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Oh god... TPP is on the PC
Lore is in the making
@Wipqozn This is a legitimate argument, which is why there's a very big 'if' attached to the statement. Criteria has a lot to do with things!
And they just released a pokemon called CCC. Probably unimportant
Has anyone done Twitch Plays Pokemon Plays Pokemon yet?
i.e. take the button inputs from TPP Prime and feed them into a different Pokemon game
Dont think it has happenned
but it would be funny to watch
but I dont think the result would be different
Blink Bundle #2 hints!
KAG is the C
I don't recognize the others.
Gah! Tales of Symphonia HD comes out next week!
Tales of is a series I should try to get into
Meanwhile, there is still no news of GTAV on PC.
I refuse to think that they didn't want to do a PC + NextGen version
But the march rumors seems to wear thin
Seems like something you might find interesting.
Assuming it still works... not loading for me.
There it goes.
Kotaku exclusive: @Capn_Andy drops the ball on implementing TowerFall online multiplayer. Fans, creator @MattThorson outraged.
Damn, I step away from the computer for several hours, and the TPP question is reopened and there's a meta post. :/
@TrentHawkins Welcome to Arqade!
@TrentHawkins If you expected anything different, you're insane.
What is that TPP question?
Q: What does "start9" do in TwitchPlaysPokemon

RyanTMWhen TwitchPlaysPokemon is in Democracy mode, some players are typing commands followed by numbers. For example, start9. It appears that commands followed by numbers are tallied separately in the votes. What is the significance of the number? Would start9 result in the command start if it gets ...

Q: Is there a world loader?

HoTagI am making this question to ask the following, is there a way to load non-existing chunks without a player traveling? I am asking this because everyone know that worldGen causes a ton of lag in server world, and I don't want to circle around the map just to form the chunks... So I want to know ...

I am now the proud owner of Banished, except it doesn't want to install
go figure
@kalina There's a thing on the store page about a fix.
On the one hand, I feel it is the epitome of 'too localized', like asking about the custom commands the admin of a single Minecraft server added. On the other, the existence of several Twitch Plays clones playing other games seems to throw a massive monkey wrench into my reasoning.
@Yuki oh no this is a Steam issue
Steam connection times out when I click "Install"
look at all the little green men
@Blem I can't believe it got to 5.
@Wipqozn i guess if you run it enough times it will have 5 pipes around the starting height at some point
You can play flappy bird as an MMO. Time for me to die. kotaku.com/the-flappy-bird-mmo-is-mesmerizing-1522525843/…
@Frank dammit, you beat me to it
@MBraedley And with only one hand! Cat's lying on the other one.
@Frank in my defence, I'm on my iPad.
@MBraedley Ok, you got me beat.
Mobile is worst interface.
@Frank not using mobile interface. Because it's the worst.
@Frank It's tempting, but the lack of and was driving me crazy.
A comma also would have worked.
I was surprised it even let me submit it.
I'm going to do a test, and I want to know your thoughts (-:
@MBraedley waits in anticipation
@Wipqozn you have failed the test
@MBraedley Oh, well fuck.
@Wipqozn the proper response was to smile back
@MBraedley :-)
I win!
> Hu, who was later verified to have been completely drunk at the time, entered the victim's noodle restaurant last October bare-chested, demanding she serve him milk tea. When she replied that they "did not sell tea" at the restaurant, he took out his revolver and fired point blank into the victim, killing her and her unborn infant and injuring her husband in the shoulder.
@Frank no, no you don't
Q: Will high houses count even if the villagers are not able to access them?

JefffreyConsidering this or this design with 3 levels apartments, do the doors/houses on the top floor count towards the village house count even if the villagers are not able to access them (via stairs for example)?

@MBraedley I don't get it.
@Wipqozn there was a DNews video that said we don't recognize (-: the same way we recognize :-)
@MBraedley I..see.
@Wipqozn Considering there's a "down" option for input, it looks the bird doesn't fall by itself.
@Yuki It doesn't. They just change the altitude.
Still surprised.
> Barbie wannabe Blondie Bennett is making her fantasy of becoming plastic a reality – by using hypnotherapy to make her more stupid.
Words can not describe how unbelievable stupid this is.
@Wipqozn ... That woman looks nothing like Barbie. She looks vile.
@Yuki I didn't even realize there were images.
They were hidden behind my javascript blocker.
@Wipqozn And is being financed by sugar daddies.
I feel they're being bigger idiots than she is.
She's being encouraged to display this vapid behaviour.
@Frank Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess, because that woman looks vile.
time to go to bed, but first i need to go to the toilet, nn people
> who has spent £25,000 on five boob jobs, taking her to a 32JJ
@Blem I wish I had an glass of unlimited water.
Back problems, ho!
@Frank There is a fetish for everything. Everything.
@Wipqozn I know. And it makes me really sad.
The only thing I can take solace from is that she shortly will have no brain left with which to engage in reproduction.
So her stupidity won't be passed along.
@Yuki This
Zisteau's 4th UHC episode is so tense. All it is is Etho and Guude talking.
> She said: ‘I want people to see me as a plastic sex doll – and being brainless is a big part of that.’
CC @Unionhawk
@MBraedley Link?
Curious what you're talking about.
Okay that Barbie thing hurts my brain.
@AshleyNunn I weep for humanity.
Damn, Banished is phenomenal.
But you should really watch all the episodes
I mean you do you, she's obviously happy but I just don't get that mindset
Also, I realize I'm a bit racist towards dwarves.
Because watching my dwarves die in DF is FUN!
But watching villagers die in Banished makes me a bit sad.
What kind of game is banished?
Hey I am new to this room, it says "do not talk about games" but first thing I see is "banished is phenomenal". I guess the line is more grey than black/white?
@AshleyNunn Dwarf Fortress meets humans and graphics.
The line is apparently a meta joke.
I'm also new to the room and I asked about it.
@frank so way over my head then.
oh... I c. Am I supposed to find the joke entertaining? hahahah I c.
@BlueBug It's just a joke based on the fact we usually talk about everything but games.
@Wipqozn Inside joke, I suppose?
@AshleyNunn I dunno; do you like attempting to build villages/cities where you are responsible for meeting their every need?
I bought Banished. I might play it at some point...
@BlueBug yes, and that should have been everything BU games.
@StrixVaria You should play it now.
I just wanted the dev to have some of my money.
It's great.
@frank Sometimes but I also get frustrated.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I hear you.
I restart so often when I play those.
Also, I'm tired. I think I might go to bed even earlier than usual.
I wish it would implement a social thing. My happiness doesn't drop nearly enough when they're supposed to be fighting over the scraps of food I have left.
Not that I don't have a million things to play
But, it's time for me to head out to dance class!
@Wipqozn You think YOU'RE tired, it's 3 AM here. And I have class tomorrow at 9.
@wipqozn I keep forgetting there is a time difference so I always think that you need loads and loads of sleep because you are a turtle
Q: How to stop people using coal as fuel in their houses?

LucasPeople take firewood and also coal to use it in their houses during winter. I would like to use coal only for production of better tools, not for houses. Is there a way to stop people take coal from storage?

Q: How can I save a creation so it will not despawn?

user69783I recently made an igneous extroder fooe cobble and I want it to never despawn. Should I use a chunk loader or save the world or something else?

@AshleyNunn The time difference probably isn't as great as you think. Also I get up at 6am for work.
@garan go to bed!
@AshleyNunn But, but, but, BANISHED!
I try to be in bed for 10.
@wipqozn it's a hour or so, right? And yeah, I also forget you get up early.
@AshleyNunn Yup. It's 9pm here.
@Wipqozn What? What time zone is that?
I think I will got to bed actually, because I am tired. Watch a two-parter episode of Batman the Animated series then sleep.
Or are you kidding?
@Wipqozn Why are you going to sleep? The day is just starting!
@garan it will still be there after sleep and class
@Garan Atlantic.
wait, damn it.
9 PM, not am.
Ah. 9 PM makes more sense.
I think I'll watch the Batgirl two-parter from batman the animated series.
Barbara Gordon is so fantastic in that series.
@Lazers I don't think you understand Minecraft
They did a good job of showing her awesoming it up before she become Batgirl too.
@Lazers I... um...
Okay, I'm off. Watch some batman then SLEEP.
Q: What maps have Gunship and Cruise Missile available for Commander?

FooxzI cannot find a list of what is available to the commanders on each map anywhere online, and figure this might be very interesting for the people who are looking to get the gunship/cruise missile ribbons. These are the ones I know so far: Cruise Missile Siege of Shanghai Zavod 311 Hainan Resor...

And time for me to head home.
@JeffreyLin for real this time?
The day HL3 is confirmed, you'll know it. You will see the internet explode, even if you are as far as possible from civilisation.
Q: What are the effects of Happiness?

bd33Various items and events raise and lower the happiness of your villagers. Besides achievements, what gameplay effects does low or high happiness bestow?

Thanks Threes js
hello there
i just came back from a special double feature
nymphomaniac part 1 and 2
I suck at threes
Oh I see
those are intense
@RedRiderX what is this?
I think I've gotten you two days in a row now.
19 billion dollar
@RedRiderX can't play on iPad, therefore it sucks.
Well then play the real one
It's called Threes
This is just a browser clone
Q: world of Warcraft attack please help

user69492On world of Warcraft I always she things that say goldshire is under attack or stormwind is under attack who is attacking and why?

@Wandang ich nicht sprechen Deutsch
@MBraedley the headline is enough and should be obvious
facebook buying whatsapp for 19 billion
i am to lazy to search for an english article :D
@Wandang I thought it was 16?
heise says 19
i trust them
Either way, boodles of cash
@AshleyNunn 16 billion + a 3 billion stock award to WhatsApp employees.
So, Heise is being a little disingenuous by combining those numbers.
Sorry German superiority complex.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, okay, so my number was right :)
@AshleyNunn Yup. :)
You know what's sad? NASA's annual budget is $17bn
The 3 bn is equity being thrown at whatsapp engineers so they don't all cash out and quit.
Also, a seat on the Facebook Board was part of the deal. Y'know, just because.
@MBraedley NASA is funded by a science ignorant public.
@WorldEngineer In fairness, so is Facebook.
@LessPop_MoreFizz true but Facebook has many fewer strictures on monetization.
gba4iosapp.com remarkably doesn't require a jailbreak. I'd expect the legal hammer is going to come down very soon.
Q: Is it possible to reach the other side of the heart pit on the second world of GBC croc?

CycloneI began playing Croc again for the first time since I was a kid, and I suddenly encountered something I spent a long time trying to defeat in my youth. There's a ledge to the left of the heart pit (with jello on the right side) after the first cave in the second world, which looks like it should ...

type stupid atocorett — user69492 11 hours ago
Behold the Power of Sympathy Upvotes. :(

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