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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@BrowncatPrograms Oh no, it's a color picker picker
@ArtOfCode There's a Codidact chat? I thought it was just Discord
yeah, the discord
@Dudecoinheringaahing Yes, frick 7, but even more than that, frick 1
Frick 3 too, although 3's dumb
@ArtOfCode Oh, I thought there was something like Chat.SE there too
No, it's in the plans but not something we have capacity for yet
A: Fix Brain-Flak push-pop redundancy

tjjfviJavaScript, 449 bytes x=>{for([...x].reduce((_,b)=>"({[<".includes(b)?(y.unshift([b,--i+"#"]),y[1].push(y[0])):(b==")"&&y[0].length>2&&j.push(y[0][1]),x=y.shift()).push(b=="}"&&x.length==2?b+(j.pop()||"-0#"):b),y=[[]],i=0,j=[]),y=y[0].reduce(g=(a,b)=>b.length>3?a+b[0]+b[1]+b.slice(2,-1).reduce(g,""...

(sorry, wheatwizard)
Thanks Bubbler
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Parse some Husk (WIP)
@DLosc I had thought of maybe letting functions use any characters other than whitespace, then you could just parse things as somewhat complex strings of functions, with undefined ones being null
That could end up looking a lot like a practical language if you have some fairly complex chaining rules
@BrowncatPrograms I only just played the climbing mini game from the google doodle and man frick that owl
Who does he think he is, throwing snow at me?
Try beting it in sub30
Doesn't he realise I beat sans from undertale on a simulation website?
Or, if you're up for a challenge, sub25
going for perfect on the rhythm game was pain enough
I'm not about to 100% everything
Dont worry
This is fairly easy
Even I can do it
@BrowncatPrograms pathetic
real gamers try for a whole hour to get 63100
the google grind is real
@exedraj ikr
Couldn’t find the sister because of that
Do not question my sunglasses\
Actually I think the owl is a sister
@user You're looking in the wrong place
The sister is somewhere else on the mountain
There’s three sisters right
How mayn have you found;\
The one on marathon island said the second would be at the top of the mountain
Just 1
Do you want a hint?
Ok, from the area with the challenge, go left and up.
Pretty please?
@emanresuA thanks!
Redwolf works at google confirmed?!?
Don’t doxx redwolf lyxal :p
I saw that a wile ago
It really is kinda sus tho
Sussy baka
@BrowncatPrograms what do you have to say for urself
No no, that was before I grew a fourth finger on my paw
I've since left
Don’t think we don’t know it’s you just because theres one less finger
@BrowncatPrograms How tf do you grow a fourth finger?
@BrowncatPrograms aw, couldn’t you have fixed some bugs before leaving
I started a marathon my accident trying to roll >:|
@exedraj carefully
@BrowncatPrograms like I get things like flowers turning into an eldritch abomination, but I don't get growing a fourth finger
Needs more stuff I know
@exedraj here’s how you do it: 1. Become rich 2. Live healthy to live longer (this requires some luck) 3. 3. Meanwhile fund research on extending life spans 4. Extend life span using that 5. Live until tech very advanced 6. Use tech to grow finger 7. Flip someone the bird
Why not just fund research on growing fingers?
Seems easier than expanding your whole life
imagine needing research funding for transformations
made by absorption of human souls gang
@BrowncatPrograms won’t live long enough to see it cooto fruition
@exedraj imagine needing human souls for transformation
Made by transmofrifier gang
@user I'd like to see you look like this without souls ;p
True, I’d need a lot of souls to look that good :p
you only need 6 bro
Nah you haven’t sern me
Need at least 13
I’ve collected only 4 so far
Got any spare soûls
Heh new emoticon
hey you should look at this photograph meme
every time I do, it makes me laugh
Duolingo has started personifying the pictures of people that appear next to sentences it has you translate, and making it seem like reminder notifications come from them...
Which is kind of weird since they often say really weird things they want you to translate :p
I don't have any saved, but I think they randomly generate which character gets paired with what sentences, so they'll say things that really need context when you think about them as characters with actual personalities
Team green headquarters is nice
Err...I mean...kappa
Just got my first FA review
@BrowncatPrograms ooh how do you get in
@BrowncatPrograms for a moment then I thought you were referring to the twitch emote
@BrowncatPrograms FA review?
First Answers
@user By being team green :p
@BrowncatPrograms here?
Oh I see
They completely changed the queues
Well not completely
Wait did you hear about the new queues yet?
First Posts is retired now :(
There used to be be less queues
I was so close to Reviewer
@BrowncatPrograms I've only just found out
I remember that change like it was yesterday
So that's why y'all were discussing review userscripts
@BrowncatPrograms (Because it was this morning :p)
@user that character looks familiar
hi tree named @emanresuA
i is tree
How to earn money:
- Monetise one of your videos (dont ask me how to)
- Go to your neighbours house pretending you are there for a visit
- Ask for their laptop / computer
- Mute the laptop
- Turn off the screen of the computer
- Play your monetised video on loop
- Leave and repeat with another neightbour
- Profit
I hate the second rugby one so much
I've been trying for half an hour
There's a second rugby?
You mean second marrathon, rgith?
whats a second rugby?
CMQ: Whats you WPM. (go to some typing website).
mine is around 40
No, the rugby one after you get the book for the little red guy
The second rugby
With the ten blue oni at the start
@BrowncatPrograms Great
I;ve missed a lot
What little red guy?
In the lava area
I hate the AI for the blue ones so much
Usually running in a zigzag shape works, and occasionally it doesn't, and I don't know why
I'd like to know who designed this because they did an extremely job of making it not fun
The harder ping pong, skateboarding, and swimming ones were stupidly easy, but this is totally impossible
It's taken all the fun out of this
If you make the tiniest mistake anywhere you instantly lose
Have you tried marathon#2
it pain
Not yet IIRC
I'll go try that
It real big
me when it only took a few tries to get 1st on marathon
like 3rd or 4th try
pro-tip: dodge
and at the right time too
@PyGamer0 Around 60 iirc
@BrowncatPrograms what's the highest you've gotten on swimming
@emanresuA wdym, 1st place first try
The second one though
@exedraj Something like 22k IIRC
@emanresuA yes
@BrowncatPrograms only 22k?
Like I said, 1st place first try on the second one
@exedraj I've never played a rhythm game before
@BrowncatPrograms ah I see
s impossitbe
just won archery with 6900 points
How long has that doodle been up? I feel like I first played it like 4 weeks ago
ok at home we have this radio / tape recorder, my brother recorded the entire rickroll on one of the tapes yesterday.
@tjjfvi since the Olympics?
Oh, right
Ah, the Google doodle archive suggests they’ve updated it
Great, now I can burn time again :P
why is :P the most used emoticon in this chatroom :/
I just found the 2nd swimming level
time for suffering!
@exedraj oh no
aw dang there's only 90 notes
compared to the 139 of the first level
also i always speedrun 7 scrolls
welp I've already fc'd it
now for the perfect run
Any% 7 scrolls
My 22k was on the third swimming one
I think I had 13k on the first
Also my chromebook is a potato and marathon l a g s
chromebooks == potatoes?
Usually, because they're typically cheap and very optimized for one thing (chrome), so anything involving more difficult computation or graphics feels extremely slow
Despite probably being a lot faster than you'd get for a same-cost windows laptop
@BrowncatPrograms if you remove windows its cheaper
@BrowncatPrograms isnt chromeOS just google's chrome but an OS?
That's like saying an airplane is just a jet engine but a vehicle
Chrome OS is primarily focused around Chrome, but it has its own apps, support for android apps, and support for Linux apps
Anything you can do on a linux laptop you can do on a chromebook
Just with a tiny bit og extra hassle in some cases
so can it run vscode / whatever app you want?
You can even download Firefox if you want
As long as you have permission
if it's a school-owned chromebook, then no
CMQ: Are you using Windows 11?
@BrowncatPrograms that would be violating ancient rules
Okay climbing 2 sucks as well
I'm not playing this anymore, rugby and climbing just take all the fun out of it
Also it's 1 in the morning
Climbing 2's hard until you figure out the trick
You somehow managed to predict that I just took a screenshot and that I was going to tell you to sleep
@emanresuA I got 1 note off full perfect on l2
@exedraj If upi really want to...
As in I tried for 17 minutes and that's the closest I've gotten
it hadr
The other ones have simply followable patterns :P
@emanresuA lvl 2 is easier
Wait, by L2 do you mean the one with the sisters or the one you get to through the palace?
The one through the palace
Max score ~38000
Yeah that's L2
Originally I though L3 was L2
Because I got to L3 before L2
I also got to pingpong L3 before L2
there are 3 levels?
who is greta thunberg (codeberg lol)
greta codeberg
woo yeah another perfect swimming run
welp time to export and upload to yt
I find these endlessly entertaining for some reason, so here are few bonus reasons why rocks float in the air (according to GPT-3, by OpenAI):

- In the planet's gravity, rocks are heavier than air. But since there is no gravity in the air ~because it's not a planet~ the rocks float.
- Some rocks, such as pumice have an air pocket in the centre. The air pocket creates buoyancy, which makes the rock float.
- Rocks float in the air because they are not affected by forces such as gravity, which pull other objects downwards.
^ By sebastian lague
can I just say that the team house for Kappa looks awfully similar to the house of another fish
they look kinda similar
Is #2 from undetrtarle?
I forgot to link it earlier lol
also, how to get third level?
From the kappa place, go left and up through the water until you find an island with a broken red gate.
You'll then get a quest to find three sisters, which when completed will open the fate.
oh, you can dodge in the marathon? that makes it way easier!
Just worked out what you were talking about
Google has far too many resources
That's a good thing, right?
The fact they basically made 1 minute of an anime for that intro cutscene
They paid some Japanese studio to do it :p
Presumably they did
ok, so I've done all of the sports at level 1, and some of the side quests, but is there a list of all the features somewhere?
But did they need to? Not at all
Also why isn't the leaderboard sorted?
@Neil Do all the side quests, and all the sports should unlock.
They did hire a japanese studio
> Welcome to Hiro's Locks, where your privacy is the key to our success!
CMC: Make a game.
so thats yours?
I made it a few months ago
how do i play lol
Redwolf helped
Arrow keys
Up, down, left, right
You're the red block
@emanresuA i am on a phone
sorry no support then
wait lemme get my keyboard
yes i got the keyboard
kinda cool game
where is the green box
so is surge.sh paid?
No, its free
1 hour later…
@emanresuA ... but I don't know what all the side quests are in the first place
Talk to any NPCs you find. Also, there are hints in the trophy hall.
If it helps, make a list of places you need to go / things you need to get etc
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

User ALargest angle in triangle code-golf math You are given two positive decimals, \$x\$ and \$y\$, where both are guaranteed to be \$0 <= x + y <= 180\$. These two angles were found within a triangle. Your task is to output the largest angle of this triangle. Test cases [4.5, 18.3] -> 157.2 [72.0, 36...

posted on August 27, 2021 by Mark Giraffe

In this challenge, make a program that adds 2 integers, preferably on a function, and if the statement is 2 + 2, return 5. Shortest program in each language wins! ...

@emanresuA I've been trying to get a way of getting 4 bytes on ^, but all I keep getting is alternate 5 byters
Like 2⊍[|5
I think I see a way
One moment
Oh wait np[e
We really need a flag for reverse truthiness :P
@exedraj Me when it took 1 try (i lost nearly every other game tho :()
@PyGamer0 High would be 110, although I normally type at around 60
@pxeger There’s one for each sport too
@BrowncatPrograms how?
@emanresuA ???
@Neil There’s probably a blog post about it somewhere
@Dudecoinheringaahing Well obviously it dora because 05AB1E is a color
@rak1507 Well it’d be more commonly known if aplers hadn’t started using niladic :p
@ngn Scala calls them either nilary (no argument list) or nullary (empty argument list)
@Bubbler is dequeue better?
@exedraj Here's another 5 byter: 2o[|5
@AaronMiller You ruined the chain of @user replying to lots of unique users!
@user that sounds right, "nihil" ("nil") and "-ary" are both latin
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