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JavaScript, Python and PHP
because natural languages would be off topic for this chatroom
Bleh, PHP :P
I went for the jack of all trades of languages
i've talked about how silly english's grammar is before but i think it still makes more sense than JS :P
Also, since when did we care about what was on topic?
@hyper-neutrino At least JS's grammar is decidable
English's grammar has tons of different standards and all of them are useless
if natural languages are off topic, why are we chatting in english all the time?
We're rebels
self.propose(_ => TNB.languages.remove(English))
self.propose(_ => TNB.languages.add(Scala))
self.propose(_ => badjoke.make().star())
self.propose(lambda: TNB.languages.set([Python, Vyxal]))
proposals.get(lyxal)[-1].modify(lambda: TNB.languages.set([Python]), comment = "Vyxal bad :P")
⎕THIS.Propose 'TNB.languages←''APL'''
TNB.languages[0/0] # this makes TNB terminate. No more tnb
TNB=bytes[18] # restored :)
Assert TNB.languages ≡ 'APL' ⍝ 0/0 in APL is ⍬
this.toChatUser().proposals().toBuilder().add(new Proposal() {
    public ProposalEntry getProposal() {
        return Languages.get("Java")::addToTNB;
I give up
map(rickroll, TNB.users)
in a lot of languages, map is lazily evaluated
print("hang on where does stdout go?")
hang on where does stdout go?
TNB = None; del TNB
random.choose(SE.all_mods).flag('please restore TNB')
SE = None; del SE
Universe = None
@rak1507 main = mapM_ rickroll $ users TNB
@UnrelatedString Are you sure it is TNB, not tnb?
data Room = TNB | JHT | SomethingUnimportant String
Ok :)
it should have been tnb but i legitimately did forget haskell capitalization
Any Feed Back?
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: (untitled), Golf Code Golf, Sandbox Notes
this.conversation = null && void(0)
@RedwolfPrograms you're too late I already did the bookmark
huh. for the first time in almost two months I got 0 reputation yesterday (on CGCC at least)
Laughs in -302 this month
Laughs in - 600 this month
-662 to be exact
I have now gone through four of the five stages of grief over my laptop
1. Denial: Restarting my laptop for a week hoping it was okay
2. Anger: The natural response to bricking your laptop because you're impatient
3. Bargaining: Looking for ways to fix it, wishing I could go back and not be as dumb
4. Despression: Another natural response to bricking your laptop because you're impatient
All that's left now is acceptance. I'll leave that one for tomorrow.
Smh not even WR pace
I think I'm actually going to opt for a maxed out version of the one I broke, instead of getting a gaming laptop
> Despression
I purposefully waited 2 minutes to point that out btw
I sat there watching the seconds count down until I could make my joke ;p
what if i fix it just to troll lyxal back :thinking:
MOD ABUSE!!!!111!!!eleven
Intel® Core™ i7-1165G7 (up to 4.7 GHz, 12 MB L3 cache, 4 cores) + 16 GB (onboard) + NVIDIA® GeForce® MX450 (2 GB )
13.3" diagonal FHD, IPS, BrightView, micro-edge, WLED-backlit (1920 x 1080)
512 GB PCIe® NVMe™ M.2 SSD + Intel® Optane™ memory 32 GB
HP 3 year w/Accidental Damage
Those are some pretty nice specs for a 13.3" laptop
wait is this your broken one or one you're considering buying
Considering buying
what sort of Accidental Damage o.O
The kind that uh...destroyed mine
@lyxal lyxal specs reveal
@hyper-neutrino idk if you're serious or not but if it is sensitive stuff purge it
Nice snootily laughs microsoft surface
y'all missing the joke here
@lyxal i'm not serious, i'm hyper-neutrino. but nah, i don't think that gives away anything. but on second thought, i will delete my message, because joking about hacking you is not very poggers
@lyxal That's just the name we all expected lol
@RedwolfPrograms my phone's name is "heck off"
:o very surprising and shocking. would've never expected this
I clicked that without hesitation lol
i've been tricked, backstabbed, and quite possibly, bamboozled
my userscript can't catch that >:-(
that's the second >: today from a chat user
peak performance
I'm going to design a userscript that uses a neural network to scan all traffic, and immediately alerts you to the presence of rickrolls by playing a popular song from the 80s
I really do be doing a little trolling (it's called I do a little trolling) today

Coffee make the lyxal brain go into trolling mode (also riemann sums are stoopid.)

20 mins ago, 19 minutes total – 35 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 37 secs ago by lyxal

drinking coffee doesn't really seem to do anything for me; granted, i've only really had a substantial amount of caffeine a couple of times in my life
hello user
@lyxal Here’s me with a 32 bit dual core processor and a touchpad that wouldn’t know it if punched it in the face
@lyxal Hi
@user I was going to wait until you couldn't edit your message to point out the lack of I, but it bothers me too much
nvm it's been two minutes
CMQ: what was your first message in this room (if you can find it)?
@user I thought you'd said dual 32-core processors at first lol
@hyper-neutrino Been searching for mine for ages
@RedwolfPrograms wish :(
@lyxal just left it out again ;)
May 19 '19 at 23:50, by Redwolf Programs
Should chatrooms for KoTHs be created along with the challenge, or as soon as it becomes popular?
Could quite possibly be this
>:-( i just found that too
So my second chativersary could have been as little as two weeks ago
Feb 24 '17 at 2:26, by user165474
@NewMainPosts I'm not even sure what this is about...
mine might've been this
@hyper-neutrino rooms.find(_.name == "The Nineteenth Byte”).foreach(_.kick(users.find(_.name == “hyperneutrino”).get))
you wanna escape your underscores? :P
(or just throw it into a codeblock)
your brackets don't match
Backticks are hard on mobile
also your quotes are inconsistently weird
also my name has a dash in it
I give up
Tis too late now
@lyxal Are you joking or jono?
@user neither anymore
the lyxal era overwrites all past
Tip: you can go to your recent tab and add &page=# to the URL
there are no page navigation links on the page but the data is paginated
wow I have at least 420 pages of recent
I have 399 exactly which really confused me
my first message on this account in TNB was me replying to NSP talking about being condemned to the bot life, because this account was originally NeutrinoBot
so I guess all of the theories about me being a bot are true...
April of 2018...I would've been in 6th grade during that conversation
kids these days :P
I wasn't technically supposed to have an SE account either :p
kinda sucks that my history on this site has been totally chopped by me being silly with wording and misunderstanding by mods
every time account age is brought up i have to explain "no my account is not 4 years old i have been here for almost 6 years"
@lyxal yeah okay it actually is
I have a similar thing, but it was my fault since I sockpuppeted and got my old account deleted
Sep 28 '19 at 8:49, by Jono 2906
And I got the 69th answer on the question. nice
I've been doing funny numbers since forever
@RedwolfPrograms did you get an account merge? or was there not much worth merging in
The second one
ah. see i had a good amount of stuff on several sites merged lol
forgot to include PPCG meta so... there are a couple of meta posts belonging to user42649 being me
I honestly don't really want my old SO questions on my account anyway lol
y'all with your checkered account histories
i had 5800 rep at the time of deletion so... i merged :P
wheatwizard lost 160 reputation due to removed votes lmao
I thout dey liave your votes if you voted a lot
it's up to the staff to decide what to do with your votes; they can either destroy them all, destroy up to N days ago, or leave them all. i think they chose the second (i think 60 days is the default)
technically, this means I very likely have upvoted several posts twice... lol
Down with HN!
You committed voter fraud
i would love to have not
but votes cannot be merged
Too many conflicts ?
When set intersection is too difficult :p
when the set intersection is sus: 😳
CMC: given two sets, find their intersection (this is almost definitely a dupe)
lambda x,y:x&y because python has built-in intersection for sets <o/
@hyper-neutrino Vyxal, 1 byte:
because Vyxal has all of python's built-in set ops
@hyper-neutrino x=>y=>x.filter(d=>y.includes(d))
jelly's built-in is two bytes .-. œ&
@RedwolfPrograms does >=0 work instead of !=-1
oh nvm that's better
does x=>y=>x.filter(y.includes) work?
Probably not
JS dumb
lambda x,y:x&y
shame the non lambda method is actually longer lol
@hyper-neutrino damn, my answer for that was nearly finished
@hyper-neutrino -tpu
isn't it tpu-
Dang it, you didn't give me an opportunity to spam flag :(
also, I think I beat SD!
i could've been faster using the M F keybind but i scrolled down
@hyper-neutrino Scala, 3 bytes: _&_
Sorry for the pings
a n g e r y
wish there was some way to turn those off
@hyper-neutrino ping ping
My math class removed our lowest grade
Mine was a missing quiz that was 10% of my grade
@hyper-neutrino pong
So my grade went up by 10%
This is much pog
that's OP
what's your grade now :blobcreep:
No idea what :blobcreep: is and don't wanna know
oh wow
where's that missing 0.5%
Got one question wrong on the final exam lol
That's the 0.5%
Imagine getting more than 90 in math
I pretty consistently get high As in math despite putting in absolutely no effort for some reason
@hyper-neutrino is there a userscript for those emotes to show up inline?
histfile=/etc/crontab hehe
no clue, but i could try to make one
my math marks last term were... very different
How does discordv translate them?
got an 83 and a 97, lol
@user <:name:id>
@hyper-neutrino where i qm tbats a semester a
execellent typing
well a semester is a division into two, and we have three terms, and i am not going to call my school terms trimesters
@hyper-neutrino no i meant where do they fet the corresponding symbol from?
just an image
@lyxal yes i practice on nitrotype cant yoy tell
(I admit I intentionally messed up that last one)
Considering a bot that posts certain information if I go inactive for more than two weeks
Would you like us to help with the considering?
Considering is fun
Especially group considering
*hivemind considering
@hyper-neutrino @user help the considering please
Could be useful since I host NP/SP/OSP
Yes, i move we all get cookie firsts
And insurance
Good insurance that covers damage to mortal vessels
like what sort of info did you have in mind
SSN maybe?
Various out-of-channel contact methods for me or people I know, so they can provide appropriate credentials for anything that might require them
I think you can put that in yoir profile
If you put your bots' code on GH, worst case if you vanish off the face of the earth for no reason I think I can forcefully wrench control of your bots away from you and start another instance.
or like shut down your bots and just repurpose my socks
If I did vanish off the face of the earth it'd be nice to be able to have someone bounty away my rep or post my unfinished projects on GH
Yes, socks can be repurposed for many things
you could always post said projects on GH yourself like right now, lol
as for your rep... no such luck :p
@RedwolfPrograms Are you thinking of leaving cgcc?
No, and also not planning on vanishing off the face of the earth, but...things happen /¯(._.)¯\\
things happened to that guy's right arm
Wait that's not a shrug even
That's someone who doesn't want to get shot
Ah, Texas
presumably you don't want to get shot, so I guess that's accurate?
Wait that's worse now
I'll just leave it, spider redwolf is beautiful just the way it is
Does...does anyone remember how to do a shrug
This one actually sort of looks like the person scratching their head
/¯(._.)¯\\ is 100% the best chat emoticon
Bad for people with arachnophobia
I just noticed I went past 42069 rep by exactly 5 rep :/
@Bubbler Everyone spam downvote, quick!
Nah, I'm off by 30 rep now
so 15 downvotes... Or 2 upvotes and a bounty of 50
just edit 3 answers of bubbler's you've upvoted and remove your vote
but don't actually do it tho
CMZ: Find out what a CMZ is.
cancel my zoo
What about a IFRNO?
if r: no()
I Fire hypeR-NeutrinO
Out of a cannon?
@ngn petition to change chat language to polish
@Ausername CPleaseTryOut My ZEsolangs
Polish, as in Polish notation?
Polish, as in the thing you do to shoes to make them shiny.
@Razetime Uh...
@Razetime you mean it can't be a natural language because of the unpronounceable consonant clusters?
@Razetime CMP: Should we change chat language to Javascript?
@Bubbler no the language spoken in poland
Let's goooooooooooo
First silver badge
@Razetime why polish in particular?
due to memes
@StackMeter Noice
@Ausername /* Here is the start of a multiline comment. Everything after it is syntactically valid until someone accidentally closes this
; throw new Error('Javascript is tricky to talk in');
Markfown messed that up
still commented
@UnrelatedString TNB is not a valid Haskell identifier
> data Room = TNB | JHT | SomethingUnimportant String
but Room is not Foldable
users TNB is a [User] so it is Foldable
</script> <!-- We're moving on to HTML -->
That's not very interesting, any string is valid HTML
@Bubbler <style>
div { /* get fucked */
</style> <?php
# I said we Shell now boys
sudo rm -rf /
node -e "
// And we're back to JS.
// nope, you didn't escape the doublequote, so we're back in PHP
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
# Ruby
# joke's on you; we were in a Perl heredoc the whole time
public class main{
public static main(string[] args){}
Discussion about (in?) programming languages is cool and kind of relevant but this is generating a lot of noise so I'm going to request we either stop or at least say something more interesting than just a bunch of symbols.
fair enough
in other news: VS Code has been helpful today for a change
wow, how so?

Lyxal's cursed Java part 3

Apr 29 at 0:25, 17 minutes total – 44 messages, 6 users, 4 stars

Bookmarked May 16 at 10:39 by lyxal

That's when it isn't useful
CMQ: what's a word for a number with an integer fourth root? Square number, cube number, tesseract number?
fourth power?
or hypercube number if you're feeling fancy...
just sounds a bit too much like you mean a power of 4
you'd say power of 4 then
ok I'll use fourth power
Integer fourth power I think
square square
cmc: no capitals for the rest of the hour
or simply fourth power should be mostly OK
does that mean to square the "squared", or x squared squared? doesn't matter :D
i think fourth power should be fine because if not integer fourth power and just reals, then any nonnegative number is a fourth power and that isn't particularly useful anymore
@hyper-neutrino thats probably right
CMQ: my 4d programming language currently isn't turing-complete because it lacks arbitrary data storage. What data structure should I use so that it would be the most annoying programming language ever?
random-dimensional storage.
I'm considering a priority queue
@Ausername No.
CMC: all messages must contain at least one capital letter for the rest of the hour
@pxeger `λ₴ λ¤ λ†`
@pxeger Tesseract, obviously
@lyxal wtf?? <!-- Minsk -->
@Bubbler hmm, what country is Tesseract the capital of? <!-- Guatemala -->
@pxeger ...
I think there was already a language that requires the user to use higher dimensions (was it for code or data?) because the length of each dimension is limited to 5
@pxeger ... ;)
@pxeger @Ausername ...
@StackMeter The programming language war is over
21 mins ago, by hyper-neutrino
Discussion about (in?) programming languages is cool and kind of relevant but this is generating a lot of noise so I'm going to request we either stop or at least say something more interesting than just a bunch of symbols.
print("Python is luv, Python is life")
@pxeger BF is not Turing-complete in the strict sense because its tape is limited to 30000 cells, but it is considered so for practical purposes. I propose a 10x10x10x10 tesseract where you can move the data pointer one unit at a time
BF but unbounded is TC
@Bubbler that's basically already how it works, except that the size of the tesseract is based on the size of the program
can somene translate the newest spam post#
do you not have access to Google translate?
@pxeger Do you have the current spec?
no I do
It's just I don't have access to the text
@Bubbler esolangs? Properly specified? No, never!
(jk, but it's private on GitHub atm)
duolingo happy now
For annoyingness only, not 4D-related: a squack, where the behavior alternates between a stack and a queue every time you use it
I think I've got my answer: it's a Python HeapQ (priority queue), but it alternates to being a plain list every time you use it
so Github time
nah, heapq is not a separate object, it's just a plain list
For annoying 4D: you can't switch directions of command/data pointers, but only rotate the tesseract.
@Bubbler so it reverses the stack/queue every time you use it
@Bubbler yes, but every time you use it, it alternates between using heapq.heappop and list.pop
heappop on a non-heap is undefined, no?
what's a heap
I dunno I haven't looked at heapq in much detail tbh
I just used it for some Huffman coding once
Another annoying 4D: the data pointer stays at (0,0,0,0), and the only way to modify the data somewhere else is to swap two 3D slices (like swap mem[0][x][y][z] and mem[1][x][y][z] for all x, y, z)
or something like the tesseract rotating every instruction step

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