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I just realized it's Monday, not Friday. I don't even know how this happened.
Hey guys, quick question. If I've sold the Steam cards I got from a game, do the same cards drop again from the game?
I just got my offer letter from a new job
I shall not be unemployed !!! :D
does a little dance
@James yay!
I am scared of having to job hunt in a few months
@AshleyNunn I have been bitting my nails all day
When the offer came through and it matched my current job++ I became :D
I am scared no one will want to hire me for anything
because I seriously feel like I lack any sort of applicable skill
Applying for jobs sucks.
@StrixVaria This is so true
@StrixVaria indeed
looking myself at the moment
I like the prospect of earning steady money
Q: What use does Gardevoir have?

Animal-CrosserWhen you throw a Pokeball and Gardevoir appears, she appears to have a force-field around her. However, it doesn't seem to do anything. Does Gardevoir have any use?

I miss being able to see deleted messages. =(
@Fluttershy Why can't you now...?
Oh, chat messages?
@StackExchange Ninja!
The day I change my email is the day I'm accepted to join the Android app beta testing
I miss being an owner of this room.
@John I was an owner for ~30 seconds.
@jeffreylin_ I wasn't an owner much longer.
It was that meanie @Wipqozn's fault.
sucks up to @AshleyNunn
Q: Why do developers add tint to games?

sommerjjSome notable examples of this include the blue tint of Battlefield 3 and the green tint of Fallout 3. In both games there is a powerful tint to the games lighting through color grading. Modders will find ways to remove this tint and a lot of people enjoy this more than the original. Why are th...

One more vote.
I have opened up a can of worms now havent I
@StrixVaria Being laid off sucks, applying for jobs is you attempting to move forward instead of being stopped in place by issues beyond your control.
@James I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it. The process still sucks regardless of the circumstances leading up to it.
@StrixVaria True, its not jumping into a pile of leaves type of fun.
Much better than doing nothing though.
Q: What is Blood Offering?

Oblivious SageThe damage skill point track for Blood Magic, Empowered Blood, says, "While Blood Offering is active, your Blood abilities deal X% more damage." What is Blood Offering? I don't see any ability with that name in the Blood ability tree.

Q: How can I get past Chapter 3 - Lesson 4: Air Chains?

FAEEmbarrassingly enough, I'm rather stuck in the tutorial in Skullgirls (Steam release). I'm having trouble in Chapter 3 - Lesson 4: Air Chains, specifically the last section, Putting It All Together III. This video shows someone pulling the launcher off successfully, but he does it really quickly...

Q: Why do developers add tint to games?

sommerjjSome notable examples of this include the blue tint of Battlefield 3 and the green tint of Fallout 3. In both games there is a powerful tint to the games lighting through color grading. Modders will find ways to remove this tint and a lot of people enjoy this more than the original. Why are th...

I'd like to play Diablo 3 part 2 now
someone make that reality, please
@StrixVaria Did you get laid off / quit your job?
Oh wait, going up a bit more I see some context.
You were responding to @AshleyNunn. Derp.
@Wipqozn Nope :P
@StrixVaria That's good.
@StrixVaria So remember how much you love the Lagia fights?
@Wipqozn I remember exactly how much I love them.
@StrixVaria I need to get 3 super rare items off a subspecies of him which is a lot stronger, and you can only fight in water.
Three of my desired end game weapons all need the rarest item he has.
I don't have any good underwater weapons now.
you wouldn't even be able to fight him anyways.
Plus I'm barely geared for HR, never mind G rank.
you need to be HR8.
And you don't unlock the quest until HR70.
What HR are you now?
After you hit HR8 your real HR is shown to you. Up until then it just hides it.
That system doesn't make any kind of sense to me.
Actually, I think I'm up for one hunt before I should go to sleep.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 60+
@StrixVaria It's to keep the lower-leveled hunters together and the late-game hunters have a sort of e-peen to compare against each other.
@StrixVaria once you hit HR8 you talk to the guild master to unlock your real hunter rank.
"Hah! I have X more HR than you, noob!"
And yeah, also a way to restrict certain monsters for people who are either experienced or really dedicated.
You'll usually wind up getting bumped up to HR 30 - 50.
And you get new a quest at HR30, 35, 40... et cetera, up until HR70, where it then goes HR80, HR90, HR100.
With the exception of a couple of them all the quests you unlock a multi-hunt quests that take place in the Land ARena.
You need to fight 4 monsters, 2 at a tiem.
In a small land arena.
@Wipqozn And it sucks.
@fbueckert I'm going to do a green cuga quest if you want to tag along.
I'll probably only be doing the one hunt though, then I'm going to bed.
Yeah, sure, why not?
Might do two or three.
cc @OrigamiRobot
I'd be fine with regular cuga if @OrigamiRobot wants to tag along
I think @OrigamiRobot only needs Mantles so Green 'cuga would probably be good for him too.
@Wipqozn Sure
@Yawus I need a mantle too.
So I'm just going for a cuga advanced quest.
A 3x cuga would be perfect
but I have a cuga/ green quest
@OrigamiRobot Are you coming?
@Wipqozn Yes
Does Monster Hunter have an ending, or do you just sort of grind forever?
@AshleyNunn Lookit whut I got.
> Simply put: Fruit Rye Ale. A bountiful blend of toasted rye flakes and two row malted barley make wort fermented with 200 pounds of pureed strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries resulting in a sweet fruity delicacy.
@spugsley 2 weeks!
@LessPop_MoreFizz That sounds fucking awesome
Ten bucks says not-in-Canada
@StrixVaria wat
@spugsley That's how long it's been since you've updated anything.
@AshleyNunn It's Shorts, so it's nowhere that's not Michigan.
@LessPop_MoreFizz makes a sad face
@AshleyNunn That said, I might could be convinced to do some smuggling next week.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If I wasn't like...more worried about how I am gonna pay rent next month than anything else, I would jump on that
@AshleyNunn I am not going to sweat spotting you 5 bucks worth of beer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Only if you don't mind :)
Q: Minecraft Bin Folder Not Created--Linux Ubuntu

TheFairySlayerI have some various mods and such that require something to be placed in the bin folder of Minecraft... but on Linux Ubuntu there is no bin folder. What should I do?

Q: Where to search for an old educational game?

Filippo ValsordaI am looking for a specific videogame, but I don't know where a good place to search would be. I need something like a catalogue, or a big index. The info I have are: it was a musical educational game (like, to learn to play) maybe found with some magazine the gameplay was something like "reco...

@StrixVaria I just haven't felt inspired at all :(
@spugsley Don't make me break out the quotes from Stephen King's book On Writing. I'll just paraphrase. "Write every day, whether you're inspired or not. There will be days where you're not inspired. Fuck those days. Just write anyway."
@StrixVaria lol Stephen King is allowed to say that because he makes millions when he writes :3
He got started making millions because he wrote every day regardless.
ughhhhhhhhhhhhh I know you're right but I always do this. I am the WORST at this.
@spugsley You can do it! :3
@spugsley Write shit and throw it out. Write "I have nothing to write" over and over again until your allotted time for writing is up, or until you have something to write. You are not allowed to do anything but writing during writing time and writing time must happen every day.
WTB iPad port of Papers Please
I could see that working.
That game does look rather fun
grumble This is why I hate playing newly released games - the only walkthrough option I can find is on youtube and I hate video walkthroughs
@Fluttershy Says here: "Membership by invite only"
@spugsley your photo today gave me the wibbly chills
@spugsley today's photo = ahhhhhhhhhhh
runs away, arms flailing
@skovacs1 That's because it is the old one
@AshleyNunn it was hard work and a little bit over kill but it was a fun experiment :)
@spugsley It was awesome and I liked it
@AshleyNunn Then why not delete that group? To avoid confusion, etc.?
@skovacs1 shrugs I have no idea
I dont admin or use it much or anything, so I have no idea why you are asking me
@AshleyNunn To maintain the conversational thread in chat. It was more rhetorical. I will directly ask the admins of the group though now that you mention it.
@agent86 @badp @Oak @Mana @theOtherTwoAdmins of steamcommunity.com/groups/gamingstackexchange - If this is the old, not used arqade group, why not just delete the group to, you know, avoid confusion, etc.?
I mean it does say in the description what it is and really it is an unused Steam group why does it matter
Cleanliness and sanity? I like things clean and organized. Are you the type who just leaves things lying everywhere and doesn't clean up after yourself?

Also, it does not say in the description that it is unused.
@skovacs1 no it doesn't, but it says that it is an old group
idk, I just don't get it
and yes I am that type of person thank you very much
I am happy that way
@AshleyNunn And this is why you're not understanding my motivations.
@skovacs1 .....what the hell
> Only people that joined this Steam group during the first two years of life of Gaming Stack Exchange have access to this group.
Meaning it's not open to new members.
@Fluttershy Yes! This! This is the thing I meant!
@AshleyNunn I like things clean and orderly to a point nearing obsession and you are much less concerned by this. No matter how I try, I don't think I have a convincing enough argument to clearly explain my motivations and so I don't see a point in needlessly trying. Because that's the way I feel it should be is hardly very convincing, is it?
@skovacs1 But not in the name of the Doctor... Sorry, I get the feeling I'm going to reply like that every time I hear "X and sanity".
There aren't any. Neatness is a disease.
My father is neat, he is also crazy.
@skovacs1 I dont know why you are trying to convince me of anything because I cant do shit about it, and I dislike you getting all in my face about my not super clean needing or anything
ergo neat people are crazy
like I get you dont like it is there but ffffff it is a damn steam group and like it doesn't matter its not like we hide in there mocking everyone who isnt there
speaking of neatness and such... garbage day tomorrow; got to clean out the cat's litter box.
@TrentHawkins lucky you
@AshleyNunn How was I in your face? I asked if you were of a different persuasion of cleanliness and once you confirmed you were, I said that that is where our understandings differ. What's in your face? I never called you a slob or anything derogative. I don't really understand why you're offended. I'm sorry that you took it that way.
@AshleyNunn Really? You must not be there on Sunday afternoons very often... (kidding, kidding)
@Yawus now that you mention it.... ;)
@Weston.h This. Exactly this.
@Fluttershy offers popsicle
I need like... liquid nitrogen cooling on this PC. <_< Or a bigger room.
With a better air conditioner.
@skovacs1 I can't explain my brain right now, I apologize
I might have took it wrong
I am having a shitacular processing day
@Yawus This is excellent. Please do.
So, I'm going to bring my sonic screwdriver for the second day of school tomorrow (forgot to do it today). I'm sure it'll attract all the ladies.
@Yawus If it doesn't attract them, you don't want them anyways
@SaintWacko amen to that
I know I would be like ooooh you be iiiiinteresting
How does SE detect whether question may or may not be subjective by the title?
I'm about to ask "Can I change my hunter name?" and it popped up as "may be subjective".
@Yawus Poorly, apparently.
@Yawus Not sure, suspect it is certain words
Maybe the "can"
Welp... Back's starting to scream at me. Time to lie down. G'night, Bridge.
@Fluttershy This is why computer near bed. Computer near bed is why other problems...
@Fluttershy also, good night. Sleep well.
Hmm... how should I carry my screwdriver in a way that will display it but not in an overt manner...
Q: Can you change your hunter name?

YawusSomewhat self-explanatory, really. I've had my current hunter name for awhile, chose it mostly on a whim because I thought I'd be hunting solo for the most part. Now that I will be hunting online, I want to change my name, but I don't know where to do this or whether it is even possible.

@Yawus Breast pocket if applicable.
@Yawus Does it have a clip?
@Fluttershy Good night! gently massages and gives heating pad?
@skovacs1 Unfortunately, no.
This is pretty much what it looks like:
It's just a wee bit too big for a breast pocket.
@Yawus Does it have any ferrous metals? Perhaps you could quickly fashion a magnetic clip?
It's plastic. I think the best I can do is carry it on a messenger bag. Or find a deeper breast pocket.
@Yawus That seems too big. I'll have to look back at the show, but I don't recall it being that big.
@Yawus Probably. Tucking it in a sufficiently deep pocket or using some sort of clip or tie to affix it to something seem the only options to still have it on display.
or keychains seem more manageable.
I had a tenth doctor's sonic keychain and the sonic fell off
same thing happened to my metal firefly
I hope they are happy somewhere
@AshleyNunn Maybe they found each other and now have a happy family of little sonic fireflies.
@Yawus YES
I like this plan
it is the best idea
@AshleyNunn you mean that metal ring thing on the back of the ship? mine fell off too. :(
@TrentHawkins Yeah, it snapped and I didnt notice and the ship fell off
ooh, classic Dr Who review on Radio Dead Air.
In the good screwdriver sets I've used, one or two elastic/fabric or ratcheting plastic/rubber bands are often used to hold screwdrivers in place. The same is often used to hold pencils and other writing supplies in place in various bags, pouches and binders. Something of this nature is relatively easy to MacGyver if you're up to it, but that seems like a lot to go through.
Oooh. You could attach it to a belt
@skovacs1 I'm sure I could figure something out like that with rubber bands and duct tape.
I need to watch the rest of this show.
Seems neat. I'm cautious of mobile games, but it looks legit.
What? There's a Little Mermaid 2 and a 3 as well? The stories are probably terrible, but I wonder if they had any good musical numbers.
@OrigamiRobot hey!
Jun 28 '11 at 13:39, by Mana
Wipqozn's law of gravitation. Every topic on The Bridge, must, inevitably, eventually return to Minecraft and TF2.
Crime investigation

Proposed Q&A site for people who are interested in investigation and for people working against crimes. Detectives, policemen and also , Sherlock Holmes fans

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for budding technology enthusiasts who have brilliant new ideas but aren't able to put them into action due to their technical limitations. They can get their doubts solved and even prepare teams in stack-exchange as they can easily find talent here...

Closed before being launched.


Proposed Q&A site for restaurant and hotel management, and similar areas of professional hospitality.

Currently in definition.

Fighting Games

Proposed Q&A site for people who want to improve their skills at fighting games.

Closed before being launched.


Proposed Q&A site for helping all the people out there who are struggling on HTML 5 projects and could really do with expert, up to date, focussed and timely advice. I am more than happy to help make this a really valuable hub of information if people vote for me.

Closed before being launched.

Plone CMS

Proposed Q&A site for plone CMS developers and administrators

Currently in definition.

IT Shopping Questions

Proposed Q&A site for IT professionals and power users looking for expert advice in making a purchasing decision on IT hardware, software, or services. It is NOT for non-IT tech shopping (ie. personal use cameras, gaming consoles/hardware, cell phones, etc.)

Currently in definition.

Medical Marijuana Growing

Proposed Q&A site for people who want understand more about medical marijuana growing

Closed before being launched.

Plan 9

Proposed Q&A site for enthusiasts of the Plan 9 Operating System

Currently in definition.

Culture of Russia and former USSR

Proposed Q&A site for experts and enthusiasts in the culture of present day Russia and former USSR republics: history, social structure, behaviour/habits, art, festivals, food, clothing, and architecture.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for q&A regarding how efficient a particular code/method/process is and how to increase it's efficiency and decrease it's complexity. Professionals and experts can discuss complexities of codes and finally let the most efficient code be praised..!!

Currently in definition.

@Mana Not mutually exclusive. Minecraft/TF2 fanfic.
Holy @NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment, Batman!
man. I've changed.
hey, how's it going?
@Mana Awful. On my work laptop all USB-ports died.
My work stops for an unknown time.
I'll try to reinstall OS.
wait, reinstall on a different laptop or on the same one?
@Mana on same. It has CD-drive
but...how would that fix the USB ports?
@Mana I think that problem with the OS. This laptop has long been a buggy, even before I got it. Previous employee uninstall Vista and install XP
ah, alright.
@skovacs what fluttershy said, plus some people is only on the old group and won't join the new one,
@badp Then clearly it is not as old and unused as I was told.
I have tampered with UberSync.
Now my Google Contacts have duplicates galore.
Q: Do enchantments or potion effects that 'Fortify <Magic School>' also affect charge cost of using staves?

galacticninjaI'm asking based on this info from the UESP wiki's "Staves" article (emphasis mine): Anyone can use a staff, regardless of magic skill, and using a staff does not use any of the caster's own Magicka; instead, it depletes the staff's charge. However, the higher the user's skill level in the re...

Q: Why do I lose items that are with the courier when I die in Dota 2?

TamaraHi I recently started playing Dota 2 and I've had an issue with items disappearing when I die. I played 2 games last night and for both games I noticed this occurring. Basically I will buy items, get my courier to deliver it and before my courier gets to me if I die then when I respawn the items...

Q: Help me find this game!

RustyMembersWhen I was little I played this game. (Can't remember it's name.) it's a top down quest game a bit like habbo with quests. It took place in the sky, on floating islands. It was all pixels (small pixels like habbo). It was kind of steam punk (airships dynamite) and future based ( the buildings). ...

Q: Wine Fatal Error - Invalid command line parameter: -changedir

Saurav KumarWhen ever I start Plants Vs. Zombies one 'Fatal Error' window appears with message: Invalid command line parameter: -changedir. Previously I was able to play such games in Wine but I don't know exactly what happened. Here is the error when I execute this game from terminal: $ wine PlantsVsZombi...

@Arperum sir! Yes, sir!
@Arperum Very nice.
1 hour later…
Q: Different desktop environments for gaming

user146535Is Gnome Shell and KDE as capable for gaming as Unity? (I mean performance-wise) Because I read that Gnome Shell is the slowest, KDE is somewhat better, and the best is Unity. (Beside the light-weight desktops, such as XFCE and LXDE)

good morning people
@Blem \O
@Blem Morning!
A: How do you bind a console command to a key?

Geyser Dealers NoidaAnkur Electricals http://www.buzznoida.com/business/electronics-technology/electricals-electronics/26045.aspx>Geyser Dealers Noida (Geyser Noida - Special Offer - Under Exchange – Get Rs. 1600/- OFF) available on-line

@3ventic Free spam flags!
Morning people :)
posted on August 27, 2013 by mascotshows

In order to celebrate the Hallowmas, the most characteristic Panda mascot costume company Mascotshows prepared to offer you the cheapest panda costumes. There is a unique Promotion take place from September 1st, 2013 - Oct 30th, 2013. Buy cheapest panda costume with the code "hallowmascots", about $132.26 per one suit; What's more,Get extra elegant present to our ev

Q: "We love the king day" and demand loops

CrubleighEvery so often, your cities will want a luxury item and if they get it, they will enter "We love the king day" Is it normal fro multiple cities to demand the same resource? 4 of my cities wanted Ivory, so when I got it, they were happy. Then they all wanted gems. So they god gems and were happy....

Q: Cooperative Wolrd in Sims 3

ShudySome friends and I bought the HumbleBundle with Sims 3 (and expansions) And we want to know if possible to play as "cooperative mode". I mean, Share the same Neighbour, to interact beetwen our sims.. etc etc Its possible? How we have to do? (all three, have original keys, and accounts in the ...

@Lazers I fixed up that post a bit, I went in for a title change and ended up redoing half the post >_>
@FEichinger Kerbals and Conferences?
It's what I came up with on short notice.
Possibly, but then again it does not include KerbalKon itself.
Kerbals at Conferences?
Neither really implies the conference to be about Kerbals. The first implies that the two will be discussed and the second implies the presence of one at the other, but neither specifies the subject of the conferences.
Also, it's late.
You could go shorter. Something like KSP at cons
Or just be completely bland and give a boringly unwitty, but accurately descriptive headline like: KSP devs will be at Unite and Pax
But I hate boring. Boring is, like, boring and all.
quick test. You have to be someplace at 9:00. Your options are getting there at 8:46 or at 9:04. Which one do you pick?
@badp The former.
@FEichinger you're so banned
@badp What route anyway?
@FEichinger S2
The former. Definitely the former.
@FEichinger do they run late?
S-Bahn generally tends to be late.
And at this time usually also crowded as fuck.
can I exploit that fact to get a few extra minutes of sleep
If you are late, they're on time.
my brain completely refuses to mount at 7am
@badp Go early. Play games while waiting. This is what portable game-capable devices were made for.
like, I tried to wake up 30 mins earlier today to go out 30 minutes earlier and I came out at the same time as usual
@badp I'm oh-so-sorry. I have to catch a train at 6am every other day.
@skovacs1 that's what the actual commute time is for!
@FEichinger I've had a few years of that :P
well, a few years of trains at 7am every day, so there, almost the same
@badp Therefore just continue the game.
@skovacs1 under the 50% likely rain?
@badp I commute to Augsburg for university.
Well, I still have almost two months off, too. But you shouldn't friggin whine over 20 minutes, for god's sake.
@FEichinger oh, it's not the length
@badp There are no awnings or shelter of any kind? Also, umbrella. Don't you have cases and protectors for your stuff?
I've had 60 minutes commutes, 40 minutes commutes and 20 minutes commutes and I can tell you the awfulness grows less than linearly with the time spent
If raining, I usually use the wrist strap of the umbrella rather than holding the umbrella and prop the umbrella across my shoulder so that both hands are free, but the umbrella serves its purpose. Much more difficult in the wind though - in those instances, I sometimes tilt my head to hold the umbrella in place or if really bad, I may give up the effort if there is no shelter anywhere, but sheltered bus stops are common enough that it doesn't happen often.
You all need to shut up about waking up early until you have kids.
@Sterno I wasn't talking about waking up. I was talking about filling every spare moment with games.
Hrm, Might and Magic Legacy early access
1 hour later…
Welcome to The Bridge
@Blem @OrigamiRobot deserves that for posting more lifehacks
So I passed my driving test
Which officially makes me an army truck driver
I suppose this is as good an occasion as any other to get drunk
Q: Bandwidth usage per minecraft player

DCA-I have a working MC server and multiple users who log on, however due to poor connection/excessive ping play can become unbearable Does anyone know of a definitive or close approximation to the bandwidth required per player connected in a minecraft server? Any information or links regarding thi...

Q: How do you mark enemies?

DavidYellI've noticed that people can mark certain enemies so they show up through walls. Is this a perk skill or something that any player can do? For an example, see this section of the video, where the player marks three guards. ...

Q: how do I make a Creeper proof city

kriskatI am tired of creepers blowing up my buildings. I'm asking not about anti creeper buildings, but a creeper proof City. My survival mode city is big but I constantly have to rebuild it. It is minecraft pe, by the way.

Q: Do I throw a grenade further while jumping?

eMiOnce a friend told me that in Call of Duty... If you jump/or right after the jump when you're in the air moving upwards and then throw a grenade (for example a semtex) - that the distance will be much further than throwing just from the stand/run (normal) Since then I do that always and I also s...

@PrivatePansy Drinking and driving go together like peanut butter and jelly.
@Sterno Lots of smashing things together in both at least :)
@Sterno It's mainly for forgetting the fact that I am an army truck driver
@Sterno I hate jelly.
Jams in general or a specific flavor?
I do too, actually
Both flavor and consistency
I have never felt more connected to a human being.
Bridge! What is the best reader for RSS on Android? Except Feedly, it very unstable
@spyder Try Pulse
Store-bought jams and jellies are usually quite terrible. If you make your own, you can actually get some very good stuff. I especially like apple-cinnamon jelly (the cinnamon is from cinnamon hearts). If only making your own jellies didn't take so much effort and stuff.
@skovacs1 dependens on where in the world you are
@Blem and how much you spend too sometimes too.
@skovacs1 Negative.
FYI: I cheap out on that kind of purchase, which is why my impression of the store-bought stuff is poor. I do recall some fairly good huckleberry jam/jelly that I got in Montana that was pretty awesome.
Sweet things are gross. Therefore, jelly and jam is gross.
@Sterno cakes, squares, cookies, pies, chocolates, gummies, hard candies, taffies, brittles, breakfast cereals, caramels, butterscotches, pudding, carbonated sodas, candied fruits, syrups, glazes, icings, licorice, raisins, gums, milkshakes, ice cream, other frozen treats? Are you seriously trying to argue that ALL SWEET THINGS ARE GROSS?
@Sterno hates cakes :(
Even regular fruit is sweet without anything needing to be done to it.
Saying "sweet things are gross" is far too broad and clearly wrong.
I like the occasional ice cream, either chocolate or vanilla, and very rarely a chocolate chip cookie or piece of cake with most of the frosting scraped off.
As for everything else you listed, gross.
@Sterno So you won't eat bananas? or apples? or oranges?
Rarely. Though they're not as gross as candy, jam, etc
Basically, the sweeter it is, the less I like it.
Particularly artificial sweetness
@Sterno I can't talk to you about this. We'll never agree here and, while I'm not sure, I believe you're in the minority here so I probably wouldn't back down.
Well, I'm not trying to have a logical debate about it and say anyone who likes sweet is wrong. I'm just saying I do not like them. It drives my wife nuts.
@Sterno understandably. Me too. Just the thought of what you're saying makes me shake.
Q: Is Evelynn viable anymore?

ScootalooI've been thinking about buying Evelynn for a long time, but after doing some research if on the LoL forums I've read that she is extraordinarily squishy, and most top lane champions can easily deal with her. I've read that she is good for "roaming", and some say that she can jungle however there...

WTF is twerk
I am scared to click that
@OrigamiRobot Don't. I feel unclean after clicking.
> The rhythmic gyrating of the lower fleshy extremities in a lascivious manner with the intent to elicit sexual arousal or laughter in ones intended audience
According to Urban dictionary. Yeah, I don't even either...
Agreed, lets all go back to ignoring GnomeSlice
"miley-cyrus-twerks-on-famous-paintings" .. .well, it's either something kinky and probably not my style, or something very very dumb.
Listening to the things enemy wizards say randomly as they cast spells in Dragon's Crown, it always sounded like one of the phrases was "Please". And then it dawned on me - they're saying the magic word.
Q: What triggers merchants to change their inventory?

bpcooksonSo in the normal run of the game, it seems that the merchants always change their inventory when you come back to town. But if you leave town and come right back, they do not necessarily change. To try and find out, I loaded up my Engineer, checked the Armorer and the Gem seller, walked out of ...

Q: How many seconds until the bomb detonates in the Counter Strike: Source?

DecencyAfter I plant the bomb, how long do the Counter-Terrorists have before it explodes?

Q: How long until the bomb goes off in Condition Zero?

DecencyWhen I plant the bomb in a Condition Zero match, how long does it take until it explodes?

@GraceNote yes.
Somebody is trying to make a point I see
@GraceNote Is one of them "Klata Veratu fit of coughing"?

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