@fredley I actually never have it turned on, even if all I'm looking for is some vector icons or whatever. Yeah, so I'll see a small image of a naked butt or a cut-off head now and then. Whatever.
@GraceNote combined with ants, yes. They sit in back and stomp my front line. It's not deadly... Just annoying. And they always summon more about 1 second before I get the killing blow
Tree Frogs were the original level catapult of the first game because of their relative ease. I never used the strategy myself but it was apparently a popular strategy.
It wouldn't surprise me that you, as somebody in North America, wouldn't be aware that there was a British version that you stole and trampled all over
... I was just looking up examples of how strong a tesla is... "16 T – magnetic field strength required to levitate a frog,[12] per the 2000 Ig Nobel Prize in Physics.[13]"
Huh, I always thought Gates McFadden was off of Star Trek: The Next Generation for a season because she was pregnant... but that wasn't until a later season. She was really off because they'd fired her.
I have gotten into the habit of stealing a car and taking it to Los Santos customs once an hour or so to sell. The prices have ranged from a lowly $1000 up to $8000 as the highest I've seen so far. What cars I should target to maximize this hourly profit? A top 5 list would be nice.
Of all the repetitive item-grinding tasks to perform in Minecraft, easily the most tedious task (For me at least) is grinding flint out of gravel.
My usual method involves grabbing a shovel, stacking my gravel to the heavens, then digging straight down. This is not only probably inefficient, ...
I'd like to know if it is possible to somehow bookmark pages in GTA V. It would be nice if I could pull up my phone in online mode and be taken right away to my bank deposit page. Or even change the home page. Is this possible?
I have a Vizio TV, but I've seen this feature on plenty of other brands as well. Why should I enable Game Mode on my TV when playing console video games? What benefit does it bring to my gaming experience? Should I leave it on all the time, or only when playing games?
(p.s. sorry about the tags,...
@PrivatePansy well, depends on whether you're getting dirty hands - if you remember, Torchlight was given away for free by GOG a few months ago, I would cross that line and say that's not really as bad as pirating some other stuff
bet you could find the DRM free GOG version quite easily
@RedRiderX @AshleyNunn - I created an account on Fallen London. No guarantee I'll remember to play, though, since games that restrict my playing time are easy to forget about when I actually have time to play. (Xanthe Terra in game name)
@Celta please don't feel like you have no choice but to be a pirate. Video games can be a very cheap hobby. If you can afford the hardware to play games on, the good games can be comparably cheap.