@RadvylfPrograms Everything I see in the transcript for the last 10 hours looks on-topic to me. Golfing language design, general programming stuff, and a few brief comments on things that could tangentially connect to code golf.
Will this makina program halt?
makina is a cell-based esolang composed of automata which move around a grid. These automata follow paths of instructions that direct their movement. Your task is to, given a makina program using the below instructions as input, output a truthy or falsy value depend...
makina is a cell-based esolang composed of automata which move around a grid. These automata follow paths of instructions that direct their movement. Your task is to, given a makina program using only the below instructions (so a subset of normal makina) as input, output two distinct values depen...
@lyxal there;s a chance making an event like that could encourage people to hold back somewhat outside of that but when our problem is we aren't getting much on topic conversation to begin with it's not a bad idea
get new conversations started, encourage people to talk about stuff that isn't "fresh"
@pxeger The only reason I'm the only protecter is because I noticed we had a bunch of random protected questions a while back and sorted through them. Then realised that its easier for me to find which are autoprotects if those 3 didn't have "Protected by Community" next to them :P
@RadvylfPrograms Funnily enough, you can also argue that I'm the opposite of the protector of code golf, as I'm the one who asked for less protection :P
Or you could just make it so that when you place a block, you pick between a "walkable" block that lets people pass over it and a "wall" block which is impassable.
I mean in the place of item generators (I've never played bedwars, but I thought there were strategic sites that gave you items which could be exchanged for blocks/weapons).
Would it be like the Red vs Blue KoTH that teams are assigned beforehand and people can design bots to work together, or would it be 1v1 (or random teams each round)?
Problem is, excessive off-topic stuff and the more immature and spammy type are both harmful to the room in ways other than interrupting on-topic discussion
Well, that's one part of it. But it also clutters the starboard with stuff that isn't really even that funny, it covers up things like sandbox feedback requests, it discourages on-topic discussion from occuring in the first place, and it's offputting to people who are here specifically to talk about programming related topics.
i feel like at this moment ironically the problem with the starboard is how it's getting filled with random-ass glimpses of the dialogue about off-topic discussion
My opinions on the starboard is that actually funny jokes can go there, because humor is a part of TNB/CGCC culture IMO. But using it for actually useful stuff more often might be a good idea.
My definition of on-topic isn't particularly strict. As long as it's programming, math, or SE related, it usually connects closely enough with the site to be perfectly fine.
@RadvylfPrograms And things like linguistics or politics can occasionally be fine too (though clearly off-topic), since most of us are somewhat interested in those things from what I can tell
I've noticed people here tend to try to understand each other's arguments, which is like the only thing you need to do to keep an argument from becoming heated IMO
Since, at least for me, I only get mad when I feel like what I'm saying is being ignored or unfairly turned against me
> Don't use The Nineteenth Byte as a dumping ground for your thoughts or actions. Consider whether a topic would be relevant to others before talking about it. We're here to have discussions, not to listen to someone's stream of consciousness.
Because occasionally I've typed out a message along the lines of "this is a chat room, not a stream of consciousness", then felt bad about it, and not sent it
If it's a new user I'd be careful about wording it well and linking to the chatiquette, since you don't want them to feel like TNB's unwelcoming or they've done something really wrong. But if it's like, me or another user that's been here for a while, absolutely yell at us to be quiet :p
Yeah, xkcd discussion is a pretty small percentage of our off-topic discussion, and xkcds are close enough to TNB/CGCC that occasional discussion of it is fine IMO
I think I traded places with user because now I don't really want a room for off-topic discussions lol
Because most of the stuff that shouldn't be moved to its own room isn't really useful for thoughtful enough to justify not just being put in the bakery.
And we don't really need a room for streams of consciousness or mildly funny screenshots, we can just...not post those things in the first place.
@RadvylfPrograms I tried to add a Jelly keyboard to my phone given how often I golf from my phone, but it got way more complicated than I first thought :P
ngl, it's taken me 2 months to realise why R's "generate random numbers" function is called runif: it isn't "run if", it's "r unif", as in "random uniform" ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing :) I am told it is fine as long as you forget everything you thought you knew about programming and are happy to be beaten by a snail
@graffe after staring this answer down long enough to figure out why it does that operator assignment it makes a bit more sense when you realize that you can multiply things by juxtaposition
@UnrelatedString I have to code a sum over a list thing (aka, sum of f(i) for some complicated f) and have total = total + summand * (2*i - 1) / n (where summand is a super long expression ಠ_ಠ