muwahahaha!
IOS only or Android too? :P
@James It's just my Senior Design class - just one of the companies that approached the school was like, "We want an iOS game"
@James Logged in on what? >.>
iOS only, @IanPugsley
@Tristan The server you keep bouncing out of :)
@RavenDreamer sadface
@RavenDreamer bummer
Also, are you a gummi bear?
@RavenDreamer Ah, I thought maybe you were at Full Sail :)
@FAE I don't own a device that will be able to run it. Haha.
@RavenDreamer Adventure Time DJ Bear
@James =(
@IanPugsley My friends keep telling me to watch this, preferably while not sober.
@FAE it is amazing, sober or not
@IanPugsley I have only watched while sober so far, and it is amazing.
@IanPugsley Have it on the HTPC, just haven't watched it yet.
@FAE do it
@IanPugsley too many things to watch, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I need someone to figure out fraps vs playclaw once and for all.
@GnomeSlice what do you need figured out?
@GnomeSlice If your checkcard doesn't let you buy things from australian companies, go with Playcard
Best baby gift my wife and I have received:
@Sterno awesome
...I had no idea there was a daily vote limit on comments.
@Sterno That is very awesome
@FAE Wait, wha?
@RonanForman @OrigamiRobot @Tristan I had to hop out. I really should be focusing on work and DragonVale keeps me occupied enough as is :)
@TimStone It won't let me upvote comments on questions anymore. It says I reached a daily limit.
A: What is the daily comment vote limit?

randomFrom the blog: Each user gets 5 comment flag votes, and 30 comment upvotes, per day.

@James I envy your ability to take a gaming break from work
I guess I've never been in a position to hit that limit.
Which is... kind of annoying, honestly. I prefer to upvote comments of other people rather than post another comment repeating the same stuff.
I can see a limit for regular votes, as rep is tied to it, but I'm not sure I understand why there's a comment limit.
@IanPugsley I am in a lul.. and the company I work for generally seems happy with my productivity level (Had to show off my stuff this morning :))
@TimStone I'm going through closed LoL questions and either leaving a comment as to why they were closed or upvoting the comments of others who have left comments with good explanations.
@James I envy that as well
Ah ha
@IanPugsley haha, well not much I can do about that :)
@FAE it's good that there are so many good comments to upvote, but I'm saddened by the fact that there are so many closed questions that you hit the comment upvote cap
@agent86 Yyyyyeah...
Q: Cannot save games on Skyrim after migrating save files on Playstation 3

JeremyMy ps3 recently YLOD, However I watched online some quick fixes and got it going long enough to transfer saved data from Skyrim to a new ps3. However, it says "This user already has Skyrim saved data". It allows me to play from my saved point but it won't let me save at all on new ps3. My old ps...

Q: Is it possible to miss dreams?

johnjonThroughout the game you interact with various objects, people, environments that trigger "dreams". I want to find them all because they're interesting and add to the story, and to satiate my rabid completionism. Is it possible to permanently miss any of these dreams during the game, or is it pos...

Q: What's the correct timing for the the starting turbo boost?

KatieKIn previous Mario Karts, I haven't had any trouble getting the turbo boost at the beginning of the race. But I can't seem to figure it out in Mario Kart 7 - how do I time the gas to get the starting boost?

18:00 UTC == 10:00 PST?
@Lazers what is YLOD?
@Lazers I need to finish this game. I've barely started it and I've heard it's really good!
@FAE Yellow light of death
@James Check the steam group.
@fbueckert aaah okay
FTL = "Space Roguelike"? Stop taking all my money, Kickstarter!
PS3 acquire this condition, usually launch ones. Essentially, it overheats and crashes.
@RonanForman The work thing makes steam access iffy, Ill have to check later :)
@James Facebook?
Mar 24 at 15:19, by agent86
should I be backing FTL? it seemed interesting, but I missed the onlive preview
@Sterno YES. Played the demo. Very fun.
the end result of that was yes, yes I did back FTL
@RonanForman 100% no access to that at work :/
I just googled it, and it should be 8 hours off as I thought so I think I got the maths right
@agent86 This makes me so happy!
@FAE what about what makes you happy?
@agent86 Small game developers successfully getting funded through Kickstarter.
@agent86 FLT the kick starter project?
@FAE I can be happy about this too :D
did you also see LPMF's link that was re: wasteland 2 earlier?
they're getting the band back together
... Take care with backing Wasteland 2...
@James elaborate
@James I first got into a sitting position, and then I clicked the button very carefully :D
@agent86 I never played the original, but this also looks promising :)
wow, if somehow we could play this game on the bridge, I think we're the right audience for it: The Metagame
I would just suggest waiting for the game to be made and buying it then rather than backing it.. No way it wont get made, but you will be more assured what you are getting if you wait.
and of course tim shafer got my money. That man could ask me for $15 because he wants to eat 15 $1 tacos at taco bell and I'd be honored to give him my cash.
@agent86 haha, that man got alot of my money
And I actually do not like adventure games all that much :D
"Mr. Shafer," I'd say (I'd have previously asked to call him Tim, but it felt awkward), "I would even go to Taco Bell and buy those tacos for you," I'd answer, with a tear in my eye.
Sir, what kind of sauce would you like with that
and he'd probably say "Mild, son. Mild."
@FAE Wanna play some LoL?
@James That's kind of the opposite of the purpose of a kickstarter. You're effectively saying "Beware of Kickstarter, regardless of project"
@agent86 Tim Schafer is a man, who would need a manly sauce. He'd make you pick something up from somewhere else.
@Sterno Uh, no.. I am saying that I know people who have worked at that company and they do not exactly give other people glowing reviews on their ability... to... shall we say manage money effectively?
@James Ah! So you're saying everything beyond the original amount will be spent on hookers and blow?
I'm cool with that as long as they put pictures of it in the final game credits
@Sterno Not at all.
I just wonder if it is going to end up being a flash game :D
@James I realize it's a gamble, but on the whole I'd rather see the games made and support my favorite artists and encourage them to make games I'd want to play. I want tim SCHAFER with a C in there to make an adventure game. I want him to do it so bad.
LoL anyone?
@agent86 Yeah, Nothing but good to say about Tim... Which is why I backed a game I have no interest in playing at the $500 level.
Well, I gave the Grim Dawn guys my money like two years ago, and I figure that game's never coming out at this rate. But I'm okay with that. :P
I am just being a bit more cautious with the wasteland 2 project, which is a game I -DO- want to play.
So, apparently my fort's really bad or something.
@Sterno kickstarter.com/profiles/841853748/projects/backed My backed projects so far :)
This happened as soon as the Dwarvern merchants arrived:
@Tristan You have horrible timing. :( I need to start dinner.
@James Well it is funded already, so you can safely lean back and wait
There's a guy I work with who has like 200 projects funded. He's a little crazy.
@CruelCow That is exactly the advice I am giving out.. no way wastelands 2 wont get funded and made.
@Sterno Wow. Lots of disposable income, I take it.
@Sterno They give out rankings for stuff lke that every year.. There is a guy who backs almost every project at $1 each just to get in there.
@FAE He and his wife are double income, no kids, so yeah. He's also got an Amazon package arriving for him at work nearly every day.
And it's usually full of gaming goodness
@Sterno Nice.
@Sterno Niiice
Tell him to pick up Epic Spell Wars! :D
awesome awesome game
@Sterno not having kids will do that to you.
@agent86 I constantly tell people I am my only child :)
Are game recommendations here in chat allowed? I'd like to ask for one, but I dunno if I'm gonna get hammered for doing so. :)
@fbueckert Ask away
Worse that can happen is you can call us jerks and go away :)
@James Heh.
@fbueckert Very much so.
Chat is a free for all, pretty much.
The main site is what's moderated strictly.
Anyone familiar with Kairosoft's games for mobile devices? I'm looking for something isometric-ish, sort of in the same vein, but for PC.
I love their games, I just find them lacking in depth.
@fbueckert They deal with simple simulation type games. Towns, villages, game development studios ( I am waiting for Dungeon Village to come out on iOS)
For the PC the game Towns is -somewhat- like Dungeon Village.. But...
Well the game is a beta and in my opinion seriously seriously lacking in enjoyment.
I always felt like I was fighting to get my villagers to stop being morons.
There was actually a browser game where you ran an inn and sent adventurers out on quests to get you better brewing materials.. but I do not think it ever completed (I cannot locate it any more).. Which is a shame cause even as a rough 'here is what I am thinking' that game was fun.
Yeah I am out of games that are like those.. They straddle the line of RTS and Simulation pretty well..
@James Yeah. That's why I like them.
@James It would have been rude to interrupt your wall of text.
That browser game you mentioned reminds me a bit of Atelier games from Gust. They need a Harvest Moon-esque game that includes the alchemy bit.
@fbueckert A lot of people in here are on the look out for a harvest moon/animal crossing type of game on the iPad/iPhone :)
@Sterno Haha, Thanks I think.
I take it Dwarf Fortress is too complex?
@Ullallulloo Dwarf Fortress is fun, but the lack of clear goals sorta rules it out. Love sandbox games, though.
@Ullallulloo I will admit that game seems to elude captivating me.. I think just learning the interface is a bit cumbersome.
@James Honestly, I probably would be, too. I just want a fun, complex game. That's isometric. And for PC. Is that too much to ask? :P
@fbueckert Apparently :)
@agent86 Curse you!
@fbueckert I haven't played them, but are the Anno games kind of like that?
@fbueckert I'm not familiar with the games you're referencing... can you give me a title I can look up a video for or something?
@Ullallulloo From what I am told about Anno its an RTS economy game.. but i've not played them as of yet...
@Ullallulloo Yup. 2070 is fun, but still lacks something, though. Not sure what.
@agent86 Do you mean Kairosoft games or the Atelier games I mentioned?
@fbueckert Kairosoft, I suppose. whatever it is you're trying to match on the PC
@agent86 Game Dev Story, Dungeon Village.. Just search Kairosoft and it goes to their webbie :)
Ironically, Game Dev Story started as a PC game :)
@James And Game Dev Story 2 is a free download...in japanese.
@fbueckert 2070 worth giving a whirl? I have been considering it as I too want a management game :)
@fbueckert I loved 1. I mean when the worst game you can make is a 'Historical FPS' it clearly dates where the combinations were put together looking back on Call of Duty and Medal of Honor :D
@James Depends on how much complexity you like. This one's not that hard, and the social aspects add a different level, but for the most part, it's 1404 with more water.
@fbueckert Never played that one either :)
This really kind of reminds me of Transport Tycoon (or any of the Tycoon games, for that matter)
or, y'know, sim city
@James Hmm. The only Anno-analogue I know of is Pharaoh, by Impression Games. Now, if we could get something like THAT updated and more modern, I'd be in heaven.
I've played most of the Anno series, and I'm trying to think of what is like that...
@agent86 More towards the Tycoon games than the Sim games.
what comes to mind is the same genre would be something like Railroad Tycoon, sadly
But otherwise, it's city building, with some minor complexity in goods transport. Nothing crazy hard.
have you tried OpenTTD?
@agent86 Sure have. Tons of fun.
I envision dumping that onto a wallscreen, and once self-sustained, instant screensaver.
I sill want to buy Anno 2070 at some point. The other games were good enough to warrant getting that one
the price is a bit much at the moment, though.
I was looking for a sale + coupon during the holidays, but it didn't quite fall out
@agent86 it was like 50% off the other weekend
@FAE seriously? sigh
on steam, or elsewhere?
@agent86 Dont worry, I think it goes on sale almost every 3 weeks.
WHich is why I have been looking at it off and on.
@fbueckert what about tropico?
@agent86 Steam
@agent86 I haven't played 4 yet. My impression of 3 was good, but the whole tinpot dictatorship seemed like a unstable Jenga just waiting to fall.
I wonder why I didn't buy it
@fbueckert yeah, I think the only issue I have is that tropico 4 is pretty much just another remake
Trying to balance everything was crazy.
Now, something like Star Command for PC would be AWESOME.
I tended not to have issues, tbh. If you focus early on tobacco and sugar, later you can make factories and mega bucks
then you can afford nice housing, power plants, etc
I cleared all the scenarios in both the base game and the expansion with slight variations of that strategy
I'd be excited for SimCity 4, except stupid EA DRM BS
@agent86 Don't you mean 5? :P
always on internet DRM? for simcity? WTF
And yeah, I'm with you on that. MURDER Origin.
@fbueckert probably. by the moderator infallibility principle however, the game is now called SimCity 4.
shrugs I don't make the rules, except for the rule that says I make the rules.
@agent86 Yeah -_-
@FAE Ubisoft did this for 2070 too, though, yeah?
@agent86 Sorta.
That pretty much killed my interest in it.
There was a social aspect, but nothing to the degree they're doing for SimCity.
@agent86 They actually retracted that.
It isn't always-on, you just need an Origin account they said.
@agent86 The online component is missable in 2070. As @fbueckert said, for the most part, it's social.
@FAE but don't they require you to have an internet connection for the DRM? I don't care what they drape over their DRM poop to make it look less like DRM; if the connection's required and bad things happen if I lose my internet, it's still poop.
@FAE The bonuses provided are minor aspects. Although, they hamstring the game if you're not online. No ark items, research crazy limited.
Off to lunch and a few rounds of Epic Spell Wars!!!! :D
@agent86 I think we have a question on this actually
@FAE mm, wouldn't surprise me
Q: How does offline mode impact Anno 2070?

ladenedgeAnno 2070 apparently has online and offline modes, and I'm wondering how those modes are different. I found some discussion of what you can't do in offline mode, but having not yet played the game those specifics weren't very helpful for me. Basically I'm wondering about whether the online mode...

hmm, I just signed up for gamefly again. a month's worth of game rentals, 2 at a time for $1? yes. This will go nicely with my shiny PS3
I found this out post-purchase, not pre-. :/
ok food time, later all
@FAE We totally had time for a game. We just finished. lol
@FAE bye, and enjoy food (@James as well) :)
@Tristan Sometimes they run long!
There was a space Facebook game that garnered my interest that hit all the points I'm looking for, but it got an automatic fail from it being Facebook.
@FAE I know. lol It's cool. Enjoy your dinner.
You could always register a fake account
@CruelCow this is what I do for whatever bogus facebook stuff goes around.
Facebook + game = nope. HATE those "social" aspects. "Tell three friends about this to finish the building!". DIE IN A FIRE.
it occurs to me that there's got to be some government agency kicking themselves that they never thought of this before - if you tell people "we're going to track and follow you, taking photos and making notes of your daily routine, and we'll share it with whoever we please" people get up in arms. You put a cow on there people can click, and they will do it to themselves
For the record, the UFO series was awesome. I want the X-Com remake NOW. And I don't mean the stupid FPS.
@fbueckert when they announced firaxis was doing it, I just about exploded (out of happiness)
I just randomly found this article: complex.com/video-games/2012/03/…
Has anyone played Gotham City Impostors yet?
@murgatroid99 yeah, we had a discussion about that yesterday, as I recall.
@agent86 oh, I missed it
@murgatroid99 Entry #12 on my list of things I need to read once I've gotten (through) ME3 :D
@agent86 Indeed. Usually, I'm a patient person. But this game, I want right freaking now.
@CruelCow Entry #12?
@murgatroid99 I like this article better: complex.com/video-games/2012/03/…
@Tristan Yeah, that's a pretty great protest
@OrigamiRobot You know, how your avatar is red/green because of gravatar being weird? It kinda fits gir
So... Back to my original question: Has anyone played Gotham City Impostors yet?
@Tristan nope(.avi)
Unrelated note: My friend had her baby today and... It's one of the ugliest babies I've ever seen. o.o
@Tristan lol
@IanPugsley I'm serious. o.o She looks like a toad... Her mouth is as wide as her face. They make her cheeks seem invisible.
Sorry, someone said Toad
@Tristan that's so harsh, lmao
@FAE But it's so true! =(
@Tristan Now you can't ever invite her here.
Ah! I found what it reminded me of!
@fbueckert that FPS was horrible. I got the XCOM pack on steam but ragequit. God damn that is a hard game with a complex system
@Tristan shut up, Meg.
@Tristan This reminds me of Eraserhead T_T
@BenBrocka Are you talking about the original XCOM games? Yeah, they were hard, but they were oh, so good.
If you want to play something a bit more modern, try the UFO series. Same sort of thing.
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