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@fredley You know what they say about the Bridge and perverts
@3ventic @RonanForman I just started watching tv shows via RDP
Didn't realise I was still connected to mumble
@kalina why...for the love of god...?!
@PrivatePansy they're mutually exclusive?
@tombull89 because I can
@3ventic RDP = Remote Desktop Protocol, me connecting to my home PC from work
Because you can't doesn't mean you should.
Fucking tree frogs!
@tombull89 I get 20 FPS and in sync audio
what's the problem?
whacks Maven Central stop timing out
@KevinvanderVelden I was thinking one was a proper subset of another
@Sterno ...they're giving you trouble?
@kalina But the bandwidth, man, think of the bandwidth!
So my server is up, seems fine, no suspicious logs
so much wtf today
@Sterno Sometimes, I like to read messages posted here as status reports. And then I giggle a bit. Because I'm immature like that.
@fredley I actually never have it turned on, even if all I'm looking for is some vector icons or whatever. Yeah, so I'll see a small image of a naked butt or a cut-off head now and then. Whatever.
@PrivatePansy I experience zero issues watching shows via rdp
@MartinSojka Why on earth are you ok with that?
and it has to be more efficient than transferring the files to work
@kalina and the rest of the office?
It's like live encoding your entire desktop as a gif file
I mean I can cope with the odd butt
But sawn off heads nononononononono
@KevinvanderVelden who cares about the rest of the office
@MartinSojka What do you need icons for?
@kalina doubtful, rdp isn't meant for streaming video
@fredley I'm old enough to have seen the worst that humanity has to offer, or close enough.
@KevinvanderVelden you say this, yet windows media player results in sync'd audio
@fredley To be fair, if you just don't search for shit, you usually don't run into that.
@MichaelDunfield GUIs.
while I can tell that the rest of my audio isn't in sync
since the pings from chat have about a 9s econd delay
@MartinSojka :(
@GraceNote combined with ants, yes. They sit in back and stomp my front line. It's not deadly... Just annoying. And they always summon more about 1 second before I get the killing blow
@MartinSojka I recommend thenounproject.com
@FEichinger Yeah but it pops up unexpectedly all the time
@MichaelDunfield I second this
@Sterno Oh, you're fighting them and ants? Ahha.
@kalina hmm odd... could be something microsoft specific
@MichaelDunfield Awesome sites, I have a noun project tshirt
@fredley Awesome
I haven't really made use of it yet, but it's definitely bookmarked for the future
oh ffs
I've downloaded the American version of the office instead of the UK version
stupid American rip off
Tree Frogs were the original level catapult of the first game because of their relative ease. I never used the strategy myself but it was apparently a popular strategy.
CC @fredley
Pretty cool icon font
@kalina Bwahahahahah.
Much nicer than what they did in EO2. Which was BE A COMPLETE AND TOTAL JERK
@MichaelDunfield Thanks, will check.
@kalina There's a UK one?
Wtf did I just miss? You are all perverts. o_o
@Fluttershy I find your generalization offensive.
@MichaelDunfield facedesk
@Fluttershy Just be glad you missed it.
@Fluttershy The fact that we're all perverts? That ain't news. You didn't miss anything.
@Wipqozn I find your face offensive!
@MartinSojka @fredley One more: kudakurage.com/ligature_symbols
My day is off to a fun start. Something in our project can't read SVN 1.8 files and I recently updated my local working copy to 1.8
@MichaelDunfield I use these actually
@MichaelDunfield Currently our icon set for Skin Analytics
@Fluttershy Understandable. My handsomeness drives people to kill each other in order to win my favour.
@fredley Nice.
@Wipqozn They like you, alot?
@Wipqozn What are you, some kind of handmaiden?
@fredley Yes.
@Wipqozn Sexy ;)
@fredley How many Helens is he?
@MichaelDunfield Yep, I know about it. It's an awesome abuse of the TTF glyph replacement map. :D
@GraceNote Millihelens surely? A whole Helen, or even multiple Helens would be an insane quantity of beauty for a single being to possess.
@MartinSojka Abuse? I dunno, I've seen lots of icon fonts. Like Dripicons
@GraceNote 1/16 his weight in troy ounces?
@fredley We have decimals available so I always start with the base unit.
@MichaelDunfield "Abuse" because those maps are meant for ligatures and combining characters. :)
@GraceNote I'd never ask 'how many Tesla is your magnet?'
@fredley I don't actually know how much one Tesla is in magnitude.
@GraceNote One Tesla is alot
@Powerlord Hm. Turtles are pretty light, though.
The largest magnets in the world are only a few Tesla
@MichaelDunfield not sure if serious
@GraceNote In ... magnetude? ... Okay, that one hurt.
@fredley I see.
@GraceNote Cern's magnets are ~8-9T I think
@FEichinger I... actually didn't intend that one at all. Completely honest here.
@kalina Which one has Steve Carell in it?
@GraceNote Tesla is a unit of magnetic flux
It hurts even me now that you make me see it.
@OrigamiRobot I did in fact learn that in class.
@MichaelDunfield the American one
@GraceNote I'm sorry! It sounded better in my head.
If you had a magnet in your pocket, I would probably ask how many microTesla it was
@kalina I didn't know there was another one.
The American one is pretty popular over here though.
Much like I'd ask for the length of your finger in centimetres, not metres.
Or your weight in kilograms, not grams
@MichaelDunfield The Office, like many great things you have over there, was originally British
etc. etc.
@kalina Top Gear
The Americans ruined that one
@fredley No one uses meters. Meters are dumb, like kilometers. Centimeters are the base length unit when you're not measuring in hours.
@MichaelDunfield ew Top Gear
@fredley stfu
It wouldn't surprise me that you, as somebody in North America, wouldn't be aware that there was a British version that you stole and trampled all over
@fredley Is that a giant bar magnet in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
@kalina I'm Canadian.
@GraceNote ...
@MichaelDunfield The UK Office is infinitely better than the American one
Not only was it originally British, but there are also a million other versions beside the American one.
@MichaelDunfield are you saying Canada isn't part of North America?
@Wipqozn my maid is starting to seem like a too-eager-to-please girlfriend. Every time I go to the house she shyly gives me gifts.
@PrivatePansy It's a horseshoe magnet...
@kalina No but you keep saying american shows
@kalina The UK ____ is infinitely better than the American one
@MichaelDunfield I specifically stated in that sentence "North America"
@Sterno You're upset at getting GIFTS?
@kalina I tried watching it and didn't like it. That made me sad because I like Ricky Gervais
@fredley true story
@kalina Okay.
@fredley Second-- Thirded.
@Sterno She does the same thing to me.
The UK Primeval was better than the Canadian one.
Much better.
Oh, did they add an item stash in Millenium Girl?
... I was just looking up examples of how strong a tesla is... "16 T – magnetic field strength required to levitate a frog,[12] per the 2000 Ig Nobel Prize in Physics.[13]"
Also, welcome to another instance of "Where is FEichinger's sock?"
@FEichinger On the television again?
Huh. I only now found out that we had the whole "Tesla vs. Helen" comparison back in the original discussion about Helens.
@GraceNote I just know eventually were going to dump her and she'll stalk us.
@FEichinger On your foot.
Huh, I always thought Gates McFadden was off of Star Trek: The Next Generation for a season because she was pregnant... but that wasn't until a later season. She was really off because they'd fired her.
@GraceNote yes
@Sterno You're going to dump a girl who is shyly giving you GIFTS!?
@Arperum Sadly, nope. Looked there already.
@OrigamiRobot Nope.
@Sterno That's good. That's good.
@GraceNote Men, go figure
@FEichinger In the fridge?
@FEichinger Check your other foot.
@GraceNote it's not her, it's me
@OrigamiRobot I already have one. And only one. I need the other.
@Sterno Hence the rage at you.
@fredley Well ... That doesn't help me at all right now, does it?
@FEichinger did you wear your socks in bed?
@Arperum Uh ... No.
@FEichinger Just pick another pair.
@FEichinger Check your trouser legs
@FEichinger The most exciting thing on television right now, it seems
@FEichinger Just wear mismatched socks
just put on odd socks of the same style
If the Bridge was reality TV, that is
@MichaelDunfield ... I'm not you.
@fredley ... Shit. No. Dammit.
Is the Bridge reality TV? Are we on camera right now? Oh god
*puts on make up*
@OrigamiRobot Because that is an option. Right. Tsk.
DAY 1185 ON THE BRIDGE: @FEichinger has lost one of his socks again
@PrivatePansy The Bridge is actually a reality TV show à la the Truman Show, and you're the only one not in on it.
@FEichinger If you get another pair, you'll find the renegade sock. Specifically right after you put the new pair on.
@OrigamiRobot Wait, you only have one pair of socks at a time?
@kalina Is that it there on the ground? pushes @FEichinger off the bridge
13 hours ago, by Private Pansy
See, everyone goes quiet when I enter the room. It's a conspiracy! CONSPIRACY I TELL YOU!
@OrigamiRobot Renegade sock sounds like something that will set fire to your clothes drawers the moment you turn your back on it
My entire art career has been building up to that pinnacle moment when my steam trading card of a baked potato was worth $20.
If we're actually on a reality show, that explains the rampant murder sprees we regularly engage in.
@kalina Nope, just sounds like you
@Powerlord Screw you!
@kalina That does seem to happen rather frequently.
I'm RDP'ing to two servers and sending mails between them >_<
@FEichinger you can't talk, you're 1cm thick and spread over a 500 meter radius
@OrigamiRobot I fear that, yeh.
@kalina ...in bed?
@FEichinger So just cut out the middle man and save yourself some time.
@Powerlord no you pushed him off the bridge to his death
@kalina I didn't know @FEichinger was made of motor oil
@OrigamiRobot The middle man is the new pair in that analogy.
this is too much effort
@Powerlord Oh, hell no.
A blob of talking, typing, sentient motor oil, mmmmhmmm
Q: What are the most expensive cars you can sell to Los Santos Customs?

Tater596I have gotten into the habit of stealing a car and taking it to Los Santos customs once an hour or so to sell. The prices have ranged from a lowly $1000 up to $8000 as the highest I've seen so far. What cars I should target to maximize this hourly profit? A top 5 list would be nice.

@FEichinger The middle man is the time spent looking when you know you'll need a new pair anyway.
I bought 40 pairs of socks for like $20 a week ago
fucking incredible
why would you realistically ever need 40 pairs of socks?
HELLO PEOPLE. And robots etc...
HAH! Found them ... Under my laptop.
sets fire to @Unionhawk
@FEichinger I thought you only needed one? HOW MANY FEET DO YOU HAVE?
@OrigamiRobot I found two renegade socks.
my fire brings all the stars to the list
For two different pairs.
@FEichinger Them? Did it multiply?
and they're like... you're such a star baiter
damn right, I'm such a star baiter, I could teach you, but I'd have to charge
@kalina No, we never complain about fire-star-bait.
@Unionhawk You also need to remember to greet the small horses in this room
@kalina One of my tourette's tics involves pressing my feet down at an angle to the ground. I wear out all of my socks within a few months.
@kalina Better to be a stair baiter than... gets shot
I get holes on the sides, not the toes.
@PrivatePansy "etc"
better to be a star baiter than a master baiter
@kalina clap
I'm here all week
I am, I'm going to London next week
and no power in the 'verse can stop me
well, unless @RonanForman and @3ventic keep me awake all weekend
...with payday 2
My back hurts. :(
@Fluttershy How upsetting. Did you hutr it at work?
@Fluttershy +hot water bottle
What's 'visual merchandising'?
@kalina I have a wedding to go to
@MichaelDunfield merchandising, visually
Q: Will My Gravel Crusher Work?

ZibbobzOf all the repetitive item-grinding tasks to perform in Minecraft, easily the most tedious task (For me at least) is grinding flint out of gravel. My usual method involves grabbing a shovel, stacking my gravel to the heavens, then digging straight down. This is not only probably inefficient, ...

Q: Is there a way to bookmark pages on your phone?

Tater596I'd like to know if it is possible to somehow bookmark pages in GTA V. It would be nice if I could pull up my phone in online mode and be taken right away to my bank deposit page. Or even change the home page. Is this possible?

@3ventic is it your wedding?
@kalina I don't know whose it is. As far as I know it's not mine.
@3ventic You have a wedding to go to but you don't know whose...?
...always... er... why are you going to a random wedding?
there is some place where i can ask about pirated games?
@Celta What about them?
@Wipqozn I dunno. It just hurts. :( I've had back problems for like 4 years, but it is worse than usual today.
@Powerlord Yes, my parents are taking me there.
@Fluttershy did you sleep weird?
@Fluttershy That's annoying. My back was hurting my week ro so ago. It was really bothersome.
Hrump, I know what the problem is.
well not the whole back, more like the area between my butt and my back.
@FEichinger I... but... wat?
The antisocial blocklist on ABP somehow was updated to block gravatars
@kalina If by weird you mean "hardly at all because my back hurt too bad," then yes! >_>
I have to disable that item, and whitelist stackexchange.com and all subdomains
@fbueckert i was thinking in play a game with my sister, but all the games we like are paid, and i can't afford 2 copies
@Fluttershy :(
@OrigamiRobot I am a Computer Science student. What do you expect?
I'll be alright. I'm just complaining. I'm too young to have chronic back pain, dammit!
Certainly not an orderly and clean room.
Oh, is the music in Millenium Girl old-style or otherwise, @Sterno or @Wipqozn?
@FEichinger I'm not a computer science geek and I don't have an orderly room
@Celta Well, that's definitely not something you can ask about on Arqade. But what, specifically, are you asking? How to get an extra copy?
@GraceNote The yhave both.
They have new music and old music, anda you can choose which one the game uses.
@kalina I am a computer science geek, and orderly is not in the cards for me. Ever.
saying that, it's not that bad
I have a basket for clothes I've worn
and a floor for clothes I haven't put away yet
There we go, got it
CS student => ¬tidy room.
and bright purple ethernet cables running upstairs
@fbueckert im searching for a good game to play with her, but since its opinion based, you know
@kalina Shouldn't the floor be for clothes you HAVE worn?
Q: What is "game mode" on my TV and why should I enable it when playing games?

MDMarraI have a Vizio TV, but I've seen this feature on plenty of other brands as well. Why should I enable Game Mode on my TV when playing console video games? What benefit does it bring to my gaming experience? Should I leave it on all the time, or only when playing games? (p.s. sorry about the tags,...

@kalina I'm the opposite of this. I have a basket for clothes that I haven't worn yet, and a floor for clothes I have!
@fbueckert you can't just go inverting the system, that causes bad juju
@Celta Ahh. Yeah, that's a game rec. You can always ask in here, though!
@Celta Ask in here! This is the best place to ask for game recommendations.
@GraceNote dunno. I disable music
@kalina I'm not! That's the way I do it!
@FEichinger How did you find two missing mismatched socks together? What were you doing?
Especially when @MichaelDunfield is around.
When I'm too lazy to put my clean laundry away.
@Wipqozn Shiny. What's the "otherwise" in this case?
@Celta there are tons of good free games. No need to pirate!
@OrigamiRobot Well ... for some reason, I apparently put one of each under my laptop.
@Lazers Pretty sure this has been asked.
I have no idea why, when, how ... and ... really just about anything else.
@FEichinger Which is why I say: WHAT KIND OF LIFE DO YOU LIVE?
@GraceNote The new music. I haven't listened to the old so I cna't compare.
@Wipqozn ...let's try this with better words on my part. Orchestral? Electronic? Whatever else actually is probably applicable?
@fbueckert @Fluttershy @ken.ganong i was looking for a game to play on my local network, but nothing like mmo, just for 2 persons
@Celta genre?
we like zombies, diablo-like
@OrigamiRobot Well ... this life. Clearly.
@Celta left 4 dead, torchlight 2
@Celta You could always try Diablo 2.
@Celta Zombies isn't a genre. Diablo is an action RPG
There aren't anything good that's free in that genre AFAIK, unfortunately
i've played diablo 2 with her years ago
@Celta torchlight 2 would probably cover you then although it's basically the same deal
Torchlight 2 is a good choice for ARPG
@GraceNote Orchestrated I believe.
@Wipqozn Mmhmm.
@Celta Play Diablo 2 with the Eastern Sun mod
torchligh 2 is free?
It's amazing
The orchestal in EO4 is simply wonderful. Was wondering if they'd continue the same route or not.
@Celta No, sadly.
And no, Torchlight 2 is not free
@Celta no but it's pretty cheap in comparison to many games
@Celta No, like I said, nothing really good available for free in the genre
Torchlight 2 is quite cheap and regularly on sale on Steam..
@Celta have you played Path of Exile?
@Celta I recommend Sacred Citadel. You can play multiplayer locally, as long as you have two gamepads.
i was looking for a free game
@SaintWacko That's a good idea.
Sadly, it's only online.
@fbueckert Yeah, forgot about it for a bit
Path of Exile is a good one
Oh, I just popped in, hadn't seen the requirements
@SaintWacko Just came out of beta, right?
@PrivatePansy Just launched on Steam too
Then @Celta, I'd definitely recommend Diablo 2 with the Eastern Sun mod
is POE still free?
@Celta Team Fortress 2 is free-to-play now
@SaintWacko @celta nezeramontias mod is seriously awesome too!
Dammit, people, I won't have time to play any of this! Quit making me want to play an ARPG!
diablo 2 eastern sun is any different from the original?
@ken.ganong That's an FPS game, though.
@kalina Yes.
@kalina Believe so
@ken.ganong yeah but i was looking for a 2 player only
Plus, TF2 is balanced around 24 players (12v12) for normal games and 5 players (against bots) for MvM
I also recommend Wanderlust: Rebirth
@Arperum nezeramontias mod is for what game?
@Celta Path of Exile should cover what you're after then! Free Diablo-style game
Well, more difficult MvM missions are balanced for 6 players...
@MichaelDunfield free only :)
@Celta Helena the Third has online co-op for two now, and it's really cheap.
@Celta You're not going to find much for free, I'm sorry to say.
@Powerlord oh, I missed the genre.
@kalina i will look on that game
@kalina Daresay it's pretty much the only one available
maven-compiler-plugin: Stop telling me "Changed detected - recompiling the module" since I already told you to do the clean action first.
Of course you'd need to recompile the module since there's NO EXISTING COMPILED FILES
@PrivatePansy well, depends on whether you're getting dirty hands - if you remember, Torchlight was given away for free by GOG a few months ago, I would cross that line and say that's not really as bad as pirating some other stuff
bet you could find the DRM free GOG version quite easily
@kalina The original Torchlight really isn't very good
like for example in D:\Downloads\old\Torchlight\
@Celta @kalina I think Path of Exile is a good recommendation. As long as you can handle the always-online requirement.
i know that i wont find many good this free, so I was seeing things through a pirate eye
Also, it doesn't appear to be multiplayer
Torchlight 1 was singleplayer only, no?
@3ventic Correct.
well this demonstrates I never installed it
It has some multiplayer mods according to Google, but I can't say anything about their quality
Q: Is Torchlight a Multiplayer game?

George StockerI loved Diablo II when I was younger, and now I (just) noticed Torchlight. Is Torchlight a multiplayer game? Does it support co-operative mode?

i dont have much choice but to accept the pirate life :O
@RedRiderX @AshleyNunn - I created an account on Fallen London. No guarantee I'll remember to play, though, since games that restrict my playing time are easy to forget about when I actually have time to play. (Xanthe Terra in game name)
@Celta I also recommend checking out Savage XR
It's free.
Honestly, I'm not sure what else you'd want from an ARPG that you can't find in Diablo 2 (+mods)
I still haven't decided what pokemon game I want
Someone help me!
@OrigamiRobot Flip a coin.
@Celta Oh! Oh oh oh! Try Lair of the Madhat
@fbueckert Pretty much this. Unless you know someone who's getting one of the games, in which case choose the other one
@OrigamiRobot X because X marks the spot. And X is mysterious.
@PrivatePansy @TrentHawkins pre-ordered both. Not sure how we're going to choose.
Otherwise a random choice should avoid the statistical bias that may result in you unable to find someone with the other version
I need to know if one has Larvitar
Because that's the one I want.
@Celta Lair of the Madhat is free, and it's for 1-2 players.
@Celta please don't feel like you have no choice but to be a pirate. Video games can be a very cheap hobby. If you can afford the hardware to play games on, the good games can be comparably cheap.
Speaking of ARPG games, are any of you familiar with Iesabel?
If you think you know what that link is, YOU'RE WRONG
It looks pretty great.
@fbueckert I'll take X, you take Y. done.
@TrentHawkins Works for me!
What about Spiral Knights?
@RonanForman Ew, no.
Stupid energy mechanic.
@MichaelDunfield thanks
@fbueckert I never played it much.
@ken.ganong The key is to be patient. Wait until the games are old and on sale.
@ken.ganong it is not expensive but i didnt want to buy to copies of a game to play it
@Celta That's just stupid.
@Celta Local multiplayer ftw
@MichaelDunfield Your caps makes me feel like I should know that game.
@RonanForman why?

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