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Aug 27 at 2:07, by emanresu A
Sussy baka
Feb 16 '18 at 5:39, by DLosc
(You who speak a strange language--peace to you!)
Jul 6 at 9:57, by A username
@pxeger Such cataclysmical antidisestablishmentarianism. I will floccinaucihilipilifacte your hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia in Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu.
@user I wouldn't think internet speed would make moving my mouse and typing on the keyboard lag by multiple seconds
This (mostly) isn't a network issue
Network issues can make your whole computer slower
Trust me
I live in a place where 95% of the population are online right now\
You wanna know what else makes your computer slower?
10 billion tabs being opened in your browser because the practice quiz system used by your university creates a new tab every time you start a new test
Good job
So you go to do the quiz, and it opens it in a new tab (as expected, nothing wrong with this so far)
You finish the quiz, but instead of the tab closing, it takes you back to the navigation page in the newly opened tab
So now you have two pages the exact same
And the idea is that you are supposed to take it over and over to get an idea of all the questions, because they only give you 2 questions from a large pool at a time
So rinse and repeat and you have 20 tabs of the same page
All because the quiz opens in a new tab and they don't close it
Firefox used to duplicate itself every time I restarted, and those duplicates duplicated themselves, so...
Thankfully Vivaldi comes with a "close all to the (left|right)" feature
Why not just write a userscript?
(Or, if you're lazy, ask Redwolf)
bcoz y use userscript ven browser hav builtin
also vivaldi look gud
Also hi lyxal
@user p
@user exactly
@exedraj Is that a :p or a p:?
@user it's just p
No colon
No additional characters
Just the letter that comes after o
What does that mean in Australia?
I would have replied h if it wasn't so cliche
Because here, I would get very confused if someone just answered "p" to one of my messages
@user p
@user p
Also, other letters wouldn't have made as much sense
Like replying "a" wouldn't be as funny
Y'know what's really funny?
@exedraj ø
And "q" just looks like you accidentally leaned too far on the left side of your keyboard
@BrowncatPrograms \
@BrowncatPrograms I can do one better
m sucks :p
It's literally your joke but upside down
No, m is a pretty decent, level-headed letter
@exedraj Not in my font
@user @
@exedraj Yeah well chickens crawling underneath roads on their heads isn't funny now is it
@BrowncatPrograms depends who you ask
Actually that's hilarious
@BrowncatPrograms What?
@BrowncatPrograms exactly
' is the least funny, we can all agree on that
Yeah frick '
All my homes use "
If you posted a video of chickens crawling underneath roads on their heads on Reddit or someplace, I can guarantee you it would receive like a million upvotes
@exedraj I thought Vyxal gang used `
Ain't we yo homies?
@user we use " internally for documentation
Ah true
For the markup language that isn't a markup language
I think the style guide even mentions "frick '"
People who use ' for strings in languages that have ' and " as options are the kind of people we don't need :p
@BrowncatPrograms ' is only funny if you're making funny contractions
tbf, if you have a string containing ", it's often easier to just use '"' instead of escaping the "
On the other hand, consistency is important
Yeah, "\"" is better than '"' imo
@exedraj non't
It's consistent, even if it's kinda ugly
Which is what all my friends say about me
@BrowncatPrograms Aww, don't let that get to you
You're not very consistent at all
As funny as I think my message is, we don't need two stars so close together
@user r/therealjoke
@user it's a legitimate star, it's fine.
Okay now that's just being silly
Okay three stars is definitely too much
2 stars together for a similar joke is acceptable...no one complained when it happened a few days ago
3 stars just for the purpose of having 3 stars is Yesn't
I am become 12, unstarrer of worlds
Choose one
:( You ruined it
I unstarred you shrugging
@BrowncatPrograms ooh this means I become ro by default!
Because you're too young for SE now
@BrowncatPrograms Thankn'tn't notn'tn'tn't
@BrowncatPrograms I think the original is "am"?
Wdym, that's what it said the whole time winks
Unfortunately, you are not 11, purger of histories
Guys redwolf is 12
Also ROs should have the edit and delete permissions without a time limitation
Delete permission, sure
Edit permissions, no.
I mean on our own messages
Edit permissions are too powerful, especially considering the rather low requirements to become ROs
Editing announcements with updates is very useful
I don't think there should be an edit time limit on your own messages or comments at all
If there was a hypothetical removal of the time limit on editing, I'd want it for new messages only
Deleting any non-mod message in the room should also be an RO action I think, but idk. Maybe there can be something like mod-appointed ROs who get some extra powers, to prevent abuse in smaller rooms.
@exedraj I think it should be based on number of messages as well. If you post something in a room that's dead silent, you should be able to edit it more than 2m later
@exedraj because a fraction of my jokes here rely on people not being able to edit their messages after 2 minutes lol
@BrowncatPrograms that just sounds like moving to another room with extra steps
It's unlikely they'll fix chat, though, they haven't even fixed the pinning bug
@exedraj And without the "x messages moved to y"
@BrowncatPrograms No I think that's necessary to have a record of what happened
Otherwise, someone might just move messages around and make a conversation appear one way when it happened another way
For deletion it'll show the (deleted)
But as I said, I like the edit limit because it's an easy target for bad jokes
Okay but other than the bad jokes thing, would you still support it?
I suppose so
But the reactions are totally worth it:
May 25 at 2:17, by Redwolf Programs
@emanresuA Wise old man emoticon?
Or fish with silly hat
I like fish
Especially with silly hats
Me too
They're very tasty
The hats aren't though
. .
Just doesn't work the same vertically
Although really silly hats might be edible
@BrowncatPrograms Sure they are
@BrowncatPrograms You... eat hats?
You don't?
I have become Rick, roller of worlds.
@user not on Tuesdays I don't.
And especially not on Fridays
I'd be open to the suggestion on Thursdays though
@emanresuA Turned himself into Rick emanresu, funniest shit I've ever seen
@exedraj It's a Thursday over here, come over and eat some sombreros
@user I think I'll stay here in Friday land
Because tonight I can do some funkin'
Even though I completely suck at FNF
Friday Night Funking
Legend has it if a game's initialism starts with F and ends with NF it's guaranteed to get popular
@user Or as I like to call it, Friday Night Fricking
"everybody get fricking on a Friday night"
Doesn't sound TNB appropriate :p
Because that's what it says when you launch the game but s/fricking/funkin
@BrowncatPrograms Five at Nights Freddies?
You do realize that if Frick is a stand-in for the F-bomb, Friday Night Fricking means something entirely different, right?
@user of course I do
But I prefer Quaver anyway.
Something about note scroll being down rather than up makes it easier
Just put your screen upside down!
@BrowncatPrograms that is sort of a thing in a very specific subset of rooms (AFAIK, only one)
in the TL, I don't really have powers and am treated as a regular user (except for unlimited self-delete/edit powers) but there are staff-appointed mod users who have elevated powers (I think it's equivalent to normal mod powers in normal rooms but I'm not sure about that in detail)
@emanresuA but then I have to flip the controls too
and that's arguably worse
it would be cool to allow mods to appoint ROs to have elevated powers in certain rooms
example off the top of my head: i want to be able to allow adam to grant write access for low-rep users to the APL orchard by himself
@DLosc Do you want to compare, or should i just post mine?
@hyper-neutrino i have wished for that a lot
Q: Display a number in Toki Pona

les-citronsDisplay a number in Toki Pona Toki Pona is a constructed language with 137ish words, designed to constrain the speaker to expressing ideas in a simple and straightforward manner, reducing ideas to more essential forms. Often, people attempt to avoid directly expressing numeric quantities in Toki ...

@NewPosts Why is the pfp saying woof instead of CGCC...?
dog week
@NewPosts h
@exedraj so does Firefox, doesn't it?
I don't know if it does

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