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11:29 PM
NaN++ being valid syntax is super weird
Ohh, it's because you can do NaN = xyz and it's valid
So undefined++ works too
But not null or true
But being able to do NaN = xyz is also weird
I think it's a bug that got carried over
The undefined one definitely is IIRC
I don't think either are allowed in strict mode
My guess is that it hasn't been fixed because there's some bit of code out there which uses NaN = value :/
It doesn't actually assign though
Somehow, that's worse
11:32 PM
I mean python 2 let you do True, False = False, True lol
Isn't Python supposed to be normal?
@cairdcoinheringaahing that looks good to me
I don't think it ever let you do None = value
TBF null = xyz doesn't work
Same with all other keywords to my knowledge
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, assigning to keywords is bad. Allowing that, but not actually assigning is worse IMO
lol, yeah
11:35 PM
@RedwolfPrograms More normaler than JS maybe, but definitely not normal
Pretty sure Jelly is the most normal language
No, it errors
That's bad
Basically every time we've found a wtf behaviour in Jelly, we've thought it through and it makes sense :P
Brainfuck is the most normal language :p
Wait no, the weird differences in implementations make it kind of unnormal
Can we...uh...count JSON?
It's nice and normal!
Turing machines are the only normal languages :P
11:38 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing every jelly behavior is "I don't understand how it works this way" not "I don't understand why it works this way"
like wondering why ) works that way is down to not understanding and being able to figure it out ourselves
@hyper-neutrino Ok, can we formally request that Catija pushes this to PubPlat then?
@hyper-neutrino Barring the odd bug :P
wondering why JS "types" work the way they do is just "wtf i give up"
last chance for more suggestions or feedback to the first time asker dialog before I ping a CM to push the request
ngl, I both love and hate the fact that it takes 15 rounds of community approval to get something done here :P
On the one hand, it shows people care. On the other hand, my god is it tiring to discuss minor wordings for an hour when I just want to get something completed :P
it's like government but without the expenses
can't even give yourself thousands of pounds in biscuits smh
It's a good thing that the active / top members of this community disagree so often and discuss everything too - on top of people caring, it also makes sure we don't move too quickly to push a change that ends up hurting the rest of the community just because the minority of active people agreed to it.
Ironic given that half of us are a hivemind :P
but yeah, I see why SE takes 6-8 weeks to do anything :P
11:42 PM
I say we should implement a filibuster button on meta that basically just freezes discussion for a week :P
And makes random noises whenever someone opens the discussion :P

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