@RedwolfPrograms I love the fact that because surreal humor is becoming more common, and ads try to use common humor styles to relate to consumers, we're getting more and more surreal ads :P
I was wondering why an old rational number library I'd made was so slow, and it turns out I was calculating LCM by just incrementing a number until it was a factor of both inputs
A new LotM will be happening soon, so a) reminder that ARM is this month's LotM and there's a bounty available for anyone who uses it before the end of July and b) reminder to vote for the LotM you want to see for August.
Hey everyone, I have an idea for a question where the answerer must write the shortest code possible to train a perceptron with n inputs and one output. Thoughts?
I don't know how to ask a question since I'm new, btw.
Not really, but you can do simple stuff, like linear regression (if you aren't using a perceptron neuron) and train your network to simulate logic gates.
Train A Single Perceptron
You must write a program that will train a perceptron to simulate the following things:
An AND gate
An OR gate
An XOR gate
A NOT gate
The program should take as input training inputs and training labels. Each list of inputs corresponds to exactly one output. Thi...
Train A Single Perceptron
You must write a program that will train a perceptron to simulate the following things:
An AND gate
An OR gate
An XOR gate
A NOT gate
The program should take as input training inputs and training labels. Each list of inputs corresponds to exactly one output. Thi...
@Adám YouTube? It's not chat, nor new, nor really even markdown it's so bad. Tbh I just want to vent about how bad its formatting in comments is. *bold* and _italics_?? WHY? and no code, links, images, or anything else useful?
CMC: Take two numbers as input, and do the following: If the two numbers are equal, print “The numbers are equal” If the two numbers are not equal, print “The numbers are not equal”
@pxeger Wait, I didn't know you could format at all. Google just rolled out the new Google chat, and while Ctrl+I on a selected text adds underscores, pressing it again adds… more underscores, and there is apparently no way to escape markdown, so it is impossible to write ¯\_(⍨)_/¯ because you get ¯\(⍨)/¯ with an italicised head.
@AaronMiller I just got access to gpt-3, and this is my first time trying it out. The first line was the prompt, and it generated the challenge. (I replaced “CMC” with “Mini Coding Challenge” so it would know what that meant.)
@dzaima (cause i sure don't know YTs syntax, and I made my non-markdown parser (for an unpublished thing) have *bold* _italics_ because it just makes sense to me)
@Adám So people would have to go back and replace the *s with _s, except for escaped *s, which'd be very annoying. Sure, it won't make that much of a difference, but it is a difference
@Adám Even in code, it's not too likely to occur (except for APL, I guess)
“Chat Mini Poll: What is your” favorite part of this set?
After School Social Halloween Hot Dog Halloween Cupcake Halloween Candy Corn Halloween Pumpkin Halloween Ice Cream Halloween Cupcake Halloween Cupcake Halloween Cupcake Halloween Cup
Ughhhh it's unbelievably annoying when there's a bug in the programming language you're using that causes the specific thing you want to do to occasionally give you an incorrect result
@dzaima (I imagine something like var clobber_tmp=()=>clobber=clobber_tmp; var clobber=clobber_tmp; at the start, and clobber(); instead of console.log(); would work too, and would perform acceptably for spamming until things work)
super consistent instructions for me: https://dzaima.github.io/paste/#0ZZLdUtswEIXv9RR70QFrQExDgZkmYx6gL1E28sZRI0tCWpFkGN6969gBSnd8Iemc/WZ/vNDgsQa7BbvNcXB1AGNqoWw6ZDSdy@23ZtgxDQlMp0UM0WxcLmxyDXL9U8zGY1/aS2NKwrxLvvbyzhktmZj4/dzRdEPv494EZPdCxZRjYDxMXBuDrTlTEDjZOCTnxRXDpE7ZKVPnLOPa0yXgOlZerj2GnVK3GmKiALwlEFKJnmDvWDrj7K/K1m346pdSPzQkLExwAdLBUr1ghkwpx99rKbyFRkP7CK8KJEatMIq5hVc4LOHhGo5L@AlvK3UyZOKawz855zyOfe/pC/AcJ@jNUdTFTDrHXPmNj30zuQ569e54@zjOoiBm2FdppH//RJ8KamaakOQ7NS97bD9GMBrUnQY@JgIXAEMHdCBbZQpP4m30kwyA3UDlGmSXo@e5OruDUq2lUsaFNfIrDFDTSnZJWSt1r2GPjuFxAUVWGzqlHvR/XNk/Afbowl8
This page updates monthly. Scroll to the right to see the current rankings. How the scores are calculated.
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Brainfuck Language brainfuck Created by Urban Müller
While each esolang was designed with a specific idea in mind, some languages fall short of their intentions and are less pleasant to work with than anticipated. Which esolang is least fun to work with? Be sure to compare against brainfuck.
brainfuck is the obvious choice here.
So I guess brainfuck is both the best and the worst? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@dzaima it seems it depends on the typing in itself - the "eager evaluation" option in the console. @RedwolfPrograms did you ever encounter the issue outside of executing code in the console manually?
What is the question to life, the universe, and everything?</h3></section><section><h3>What did we just do?</h3></section><section><h3>How can I participate?</h3></section><section><h3>Thanks for helping!</h3></section>
@user One is the traditional one, the modern one uses the exact same algorithm, but golfed, and the short one is the golfiest while keeping the same restricted-code rules.
instructions with less manual work: https://dzaima.github.io/paste/#0dVPbjtowEH33V4xQ1U0EzhIWdlsQfai0fagqVar6XplkCC7GjnzhIkS/fScOLOxWsaLIPmfmeMYzY7G2pgwFlmA0/JA67AfweZQNs/Ekn2T58GkAxcqajQwbxvIMbNBTSC7QfWVMpZDHM95fYL6wZufQQok16lLqqlHfrYSHgwmwElscgFlCYYJ1mLKLH3AeyI2XwgteSjv/kGzWHjc18DIlUhu@lNZ5TlHQ8a/jSyUqN7/j3NXCrmsVKsK9FQVyU/vXfYntSShldlwLL7fouDtoL/atbmF0EaxFTeJYmE0tFVkZ3bKtd22xlIUXC4V3IBYm@OlCCb1mbJSBoUzBr5CS0s4ohJ30Kyi8VX23kkvf/87YQwq1cB7hY3xHxrbCgm1K8GdBkc8hSWH@BY4MaDWc84Ks53CE/RTyARzoD6dZ5C36YPUbl4ubNxVV5Z3eZUXN7EBsPntDnAPPlKmS1mifXi1O1@2ZJIWz1nuqER/O2CvaxpOc1UiJvpg6lXF@fYDGIOL0aq3CMugi…
Prompt: What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
“Does a cat have a soul?” “How many podcasts does it take to screw in a lightbulb?” “Would Fatbeard’s prisoners continue to be imprisoned even after he’s gone?” “Is a dragon a mammal?” “What’s your leg made of?” “How many aardvarks would a tamed aardvark eat if aardedvarks eat aardedvark.” “What’s the best way to get to Carnegie Hall?” “Why wouldn’t you trust a pirate with your boat?”
How effective is compression?
Vyxal has a very simple format for compressed integers: a base-255-encoded string of characters wrapped in «.
With base 255, the number to be compressed needs to be 10000 or greater for the compression to have an advantage against ordinary numbers, as with 1 characte...
Are challenges like codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/179998/sing-baby-shark still welcome? I have an intro of a song in mind which has some unorthodox repetitions which I think would be cool for a challenge (if so, I'd sandbox it first)
@ihavenoidea Song lyric challenges are generally discouraged. Either they're highly repetitive (like that one), or the optimal answer will be one of these answers